Examples are at config/examples/*.py. We use some of these scripts
locally for testing - for example one can update these files and run as:
- ./config/examples/arch-osx-10.6.py
Assuming BLAS, LAPACK, MPICH are not currently
will download & install BLAS,
LAPACK, MPICH if they are not already installed on the system):
- ./configure --with-cc=gcc --with-cxx=g++ --with-fc=gfortran --download-fblaslapack --download-mpich
Same as above - but do not have a fortran compiler [and want to use PETSc from C only].
- ./configure --with-cc=gcc --with-cxx=0 --with-fc=0 --download-f2cblaslapack --download-mpich
If BLAS, LAPACK, MPI sources (in "-devel" packages in most distros) are already installed in default system/compiler locations and mpicc,
mpif90, mpiexec are available via PATH - configure does not require any additional options.
If BLAS, LAPACK, MPI are already installed in known user location use:
[Note: Do not specify --with-cc --with-fc etc when using --with-mpi-dir -
so that mpicc/mpif90 can be picked up from mpi-dir]
- ./configure --with-blaslapack-dir=/usr/local/blaslapack --with-mpi-dir=/usr/local/mpich
- ./configure --with-blaslapack-dir=/usr/local/blaslapack --with-cc=/usr/local/mpich/bin/mpicc --with-mpi-f90=/usr/local/mpich/bin/mpif90 --with-mpiexec=/usr/local/mpich/bin/mpiexec
Build Complex version of PETSc [using c++ compiler]:
- ./configure --with-cc=gcc --with-fc=gfortran --with-cxx=g++ --with-clanguage=cxx --download-fblaslapack --download-mpich --with-scalar-type=complex
Install 2 variants of PETSc, one with gnu, the other with intel compilers. Specify different PETSC_ARCH for each build.
- ./configure PETSC_ARCH=linux-gnu --with-cc=gcc --with-cxx=g++ --with-fc=gfortran --download-mpich
- make PETSC_ARCH=linux-gnu all test
- ./configure PETSC_ARCH=linux-gnu-intel --with-cc=icc --with-cxx=icpc --with-fc=ifort --download-mpich --with-blaslapack-dir=/usr/local/mkl
- make PETSC_ARCH=linux-gnu-intel all test
PETSC_DIR and PETSC_ARCH are a couple of variables that control the
configuration and build process of PETSc. These variables can be set as
envirnment variables or specified on the command line [to both configure and make]
specify enviornment variable for csh/tcsh [can be specified in ~/.cshrc]
- setenv PETSC_DIR /home/balay/petsc-3.13.0
- setenv PETSC_ARCH linux-gnu-c-debug
specify enviornment variable for bash [can be specified in ~/.bashrc]
- export PETSC_DIR=/home/balay/petsc-3.13.0
- export PETSC_ARCH=linux-gnu-c-debug
specify variable on commandline to configure
- ./configure PETSC_DIR=/home/balay/petsc-3.13.0 PETSC_ARCH=linux-gnu-c-debug [other configure options]
specify variables on command line to make
- make PETSC_DIR=/home/balay/petsc-3.13.0 PETSC_ARCH=linux-gnu-c-debug [other make options]
this variable should point to the location of the PETSc
installation that is used. Multiple PETSc versions can
coexist on the same file-system. By changing PETSC_DIR
value, one can switch between these installed versions of
this variable gives a name to a configuration/build.
Configure uses this value to stores the generated config
makefiles in ${PETSC_DIR}/${PETSC_ARCH}. Make
uses this value to determine this location of these
makefiles [which intern help in locating the correct
include and library files].
Thus one can install multiple variants of PETSc libraries
- by providing different PETSC_ARCH values to each
configure build. Then one can switch between using these
variants of libraries [from make] by switching the
PETSC_ARCH value used.
