-pc_gamg_type <type> | - one of agg, geo, or classical | |
-pc_gamg_repartition <true,default=false> | - repartition the degrees of freedom accross the coarse grids as they are determined | |
-pc_gamg_reuse_interpolation <true,default=false> | - when rebuilding the algebraic multigrid preconditioner reuse the previously computed interpolations | |
-pc_gamg_asm_use_agg <true,default=false> | - use the aggregates from the coasening process to defined the subdomains on each level for the PCASM smoother | |
-pc_gamg_process_eq_limit <limit, default=50> | - GAMG will reduce the number of MPI processes used directly on the coarse grids so that there are around <limit> equations on each process that has degrees of freedom | |
-pc_gamg_coarse_eq_limit <limit, default=50> | - Set maximum number of equations on coarsest grid to aim for. | |
-pc_gamg_threshold[] <thresh,default=0> | - Before aggregating the graph GAMG will remove small values from the graph on each level | |
-pc_gamg_threshold_scale <scale,default=1> | - Scaling of threshold on each coarser grid if not specified |
-pc_gamg_agg_nsmooths <nsmooth, default=1> | - number of smoothing steps to use with smooth aggregation | |
-pc_gamg_sym_graph <true,default=false> | - symmetrize the graph before computing the aggregation | |
-pc_gamg_square_graph <n,default=1> | - number of levels to square the graph before aggregating it |
-pc_mg_cycles <v> | - v or w, see PCMGSetCycleType() | |
-pc_mg_distinct_smoothup | - configure the up and down (pre and post) smoothers separately, see PCMGSetDistinctSmoothUp() | |
-pc_mg_type <multiplicative> | - (one of) additive multiplicative full kascade | |
-pc_mg_levels <levels> | - Number of levels of multigrid to use. |