petsc-3.12.5 2020-03-29
Reconstructs the vector of state and its time derivative using information from the TSTrajectory and, possibly, from the TS
#include "petscts.h"
PetscErrorCode TSTrajectoryGetVecs(TSTrajectory tj,TS ts,PetscInt stepnum,PetscReal *time,Vec U,Vec Udot)
Collective on TS
Input Parameters
| tj | - the trajectory object
| ts | - the time stepper object (optional)
| stepnum | - the requested step number
Input/Output Parameters
time -the time associated with the step number
Output Parameters
| U | - state vector (can be NULL)
| Udot | - time derivative of state vector (can be NULL)
Notes: If the step number is PETSC_DECIDE, the time argument is used to inquire the trajectory.
If the requested time does not match any in the trajectory, Lagrangian interpolations are returned.
See Also
TSTrajectorySetUp(), TSTrajectoryDestroy(), TSTrajectorySetType(), TSTrajectorySetVariableNames(), TSGetTrajectory(), TSTrajectorySet(), TSTrajectoryGet()
Index of all TS routines
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