Actual source code: petscdevice.h

  1: #ifndef PETSCDEVICE_H
  2: #define PETSCDEVICE_H

  4: #include <petscdevicetypes.h>
  5: #include <petscviewertypes.h>

  7: #if PETSC_CPP_VERSION >= 11 // C++11
  8:   #define PETSC_DEVICE_ALIGNOF(...) alignof(decltype(__VA_ARGS__))
  9: #elif PETSC_C_VERSION >= 11 // C11
 10:   #ifdef __GNUC__
 11:     #define PETSC_DEVICE_ALIGNOF(...) _Alignof(__typeof__(__VA_ARGS__))
 12:   #else
 13:     #include <stddef.h> // max_align_t
 14:     // Note we cannot just do _Alignof(expression) since clang warns that "'_Alignof' applied to an
 15:     // expression is a GNU extension", so we just default to max_align_t which is ultra safe
 16:     #define PETSC_DEVICE_ALIGNOF(...) _Alignof(max_align_t)
 17:   #endif // __GNUC__
 18: #else
 20: #endif

 22: /* SUBMANSEC = Sys */

 24: // REVIEW ME: this should probably go somewhere better, configure-time?
 25: #define PETSC_HAVE_HOST 1

 27: /* logging support */

 31: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceInitializePackage(void);
 32: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceFinalizePackage(void);
 33: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscGetMemType(const void *, PetscMemType *);

 35: /* PetscDevice */
 36: #if PetscDefined(HAVE_CXX)
 37: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode  PetscDeviceCreate(PetscDeviceType, PetscInt, PetscDevice *);
 38: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode  PetscDeviceDestroy(PetscDevice *);
 39: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode  PetscDeviceConfigure(PetscDevice);
 40: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode  PetscDeviceView(PetscDevice, PetscViewer);
 41: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode  PetscDeviceGetType(PetscDevice, PetscDeviceType *);
 42: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode  PetscDeviceGetDeviceId(PetscDevice, PetscInt *);
 44: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode  PetscDeviceSetDefaultDeviceType(PetscDeviceType);
 45: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode  PetscDeviceInitialize(PetscDeviceType);
 46: PETSC_EXTERN PetscBool       PetscDeviceInitialized(PetscDeviceType);
 47: #else
 48:   #define PetscDeviceCreate(PetscDeviceType, PetscInt, dev) (*(dev) = PETSC_NULLPTR, 0)
 49:   #define PetscDeviceDestroy(dev)                           (*(dev) = PETSC_NULLPTR, 0)
 50:   #define PetscDeviceConfigure(PetscDevice)                 0
 51:   #define PetscDeviceView(PetscDevice, PetscViewer)         0
 52:   #define PetscDeviceGetType(PetscDevice, type)             (*(type) = PETSC_DEVICE_DEFAULT(), 0)
 53:   #define PetscDeviceGetDeviceId(PetscDevice, id)           (*(id) = 0)
 54:   #define PETSC_DEVICE_DEFAULT()                            PETSC_DEVICE_HOST
 55:   #define PetscDeviceSetDefaultDeviceType(PetscDeviceType)  0
 56:   #define PetscDeviceInitialize(PetscDeviceType)            0
 57:   #define PetscDeviceInitialized(dtype)                     ((dtype) == PETSC_DEVICE_HOST)
 58: #endif /* PetscDefined(HAVE_CXX) */

