Actual source code: dagetarray.c

petsc-3.10.5 2019-03-28
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  2:  #include <petsc/private/dmdaimpl.h>

  4: /*@C
  5:    DMDAVecGetArray - Returns a multiple dimension array that shares data with
  6:       the underlying vector and is indexed using the global dimensions.

  8:    Logically collective on Vec

 10:    Input Parameter:
 11: +  da - the distributed array
 12: -  vec - the vector, either a vector the same size as one obtained with DMCreateGlobalVector() or DMCreateLocalVector()

 14:    Output Parameter:
 15: .  array - the array

 17:    Notes:
 18:     Call DMDAVecRestoreArray() once you have finished accessing the vector entries.

 20:     In C, the indexing is "backwards" from what expects: array[k][j][i] NOT array[i][j][k]!

 22:     If vec is a local vector (obtained with DMCreateLocalVector() etc) then the ghost point locations are accessible. If it is
 23:     a global vector then the ghost points are not accessible. Of course with the local vector you will have had to do the

 25:     appropriate DMGlobalToLocalBegin() and DMGlobalToLocalEnd() to have correct values in the ghost locations.

 27:   Fortran Notes:
 28:     From Fortran use DMDAVecGetArrayF90() and pass for the array type PetscScalar,pointer :: array(:,...,:) of the appropriate
 29:        dimension. For a DMDA created with a dof of 1 use the dimension of the DMDA, for a DMDA created with a dof greater than 1 use one more than the
 30:        dimension of the DMDA. The order of the indices is array(xs:xs+xm-1,ys:ys+ym-1,zs:zs+zm-1) (when dof is 1) otherwise
 31:        array(0:dof-1,xs:xs+xm-1,ys:ys+ym-1,zs:zs+zm-1) where the values are obtained from
 32:        DMDAGetCorners() for a global array or DMDAGetGhostCorners() for a local array. Include petsc/finclude/petscdmda.h90 to access this routine.

 34:   Due to bugs in the compiler DMDAVecGetArrayF90() does not work with gfortran versions before 4.5

 36:   Level: intermediate

 38: .keywords: distributed array, get, corners, nodes, local indices, coordinates

 40: .seealso: DMDAGetGhostCorners(), DMDAGetCorners(), VecGetArray(), VecRestoreArray(), DMDAVecRestoreArray(), DMDAVecRestoreArrayDOF()
 41:           DMDAVecGetArrayDOF()
 42: @*/
 43: PetscErrorCode  DMDAVecGetArray(DM da,Vec vec,void *array)
 44: {
 46:   PetscInt       xs,ys,zs,xm,ym,zm,gxs,gys,gzs,gxm,gym,gzm,N,dim,dof;

 52:   if (da->defaultSection) {
 53:     VecGetArray(vec,(PetscScalar**)array);
 54:     return(0);
 55:   }
 56:   DMDAGetCorners(da,&xs,&ys,&zs,&xm,&ym,&zm);
 57:   DMDAGetGhostCorners(da,&gxs,&gys,&gzs,&gxm,&gym,&gzm);
 58:   DMDAGetInfo(da,&dim,0,0,0,0,0,0,&dof,0,0,0,0,0);

 60:   /* Handle case where user passes in global vector as opposed to local */
 61:   VecGetLocalSize(vec,&N);
 62:   if (N == xm*ym*zm*dof) {
 63:     gxm = xm;
 64:     gym = ym;
 65:     gzm = zm;
 66:     gxs = xs;
 67:     gys = ys;
 68:     gzs = zs;
 69:   } else if (N != gxm*gym*gzm*dof) SETERRQ3(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP,"Vector local size %D is not compatible with DMDA local sizes %D %D\n",N,xm*ym*zm*dof,gxm*gym*gzm*dof);

 71:   if (dim == 1) {
 72:     VecGetArray1d(vec,gxm*dof,gxs*dof,(PetscScalar**)array);
 73:   } else if (dim == 2) {
 74:     VecGetArray2d(vec,gym,gxm*dof,gys,gxs*dof,(PetscScalar***)array);
 75:   } else if (dim == 3) {
 76:     VecGetArray3d(vec,gzm,gym,gxm*dof,gzs,gys,gxs*dof,(PetscScalar****)array);
 77:   } else SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_CORRUPT,"DMDA dimension not 1, 2, or 3, it is %D\n",dim);
 78:   return(0);
 79: }

