petsc-3.14.6 2021-03-30
Report Typos and Errors


Returns the tabulation of the basis functions at the face quadrature points for each face of the reference cell


#include "petscfe.h" 
PetscErrorCode PetscFEGetFaceTabulation(PetscFE fem, PetscTabulation *Tf)
Not collective

Input Parameter

fem - The PetscFE object

Output Parameters

Tf - The basis function values and derviatives at face quadrature points


T->T[0] = Bf[((f*Nq + q)*pdim + i)*Nc + c] is the value at point f,q for basis function i and component c
T->T[1] = Df[(((f*Nq + q)*pdim + i)*Nc + c)*dim + d] is the derivative value at point f,q for basis function i, component c, in direction d
T->T[2] = Hf[((((f*Nq + q)*pdim + i)*Nc + c)*dim + d)*dim + e] is the value at point f,q for basis function i, component c, in directions d and e

See Also

PetscFEGetCellTabulation(), PetscFECreateTabulation(), PetscTabulationDestroy()




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