If configure doesn't find a PETSC_ARCH value [either in
env variable or command line option], it automatically
generates a default value and uses it. Also - if make
doesn't find a PETSC_ARCH env variable - it defaults to
the value used by last successful invocation of previous
Return to Installation Instructions
Specify compilers and compiler options used to build PETSc [and perhaps external packages]
Specify compilers using the options
--with-cc --with-cxx --with-fc
for c, c++, and fortran compilers
- --with-cc=mpicc --with-cxx=mpicxx --with-fc=mpif90
- --with-cc=gcc --with-cxx=g++ --with-fc=gfortran
- --with-cc=gcc --with-cxx=g++ --with-fc=gfortran
If fortran compiler is not available or not needed - then disabling using fortran
If a C++ compiler is not available or not needed - disable configuring with it
If no compilers are specified - configure will
automatically look for available MPI or regular
compilers in the user's PATH
- mpicc/mpiCC/mpif90
- gcc/g++/gfortran
- cc/CC etc..
It's best to use MPI compilers
as this will avoid the situation where MPI is compiled
with one set of compilers [like gcc/gfortran] and user
specified incompatible compilers to PETSc [perhaps
icc/ifort]. This can be done by either specifying
--with-cc=mpicc or --with-mpi-dir [and not
- --with-cc=mpicc --with-cxx=mpicxx --with-fc=mpif90
- --with-mpi-dir=/opt/mpich2-1.1 [but *no* --with-cc=gcc]
Configure defaults to building PETSc in debug mode.
One can switch to using optimzed mode with the configure
option --with-debugging=0 (We suggest using a different PETSC_ARCH for debug and optimized builds, for example arch-debug and arch-opt, this
way you can switch between debugging your code and running for performance by simply changing the value of PETSC_ARCH.
Additionally one can specify more suitable optimization
flags with the options COPTFLAGS, FOPTFLAGS,
CXXOPTFLAGS. For ex: when using gnu compilers with corresponding
optimization flags:
- ./configure --with-cc=gcc --with-cxx=g++ --with-fc=gfortran --with-debugging=0 COPTFLAGS='-O3 -march=native -mtune=native' CXXOPTFLAGS='-O3 -march=native -mtune=native' FOPTFLAGS='-O3 -march=native -mtune=native' --download-mpich
Configure cannot detect compiler libraries for certain
set of compilers. In this case one can specify
additional system/compiler libraries using the LIBS option
- ./configure --LIBS='-ldl /usr/lib/libm.a'
Return to Installation Instructions
PETSc provides interfaces to various external packages.
BLAS/LAPACK is a required package, MPI is not required if running sequentially. One can optionally use
external solvers like Hypre, MUMPS, etc. from within PETSc applications.
PETSc configure has the ability to download and install these external packages. Alternatively if these packages
are already installed, then configure can detect and use them.
If you are behind a firewall and cannot use a proxy for the downloads or have a very slow network use the additional option --with-packages-download-dir=/adirectory
This will trigger ./configure to print the URLs of all the packages you must download this directory (do not uncompress or untar the files) and then
use these copies of the packages instead of trying to download them directly from the internet.
The following modes can be used to install/use external packages with configure.
--download-PACKAGENAME: Download specified
package and install it and configure PETSc to use this package.
- --download-fblaslapack --download-mpich
- --download-scalapack --download-mumps
If ./configure cannot automatically download the package
[due to network/firewall issues], one can download the
package by alternative means [perhaps wget, curl, or scp via some
other machine]. Once the tarfile is downloaded, the path
to this file can be specified to configure with this
option. Configure will proceed to install this package and
then configure PETSc with it.
- --download-mpich=/home/petsc/mpich2-1.0.4p1.tar.gz
If the external package is already installed - specify
its location to configure [it will attempt to detect,
include, library files from this location.] Normally this
corresponds to the top-level installation dir for the
- --with-mpi-dir=/home/petsc/software/mpich2-1.0.4p1
Note that we hightly recommend you have PETSc download and install the external packages rather than you installing them separately first. The reason is
that this insures the packages are installed with the same compilers and compiler options etc as PETSc so that they can work together.
Usually a package is defined completely by its include file location -
and library list. [If the package is already installed] - then one can use
these two options to specify the package to configure. For eg:
--with-parmetis-lib="-L/sandbox/balay/parmetis/lib -lparmetis -lmetis"
./configure --help
to get the list of external
packages and corresponding additional options [for example
for MPICH]
Generally one would use either one of the above 4 modes for any given
package - and not mix these. [i.e mixing
etc.. should be avoided]
Some packages might not support certain options like
. Architectures like Microsoft
Windows might have issues with these options. In these cases,
--with-PACKAGENAME-include --with-PACKAGENAME-lib
options should be preferred.
