petsc-3.12.5 2020-03-29
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Transform the given functional so that it operates on real space, rather than the reference element. Operationally, this means that we map the function evaluations depending on continuity requirements of our finite element method.


#include "petscfe.h" 
PetscErrorCode PetscDualSpacePullback(PetscDualSpace dsp, PetscFEGeom *fegeom, PetscInt Nq, PetscInt Nc, PetscScalar pointEval[])

Input Parameters

dsp - The PetscDualSpace
fegeom - The geometry for this cell
Nq - The number of function samples
Nc - The number of function components
pointEval - The function values

Output Parameter

pointEval -The transformed function values

Note: Functions transform in a complementary way (pushforward) to functionals, so that the scalar product is invariant. The type of transform is dependent on the associated k-simplex from the DeRahm complex.

See Also

PetscDualSpacePushforward(), PetscDualSpaceTransform(), PetscDualSpaceGetDeRahm()




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