MOAB: Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.5.0)
Test List
Member check_esets (iMesh_Instance mesh, const int num_sets)
TSTT entity sets sub test
Member construct_test (FBiGeom_Instance geom)

TSTTG construct Test

TSTTG construct Test

TSTTG construct Test

Member create_relation_test (iRel_Instance assoc, FBiGeom_Instance geom, iMesh_Instance mesh, iRel_PairHandle *pair)
TSTTLasso create relation Test
Member create_relation_test (iRel_Instance assoc, iGeom_Instance geom, iMesh_Instance mesh, iRel_PairHandle *pair)
TSTTLasso create relation Test
Member entity_connectivity_test (iMesh_Instance mesh)
TSTT EntityType Connectivity Test
Member entity_sets_test (iMesh_Instance mesh)
TSTT entity sets Test
Member entityset_tag_test (iMesh_Instance mesh)
TSTT entityset tag Test
Member gentityset_test (FBiGeom_Instance geom, bool, bool)

TSTT gentity sets test (just implemented parts for now)

TSTT gentity sets test (just implemented parts for now)

TSTT gentity sets test (just implemented parts for now)

Member geometry_evaluation_test (FBiGeom_Instance geom)

FBiGeom_MOAB topology adjacencies Test

FBiGeom_MOAB topology adjacencies Test

FBiGeom_MOAB topology adjacencies Test

Member gLoad_test (const std::string &filename, FBiGeom_Instance)
Load Mesh
Member load_geom_mesh_test (const char *geom_filename, const char *mesh_filename, iGeom_Instance geom, iMesh_Instance mesh)
Load Mesh
Member load_geom_mesh_test (const char *geom_filename, const char *mesh_filename, FBiGeom_Instance geom, iMesh_Instance mesh)
Load Mesh
Member load_mesh_test (const char *filename, iMesh_Instance mesh)
Load Mesh
Member mb_bar_connectivity_test ()
MB Bar Element Connectivity Test
Member mb_vertex_coordinate_test ()

Vertex Coordinates

Vertex Coordinates

Member mb_vertex_tag_test ()
MB Vertex Tag Test
Member mesh_tag_test (iMesh_Instance mesh)
TSTT entityset tag Test
Member query_relations_test (iRel_Instance assoc, iGeom_Instance geom, iMesh_Instance mesh, iRel_PairHandle pair)
TSTTAssoc move to test
Member query_relations_test (iRel_Instance assoc, FBiGeom_Instance geom, iMesh_Instance mesh, iRel_PairHandle pair)
TSTTAssoc move to test
Member relate_geom_mesh_test (iRel_Instance assoc, FBiGeom_Instance geom, iMesh_Instance mesh, iRel_PairHandle pair)
TSTTLasso relate geom and mesh Test
Member relate_geom_mesh_test (iRel_Instance assoc, iGeom_Instance geom, iMesh_Instance mesh, iRel_PairHandle pair)
TSTTLasso relate geom and mesh Test
Member smooth_test (const std::string &filename, FBiGeom_Instance)

Load Mesh

Load Mesh

Member tag_info_test (iMesh_Instance mesh)
TSTT Tag Info test
Member tags_test (FBiGeom_Instance geom)

Test tag creating, reading, writing, deleting

Test tag creating, reading, writing, deleting

Test tag creating, reading, writing, deleting

Member test_build_from_tri ()
Construct OBB Box from triangles
Member topology_adjacencies_test (FBiGeom_Instance geom)

TSTTG topology adjacencies Test

TSTTG topology adjacencies Test

TSTTG topology adjacencies Test

Member topology_adjacency_test (iMesh_Instance mesh)
TSTT topology adjacency Test
Member topology_dimension_test (iMesh_Instance mesh)
TSTT topology dimension Test
Member vertex_coordinates_test (iMesh_Instance mesh)
Vertex Coordinates