Actual source code: snesnoise.c

petsc-3.14.6 2021-03-30
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  2: #include <petsc/private/snesimpl.h>

  4: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode SNESDiffParameterCreate_More(SNES,Vec,void**);
  5: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode SNESDiffParameterCompute_More(SNES,void*,Vec,Vec,PetscReal*,PetscReal*);
  6: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode SNESDiffParameterDestroy_More(void*);

  8: /* Data used by Jorge's diff parameter computation method */
  9: typedef struct {
 10:   Vec      *workv;           /* work vectors */
 11:   FILE     *fp;              /* output file */
 12:   PetscInt function_count;   /* count of function evaluations for diff param estimation */
 13:   double   fnoise_min;       /* minimim allowable noise */
 14:   double   hopt_min;         /* minimum allowable hopt */
 15:   double   h_first_try;      /* first try for h used in diff parameter estimate */
 16:   PetscInt fnoise_resets;    /* number of times we've reset the noise estimate */
 17:   PetscInt hopt_resets;      /* number of times we've reset the hopt estimate */

 21: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode SNESDefaultMatrixFreeSetParameters2(Mat,double,double,double);
 22: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode SNESUnSetMatrixFreeParameter(SNES snes);
 23: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode SNESNoise_dnest_(PetscInt*,PetscScalar*,PetscScalar*,PetscScalar*,PetscScalar*,PetscScalar*,PetscInt*,PetscScalar*);

 25: static PetscErrorCode JacMatMultCompare(SNES,Vec,Vec,double);

 27: PetscErrorCode SNESDiffParameterCreate_More(SNES snes,Vec x,void **outneP)
 28: {
 29:   DIFFPAR_MORE   *neP;
 30:   Vec            w;
 31:   PetscRandom    rctx;  /* random number generator context */
 33:   PetscBool      flg;
 34:   char           noise_file[PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN];

 37:   PetscNewLog(snes,&neP);

 39:   neP->function_count = 0;
 40:   neP->fnoise_min     = 1.0e-20;
 41:   neP->hopt_min       = 1.0e-8;
 42:   neP->h_first_try    = 1.0e-3;
 43:   neP->fnoise_resets  = 0;
 44:   neP->hopt_resets    = 0;

 46:   /* Create work vectors */
 47:   VecDuplicateVecs(x,3,&neP->workv);
 48:   w    = neP->workv[0];

 50:   /* Set components of vector w to random numbers */
 51:   PetscRandomCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)snes),&rctx);
 52:   PetscRandomSetFromOptions(rctx);
 53:   VecSetRandom(w,rctx);
 54:   PetscRandomDestroy(&rctx);

 56:   /* Open output file */
 57:   PetscOptionsGetString(((PetscObject)snes)->options,((PetscObject)snes)->prefix,"-snes_mf_noise_file",noise_file,sizeof(noise_file),&flg);
 58:   if (flg) neP->fp = fopen(noise_file,"w");
 59:   else     neP->fp = fopen("noise.out","w");
 60:   if (!neP->fp) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_FILE_OPEN,"Cannot open file");
 61:   PetscInfo(snes,"Creating Jorge's differencing parameter context\n");

 63:   *outneP = neP;
 64:   return(0);
 65: }

 67: PetscErrorCode SNESDiffParameterDestroy_More(void *nePv)
 68: {
 69:   DIFFPAR_MORE   *neP = (DIFFPAR_MORE*)nePv;
 71:   int            err;

 74:   /* Destroy work vectors and close output file */
 75:   VecDestroyVecs(3,&neP->workv);
 76:   err  = fclose(neP->fp);
 77:   if (err) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_SYS,"fclose() failed on file");
 78:   PetscFree(neP);
 79:   return(0);
 80: }

 82: PetscErrorCode SNESDiffParameterCompute_More(SNES snes,void *nePv,Vec x,Vec p,double *fnoise,double *hopt)
 83: {
 84:   DIFFPAR_MORE   *neP = (DIFFPAR_MORE*)nePv;
 85:   Vec            w, xp, fvec;    /* work vectors to use in computing h */
 86:   double         zero = 0.0, hl, hu, h, fnoise_s, fder2_s;
 87:   PetscScalar    alpha;
 88:   PetscScalar    fval[7], tab[7][7], eps[7], f = -1;
 89:   double         rerrf = -1., fder2;
 91:   PetscInt       iter, k, i, j,  info;
 92:   PetscInt       nf = 7;         /* number of function evaluations */
 93:   PetscInt       fcount;
 94:   MPI_Comm       comm;
 95:   FILE           *fp;
 96:   PetscBool      noise_test = PETSC_FALSE;

 99:   PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject)snes,&comm);
100:   /* Call to SNESSetUp() just to set data structures in SNES context */
101:   if (!snes->setupcalled) {SNESSetUp(snes);}

