PETSc version 3.17.5
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Creates a MATH2OPUS sampling from a user-supplied operator.


PetscErrorCode MatCreateH2OpusFromMat(Mat B, PetscInt spacedim, const PetscReal coords[], PetscBool cdist, PetscReal eta, PetscInt leafsize, PetscInt maxrank, PetscInt bs, PetscReal rtol, Mat *nA)

Input Parameters

B - the matrix to be sampled
spacedim - dimension of the space coordinates
coords - coordinates of the points
cdist - whether or not coordinates are distributed
eta - admissibility condition tolerance
leafsize - leaf size in cluster tree
maxrank - maximum rank allowed
bs - maximum number of samples to be taken concurrently
rtol - relative tolerance for construction

Output Parameter

nA - matrix

Options Database Keys

-mat_h2opus_leafsize <PetscInt> - Leaf size of cluster tree
-mat_h2opus_eta <PetscReal> - Admissibility condition tolerance
-mat_h2opus_maxrank <PetscInt> - Maximum rank when constructed from matvecs
-mat_h2opus_samples <PetscInt> - Maximum number of samples to be taken concurrently when constructing from matvecs
-mat_h2opus_rtol <PetscReal> - Relative tolerance for construction from sampling
-mat_h2opus_check <PetscBool> - Check error when constructing from sampling during MatAssemblyEnd()
-mat_h2opus_hara_verbose <PetscBool> - Verbose output from hara construction
-mat_h2opus_normsamples <PetscInt> - Maximum bumber of samples to be when estimating norms

Notes: not available in parallel

See Also

MatCreate(), MATH2OPUS, MatCreateH2OpusFromKernel()




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