After editing the Makefile and compiling, enter
make run
for the globus or ssh versions.


The workbench status window appears, in the "Designing" state.

The "Designing" window is white, and has three buttons. These correspond to actions in designing and submitting a run. The "Designing" status window is a sort of editor. The buttons are "New Component", to designate and specify a component of the run, "Restart". to erase all components and begin again, and "Submit", to instantiate the run.

Using the Designing state requires one or more invocations of the "New Component" button. (If zero invocations are performed, this sends the model to the "Invalid System" state, as described below.)

Pressing the New Component button causes a component design window to open. This is a multiple panel control, but only the first panel has any actual input widgets at first. The user must specify the component before choosing parameters for that component.

The pull-down is invoked by clicking on the down-arrow. The picture above shows the component design window after the pull-down has been started. The user must select one of the component mdoels.

Once the component is selected, the model selct control is removed, and the chosen model name appears as an inactive label on the mdoel frame. At this point, the other tabs acquire active controls. The user must make an appropriate selection for "platform". There are also tabs for choosing inputs and output but passing these values to component models is not yet implemented. The globus version queries remote systems for free resources to assist in choosing a target platform.

Only the following combinations are currently supported

Once the system is correctly specified, press "submit" to invoke a run

A system block diagram, and visualization windows appear and the run commences. Color controls also appear for each visualization.

The models and platforms available are described in a text file called "input" available with the workbench source.

Running the MM5 case

Select 1 Component
Choose "MM5" as the model
Choose a platform and select "submit"
A normal MM5 run will be started on the remote system
No runtime visualization windows will appear

Running the precipsend->flow2d case

Select 2 Components
Choose "precipsend" for one component and "flow2d" for the other
Choose a platform for each
Hit the "submit" button.
2 runtime vis windows will appear, one for the precip and one for the computed runoff

Running the MM5->coupler->flow2d case

Select 3 Components
Choose "MM5sockets" for the first component, "mm5coupler" for the second and "flow2d" for the third.
Choose a platform for each component
Hit the "submit" button.
2 runtime vis windows will appear, one for the computed precip and one for the computed runoff


If the specified model set is not among those the workbench knows about, the status window goes to the red "Invalid System" state. Only the restart button is then available.

Note that checking of system validity is currently extremely primitive. It is quite possible to create an invalid system that will not be noticed by the software. Invalid results will be obtained.


If the specified model is valid, the green "Running" state appears. The only user control allows stopping the run. In the Globus version, all running components exit gracefully. This is not yet implemented in the ssh version.


In the globus version, when the run is complete the status goes to the rather hideous pink "Done" state. The restart button remains available but is currently inactive.

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