It's best to install some external packages like SuperLU_DIST, MUMPS,
Hypre, METIS, and ParMETIS with the option
. [the
correct options for these packages are --download-superlu_dist
--download-mumps --download-hypre
This will install the COMPATIBLE version of the external package.
A generic install of this package might not be compatible with
PETSc [perhaps due to version differences - or perhaps due to the
requirement of additional patches for it to work with PETSc]
Some packages have bug fixes, portability patches, and upgrades
for dependent packages that have not yet been included in an
upstream release.
All packages will be installed with the same set of compilers
- this avoids problems [for example weird link time errors] with
mixing code compiled with multiple compilers [for example mixing
gfortran and ifort compiled code].
If you want to download a compatible external package manually, then
the URL for this package is listed in configure source for this
package. For example, check
for the url for
download this package.
Additional options:
--with-packages-build-dir=PATH: By default,
external packages will be unpacked and the build process is run in
However one can choose a different location where these packages are unpacked and the build process is run.
Return to Installation Instructions
These packages provide some basic numeric kernels used by PETSc.
Configure will automatically look for blas/lapack in certain standard
locations, on most systems you should not need to provide any
information about BLAS/LAPACK in the ./configure command.
One can use the following options to let configure download/install blas/lapack automatically.
- --download-fblaslapack [when fortran compiler is present]
- --download-f2cblaslapack [when configuring without a fortran compiler - i.e --with-fc=0]
Alternatively one can use other options like one of the following.
- --with-blaslapack-lib=libsunperf.a
- --with-blas-lib=libblas.a --with-lapack-lib=liblapack.a
- --with-blaslapack-dir=/soft/com/packages/intel/13/079/mkl
Intel MKL
Intel provides blas/lapack via the MKL library.
It usually works from GNU/Intel compilers on Linux and MS/Intel compilers on Windows.
One can specify it to PETSc configure with for eg: --with-blaslapack-dir=$MKLROOT
or, for example,
If the above option does not work - one could determine the correct library list for your compilers using
Intel MKL Link Line Advisor
and specify with the configure option --with-blaslapack-lib
Sadly, IBM's ESSL does not have all the routines of BLAS and LAPACK
that some packages, such as SuperLU expect; in particular slamch,
dlamch and xerbla. In this case instead of using ESSL we suggest
. If you really want to use ESSL,
see https://www.pdc.kth.se/hpc-services.
Return to Installation Instructions
This software provides the parallel functionality for PETSc.
- Configure will automatically look for MPI compilers mpicc/mpif90 etc and use them if found in your PATH.
One can use the following options to let configure download/install MPI automatically
- --download-mpich [install and use MPICH]
- --download-openmpi [Install and use Open MPI]
- See externalpackages for other installation options.
It's best to install PETSc with MPI compiler wrappers (often called
mpicc, mpicxx, mpif90) - this way, the SAME compilers used to build
MPI are used to build PETSc [this avoids incompatibilities which
might crop up - when using libraries compiled with different c or
fortran compilers.]. This can be achieved with the following
Vendor provided MPI might already be installed. IBM, SGI, Cray etc provide their own:
./config/confiure.py --with-cc=mpcc --with-fc=mpf90
If using MPICH which is already installed [perhaps using
myrinet/gm] then use [without specifying --with-cc=gcc etc.so
that configure picks up mpicc from mpi-dir]:
./configure --with-mpi-dir=/path-to-mpich-install
You can build (sequential) PETSc without an MPI. This is useful for
quickly installing PETSc [if MPI is not available - for whatever
reason]. However - if there is any MPI code in user application, then
its best to install a full MPI - even if the usage is currently
limited to uniprocessor mode.
Installing with Open MPI with shared MPI libraries:
OpenMPI defaults to building shared libraries for MPI. However, the
binaries generated by MPI wrappers mpicc/mpif90 etc require
LD_LIBRARY_PATH to be set to the location of these libraries.