 81: /*@
 82:    DMDAVecRestoreArray - Restores a multiple dimension array obtained with DMDAVecGetArray()

 84:    Logically collective on Vec

 86:    Input Parameter:
 87: +  da - the distributed array
 88: .  vec - the vector, either a vector the same size as one obtained with
 89:          DMCreateGlobalVector() or DMCreateLocalVector()
 90: -  array - the array, non-NULL pointer is zeroed

 92:   Level: intermediate

 94:   Fortran Notes:
 95:     From Fortran use DMDAVecRestoreArrayF90()

 97: .keywords: distributed array, get, corners, nodes, local indices, coordinates

 99: .seealso: DMDAGetGhostCorners(), DMDAGetCorners(), VecGetArray(), VecRestoreArray(), DMDAVecGetArray()
100: @*/
101: PetscErrorCode  DMDAVecRestoreArray(DM da,Vec vec,void *array)
102: {
104:   PetscInt       xs,ys,zs,xm,ym,zm,gxs,gys,gzs,gxm,gym,gzm,N,dim,dof;

110:   if (da->defaultSection) {
111:     VecRestoreArray(vec,(PetscScalar**)array);
112:     return(0);
113:   }
114:   DMDAGetCorners(da,&xs,&ys,&zs,&xm,&ym,&zm);
115:   DMDAGetGhostCorners(da,&gxs,&gys,&gzs,&gxm,&gym,&gzm);
116:   DMDAGetInfo(da,&dim,0,0,0,0,0,0,&dof,0,0,0,0,0);

118:   /* Handle case where user passes in global vector as opposed to local */
119:   VecGetLocalSize(vec,&N);
120:   if (N == xm*ym*zm*dof) {
121:     gxm = xm;
122:     gym = ym;
123:     gzm = zm;
124:     gxs = xs;
125:     gys = ys;
126:     gzs = zs;
127:   } else if (N != gxm*gym*gzm*dof) SETERRQ3(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP,"Vector local size %D is not compatible with DMDA local sizes %D %D\n",N,xm*ym*zm*dof,gxm*gym*gzm*dof);

129:   if (dim == 1) {
130:     VecRestoreArray1d(vec,gxm*dof,gxs*dof,(PetscScalar**)array);
131:   } else if (dim == 2) {
132:     VecRestoreArray2d(vec,gym,gxm*dof,gys,gxs*dof,(PetscScalar***)array);
133:   } else if (dim == 3) {
134:     VecRestoreArray3d(vec,gzm,gym,gxm*dof,gzs,gys,gxs*dof,(PetscScalar****)array);
135:   } else SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_CORRUPT,"DMDA dimension not 1, 2, or 3, it is %D\n",dim);
136:   return(0);
137: }

139: /*@C
140:    DMDAVecGetArrayDOF - Returns a multiple dimension array that shares data with
141:       the underlying vector and is indexed using the global dimensions.

143:    Logically collective

145:    Input Parameter:
146: +  da - the distributed array
147: -  vec - the vector, either a vector the same size as one obtained with
148:          DMCreateGlobalVector() or DMCreateLocalVector()

150:    Output Parameter:
151: .  array - the array

153:    Notes:
154:     Call DMDAVecRestoreArrayDOF() once you have finished accessing the vector entries.

156:     In C, the indexing is "backwards" from what expects: array[k][j][i][DOF] NOT array[i][j][k][DOF]!

