petsc-3.12.5 2020-03-29
Test the memory for corruption. This can be called at any time between PetscInitialize() and PetscFinalize()
#include "petscsys.h"
PetscErrorCode PetscMallocValidate(int line,const char function[],const char file[])
Input Parameters
| line | - line number where call originated.
| function | - name of function calling
| file | - file where function is
Return value
The number of errors detected.
Options Database:.
| -malloc_test | - turns this feature on when PETSc was not configured with --with-debugging=0
| -malloc_debug | - turns this feature on anytime
Output Effect
Error messages are written to stdout.
This is only run if PetscMallocSetDebug() has been called which is set by -malloc_test (if debugging is turned on) or -malloc_debug (any time)
You should generally use CHKMEMQ as a short cut for calling this routine.
The Fortran calling sequence is simply PetscMallocValidate(ierr)
No output is generated if there are no problems detected.
Developers Note
Uses the flg TRdebugLevel (set as the first argument to PetscMallocSetDebug()) to determine if it should run
See Also
Index of all Sys routines
Table of Contents for all manual pages
Index of all manual pages