PETSc version 3.17.5
Fix/Edit manual page


Replace input matrices for a matrix product.


#include "petscmat.h" 
PetscErrorCode MatProductReplaceMats(Mat A,Mat B,Mat C,Mat D)
Collective on Mat

Input Parameters

A - the matrix or NULL if not being replaced
B - the matrix or NULL if not being replaced
C - the matrix or NULL if not being replaced
D - the matrix product


To reuse the symbolic phase, input matrices must have exactly the same data structure as the replaced one. If the type of any of the input matrices is different than what was previously used, or their symmetry changed but the symbolic phase took advantage of their symmetry, the product is cleared and MatProductSetFromOptions()/MatProductSymbolic() are invoked again.

See Also

MatProductCreate(), MatProductSetFromOptions(), MatProductSymbolic(). MatProductClear()




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