
set a local residual evaluation function. This function is called with local vector containing the local vector information PLUS ghost point information. It should compute a result for all local elements and DMSNES will automatically accumulate the overlapping values.


#include "petscsnes.h" 
PetscErrorCode DMSNESSetFunctionLocal(DM dm, PetscErrorCode (*func)(DM dm, Vec x, Vec f, void *ctx), void *ctx)

Logically Collective

Input Parameters#

  • dm - DM to associate callback with

  • func - local residual evaluation

  • ctx - optional context for local residual evaluation

Calling sequence of func#

  • dm - DM for the function

  • x - vector to state at which to evaluate residual

  • f - vector to hold the function evaluation

  • ctx - optional context passed above

See Also#

SNES: Nonlinear Solvers, DMSNESSetFunction(), DMDASNESSetJacobianLocal(), DMDACreate1d(), DMDACreate2d(), DMDACreate3d()





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