petsc-3.14.6 2021-03-30
Report Typos and Errors


Logs informative data


#include <petscsys.h>
PetscErrorCode PetscInfo(PetscObject obj, const char message[])
PetscErrorCode PetscInfo1(PetscObject obj, const char formatmessage[],arg1)
PetscErrorCode PetscInfo2(PetscObject obj, const char formatmessage[],arg1,arg2)
Collective on obj

Input Parameter

obj - object most closely associated with the logging statement or NULL
message - logging message
formatmessage - logging message using standard "printf" format
arg1, arg2, ... - arguments of the format


PetscInfo() prints only from the first processor in the communicator of obj. If obj is NULL, the PETSC_COMM_SELF communicator is used, i.e. every rank of PETSC_COMM_WORLD prints the message.

Extent of the printed messages can be controlled using the option database key -info as follows.

  -info [filename][:[~]<list,of,classnames>[:[~]self]]

No filename means standard output PETSC_STDOUT is used.

The optional <list,of,classnames> is a comma separated list of enabled classes, e.g. vec,mat,ksp. If this list is not specified, all classes are enabled. Prepending the list with ~ means inverted selection, i.e. all classes except the listed are enabled. A special classname sys relates to PetscInfo() with obj being NULL.

The optional self keyword specifies that PetscInfo() is enabled only for communicator size = 1 (e.g. PETSC_COMM_SELF), i.e. only PetscInfo() calls which print from every rank of PETSC_COMM_WORLD are enabled. By contrast, ~self means that PetscInfo() is enabled only for communicator size > 1 (e.g. PETSC_COMM_WORLD), i.e. those PetscInfo() calls which print from every rank of PETSC_COMM_WORLD are disabled.

All classname/self matching is case insensitive. Filename is case sensitive.

Example of Usage

    Mat A;
    PetscInt alpha;
    PetscInfo1(A,"Matrix uses parameter alpha=%D\n",alpha);

Options Examples

Each call of the form
    PetscInfo(obj, msg);
    PetscInfo1(obj, msg, arg1);
    PetscInfo2(obj, msg, arg1, arg2);
is evaluated as follows.
    -info or -info :: prints msg to PETSC_STDOUT, for any obj regardless class or communicator
    -info :mat:self prints msg to PETSC_STDOUT only if class of obj is Mat, and its communicator has size = 1
    -info myInfoFileName:~vec:~self prints msg to file named myInfoFileName, only if the obj's class is NULL or other than Vec, and obj's communicator has size > 1
    -info :sys prints to PETSC_STDOUT only if obj is NULL
Note that
    -info :sys:~self
deactivates all info messages because sys means obj = NULL which implies PETSC_COMM_SELF but ~self filters out everything on PETSC_COMM_SELF.

Fortran Note

This function does not take the obj argument, there is only the PetscInfo() version, not PetscInfo1() etc.

See Also

PetscInfoAllow(), PetscInfoSetFromOptions()







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