
Creates a raw PETSc object of a particular class


#include <petsc/private/petscimpl.h>
PetscErrorCode PetscHeaderCreate(PetscObject h, PetscClassId classid, const char class_name[], const char descr[], const char mansec[], MPI_Comm comm, PetscObjectDestroyFunction destroy, PetscObjectViewFunction view)

Input Parameters#

  • classid - The classid associated with this object (for example VEC_CLASSID)

  • class_name - String name of class; should be static (for example “Vec”), may be PETSC_NULLPTR

  • descr - String containing short description; should be static (for example “Vector”), may be PETSC_NULLPTR

  • mansec - String indicating section in manual pages; should be static (for example “Vec”), may be PETSC_NULLPTR

  • comm - The MPI Communicator

  • destroy - The destroy routine for this object (for example VecDestroy())

  • view - The view routine for this object (for example VecView()), may be PETSC_NULLPTR

Output Parameter#


Can only be used to create a PetscObject. A PetscObject is defined as a pointer to a C/C++ structure which satisfies all of the following:

  1. The first member of the structure must be a _p_PetscObject.

  2. C++ structures must be “Standard Layout”. Generally speaking a standard layout class:

  • Has no virtual functions or base classes.

  • Has only standard layout non-static members (if any).

  • Has only standard layout base classes (if any).

See for further information.

Example Usage#

Existing PetscObjects may be easily created as shown. Unless otherwise stated, a particular objects destroy and view functions are exactly <OBJECT_TYPE>Destroy() and <OBJECT_TYPE>View().

  Vec v;

  PetscHeaderCreate(v, VEC_CLASSID, "Vec", "A distributed vector class", "Vec", PETSC_COMM_WORLD, VecDestroy, VecView);

It is possible to create custom PetscObjects, note however that they must abide by the restrictions set forth above.

  // OK, first member of C structure is _p_PetscObject
  struct MyCPetscObject_s
    _p_PetscObject header;
    int            some_data;
  typedef struct *MyCPetscObject_s MyCPetscObject;

  PetscErrorCode MyObjectDestroy(MyObject *);
  PetscErrorCode MyObjectView(MyObject);

  MyCPetscObject obj;

  // assume MY_PETSC_CLASSID is already registered
  PetscHeaderCreate(obj, MY_PETSC_CLASSID, "MyObject", "A custom PetscObject", PETSC_NULLPTR, PETSC_COMM_SELF, MyObjectDestroy, MyObjectView);

  // OK, only destroy function must be given, all others may be NULL

  // ERROR must be a single-level pointer
  PetscHeaderCreate(&obj, ...);

Illustrating proper construction from C++:

  // ERROR, class is not standard layout, first member must be publicly accessible
  class BadCppPetscObject
    _p_PetscObject header;

  // ERROR, class is not standard layout, has a virtual function and virtual inheritance
  class BadCppPetscObject2 : virtual BaseClass
    _p_PetscObject header;

    virtual void foo();

  // ERROR, class is not standard layout! Has non-standard layout member
  class BadCppPetscObject2
    _p_PetscObject    header;
    BadCppPetscObject non_standard_layout;

  // OK, class is standard layout!
  class GoodCppPetscObject;
  using MyCppObject = GoodCppPetscObject *;

  // OK, non-virtual inheritance of other standard layout class does not affect layout
  class GoodCppPetscObject : StandardLayoutClass
    // OK, non standard layout member is static, does not affect layout
    static BadCppPetscObject non_standard_layout;

    // OK, first non-static member is _p_PetscObject
    _p_PetscObject header;

     // OK, non-virtual member functions do not affect class layout
    void foo();

    // OK, may use "member" functions for destroy and view so long as they are static
    static PetscErrorCode destroy(MyCppObject *);
    static PetscErrorCode view(MyCppObject);

  // OK, usage via pointer
  MyObject obj;

  PetscHeaderCreate(obj, MY_PETSC_CLASSID, "MyObject", "A custom C++ PetscObject", nullptr, PETSC_COMM_SELF, GoodCppPetscObject::destroy, GoodCppPetscObject::view);

See Also#

PetscObject, PetscHeaderDestroy(), PetscClassIdRegister()







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