Due to this OpenMPI restriction one has to set
correctly [per OpenMPI installation
instructions], before running PETSc configure. If you do not set this
environmental variables you will get messages when running
such as
UNABLE to EXECUTE BINARIES for config/configure.py
Cannot run executables created with C. If this machine uses a batch system
to submit jobs you will need to configure using/configure.py with the additional option --with-batch.
Otherwise there is problem with the compilers. Can you compile and run code with your C/C++ (and maybe Fortran) compilers?
or when running a code compiled with OpenMPI
-bash-3.3$ ./conftest
./conftest: error while loading shared libraries: libmpi.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Avoid specifing compilers [with options
] when using the option
. [Option--with-mpi-dir
specifies using MPI compilers - so its best to use them - and not
overwride them with user specified --with-cc
One can specify mpiexec or mpiexec with the options
Return to Installation Instructions
Are you sure you want to use Microsoft Windows? We recommend using Linux
if possible [and minimize troubleshooting Microsoft windows related issues].
Installation With GNU gcc/g++/gfortran compilers:
The following configurations are much like regular Linux systems. Our regular [Linux] instructions
should work with them. Most externalpackages will also work. The configure option --download-mpich should work
for these systems. (These do not support Microsoft/Intel Windows compilers; nor can you use MS-MPI, Intel-MPI or MPICH2).
Installation With Microsoft/Intel Windows Compilers:
Microsoft Windows does not provide the same unix shell enviornment
as the other OSes. Also the default Microsoft/Intel compilers behave
differently than other unix compilers. So to install PETSc on Microsoft
Windows - one has to install Cygwin
[for the unix enviornment] and use win32fe [part
of PETSc sources, to interface to Microsoft/Intel compilers].
Install Cygwin: Please download and install
Cygwin package from http://www.cygwin.com.
Make sure the following Cygwin components are installed.
- python3
- make
- [default selection should already have
and other tools]
Note: If installing PETSc with Cygwin/GNU compilers - install additional Cygwin components.
- gcc-core gcc-g++ gcc-fortran
- liblapack-devel
- openmpi libopenmpi-devel
Additional cygwin components like
git cmake
can be useful for installing external packages.
Remove Cygwin link.exe: Cygwin link.exe can
conflict with Intel ifort compiler. If you are using ifort -
please do [from Cygwin terminal/bash-shell]:
mv /usr/bin/link.exe /usr/bin/link-cygwin.exe
Setup Cygwin terminal/bash-shell with Working Compilers:
We require the compilers to be setup properly in a Cygwin bash
command shell, so that "cl foo.c
" or "ifort
" works from this shell. For example - if using VS2005
C and Intel 10 Fortran one can do:
Start -> Programs -> Intel Software Development Tools ->
Intel Fortran Compiler 10 -> Visual Fortran Build Enviornment
[32bit or 64bit depending on your usage]. This should start a 'dos
cmd' shell.
Within this shell - run Cygwin terminal/bash-shell mintty.exe as:
Within mintty.exe - run:
/usr/bin/bash --login
- verify if the compilers are useable [by running cl, ifort in this Cygwin terminal/bash-shell]
- Now run configure with win32fe and then build the libraries with make [as per the usual instructions]
Example Configure usage with Windows Compilers:
Use configure with VC2005 C and Intel Fortran 10 [Without MPI].
