
Calls the function that has been set with SNESSetMFFunction().


#include "petscsnes.h"  
PetscErrorCode SNESComputeMFFunction(SNES snes, Vec x, Vec y)


Input Parameters#

  • snes - the SNES context

  • x - input vector

Output Parameter#

  • y - function vector, as set by SNESSetMFFunction()


SNESComputeMFFunction() is used within the matrix-vector products called by the matrix created with MatCreateSNESMF() so users would not generally call this routine themselves.

Since this function is intended for use with finite differencing it does not subtract the right hand side vector provided with SNESSolve() while SNESComputeFunction() does. As such, this routine cannot be used with MatMFFDSetBase() with a provided F function value even if it applies the same function as SNESComputeFunction() if a SNESSolve() right hand side vector is use because the two functions difference would include this right hand side function.

See Also#

SNES: Nonlinear Solvers, SNES, SNESSetFunction(), SNESGetFunction(), SNESComputeFunction(), MatCreateSNESMF





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