 60: /* PetscDeviceContext */
 61: #if PetscDefined(HAVE_CXX)
 62: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceContextCreate(PetscDeviceContext *);
 63: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceContextDestroy(PetscDeviceContext *);
 64: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceContextSetStreamType(PetscDeviceContext, PetscStreamType);
 65: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceContextGetStreamType(PetscDeviceContext, PetscStreamType *);
 66: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceContextSetDevice(PetscDeviceContext, PetscDevice);
 67: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceContextGetDevice(PetscDeviceContext, PetscDevice *);
 68: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceContextGetDeviceType(PetscDeviceContext, PetscDeviceType *);
 69: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceContextSetUp(PetscDeviceContext);
 70: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceContextDuplicate(PetscDeviceContext, PetscDeviceContext *);
 71: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceContextQueryIdle(PetscDeviceContext, PetscBool *);
 72: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceContextWaitForContext(PetscDeviceContext, PetscDeviceContext);
 73: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceContextForkWithStreamType(PetscDeviceContext, PetscStreamType, PetscInt, PetscDeviceContext **);
 74: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceContextFork(PetscDeviceContext, PetscInt, PetscDeviceContext **);
 75: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceContextJoin(PetscDeviceContext, PetscInt, PetscDeviceContextJoinMode, PetscDeviceContext **);
 76: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceContextSynchronize(PetscDeviceContext);
 77: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceContextSetFromOptions(MPI_Comm, PetscDeviceContext);
 78: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceContextView(PetscDeviceContext, PetscViewer);
 79: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceContextViewFromOptions(PetscDeviceContext, PetscObject, PetscViewer);
 80: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceContextGetCurrentContext(PetscDeviceContext *);
 81: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceContextSetCurrentContext(PetscDeviceContext);
 82: #else
 83:   #define PetscDeviceContextCreate(dctx)                                                                            (*(dctx) = PETSC_NULLPTR, 0)
 84:   #define PetscDeviceContextDestroy(dctx)                                                                           (*(dctx) = PETSC_NULLPTR, 0)
 85:   #define PetscDeviceContextSetStreamType(PetscDeviceContext, PetscStreamType)                                      0
 86:   #define PetscDeviceContextGetStreamType(PetscDeviceContext, type)                                                 (*(type) = PETSC_STREAM_GLOBAL_BLOCKING, 0)
 87:   #define PetscDeviceContextSetDevice(PetscDeviceContext, PetscDevice)                                              0
 88:   #define PetscDeviceContextGetDevice(PetscDeviceContext, device)                                                   (*(device) = PETSC_NULLPTR, 0)
 89:   #define PetscDeviceContextGetDeviceType(PetscDeviceContext, type)                                                 (*(type) = PETSC_DEVICE_DEFAULT())
 90:   #define PetscDeviceContextSetUp(PetscDeviceContext)                                                               0
 91:   #define PetscDeviceContextDuplicate(PetscDeviceContextl, PetscDeviceContextr)                                     (*(PetscDeviceContextr) = PETSC_NULLPTR, 0)
 92:   #define PetscDeviceContextQueryIdle(PetscDeviceContext, idle)                                                     (*(idle) = PETSC_TRUE, 0)
 93:   #define PetscDeviceContextWaitForContext(PetscDeviceContextl, PetscDeviceContextr)                                0
 94:   #define PetscDeviceContextForkWithStreamType(PetscDeviceContextp, PetscStreamType, PetscInt, PetscDeviceContextc) (*(PetscDeviceContextc) = PETSC_NULLPTR, 0)
 95:   #define PetscDeviceContextFork(PetscDeviceContextp, PetscInt, PetscDeviceContextc)                                (*(PetscDeviceContextc) = PETSC_NULLPTR, 0)
 96:   #define PetscDeviceContextJoin(PetscDeviceContextp, PetscInt, PetscDeviceContextJoinMode, PetscDeviceContextc)    (*(PetscDeviceContextc) = PETSC_NULLPTR, 0)
 97:   #define PetscDeviceContextSynchronize(PetscDeviceContext)                                                         0
 98:   #define PetscDeviceContextSetFromOptions(MPI_Comm, PetscDeviceContext)                                            0
 99:   #define PetscDeviceContextView(PetscDeviceContext, PetscViewer)                                                   0
100:   #define PetscDeviceContextViewFromOptions(PetscDeviceContext, PetscObject, PetscViewer)                           0
101:   #define PetscDeviceContextGetCurrentContext(dctx)                                                                 (*(dctx) = PETSC_NULLPTR, 0)
102:   #define PetscDeviceContextSetCurrentContext(PetscDeviceContext)                                                   0
103: #endif /* PetscDefined(HAVE_CXX) */

105: /* memory */
106: #if PetscDefined(HAVE_CXX)
107: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceAllocate_Private(PetscDeviceContext, PetscBool, PetscMemType, size_t, size_t, void **PETSC_RESTRICT);
108: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceDeallocate_Private(PetscDeviceContext, void *PETSC_RESTRICT);
109: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceMemcpy(PetscDeviceContext, void *PETSC_RESTRICT, const void *PETSC_RESTRICT, size_t);
110: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceMemset(PetscDeviceContext, void *PETSC_RESTRICT, PetscInt, size_t);
111: #else
112:   #include <string.h> // memset()
113:   #define PetscDeviceAllocate_Private(PetscDeviceContext, clear, PetscMemType, size, alignment, ptr) PetscMallocA(1, (clear), __LINE__, PETSC_FUNCTION_NAME, __FILE__, (size), (ptr))
114:   #define PetscDeviceDeallocate_Private(PetscDeviceContext, ptr)                                     PetscFree((ptr))
115:   #define PetscDeviceMemcpy(PetscDeviceContext, dest, src, size)                                     PetscMemcpy((dest), (src), (size))
116:   #define PetscDeviceMemset(PetscDeviceContext, ptr, v, size)                                        ((void)memset((ptr), (unsigned char)(v), (size)), 0)
117: #endif /* PetscDefined(HAVE_CXX) */