./configure --with-cc='win32fe cl' --with-fc='win32fe ifort' --with-cxx='win32fe cl' --with-mpi=0 --download-fblaslapack
If fortran, c++ usage is not required, use:
./configure --with-cc='win32fe cl' --with-fc=0 --with-cxx=0 --download-f2cblaslapack
Using MPI:
We support both MS-MPI [64-bit] and Intel MPI on Windows (MPICH2 does not work, do not use it). For example usages, check config/examples/arch-mswin*.py
Avoiding spaces in PATHs:
Its best to avoid spaces or similar special chars when specifying configure options. On windows - this usually affects specifying MPI or MKL. Windows supports dos short form for dir names - so its best to use this notation. And cygwin tool cygpath
can be used to get paths in this notation. for ex:
$ cygpath -u `cygpath -ms '/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft SDKs/MPI'`
$ cygpath -u `cygpath -ms '/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/IntelSWTools/compilers_and_libraries/windows/mkl/lib/intel64'`
i.e use:
./configure --with-cc='win32fe cl' --with-fc='win32fe ifort' --with-cxx='win32fe cl' --with-shared-libraries=0 \
--with-mpi-include='[/cygdrive/c/PROGRA~2/MICROS~2/MPI/Include,/cygdrive/c/PROGRA~2/MICROS~2/MPI/Include/x64]' \
--with-mpi-lib='-L/cygdrive/c/PROGRA~2/MICROS~2/MPI/lib/x64 msmpifec.lib msmpi.lib' \
--with-mpiexec=/cygdrive/c/PROGRA~1/MICROS~2/Bin/mpiexec \
--with-blaslapack-lib='-L/cygdrive/c/PROGRA~2/INTELS~1/COMPIL~2/windows/mkl/lib/intel64 mkl_intel_lp64_dll.lib mkl_sequential_dll.lib mkl_core_dll.lib'
ExternalPackages: The --download-package
option does not work with many external packages on Microsoft
Project Files: We cannot provide Microsoft
Visual Studio project files for users as they are specific to the
configure options, location of external packages, compiler versions
etc. used for any given build of PETSc, so they are potentially
different for each build of PETSc. So if you need a project file for
use with PETSc - please do the following.
create an empty project file with one of the examples say
try compiling the example from Cygwin bash shell - using makefile - for eg:
- cd src/ksp/ksp/tutorials
- make ex2
if the above works - then make sure all the compiler/linker options
used by make are also present in the project file in the correct
if errors - redo the above step. [if all the options are correctly
specified - then the example should compile from MSDev.
Debugger: Running PETSc probrams with
-start_in_debugger is not supported on this platform, so debuggers will
need to be initiated manually. Make sure your environment is properly
configured to use the appropriate debugger for your compiler. The
debuggers can be initiated using Microsoft Visual Studio 6: msdev
, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET: devenv
, Intel Enhanced Debugger: edb ex1.exe
, or
GNU Debugger gdb ex1.exe
PETSc win32 front end:
This tool is used as a wrapper to Microsoft and Intel compilers
and associated tools - to enable building PETSc libraries using Cygwin
make and other UNIX tools. For additional info, run
without any options.
Using MinGW with Microsoft/Intel Windows Compilers:
Users report that it is possible to build to build PETSc using MinGW and link against them using the Microsoft/Intel Windows Compilers.
We have no experience with this, nor knowledge on how it can be accomplished. Let us know your experience.
Notes on using other systems besides Cygwin to compile with Microsoft and Intel compilers
For any alternate system, we would have to redo win32fe functionality for that system. This includes
Marshal unix type compiler options to Cl (Microsoft compiler).
Convert paths in some of these options from this system (for example Cygwin paths) to Windows paths.
Have python that works with system path notation.
Have the ability equivalent to Windows process spawning; Cygwin process spawning produces Windows processes. WSL1 lacked this.
Return to Installation Instructions
These can be found in ${PETSC_DIR}/${PETSC_ARCH}/lib/pkgconfig/PETSc.pc and ${PETSC_DIR}/${PETSC_ARCH}/lib/modules/${PETSC_VERSION}-${PETSC_ARCH}.
The module file may need to be edited for your particular system. Note that if --prefix is used then $PETSC_ARCH is not included in the above directories
nor is -${PETSC_ARCH} included in the module file name.
Return to Installation Instructions
Some external packages include MKL BLAS/LAPACK, OpenBLAS, SuperLU_DIST, and Hypre support using OpenMP for
thread level parallelism in addition to the MPI parallelism in PETSc. To utilize this insure your compilers
support OpenMP and use the additional configure option --with-openmp
To control the number of OpenMP threads each MPI process utilizes you can set the environmental variable OMP_NUM_THREADS n
the PETSc command line option -omp_num_threads n
Return to Installation Instructions
On systems where you can use modules to load packages such as HDF5, the locations of the include files and libraries are known
by the compiler. Hence you simply load the appropriate module for the package and run ./configure
with the option --with-package
For example.
On systems where you need to use a job scheduler or batch submission to run jobs
use the configure option --with-batch
. On such systems the make check
option will not work
You must first insure you have loaded appropriate modules for the compilers etc that you
wish to use. Often the compilers are provided automatically for you and you do not need to provide
Consult with the documentation and local support for such systems for information on these topics.
