This is the complete list of members for moab::ParallelComm, including all inherited members.
ackbuff | moab::ParallelComm | private |
add_pcomm(ParallelComm *pc) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
add_verts(Range &sent_ents) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
assign_entities_part(std::vector< EntityHandle > &entities, const int proc) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
assign_global_ids(EntityHandle this_set, const int dimension, const int start_id=1, const bool largest_dim_only=true, const bool parallel=true, const bool owned_only=false) | moab::ParallelComm | |
assign_global_ids(Range entities[], const int dimension, const int start_id, const bool parallel, const bool owned_only) | moab::ParallelComm | |
augment_default_sets_with_ghosts(EntityHandle file_set) | moab::ParallelComm | |
broadcast_entities(const int from_proc, Range &entities, const bool adjacencies=false, const bool tags=true) | moab::ParallelComm | |
buff_procs() const | moab::ParallelComm | inline |
buffProcs | moab::ParallelComm | private |
build_sharedhps_list(const EntityHandle entity, const unsigned char pstatus, const int sharedp, const std::set< unsigned int > &procs, unsigned int &num_ents, int *tmp_procs, EntityHandle *tmp_handles) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
check_all_shared_handles(bool print_em=false) | moab::ParallelComm | |
check_all_shared_handles(ParallelComm **pcs, int num_pcs) | moab::ParallelComm | static |
check_clean_iface(Range &allsent) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
check_global_ids(EntityHandle this_set, const int dimension, const int start_id=1, const bool largest_dim_only=true, const bool parallel=true, const bool owned_only=false) | moab::ParallelComm | |
check_local_shared() | moab::ParallelComm | |
check_my_shared_handles(std::vector< std::vector< SharedEntityData > > &shents, const char *prefix=NULL) | moab::ParallelComm | |
check_sent_ents(Range &allsent) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
clean_shared_tags(std::vector< Range * > &exchange_ents) | moab::ParallelComm | |
collective_sync_partition() | moab::ParallelComm | |
comm() const | moab::ParallelComm | inline |
correct_thin_ghost_layers() | moab::ParallelComm | |
create_iface_pc_links() | moab::ParallelComm | private |
create_interface_sets(std::map< std::vector< int >, std::vector< EntityHandle > > &proc_nvecs) | moab::ParallelComm | |
create_interface_sets(EntityHandle this_set, int resolve_dim, int shared_dim) | moab::ParallelComm | |
create_part(EntityHandle &part_out) | moab::ParallelComm | |
define_mpe() | moab::ParallelComm | private |
delete_all_buffers() | moab::ParallelComm | inlineprivate |
delete_entities(Range &to_delete) | moab::ParallelComm | |
destroy_part(EntityHandle part) | moab::ParallelComm | |
errorHandler | moab::ParallelComm | private |
estimate_ents_buffer_size(Range &entities, const bool store_remote_handles) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
estimate_sets_buffer_size(Range &entities, const bool store_remote_handles) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
exchange_all_shared_handles(std::vector< std::vector< SharedEntityData > > &send_data, std::vector< std::vector< SharedEntityData > > &result) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
exchange_ghost_cells(int ghost_dim, int bridge_dim, int num_layers, int addl_ents, bool store_remote_handles, bool wait_all=true, EntityHandle *file_set=NULL) | moab::ParallelComm | |
exchange_ghost_cells(ParallelComm **pc, unsigned int num_procs, int ghost_dim, int bridge_dim, int num_layers, int addl_ents, bool store_remote_handles, EntityHandle *file_sets=NULL) | moab::ParallelComm | static |
exchange_owned_mesh(std::vector< unsigned int > &exchange_procs, std::vector< Range * > &exchange_ents, std::vector< MPI_Request > &recv_ent_reqs, std::vector< MPI_Request > &recv_remoteh_reqs, const bool recv_posted, bool store_remote_handles, bool wait_all, bool migrate=false) | moab::ParallelComm | |
