Justin M. Wozniak

▣ Computer Scientist

Data Science & Learning
Argonne National Laboratory

▣ Scientist At-Large

Consortium for Advanced Science and Engineering
University of Chicago

Building 240 Room 5139
Argonne, IL 60439 USA
(630) 252-3351

▣ Projects

  • Swift [ news, news ]
  • COVID-19 workflows [news]
  • ECP CANDLE: CANcer Distributed Learning Environment [news, news, news, news]
  • EMEWS: Extreme-scale Model Exploration with Swift/T
  • XLOOP: The Annual Workshop on Extreme-Scale Experiment-in-the-Loop Computing @ SC.
  • Sustainable Research Pathways in HPC (SRP-HPC) [news]

▣ Research

My research is currently focused on workflow languages for high-performance scientific computing. Much of my recent work is related to the composition of high-performance learning+simulation applications. I have also been involved in storage system research and design. I am interested in concurrency, fault tolerance and recovery, simulation of computer systems, and control theoretic applications in computing systems. Infrastructures targeted by my projects include supercomputers such as ALCF Theta and OLCF Summit.

▣ Soccer

For fun, I play soccer for Steel City FC.

✉ w o z @ a n l . g o v