PETSc version 3.17.5
Fix/Edit manual page


Allows one to replace the GPU array in a vector with a GPU array provided by the user. This is useful to avoid copying an array into a vector.


#include "petscvec.h"   
PetscErrorCode VecCUDAPlaceArray(Vec vin,const PetscScalar a[])
Not Collective

Input Parameters

vec - the vector
array - the GPU array


You can return to the original GPU array with a call to VecCUDAResetArray() It is not possible to use VecCUDAPlaceArray() and VecPlaceArray() at the same time on the same vector.

`vec` does not take ownership of `array` in any way. The user must free `array` themselves but be careful not to do so before the vector has either been destroyed, had its original array restored with `VecCUDAResetArray()` or permanently replaced with `VecCUDAReplaceArray()`.

See Also

VecPlaceArray(), VecGetArray(), VecRestoreArray(), VecReplaceArray(), VecResetArray(), VecCUDAResetArray(), VecCUDAReplaceArray()




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