petsc-3.14.6 2021-03-30
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Redistribute points in the plex that are shared in order to achieve better balancing. This routine updates the PointSF of the DM inplace.


#include "petscdmplex.h"   
PetscErrorCode DMPlexRebalanceSharedPoints(DM dm, PetscInt entityDepth, PetscBool useInitialGuess, PetscBool parallel, PetscBool *success)

Input parameters

dm - The DMPlex object.
entityDepth - depth of the entity to balance (0 -> balance vertices).
useInitialGuess - whether to use the current distribution as initial guess (only used by ParMETIS).
parallel - whether to use ParMETIS and do the partition in parallel or whether to gather the graph onto a single process and use METIS.

Output parameters

success - whether the graph partitioning was successful or not. If not, try useInitialGuess=True and parallel=True.




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