exchange_owned_meshs(std::vector< unsigned int > &exchange_procs, std::vector< Range * > &exchange_ents, std::vector< MPI_Request > &recv_ent_reqs, std::vector< MPI_Request > &recv_remoteh_reqs, bool store_remote_handles, bool wait_all=true, bool migrate=false, int dim=0) | moab::ParallelComm | |
exchange_tags(const std::vector< Tag > &src_tags, const std::vector< Tag > &dst_tags, const Range &entities) | moab::ParallelComm | |
exchange_tags(const char *tag_name, const Range &entities) | moab::ParallelComm | inline |
exchange_tags(Tag tagh, const Range &entities) | moab::ParallelComm | inline |
filter_pstatus(Range &ents, const unsigned char pstatus_val, const unsigned char op, int to_proc=-1, Range *returned_ents=NULL) | moab::ParallelComm | |
find_existing_entity(const bool is_iface, const int owner_p, const EntityHandle owner_h, const int num_ents, const EntityHandle *connect, const int num_connect, const EntityType this_type, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L2hloc, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L2hrem, std::vector< unsigned int > &L2p, EntityHandle &new_h) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
gather_data(Range &gather_ents, Tag &tag_handle, Tag id_tag=0, EntityHandle gather_set=0, int root_proc_rank=0) | moab::ParallelComm | |
get_all_pcomm(Interface *impl, std::vector< ParallelComm * > &list) | moab::ParallelComm | static |
get_buffers(int to_proc, bool *is_new=NULL) | moab::ParallelComm | |
get_comm_procs(std::set< unsigned int > &procs) | moab::ParallelComm | inline |
get_debug_verbosity() | moab::ParallelComm | |
get_entityset_local_handle(unsigned owning_rank, EntityHandle remote_handle, EntityHandle &local_handle) const | moab::ParallelComm | |
get_entityset_owner(EntityHandle entity_set, unsigned &owner_rank, EntityHandle *remote_handle=0) const | moab::ParallelComm | |
get_entityset_owners(std::vector< unsigned > &ranks) const | moab::ParallelComm | |
get_entityset_procs(EntityHandle entity_set, std::vector< unsigned > &ranks) const | moab::ParallelComm | |
get_ghosted_entities(int bridge_dim, int ghost_dim, int to_proc, int num_layers, int addl_ents, Range &ghosted_ents) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
get_global_part_count(int &count_out) const | moab::ParallelComm | |
get_id() const | moab::ParallelComm | inline |
get_iface_entities(int other_proc, int dim, Range &iface_ents) | moab::ParallelComm | |
get_interface_procs(std::set< unsigned int > &iface_procs, const bool get_buffs=false) | moab::ParallelComm | |
get_interface_sets(EntityHandle part, Range &iface_sets_out, int *adj_part_id=0) | moab::ParallelComm | |
get_local_handles(EntityHandle *from_vec, int num_ents, const Range &new_ents) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
get_local_handles(const Range &remote_handles, Range &local_handles, const std::vector< EntityHandle > &new_ents) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
get_local_handles(EntityHandle *from_vec, int num_ents, const std::vector< EntityHandle > &new_ents) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
get_moab() const | moab::ParallelComm | inline |
get_owned_sets(unsigned owning_rank, Range &sets_out) const | moab::ParallelComm | |
get_owner(EntityHandle entity, int &owner) | moab::ParallelComm | inline |
get_owner_handle(EntityHandle entity, int &owner, EntityHandle &handle) | moab::ParallelComm | |
get_owning_part(EntityHandle entity, int &owning_part_id_out, EntityHandle *owning_handle=0) | moab::ParallelComm | |
get_part_entities(Range &ents, int dim=-1) | moab::ParallelComm | |
get_part_handle(int id, EntityHandle &handle_out) const | moab::ParallelComm | |
get_part_id(EntityHandle part, int &id_out) const | moab::ParallelComm | |
get_part_neighbor_ids(EntityHandle part, int neighbors_out[MAX_SHARING_PROCS], int &num_neighbors_out) | moab::ParallelComm | |
get_part_owner(int part_id, int &owner_out) const | moab::ParallelComm | |
get_partitioning() const | moab::ParallelComm | inline |
get_pcomm(Interface *impl, const int index) | moab::ParallelComm | static |
