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The Need For Speed
- A goal of NTP is understanding turbulent transport (and subsequent loss) of energy and particles in the core of tokamaks, believed caused by plasma microinstabilities
- Small production runs
- Study effects of
velocity shear on a microinstability
- 32x32x16 grid
606797 particles
5000 timesteps (nonlinear saturation)
- O(10) hours on C90 (1 CPU)
- 114 MFLOPS, 110 are vector ops
- average vector length 91.24
- Desired production runs, est. from NTP proposal parameters
- moderately large tokamak
- run to transport time (100-1000x nonlinear saturation time)
C90 hours
- SPP allocation on C90 is not enough
- Not enough C90 memory for some near-term runs
Gyrokinetic PIC Simulation on Massively Parallel Processors - (lecture given 6/23/95)
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