PETSc version 3.16.6
Fix/Edit manual page


Returns a the i,j,k logical coordinate for the closest mesh point to a x,y,z point in the coordinates of the DMDA


#include "petscdmda.h"   
PetscErrorCode  DMDAGetLogicalCoordinate(DM da,PetscScalar x,PetscScalar y,PetscScalar z,PetscInt *II,PetscInt *JJ,PetscInt *KK,PetscScalar *X,PetscScalar *Y,PetscScalar *Z)
Collective on da

Input Parameters

da - the distributed array
x - the first physical coordinate
y - the second physical coordinate
z - the third physical coordinate

Output Parameters

II - the first logical coordinate (-1 on processes that do not contain that point)
JJ - the second logical coordinate (-1 on processes that do not contain that point)
KK - the third logical coordinate (-1 on processes that do not contain that point)
X - (optional) the first coordinate of the located grid point
Y - (optional) the second coordinate of the located grid point
Z - (optional) the third coordinate of the located grid point


All processors that share the DMDA must call this with the same coordinate value




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