Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.5.1)
An array-based unstructured mesh library
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /// \file mbex4.cpp
2 ///
3 /// \author Milad Fatenejad
4 ///
5 /// \brief beginner tutorial, example 4: Create a 2D structured mesh
6 /// and set some tag data on it
7 ///
8 /// In this example, we create a 2D structured mesh (actually a 3D
9 /// mesh made of quads) and then we will actually set data on the
10 /// mesh. Tags represent data that is attached to entities. In this
11 /// example, we will create two tags:
12 ///
13 /// -# A "temperature" tag that is a single double precision number
14 /// attached to each quad.
15 /// -# A "velocity" tag that is an array of 2 double precision numbers
16 /// attached to each vertex.
17 ///
18 /// We will write the mesh out to a file, and you can visualize the
19 /// data using your favorite tool.
20 ///
21 /// In this example, I am demonstrating these operations in the
22 /// clearest possible way - not using the most efficient method. MOAB
23 /// has been designed so that users do not need to sacrifice
24 /// performance - future examples will demonstrate how to
25 /// access/manipulate the mesh using the fastest methods possible.
27 // The moab/Core.hpp header file is needed for all MOAB work...
28 #include "moab/Core.hpp"
30 // The moab/ScdInterface.hpp contains code which defines the moab
31 // structured mesh interface
32 #include "moab/ScdInterface.hpp"
34 #include <iostream>
35 #include <cmath>
37 // ****************
38 // * *
39 // * main *
40 // * *
41 // ****************
42 int main()
43 {
44  moab::ErrorCode rval;
45  moab::Core mbint;
47  // ***********************
48  // * Create the Mesh *
49  // ***********************
51  // First, lets make the mesh. It will be a 100 by 100 uniform grid
52  // (there will be 100x100 quads, 101x101 vertexes) with dx = dy =
53  // 0.1. Unlike the previous example, we will first make the mesh,
54  // then set the coordinates one at a time.
56  const unsigned NI = 100;
57  const unsigned NJ = 100;
59  // moab::ScdInterface is the structured mesh interface class for
60  // MOAB.
61  moab::ScdInterface* scdint;
63  // Tell MOAB that our mesh is structured:
64  rval = mbint.query_interface( scdint );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "mbint.query_interface failed" );
66  // Create the mesh:
67  moab::ScdBox* scdbox = NULL;
68  rval = scdint->construct_box( moab::HomCoord( 0, 0, 0 ), moab::HomCoord( NI, NJ, 0 ), NULL, 0, scdbox );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "scdint->construct_box failed" );
70  // MOAB knows to make quads instead of hexes because the last start
71  // and end indexes are the same (0). Note that it is still a "3D"
72  // mesh because each vertex coordinate is still defined using three
73  // numbers although every element in the mesh is a quadrilateral.
75  // ******************************
76  // * Set Vertex Coordinates *
77  // ******************************
79  // The "NULL" and "0" arguments in the call to construct_box are
80  // where we could specify the vertex coordinates. Since we didn't
81  // give any coordinates, every vertex is given a position of 0,0,0
82  // by default. Now we will set the vertex coordinates...
84  const double DX = 0.1;
85  const double DY = 0.1;
87  for( unsigned i = 0; i < NI + 1; i++ )
88  for( unsigned j = 0; j < NJ + 1; j++ )
89  {
90  // First, get the entity handle:
91  moab::EntityHandle handle = scdbox->get_vertex( i, j );
93  // Compute the coordinate:
94  double coord[3] = { DX * i, DY * j, 0.0 };
96  // Change the coordinate of the vertex:
97  mbint.set_coords( &handle, 1, coord );
98  }
100  // *******************
101  // * Attach Tags *
102  // *******************
104  // The vertex coordinates have been defined, now let's attach some
105  // data to the mesh. In MOAB this is done using "tags". Tags are
106  // little bits of information that can be attached to any mesh
107  // entity. In our example, we want to create two tags. The
108  // "temperature" tag will be attached to each quad and will be 1
109  // double. The "velocity" tag will be attached to each vertex and
110  // will be an array of two doubles.
112  // zero and twozeros represent the initial tag
114  // Create the tags:
115  moab::Tag temp_tag;
116  double temp_default_value = 0.0;
117  rval = mbint.tag_get_handle( "temperature", 1, moab::MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, temp_tag,
118  moab::MB_TAG_DENSE | moab::MB_TAG_CREAT, &temp_default_value );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "mbint.tag_get_handle(temperature) failed" );
120  moab::Tag vel_tag;
121  double vel_default_value[2] = { 0.0, 0.0 };
122  rval = mbint.tag_get_handle( "velocity", 2, moab::MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, vel_tag, moab::MB_TAG_DENSE | moab::MB_TAG_CREAT,
123  vel_default_value );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "mbint.tag_get_handle(velocity) failed" );
125  // Note that when we created each tag, we specified two flags:
126  //
127  // The moab::MB_TAG_DENSE flag tells MOAB that this is a dense
128  // tag. Dense tags will get automatically assigned to entities which
129  // have continuous handles. For this example, this means that once
130  // we set a tag on one vertex, memory will be allocated for
131  // assigning the tag to all vertexes. The same is true of
132  // quads. Dense tags are much more efficient when assigning tags to
133  // lots of entities. If you only want to assign a tag to a few
134  // entities, it is more efficient to use sparse tags
135  // (moab::MB_TAG_SPARSE).
136  //
137  // The moab::MB_TAG_CREAT flag tells MOAB to create the tag if it
138  // doesn't already exist.
140  // The tags have now been created, now we have to attach them to
141  // entities and set their values. NOTE: I am going to do this in a
142  // manner which emphasizes clarity - this is not the most efficient
143  // approach - that will be saved for later tutorial examples.
145  // Loop through each quad and set the temperature:
146  for( unsigned i = 0; i < NI; i++ )
147  for( unsigned j = 0; j < NJ; j++ )
148  {
149  // Get the handle for this quad:
150  moab::EntityHandle handle = scdbox->get_element( i, j );
152  // Compute the temperature...
153  double xc = DX * ( i + 0.5 );
154  double yc = DY * ( j + 0.5 );
155  double r = std::sqrt( xc * xc + yc * yc );
156  double temperature = std::exp( -0.5 * r );
158  // Set the temperature on a single quad:
159  rval = mbint.tag_set_data( temp_tag, &handle, 1, &temperature );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "mbint.tag_set_data(temp_tag) failed" );
160  }
162  // Loop through each vertex and set the velocity:
163  for( unsigned i = 0; i < NI + 1; i++ )
164  for( unsigned j = 0; j < NJ + 1; j++ )
165  {
166  // Get the handle for this vertex:
167  moab::EntityHandle handle = scdbox->get_vertex( i, j );
168  double velocity[2] = { i, j };
170  // Set the velocity on a vertex:
171  rval = mbint.tag_set_data( vel_tag, &handle, 1, velocity );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "mbint.tag_set_data(vel_tag) failed" );
172  }
174  // ***************************
175  // * Write Mesh to Files *
176  // ***************************
178  // NOTE: Some visualization software (such as VisIt) may not
179  // interpret the velocity tag as a vector and you may not be able to
180  // plot it. But you should be able to plot the temperature on top of
181  // the mesh.
183  rval = mbint.write_file( "mbex4.vtk" );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "write_file(mbex4.vtk) failed" );
185  return 0;
186 }