158:     In Fortran 90 you do not need a version of DMDAVecRestoreArrayDOF() just use  DMDAVecRestoreArrayF90() and declare your array with one higher dimension,
159:     see src/dm/examples/tutorials/ex11f90.F

161:   Level: intermediate

163: .keywords: distributed array, get, corners, nodes, local indices, coordinates

165: .seealso: DMDAGetGhostCorners(), DMDAGetCorners(), VecGetArray(), VecRestoreArray(), DMDAVecRestoreArray(), DMDAVecGetArray(), DMDAVecRestoreArrayDOF()
166: @*/
167: PetscErrorCode  DMDAVecGetArrayDOF(DM da,Vec vec,void *array)
168: {
170:   PetscInt       xs,ys,zs,xm,ym,zm,gxs,gys,gzs,gxm,gym,gzm,N,dim,dof;

173:   DMDAGetCorners(da,&xs,&ys,&zs,&xm,&ym,&zm);
174:   DMDAGetGhostCorners(da,&gxs,&gys,&gzs,&gxm,&gym,&gzm);
175:   DMDAGetInfo(da,&dim,0,0,0,0,0,0,&dof,0,0,0,0,0);

177:   /* Handle case where user passes in global vector as opposed to local */
178:   VecGetLocalSize(vec,&N);
179:   if (N == xm*ym*zm*dof) {
180:     gxm = xm;
181:     gym = ym;
182:     gzm = zm;
183:     gxs = xs;
184:     gys = ys;
185:     gzs = zs;
186:   } else if (N != gxm*gym*gzm*dof) SETERRQ3(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP,"Vector local size %D is not compatible with DMDA local sizes %D %D\n",N,xm*ym*zm*dof,gxm*gym*gzm*dof);

188:   if (dim == 1) {
189:     VecGetArray2d(vec,gxm,dof,gxs,0,(PetscScalar***)array);
190:   } else if (dim == 2) {
191:     VecGetArray3d(vec,gym,gxm,dof,gys,gxs,0,(PetscScalar****)array);
192:   } else if (dim == 3) {
193:     VecGetArray4d(vec,gzm,gym,gxm,dof,gzs,gys,gxs,0,(PetscScalar*****)array);
194:   } else SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_CORRUPT,"DMDA dimension not 1, 2, or 3, it is %D\n",dim);
195:   return(0);
196: }

198: /*@
199:    DMDAVecRestoreArrayDOF - Restores a multiple dimension array obtained with DMDAVecGetArrayDOF()

201:    Logically collective

203:    Input Parameter:
204: +  da - the distributed array
205: .  vec - the vector, either a vector the same size as one obtained with
206:          DMCreateGlobalVector() or DMCreateLocalVector()
207: -  array - the array

209:   Level: intermediate

211: .keywords: distributed array, get, corners, nodes, local indices, coordinates

213: .seealso: DMDAGetGhostCorners(), DMDAGetCorners(), VecGetArray(), VecRestoreArray(), DMDAVecGetArray(), DMDAVecGetArrayDOF(), DMDAVecRestoreArrayDOF()
214: @*/
215: PetscErrorCode  DMDAVecRestoreArrayDOF(DM da,Vec vec,void *array)
216: {
218:   PetscInt       xs,ys,zs,xm,ym,zm,gxs,gys,gzs,gxm,gym,gzm,N,dim,dof;

221:   DMDAGetCorners(da,&xs,&ys,&zs,&xm,&ym,&zm);
222:   DMDAGetGhostCorners(da,&gxs,&gys,&gzs,&gxm,&gym,&gzm);
223:   DMDAGetInfo(da,&dim,0,0,0,0,0,0,&dof,0,0,0,0,0);

225:   /* Handle case where user passes in global vector as opposed to local */
226:   VecGetLocalSize(vec,&N);
227:   if (N == xm*ym*zm*dof) {
228:     gxm = xm;
229:     gym = ym;
230:     gzm = zm;
231:     gxs = xs;
232:     gys = ys;
233:     gzs = zs;
234:   }

236:   if (dim == 1) {
237:     VecRestoreArray2d(vec,gxm,dof,gxs,0,(PetscScalar***)array);
238:   } else if (dim == 2) {
239:     VecRestoreArray3d(vec,gym,gxm,dof,gys,gxs,0,(PetscScalar****)array);
240:   } else if (dim == 3) {
241:     VecRestoreArray4d(vec,gzm,gym,gxm,dof,gzs,gys,gxs,0,(PetscScalar*****)array);
242:   } else SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_CORRUPT,"DMDA dimension not 1, 2, or 3, it is %D\n",dim);
243:   return(0);
244: }

246: /*@C
247:    DMDAVecGetArrayRead - Returns a multiple dimension array that shares data with
248:       the underlying vector and is indexed using the global dimensions.

