petsc-3.14.6 2021-03-30
Report Typos and Errors


Checks if the PCSetUp() or KSPSolve() failed and set the error flag for the outer PC. A KSP_DIVERGED_ITS is not considered a failure in this context


#include "petscksp.h" 
PetscErrorCode KSPCheckSolve(KSP ksp,PC pc,Vec vec)
Collective on ksp

Input Parameter

ksp - the linear solver (KSP) context.
pc - the preconditioner context
vec - a vector that will be initialized with Inf to indicate lack of convergence

Notes: this may be called by a subset of the processes in the PC

Developer Note: this is used to manage returning from preconditioners whose inner KSP solvers have failed in some way

See Also

KSPCreate(), KSPSetType(), KSP, KSPCheckNorm(), KSPCheckDot()




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