get_pcomm(Interface *impl, EntityHandle partitioning, const MPI_Comm *comm=0) | moab::ParallelComm | static |
get_proc_nvecs(int resolve_dim, int shared_dim, Range *skin_ents, std::map< std::vector< int >, std::vector< EntityHandle > > &proc_nvecs) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
get_pstatus(EntityHandle entity, unsigned char &pstatus_val) | moab::ParallelComm | |
get_pstatus_entities(int dim, unsigned char pstatus_val, Range &pstatus_ents) | moab::ParallelComm | |
get_remote_handles(EntityHandle *local_vec, EntityHandle *rem_vec, int num_ents, int to_proc) | moab::ParallelComm | |
get_remote_handles(const bool store_remote_handles, EntityHandle *from_vec, EntityHandle *to_vec_tmp, int num_ents, int to_proc, const std::vector< EntityHandle > &new_ents) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
get_remote_handles(const bool store_remote_handles, const Range &from_range, Range &to_range, int to_proc, const std::vector< EntityHandle > &new_ents) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
get_remote_handles(const bool store_remote_handles, const Range &from_range, EntityHandle *to_vec, int to_proc, const std::vector< EntityHandle > &new_ents) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
get_sent_ents(const bool is_iface, const int bridge_dim, const int ghost_dim, const int num_layers, const int addl_ents, Range *sent_ents, Range &allsent, TupleList &entprocs) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
get_shared_entities(int other_proc, Range &shared_ents, int dim=-1, const bool iface=false, const bool owned_filter=false) | moab::ParallelComm | |
get_shared_proc_tags(Tag &sharedp_tag, Tag &sharedps_tag, Tag &sharedh_tag, Tag &sharedhs_tag, Tag &pstatus_tag) | moab::ParallelComm | inline |
get_shared_sets(Range &result) const | moab::ParallelComm | |
get_sharing_data(const EntityHandle entity, int *ps, EntityHandle *hs, unsigned char &pstat, unsigned int &num_ps) | moab::ParallelComm | |
get_sharing_data(const EntityHandle entity, int *ps, EntityHandle *hs, unsigned char &pstat, int &num_ps) | moab::ParallelComm | inline |
get_sharing_data(const EntityHandle *entities, int num_entities, std::set< int > &procs, int op=Interface::INTERSECT) | moab::ParallelComm | inline |
get_sharing_data(const Range &entities, std::set< int > &procs, int op=Interface::INTERSECT) | moab::ParallelComm | |
get_sharing_parts(EntityHandle entity, int part_ids_out[MAX_SHARING_PROCS], int &num_part_ids_out, EntityHandle remote_handles[MAX_SHARING_PROCS]=0) | moab::ParallelComm | |
get_tag_send_list(const Range &all_entities, std::vector< Tag > &all_tags, std::vector< Range > &tag_ranges) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
globalPartCount | moab::ParallelComm | private |
ifaceSetsTag | moab::ParallelComm | private |
INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE | moab::ParallelComm | static |
initialize() | moab::ParallelComm | private |
interface_sets() | moab::ParallelComm | inline |
interface_sets() const | moab::ParallelComm | inline |
interfaceSets | moab::ParallelComm | private |
is_iface_proc(EntityHandle this_set, int to_proc) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
list_entities(const EntityHandle *ents, int num_ents) | moab::ParallelComm | |
list_entities(const Range &ents) | moab::ParallelComm | |
localOwnedBuffs | moab::ParallelComm | private |
mbImpl | moab::ParallelComm | private |
myDebug | moab::ParallelComm | private |
myFile | moab::ParallelComm | private |
pack_adjacencies(Range &entities, Range::const_iterator &start_rit, Range &whole_range, unsigned char *&buff_ptr, int &count, const bool just_count, const bool store_handles, const int to_proc) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
pack_buffer(Range &orig_ents, const bool adjacencies, const bool tags, const bool store_remote_handles, const int to_proc, Buffer *buff, TupleList *entprocs=NULL, Range *allsent=NULL) | moab::ParallelComm | |