103:   w    = neP->workv[0];
104:   xp   = neP->workv[1];
105:   fvec = neP->workv[2];
106:   fp   = neP->fp;

108:   /* Initialize parameters */
109:   hl       = zero;
110:   hu       = zero;
111:   h        = neP->h_first_try;
112:   fnoise_s = zero;
113:   fder2_s  = zero;
114:   fcount   = neP->function_count;

116:   /* We have 5 tries to attempt to compute a good hopt value */
117:   SNESGetIterationNumber(snes,&i);
118:   PetscFPrintf(comm,fp,"\n ------- SNES iteration %D ---------\n",i);
119:   for (iter=0; iter<5; iter++) {
120:     neP->h_first_try = h;

122:     /* Compute the nf function values needed to estimate the noise from
123:        the difference table */
124:     for (k=0; k<nf; k++) {
125:       alpha = h * (k+1 - (nf+1)/2);
126:       VecWAXPY(xp,alpha,p,x);
127:       SNESComputeFunction(snes,xp,fvec);
128:       neP->function_count++;
129:       VecDot(fvec,w,&fval[k]);
130:     }
131:     f = fval[(nf+1)/2 - 1];

133:     /* Construct the difference table */
134:     for (i=0; i<nf; i++) tab[i][0] = fval[i];

136:     for (j=0; j<nf-1; j++) {
137:       for (i=0; i<nf-j-1; i++) {
138:         tab[i][j+1] = tab[i+1][j] - tab[i][j];
139:       }
140:     }

142:     /* Print the difference table */
143:     PetscFPrintf(comm,fp,"Difference Table: iter = %D\n",iter);
144:     for (i=0; i<nf; i++) {
145:       for (j=0; j<nf-i; j++) {
146:         PetscFPrintf(comm,fp," %10.2e ",tab[i][j]);
147:       }
148:       PetscFPrintf(comm,fp,"\n");
149:     }

151:     /* Call the noise estimator */
152:     SNESNoise_dnest_(&nf,fval,&h,fnoise,&fder2,hopt,&info,eps);

154:     /* Output statements */
155:     rerrf = *fnoise/PetscAbsScalar(f);
156:     if (info == 1) {PetscFPrintf(comm,fp,"%s\n","Noise detected");}
157:     if (info == 2) {PetscFPrintf(comm,fp,"%s\n","Noise not detected; h is too small");}
158:     if (info == 3) {PetscFPrintf(comm,fp,"%s\n","Noise not detected; h is too large");}
159:     if (info == 4) {PetscFPrintf(comm,fp,"%s\n","Noise detected, but unreliable hopt");}
160:     PetscFPrintf(comm,fp,"Approximate epsfcn %g  %g  %g  %g  %g  %g\n",(double)eps[0],(double)eps[1],(double)eps[2],(double)eps[3],(double)eps[4],(double)eps[5]);
161:     PetscFPrintf(comm,fp,"h = %g, fnoise = %g, fder2 = %g, rerrf = %g, hopt = %g\n\n",(double)h, (double)*fnoise, (double)fder2, (double)rerrf, (double)*hopt);

163:     /* Save fnoise and fder2. */
164:     if (*fnoise) fnoise_s = *fnoise;
165:     if (fder2) fder2_s = fder2;

167:     /* Check for noise detection. */
168:     if (fnoise_s && fder2_s) {
169:       *fnoise = fnoise_s;
170:       fder2   = fder2_s;
171:       *hopt   = 1.68*sqrt(*fnoise/PetscAbsScalar(fder2));
172:       goto theend;
173:     } else {

175:       /* Update hl and hu, and determine new h */
176:       if (info == 2 || info == 4) {
177:         hl = h;
178:         if (hu == zero) h = 100*h;
179:         else            h = PetscMin(100*h,0.1*hu);
180:       } else if (info == 3) {
181:         hu = h;
182:         h  = PetscMax(1.0e-3,sqrt(hl/hu))*hu;
183:       }
184:     }
185:   }
186: theend:

188:   if (*fnoise < neP->fnoise_min) {
189:     PetscFPrintf(comm,fp,"Resetting fnoise: fnoise1 = %g, fnoise_min = %g\n",(double)*fnoise,(double)neP->fnoise_min);
190:     *fnoise = neP->fnoise_min;
191:     neP->fnoise_resets++;
192:   }
193:   if (*hopt < neP->hopt_min) {
194:     PetscFPrintf(comm,fp,"Resetting hopt: hopt1 = %g, hopt_min = %g\n",(double)*hopt,(double)neP->hopt_min);
195:     *hopt = neP->hopt_min;
196:     neP->hopt_resets++;
197:   }

199:   PetscFPrintf(comm,fp,"Errors in derivative:\n");
200:   PetscFPrintf(comm,fp,"f = %g, fnoise = %g, fder2 = %g, hopt = %g\n",(double)f,(double)*fnoise,(double)fder2,(double)*hopt);