119: /*MC
120:   PetscDeviceMalloc - Allocate device-aware memory

122:   Synopsis:
123: #include <petscdevice.h>
124:   PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceMalloc(PetscDeviceContext dctx, PetscMemType mtype, size_t n, Type **ptr)

126:   Not Collective, Asynchronous, Auto-dependency aware

128:   Input Parameters:
129: + dctx  - The `PetscDeviceContext` used to allocate the memory
130: . mtype - The type of memory to allocate
131: - n     - The amount (in elements) to allocate

133:   Output Parameter:
134: . ptr - The pointer to store the result in

136:   Notes:
137:   Memory allocated with this function must be freed with `PetscDeviceFree()`.

139:   If `n` is zero, then `ptr` is set to `PETSC_NULLPTR`.

141:   This routine falls back to using `PetscMalloc1()` if PETSc was not configured with device
142:   support. The user should note that `mtype` is ignored in this case, as `PetscMalloc1()`
143:   allocates only host memory.

145:   This routine uses the `sizeof()` of the memory type requested to determine the total memory
146:   to be allocated, therefore you should not multiply the number of elements requested by the
147:   `sizeof()` the type\:

149: .vb
150:   PetscInt *arr;

152:   // correct
153:   PetscDeviceMalloc(dctx,PETSC_MEMTYPE_DEVICE,n,&arr);

155:   // incorrect
156:   PetscDeviceMalloc(dctx,PETSC_MEMTYPE_DEVICE,n*sizeof(*arr),&arr);
157: .ve

159:   Note result stored `ptr` is immediately valid and the user may freely inspect or manipulate
160:   its value on function return, i.e.\:

162: .vb
163:   PetscInt *ptr;

165:   PetscDeviceMalloc(dctx, PETSC_MEMTYPE_DEVICE, 20, &ptr);

167:   PetscInt *sub_ptr = ptr + 10; // OK, no need to synchronize

169:   ptr[0] = 10; // ERROR, directly accessing contents of ptr is undefined until synchronization
170: .ve

172:   DAG representation:
173: .vb
174:   time ->

176:   -> dctx - |= CALL =| -\- dctx -->
177:                          \- ptr ->
178: .ve

180:   Level: beginner


184: .seealso: `PetscDeviceFree()`, `PetscDeviceCalloc()`, `PetscDeviceArrayCopy()`,
185: `PetscDeviceArrayZero()`
186: M*/
187: #define PetscDeviceMalloc(dctx, mtype, n, ptr) PetscDeviceAllocate_Private((dctx), PETSC_FALSE, (mtype), (size_t)(n) * sizeof(**(ptr)), PETSC_DEVICE_ALIGNOF(**(ptr)), (void **)(ptr))

189: /*MC
190:   PetscDeviceCalloc - Allocate zeroed device-aware memory

192:   Synopsis:
193: #include <petscdevice.h>
194:   PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceCalloc(PetscDeviceContext dctx, PetscMemType mtype, size_t n, Type **ptr)

196:   Not Collective, Asynchronous, Auto-dependency aware

198:   Input Parameters:
199: + dctx  - The `PetscDeviceContext` used to allocate the memory
200: . mtype - The type of memory to allocate
201: - n     - The amount (in elements) to allocate

203:   Output Parameter:
204: . ptr - The pointer to store the result in

206:   Notes:
207:   Has identical usage to `PetscDeviceMalloc()` except that the memory is zeroed before it is
208:   returned. See `PetscDeviceMalloc()` for further discussion.

210:   This routine falls back to using `PetscCalloc1()` if PETSc was not configured with device
211:   support. The user should note that `mtype` is ignored in this case, as `PetscCalloc1()`
212:   allocates only host memory.

