petsc-3.13.6 2020-09-29
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Evaluate the field and its derivatives on a set of points mapped from quadrature points on a reference point. The derivatives are taken with respect to the reference coordinates.


#include "petscdmfield.h" 
#include "petscdmfield.h" 
PetscErrorCode DMFieldEvaluateFE(DMField field, IS cellIS, PetscQuadrature points, PetscDataType datatype, void *B, void *D, void *H)
Not collective

Input Parameter

field - The DMField object
cellIS - Index set for cells on which to evaluate the field
points - The quadature containing the points in the reference cell at which to evaluate the field.
datatype - The PetscDataType of the output arrays: either PETSC_REAL or PETSC_SCALAR. If the field is complex and datatype is PETSC_REAL, the real part of the field is returned.

Output Parameter

B - pointer to data of size c * n * sizeof(datatype), where c is the number of components in the field. If B is not NULL, the values of the field are written in this array, varying first by component, then by point.
D - pointer to data of size d * c * n * sizeof(datatype). If D is not NULL, the values of the field's spatial derivatives are written in this array, varying first by the partial derivative component, then by field component, then by point.
H - pointer to data of size d * d * c * n * sizeof(datatype). If H is not NULL, the values of the field's second spatial derivatives are written in this array, varying first by the second partial derivative component, then by field component, then by point.

See Also

DMFieldGetNumComponents(), DMFieldEvaluate(), DMFieldEvaluateFV()








DMFieldEvaluateFE_DA in src/dm/field/impls/da/dmfieldda.c
DMFieldEvaluateFE_DS in src/dm/field/impls/ds/dmfieldds.c

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