#include "petscdmplex.h" #include "petscmat.h" PetscErrorCode DMPlexGetOrdering(DM dm, MatOrderingType otype, DMLabel label, IS *perm)Collective on DM
MATORDERINGND - Nested Dissection
MATORDERING1WD - One-way Dissection
MATORDERINGRCM - Reverse Cuthill-McKee
MATORDERINGQMD - Quotient Minimum Degree
dm | - The DMPlex object | |
otype | - type of reordering, one of the following: | |
label | - [Optional] Label used to segregate ordering into sets, or NULL |
Note: The label is used to group sets of points together by label value. This makes it easy to reorder a mesh which has different types of cells, and then loop over each set of reordered cells for assembly.