250:    Not collective

252:    Input Parameter:
253: +  da - the distributed array
254: -  vec - the vector, either a vector the same size as one obtained with DMCreateGlobalVector() or DMCreateLocalVector()

256:    Output Parameter:
257: .  array - the array

259:    Notes:
260:     Call DMDAVecRestoreArrayRead() once you have finished accessing the vector entries.

262:     In C, the indexing is "backwards" from what expects: array[k][j][i] NOT array[i][j][k]!

264:     If vec is a local vector (obtained with DMCreateLocalVector() etc) then the ghost point locations are accessible. If it is
265:     a global vector then the ghost points are not accessible. Of course with the local vector you will have had to do the

267:     appropriate DMGlobalToLocalBegin() and DMGlobalToLocalEnd() to have correct values in the ghost locations.

269:   Fortran Notes:
270:     From Fortran use DMDAVecGetArrayReadF90() and pass for the array type PetscScalar,pointer :: array(:,...,:) of the appropriate
271:        dimension. For a DMDA created with a dof of 1 use the dimension of the DMDA, for a DMDA created with a dof greater than 1 use one more than the
272:        dimension of the DMDA. The order of the indices is array(xs:xs+xm-1,ys:ys+ym-1,zs:zs+zm-1) (when dof is 1) otherwise
273:        array(0:dof-1,xs:xs+xm-1,ys:ys+ym-1,zs:zs+zm-1) where the values are obtained from
274:        DMDAGetCorners() for a global array or DMDAGetGhostCorners() for a local array. Include petsc/finclude/petscdmda.h90 to access this routine.

276:   Due to bugs in the compiler DMDAVecGetArrayReadF90() does not work with gfortran versions before 4.5

278:   Level: intermediate

280: .keywords: distributed array, get, corners, nodes, local indices, coordinates

282: .seealso: DMDAGetGhostCorners(), DMDAGetCorners(), VecGetArray(), VecRestoreArray(), DMDAVecRestoreArray(), DMDAVecRestoreArrayDOF()
283:           DMDAVecGetArrayDOF()
284: @*/
285: PetscErrorCode  DMDAVecGetArrayRead(DM da,Vec vec,void *array)
286: {
288:   PetscInt       xs,ys,zs,xm,ym,zm,gxs,gys,gzs,gxm,gym,gzm,N,dim,dof;

294:   if (da->defaultSection) {
295:     VecGetArrayRead(vec,(const PetscScalar**)array);
296:     return(0);
297:   }
298:   DMDAGetCorners(da,&xs,&ys,&zs,&xm,&ym,&zm);
299:   DMDAGetGhostCorners(da,&gxs,&gys,&gzs,&gxm,&gym,&gzm);
300:   DMDAGetInfo(da,&dim,0,0,0,0,0,0,&dof,0,0,0,0,0);

302:   /* Handle case where user passes in global vector as opposed to local */
303:   VecGetLocalSize(vec,&N);
304:   if (N == xm*ym*zm*dof) {
305:     gxm = xm;
306:     gym = ym;
307:     gzm = zm;
308:     gxs = xs;
309:     gys = ys;
310:     gzs = zs;
311:   } else if (N != gxm*gym*gzm*dof) SETERRQ3(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP,"Vector local size %D is not compatible with DMDA local sizes %D %D\n",N,xm*ym*zm*dof,gxm*gym*gzm*dof);

313:   if (dim == 1) {
314:     VecGetArray1dRead(vec,gxm*dof,gxs*dof,(PetscScalar**)array);
315:   } else if (dim == 2) {
316:     VecGetArray2dRead(vec,gym,gxm*dof,gys,gxs*dof,(PetscScalar***)array);
317:   } else if (dim == 3) {
318:     VecGetArray3dRead(vec,gzm,gym,gxm*dof,gzs,gys,gxs*dof,(PetscScalar****)array);
319:   } else SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_CORRUPT,"DMDA dimension not 1, 2, or 3, it is %D\n",dim);
320:   return(0);
321: }