pack_entities(Range &entities, Buffer *buff, const bool store_remote_handles, const int to_proc, const bool is_iface, TupleList *entprocs=NULL, Range *allsent=NULL) | moab::ParallelComm | |
pack_entity_seq(const int nodes_per_entity, const bool store_remote_handles, const int to_proc, Range &these_ents, std::vector< EntityHandle > &entities, Buffer *buff) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
pack_range_map(Range &this_range, EntityHandle actual_start, HandleMap &handle_map) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
pack_remote_handles(std::vector< EntityHandle > &L1hloc, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L1hrem, std::vector< int > &procs, unsigned int to_proc, Buffer *buff) | moab::ParallelComm | |
pack_sets(Range &entities, Buffer *buff, const bool store_handles, const int to_proc) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
pack_shared_handles(std::vector< std::vector< SharedEntityData > > &send_data) | moab::ParallelComm | |
pack_tag(Tag source_tag, Tag destination_tag, const Range &entities, const std::vector< EntityHandle > &whole_range, Buffer *buff, const bool store_remote_handles, const int to_proc) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
pack_tags(Range &entities, const std::vector< Tag > &src_tags, const std::vector< Tag > &dst_tags, const std::vector< Range > &tag_ranges, Buffer *buff, const bool store_handles, const int to_proc) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
packed_tag_size(Tag source_tag, const Range &entities, int &count_out) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
ParallelComm(Interface *impl, MPI_Comm comm, int *pcomm_id_out=0) | moab::ParallelComm | |
ParallelComm(Interface *impl, std::vector< unsigned char > &tmp_buff, MPI_Comm comm, int *pcomm_id_out=0) | moab::ParallelComm | |
ParallelMergeMesh class | moab::ParallelComm | friend |
part_tag() | moab::ParallelComm | inline |
partition_sets() | moab::ParallelComm | inline |
partition_sets() const | moab::ParallelComm | inline |
partition_tag() | moab::ParallelComm | |
partitioningSet | moab::ParallelComm | private |
partitionSets | moab::ParallelComm | private |
partitionTag | moab::ParallelComm | private |
pcomm_tag(Interface *impl, bool create_if_missing=true) | moab::ParallelComm | static |
pcommID | moab::ParallelComm | private |
post_irecv(std::vector< unsigned int > &exchange_procs) | moab::ParallelComm | |
post_irecv(std::vector< unsigned int > &shared_procs, std::set< unsigned int > &recv_procs) | moab::ParallelComm | |
print_buffer(unsigned char *buff_ptr, int mesg_type, int from_proc, bool sent) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
print_debug_irecv(int to, int from, unsigned char *buff, int size, int tag, int incoming) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
print_debug_isend(int from, int to, unsigned char *buff, int tag, int size) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
print_debug_recd(MPI_Status status) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
print_debug_waitany(std::vector< MPI_Request > &reqs, int tag, int proc) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
print_pstatus(unsigned char pstat, std::string &ostr) | moab::ParallelComm | |
print_pstatus(unsigned char pstat) | moab::ParallelComm | |
proc_config() const | moab::ParallelComm | inline |
proc_config() | moab::ParallelComm | inline |
PROC_OWNER | moab::ParallelComm | static |
PROC_SHARED | moab::ParallelComm | static |
procConfig | moab::ParallelComm | private |
pstatus_tag() | moab::ParallelComm | |
pstatusTag | moab::ParallelComm | private |
rank() const | moab::ParallelComm | inline |
recv_buffer(int mesg_tag_expected, const MPI_Status &mpi_status, Buffer *recv_buff, MPI_Request &recv_2nd_req, MPI_Request &ack_req, int &this_incoming, Buffer *send_buff, MPI_Request &send_req, MPI_Request &sent_ack_req, bool &done, Buffer *next_buff=NULL, int next_tag=-1, MPI_Request *next_req=NULL, int *next_incoming=NULL) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