214:   Level: beginner


218: .seealso: `PetscDeviceFree()`, `PetscDeviceMalloc()`, `PetscDeviceArrayCopy()`,
219: `PetscDeviceArrayZero()`
220: M*/
221: #define PetscDeviceCalloc(dctx, mtype, n, ptr) PetscDeviceAllocate_Private((dctx), PETSC_TRUE, (mtype), (size_t)(n) * sizeof(**(ptr)), PETSC_DEVICE_ALIGNOF(**(ptr)), (void **)(ptr))

223: /*MC
224:   PetscDeviceFree - Free device-aware memory

226:   Synopsis:
227: #include <petscdevice.h>
228:   PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceFree(PetscDeviceContext dctx, void *ptr)

230:   Not Collective, Asynchronous, Auto-dependency aware

232:   Input Parameters:
233: + dctx - The `PetscDeviceContext` used to free the memory
234: - ptr  - The pointer to free

236:   Notes:
237:   `ptr` may be `NULL`, and is set to `PETSC_NULLPTR` on successful deallocation.

239:   `ptr` must have been allocated using `PetscDeviceMalloc()`, `PetscDeviceCalloc()`.

241:   This routine falls back to using `PetscFree()` if PETSc was not configured with device
242:   support. The user should note that `PetscFree()` frees only host memory.

244:   DAG representation:
245: .vb
246:   time ->

248:   -> dctx -/- |= CALL =| - dctx ->
249:   -> ptr -/
250: .ve

252:   Level: beginner


256: .seealso: `PetscDeviceMalloc()`, `PetscDeviceCalloc()`
257: M*/
258: #define PetscDeviceFree(dctx, ptr) (PetscDeviceDeallocate_Private((dctx), (ptr)) || ((ptr) = PETSC_NULLPTR, 0))

260: /*MC
261:   PetscDeviceArrayCopy - Copy memory in a device-aware manner

263:   Synopsis:
264: #include <petscdevice.h>
265:   PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceArrayCopy(PetscDeviceContext dctx, void *dest, const void *src, size_t n)

267:   Not Collective, Asynchronous, Auto-dependency aware

269:   Input Parameters:
270: + dctx - The `PetscDeviceContext` used to copy the memory
271: . dest - The pointer to copy to
272: . src  - The pointer to copy from
273: - n    - The amount (in elements) to copy

275:   Notes:
276:   Both `dest` and `src` must have been allocated using any of `PetscDeviceMalloc()`,
277:   `PetscDeviceCalloc()`.

279:   This uses the `sizeof()` of the `src` memory type requested to determine the total memory to
280:   be copied, therefore you should not multiply the number of elements by the `sizeof()` the
281:   type\:

283: .vb
284:   PetscInt *to,*from;

286:   // correct
287:   PetscDeviceArrayCopy(dctx,to,from,n);

289:   // incorrect
290:   PetscDeviceArrayCopy(dctx,to,from,n*sizeof(*from));
291: .ve

293:   See `PetscDeviceMemcpy()` for further discussion.

295:   Level: beginner


299: .seealso: `PetscDeviceMalloc()`, `PetscDeviceCalloc()`, `PetscDeviceFree()`,
300: `PetscDeviceArrayZero()`, `PetscDeviceMemcpy()`
301: M*/
302: #define PetscDeviceArrayCopy(dctx, dest, src, n) PetscDeviceMemcpy((dctx), (dest), (src), (size_t)(n) * sizeof(*(src)))

304: /*MC
305:   PetscDeviceArrayZero - Zero memory in a device-aware manner

307:   Synopsis:
308: #include <petscdevice.h>
309:   PetscErrorCode PetscDeviceArrayZero(PetscDeviceContext dctx, void *ptr, size_t n)

311:   Not Collective, Asynchronous, Auto-dependency aware

313:   Input Parameters:
314: + dctx  - The `PetscDeviceContext` used to zero the memory
315: . ptr   - The pointer to the memory
316: - n     - The amount (in elements) to zero

318:   Notes:
319:   `ptr` must have been allocated using `PetscDeviceMalloc()` or `PetscDeviceCalloc()`.

321:   This uses the `sizeof()` of the memory type requested to determine the total memory to be
322:   zeroed, therefore you should not multiply the number of elements by the `sizeof()` the type\:

324: .vb
325:   PetscInt *ptr;

327:   // correct
328:   PetscDeviceArrayZero(dctx,ptr,n);

330:   // incorrect
331:   PetscDeviceArrayZero(dctx,ptr,n*sizeof(*ptr));
332: .ve

334:   See `PetscDeviceMemset()` for further discussion.

336:   Level: beginner


340: .seealso: `PetscDeviceMalloc()`, `PetscDeviceCalloc()`, `PetscDeviceFree()`,
341: `PetscDeviceArrayCopy()`, `PetscDeviceMemset()`
342: M*/
343: #define PetscDeviceArrayZero(dctx, ptr, n) PetscDeviceMemset((dctx), (ptr), 0, (size_t)(n) * sizeof(*(ptr)))

345: #endif /* PETSCDEVICE_H */