323: /*@
324:    DMDAVecRestoreArrayRead - Restores a multiple dimension array obtained with DMDAVecGetArrayRead()

326:    Not collective

328:    Input Parameter:
329: +  da - the distributed array
330: .  vec - the vector, either a vector the same size as one obtained with
331:          DMCreateGlobalVector() or DMCreateLocalVector()
332: -  array - the array, non-NULL pointer is zeroed

334:   Level: intermediate

336:   Fortran Notes:
337:     From Fortran use DMDAVecRestoreArrayReadF90()

339: .keywords: distributed array, get, corners, nodes, local indices, coordinates

341: .seealso: DMDAGetGhostCorners(), DMDAGetCorners(), VecGetArray(), VecRestoreArray(), DMDAVecGetArray()
342: @*/
343: PetscErrorCode  DMDAVecRestoreArrayRead(DM da,Vec vec,void *array)
344: {
346:   PetscInt       xs,ys,zs,xm,ym,zm,gxs,gys,gzs,gxm,gym,gzm,N,dim,dof;

352:   if (da->defaultSection) {
353:     VecRestoreArrayRead(vec,(const PetscScalar**)array);
354:     return(0);
355:   }
356:   DMDAGetCorners(da,&xs,&ys,&zs,&xm,&ym,&zm);
357:   DMDAGetGhostCorners(da,&gxs,&gys,&gzs,&gxm,&gym,&gzm);
358:   DMDAGetInfo(da,&dim,0,0,0,0,0,0,&dof,0,0,0,0,0);

360:   /* Handle case where user passes in global vector as opposed to local */
361:   VecGetLocalSize(vec,&N);
362:   if (N == xm*ym*zm*dof) {
363:     gxm = xm;
364:     gym = ym;
365:     gzm = zm;
366:     gxs = xs;
367:     gys = ys;
368:     gzs = zs;
369:   } else if (N != gxm*gym*gzm*dof) SETERRQ3(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP,"Vector local size %D is not compatible with DMDA local sizes %D %D\n",N,xm*ym*zm*dof,gxm*gym*gzm*dof);

371:   if (dim == 1) {
372:     VecRestoreArray1dRead(vec,gxm*dof,gxs*dof,(PetscScalar**)array);
373:   } else if (dim == 2) {
374:     VecRestoreArray2dRead(vec,gym,gxm*dof,gys,gxs*dof,(PetscScalar***)array);
375:   } else if (dim == 3) {
376:     VecRestoreArray3dRead(vec,gzm,gym,gxm*dof,gzs,gys,gxs*dof,(PetscScalar****)array);
377:   } else SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_CORRUPT,"DMDA dimension not 1, 2, or 3, it is %D\n",dim);
378:   return(0);
379: }

381: /*@C
382:    DMDAVecGetArrayDOFRead - Returns a multiple dimension array that shares data with
383:       the underlying vector and is indexed using the global dimensions.

385:    Not Collective

387:    Input Parameter:
388: +  da - the distributed array
389: -  vec - the vector, either a vector the same size as one obtained with
390:          DMCreateGlobalVector() or DMCreateLocalVector()

392:    Output Parameter:
393: .  array - the array

395:    Notes:
396:     Call DMDAVecRestoreArrayDOFRead() once you have finished accessing the vector entries.

398:     In C, the indexing is "backwards" from what expects: array[k][j][i][DOF] NOT array[i][j][k][DOF]!

