petsc-3.14.6 2021-03-30
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Build distributed DMPLEX topology from a list of vertices for each cell (common mesh generator output)


#include "petscdmplex.h"   
#include "petscdmplex.h"   
PetscErrorCode DMPlexBuildFromCellListParallel(DM dm, PetscInt numCells, PetscInt numVertices, PetscInt NVertices, PetscInt numCorners, const PetscInt cells[], PetscSF *vertexSF)

Input Parameters

dm - The DM
numCells - The number of cells owned by this process
numVertices - The number of vertices owned by this process, or PETSC_DECIDE
NVertices - The global number of vertices, or PETSC_DECIDE
numCorners - The number of vertices for each cell
cells - An array of numCells*numCorners numbers, the global vertex numbers for each cell

Output Parameter

vertexSF - (Optional) SF describing complete vertex ownership


Two triangles sharing a face

     / | \
    /  |  \
   /   |   \
  0  0 | 1  3
   \   |   /
    \  |  /
     \ | /
would have input
 numCells = 2, numVertices = 4
 cells = [0 1 2  1 3 2]

which would result in the DMPlex

     / | \
    /  |  \
   /   |   \
  2  0 | 1  5
   \   |   /
    \  |  /
     \ | /

Vertices are implicitly numbered consecutively 0,...,NVertices. Each rank owns a chunk of numVertices consecutive vertices. If numVertices is PETSC_DECIDE, PETSc will distribute them as evenly as possible using PetscLayout. If both NVertices and numVertices are PETSC_DECIDE, NVertices is computed by PETSc as the maximum vertex index in cells + 1. If only NVertices is PETSC_DECIDE, it is computed as the sum of numVertices over all ranks.

The cell distribution is arbitrary non-overlapping, independent of the vertex distribution.

Not currently supported in Fortran.

See Also

DMPlexBuildFromCellList(), DMPlexCreateFromCellListParallelPetsc(), DMPlexBuildCoordinatesFromCellListParallel()




Index of all DMPLEX routines
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