202:   /* For now, compute h **each** MV Mult!! */
203:   /*
204:   PetscOptionsHasName(NULL,"-matrix_free_jorge_each_mvp",&flg);
205:   if (!flg) {
206:     Mat mat;
207:     SNESGetJacobian(snes,&mat,NULL,NULL);
208:     SNESDefaultMatrixFreeSetParameters2(mat,PETSC_DEFAULT,PETSC_DEFAULT,*hopt);
209:   }
210:   */
211:   fcount = neP->function_count - fcount;
212:   PetscInfo5(snes,"fct_now = %D, fct_cum = %D, rerrf=%g, sqrt(noise)=%g, h_more=%g\n",fcount,neP->function_count,(double)rerrf,(double)PetscSqrtReal(*fnoise),(double)*hopt);

214:   PetscOptionsGetBool(NULL,NULL,"-noise_test",&noise_test,NULL);
215:   if (noise_test) {
216:     JacMatMultCompare(snes,x,p,*hopt);
217:   }
218:   return(0);
219: }

221: PetscErrorCode JacMatMultCompare(SNES snes,Vec x,Vec p,double hopt)
222: {
223:   Vec            yy1, yy2; /* work vectors */
224:   PetscViewer    view2;    /* viewer */
225:   Mat            J;        /* analytic Jacobian (set as preconditioner matrix) */
226:   Mat            Jmf;      /* matrix-free Jacobian (set as true system matrix) */
227:   double         h;        /* differencing parameter */
228:   Vec            f;
229:   PetscScalar    alpha;
230:   PetscReal      yy1n,yy2n,enorm;
232:   PetscInt       i;
233:   PetscBool      printv = PETSC_FALSE;
234:   char           filename[32];
235:   MPI_Comm       comm;

238:   PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject)snes,&comm);
239:   /* Compute function and analytic Jacobian at x */
240:   SNESGetJacobian(snes,&Jmf,&J,NULL,NULL);
241:   SNESComputeJacobian(snes,x,Jmf,J);
242:   SNESGetFunction(snes,&f,NULL,NULL);
243:   SNESComputeFunction(snes,x,f);

245:   /* Duplicate work vectors */
246:   VecDuplicate(x,&yy2);
247:   VecDuplicate(x,&yy1);

249:   /* Compute true matrix-vector product */
250:   MatMult(J,p,yy1);
251:   VecNorm(yy1,NORM_2,&yy1n);

253:   /* View product vector if desired */
254:   PetscOptionsGetBool(NULL,NULL,"-print_vecs",&printv,NULL);
255:   if (printv) {
256:     PetscViewerASCIIOpen(comm,"y1.out",&view2);
257:     PetscViewerPushFormat(view2,PETSC_VIEWER_ASCII_COMMON);
258:     VecView(yy1,view2);
259:     PetscViewerPopFormat(view2);
260:     PetscViewerDestroy(&view2);
261:   }

263:   /* Test Jacobian-vector product computation */
264:   alpha = -1.0;
265:   h     = 0.01 * hopt;
266:   for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
267:     /* Set differencing parameter for matrix-free multiplication */
268:     SNESDefaultMatrixFreeSetParameters2(Jmf,PETSC_DEFAULT,PETSC_DEFAULT,h);

270:     /* Compute matrix-vector product via differencing approximation */
271:     MatMult(Jmf,p,yy2);
272:     VecNorm(yy2,NORM_2,&yy2n);

274:     /* View product vector if desired */
275:     if (printv) {
276:       sprintf(filename,"y2.%d.out",(int)i);
277:       PetscViewerASCIIOpen(comm,filename,&view2);
278:       PetscViewerPushFormat(view2,PETSC_VIEWER_ASCII_COMMON);
279:       VecView(yy2,view2);
280:       PetscViewerPopFormat(view2);
281:       PetscViewerDestroy(&view2);
282:     }

284:     /* Compute relative error */
285:     VecAXPY(yy2,alpha,yy1);
286:     VecNorm(yy2,NORM_2,&enorm);
287:     enorm = enorm/yy1n;
288:     PetscFPrintf(comm,stdout,"h = %g: relative error = %g\n",(double)h,(double)enorm);
289:     h    *= 10.0;
290:   }
291:   return(0);
292: }

294: static PetscInt lin_its_total = 0;

296: PetscErrorCode SNESNoiseMonitor(SNES snes,PetscInt its,double fnorm,void *dummy)
297: {
299:   PetscInt       lin_its;

302:   SNESGetLinearSolveIterations(snes,&lin_its);
303:   lin_its_total += lin_its;
304:   PetscPrintf(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)snes), "iter = %D, SNES Function norm = %g, lin_its = %D, total_lin_its = %D\n",its,(double)fnorm,lin_its,lin_its_total);

306:   SNESUnSetMatrixFreeParameter(snes);
307:   return(0);
308: }