400:     In Fortran 90 you do not need a version of DMDAVecRestoreArrayDOF() just use  DMDAVecRestoreArrayReadF90() and declare your array with one higher dimension,
401:     see src/dm/examples/tutorials/ex11f90.F

403:   Level: intermediate

405: .keywords: distributed array, get, corners, nodes, local indices, coordinates

407: .seealso: DMDAGetGhostCorners(), DMDAGetCorners(), VecGetArray(), VecRestoreArray(), DMDAVecRestoreArray(), DMDAVecGetArray(), DMDAVecRestoreArrayDOF()
408: @*/
409: PetscErrorCode  DMDAVecGetArrayDOFRead(DM da,Vec vec,void *array)
410: {
412:   PetscInt       xs,ys,zs,xm,ym,zm,gxs,gys,gzs,gxm,gym,gzm,N,dim,dof;

415:   DMDAGetCorners(da,&xs,&ys,&zs,&xm,&ym,&zm);
416:   DMDAGetGhostCorners(da,&gxs,&gys,&gzs,&gxm,&gym,&gzm);
417:   DMDAGetInfo(da,&dim,0,0,0,0,0,0,&dof,0,0,0,0,0);

419:   /* Handle case where user passes in global vector as opposed to local */
420:   VecGetLocalSize(vec,&N);
421:   if (N == xm*ym*zm*dof) {
422:     gxm = xm;
423:     gym = ym;
424:     gzm = zm;
425:     gxs = xs;
426:     gys = ys;
427:     gzs = zs;
428:   } else if (N != gxm*gym*gzm*dof) SETERRQ3(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP,"Vector local size %D is not compatible with DMDA local sizes %D %D\n",N,xm*ym*zm*dof,gxm*gym*gzm*dof);

430:   if (dim == 1) {
431:     VecGetArray2dRead(vec,gxm,dof,gxs,0,(PetscScalar***)array);
432:   } else if (dim == 2) {
433:     VecGetArray3dRead(vec,gym,gxm,dof,gys,gxs,0,(PetscScalar****)array);
434:   } else if (dim == 3) {
435:     VecGetArray4dRead(vec,gzm,gym,gxm,dof,gzs,gys,gxs,0,(PetscScalar*****)array);
436:   } else SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_CORRUPT,"DMDA dimension not 1, 2, or 3, it is %D\n",dim);
437:   return(0);
438: }

440: /*@
441:    DMDAVecRestoreArrayDOFRead - Restores a multiple dimension array obtained with DMDAVecGetArrayDOFRead()

443:    Not Collective

445:    Input Parameter:
446: +  da - the distributed array
447: .  vec - the vector, either a vector the same size as one obtained with
448:          DMCreateGlobalVector() or DMCreateLocalVector()
449: -  array - the array

451:   Level: intermediate

453: .keywords: distributed array, get, corners, nodes, local indices, coordinates

455: .seealso: DMDAGetGhostCorners(), DMDAGetCorners(), VecGetArray(), VecRestoreArray(), DMDAVecGetArray(), DMDAVecGetArrayDOF(), DMDAVecRestoreArrayDOF()
456: @*/
457: PetscErrorCode  DMDAVecRestoreArrayDOFRead(DM da,Vec vec,void *array)
458: {
460:   PetscInt       xs,ys,zs,xm,ym,zm,gxs,gys,gzs,gxm,gym,gzm,N,dim,dof;

463:   DMDAGetCorners(da,&xs,&ys,&zs,&xm,&ym,&zm);
464:   DMDAGetGhostCorners(da,&gxs,&gys,&gzs,&gxm,&gym,&gzm);
465:   DMDAGetInfo(da,&dim,0,0,0,0,0,0,&dof,0,0,0,0,0);

467:   /* Handle case where user passes in global vector as opposed to local */
468:   VecGetLocalSize(vec,&N);
469:   if (N == xm*ym*zm*dof) {
470:     gxm = xm;
471:     gym = ym;
472:     gzm = zm;
473:     gxs = xs;
474:     gys = ys;
475:     gzs = zs;
476:   }

478:   if (dim == 1) {
479:     VecRestoreArray2dRead(vec,gxm,dof,gxs,0,(PetscScalar***)array);
480:   } else if (dim == 2) {
481:     VecRestoreArray3dRead(vec,gym,gxm,dof,gys,gxs,0,(PetscScalar****)array);
482:   } else if (dim == 3) {
483:     VecRestoreArray4dRead(vec,gzm,gym,gxm,dof,gzs,gys,gxs,0,(PetscScalar*****)array);
484:   } else SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_CORRUPT,"DMDA dimension not 1, 2, or 3, it is %D\n",dim);
485:   return(0);
486: }