On such systems you generally should not provide
or --download-fblaslapack
since the
systems provide those automatically (sometimes appropriate modules must be loaded first)
Some packages
options do not work on these systems, for example HDF5. Thus you must use
modules to load those packages and --with-package
to configure with the package.
Since building external packages on these systems is often troublesome and slow we recommend only installing PETSc with those
configuration packages that you need for your work, not extras.
Return to Installation Instructions
package and the prerequisite PDT
packages need to be installed separately [perhaps with MPI].
Now use tau_cc.sh as compiler to PETSc configure.
- export TAU_MAKEFILE=/home/balay/soft/linux64/tau-2.20.3/x86_64/lib/Makefile.tau-mpi-pdt
- ./configure CC=/home/balay/soft/linux64/tau-2.20.3/x86_64/bin/tau_cc.sh --with-fc=0 PETSC_ARCH=arch-tau
Return to Installation Instructions
Requires CUDA,
On Linux - make sure you have compatible NVIDIA driver
- In most cases you need only pass the configure option --with-cuda; check
for example usage.
CUDA build of PETSc currently works on Mac OS X, Linux, Microsoft Windows.
Return to Installation Instructions
Requires the OpenCL shared library, which is shipped in the vendor graphics driver and the OpenCL headers; if needed you can download them
from the Khronos Group directly.
Package managers on Linux provide these headers through a package named 'opencl-headers' or similar.
On Apple systems the OpenCL drivers and headers are always available and do not need to be downloaded.
Always make sure you have the latest GPU driver installed. There are several known issues with older driver versions.
- Run configure with --download-viennacl; check
for example usage.
OpenCL/ViennaCL builds of PETSc currently work on Mac OS X, Linux, and Microsoft Windows.
Return to Installation Instructions
NERSC - CORI machine.
Project ID: m3353
PI: Richard Mills
Notes on usage:
ALCF - Argonne National Laboratory - theta machine - Intel KNL based system
Project ID:
Notes on usage:
- Log into theta.alcf.anl.gov
- There are three compiler suites Modules
- module load PrgEnv-intel intel
- module load PrgEnv-gnu gcc/7.1.0/
- module load PrgEnv-cray
- List currently loaded modules: module list
- List all available modules: module avail
- Blas/lapack will automatically be found so you do not need to provide it
- It is best not to use built-in modules for external packages (except blas/lapack) because they are often buggy.
Most external packages can be built using the --download option with the intel or Gnu environment but not cray
- You can use config/examples/arch-cray-xc40-knl-opt.py as a template for running configure but it is outdated
- When using the Intel module you may need to use --download-sowing-cc=icc --download-sowing-cxx=icpc -download-sowing-cpp="icc -E" --download-sowing-cxxpp="icpc -E" since the GNU compilers may not work as they access Intel files
- To get an interactive node use qsub -A CSC250STMS07 -n 1 -t 60 -q debug-flat-quad -I
- To run on interactive node using two MPI ranks use aprun -n 2 ./program options
OLCF - Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Summit machine - NVIDIA GPUs and IBM Power PC processors
Project ID: CSC314
PI: Barry Smith
Apply at: https://docs.olcf.ornl.gov/accounts/accounts_and_projects.html#applying-for-a-user-account
Notes on usage:
- Getting Started
- Log into summit.olcf.ornl.gov
- module load cmake hdf5 cuda
- module load pgi (for PGI compilers)
- module load essl netlib-lapack xl (for IBM compilers)
- module load gcc (for GNU compilers)
- Use config/examples/arch-olcf-opt.py as a template for running configure
- You configure PETSc and build examples in your home directory, but launch them from your "work" directory.
- Use the bsub command to submit jobs to the queue. See the "Batch Scripts" section here
running jobs
- Tools for profiling
- -log_view that adds GPU communication and computation to the summary table
- nvprof and nvvp from the CUDA toolkit
Return to Installation Instructions
For iOS see systems/Apple/iOS/bin/makeall
A thorough discussion of the installation procedure is given here.
For Android, you must have your standalone bin folder in the path, so that the compilers are visible.
- Check
for iOS
and config/examples/arch-armv7-opt.py
for example usage.
Return to Installation Instructions