Partition a graph
#include "petscpartitioner.h"
PetscErrorCode PetscPartitionerPartition(PetscPartitioner part, PetscInt nparts, PetscInt numVertices, PetscInt start[], PetscInt adjacency[], PetscSection vertexSection, PetscSection targetSection, PetscSection partSection, IS *partition)
Input Parameters#
part - The
nparts - Number of partitions
numVertices - Number of vertices in the local part of the graph
start - row pointers for the local part of the graph (CSR style)
adjacency - adjacency list (CSR style)
vertexSection - PetscSection describing the absolute weight of each local vertex (can be NULL)
targetSection - PetscSection describing the absolute weight of each partition (can be NULL)
Output Parameters#
partSection - The
giving the division of points by partitionpartition - The list of points by partition
Options Databasen Keys#
-petscpartitioner_view - View the partitioner information
-petscpartitioner_view_graph - View the graph we are partitioning
The chart of the vertexSection (if present) must contain [0,numVertices), with the number of dofs in the section specifying the absolute weight for each vertex. The chart of the targetSection (if present) must contain [0,nparts), with the number of dofs in the section specifying the absolute weight for each partition. This information must be the same across processes, PETSc does not check it.
See Also#
, PetscPartitionerSetType()
, PetscSectionCreate()
, PetscSectionSetChart()
, PetscSectionSetDof()
PetscPartitionerPartition_Chaco() in src/dm/partitioner/impls/chaco/partchaco.c
PetscPartitionerPartition_Gather() in src/dm/partitioner/impls/gather/partgather.c
PetscPartitionerPartition_MatPartitioning() in src/dm/partitioner/impls/matpart/partmatpart.c
PetscPartitionerPartition_ParMetis() in src/dm/partitioner/impls/parmetis/partparmetis.c
PetscPartitionerPartition_PTScotch() in src/dm/partitioner/impls/ptscotch/partptscotch.c
PetscPartitionerPartition_Shell() in src/dm/partitioner/impls/shell/partshell.c
PetscPartitionerPartition_Simple() in src/dm/partitioner/impls/simple/partsimple.c
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