recv_entities(const int from_proc, const bool store_remote_handles, const bool is_iface, Range &final_ents, int &incomming1, int &incoming2, std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > &L1hloc, std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > &L1hrem, std::vector< std::vector< int > > &L1p, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L2hloc, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L2hrem, std::vector< unsigned int > &L2p, std::vector< MPI_Request > &recv_remoteh_reqs, bool wait_all=true) | moab::ParallelComm | |
recv_entities(std::set< unsigned int > &recv_procs, int incoming1, int incoming2, const bool store_remote_handles, const bool migrate=false) | moab::ParallelComm | |
recv_messages(const int from_proc, const bool store_remote_handles, const bool is_iface, Range &final_ents, int &incoming1, int &incoming2, std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > &L1hloc, std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > &L1hrem, std::vector< std::vector< int > > &L1p, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L2hloc, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L2hrem, std::vector< unsigned int > &L2p, std::vector< MPI_Request > &recv_remoteh_reqs) | moab::ParallelComm | |
recv_remote_handle_messages(const int from_proc, int &incoming2, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L2hloc, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L2hrem, std::vector< unsigned int > &L2p, std::vector< MPI_Request > &recv_remoteh_reqs) | moab::ParallelComm | |
recvRemotehReqs | moab::ParallelComm | private |
recvReqs | moab::ParallelComm | private |
reduce(const MPI_Op mpi_op, int num_ents, void *old_vals, void *new_vals) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
reduce_tags(const std::vector< Tag > &src_tags, const std::vector< Tag > &dst_tags, const MPI_Op mpi_op, const Range &entities) | moab::ParallelComm | |
reduce_tags(const char *tag_name, const MPI_Op mpi_op, const Range &entities) | moab::ParallelComm | inline |
reduce_tags(Tag tag_handle, const MPI_Op mpi_op, const Range &entities) | moab::ParallelComm | inline |
reduce_void(int tag_data_type, const MPI_Op mpi_op, int num_ents, void *old_vals, void *new_vals) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
remoteOwnedBuffs | moab::ParallelComm | private |
remove_entities_part(Range &entities, const int proc) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
remove_pcomm(ParallelComm *pc) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
reset_all_buffers() | moab::ParallelComm | inline |
resolve_shared_ents(EntityHandle this_set, Range &proc_ents, int resolve_dim=-1, int shared_dim=-1, Range *skin_ents=NULL, const Tag *id_tag=0) | moab::ParallelComm | |
resolve_shared_ents(EntityHandle this_set, int resolve_dim=3, int shared_dim=-1, const Tag *id_tag=0) | moab::ParallelComm | |
resolve_shared_ents(ParallelComm **pc, const unsigned int np, EntityHandle this_set, const int to_dim) | moab::ParallelComm | static |
resolve_shared_sets(EntityHandle this_set, const Tag *id_tag=0) | moab::ParallelComm | |
resolve_shared_sets(Range &candidate_sets, Tag id_tag) | moab::ParallelComm | |
scatter_entities(const int from_proc, std::vector< Range > &entities, const bool adjacencies=false, const bool tags=true) | moab::ParallelComm | |
send_buffer(const unsigned int to_proc, Buffer *send_buff, const int msg_tag, MPI_Request &send_req, MPI_Request &ack_recv_req, int *ack_buff, int &this_incoming, int next_mesg_tag=-1, Buffer *next_recv_buff=NULL, MPI_Request *next_recv_req=NULL, int *next_incoming=NULL) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
send_entities(const int to_proc, Range &orig_ents, const bool adjs, const bool tags, const bool store_remote_handles, const bool is_iface, Range &final_ents, int &incoming1, int &incoming2, TupleList &entprocs, std::vector< MPI_Request > &recv_remoteh_reqs, bool wait_all=true) | moab::ParallelComm | |
send_entities(std::vector< unsigned int > &send_procs, std::vector< Range * > &send_ents, int &incoming1, int &incoming2, const bool store_remote_handles) | moab::ParallelComm | |
send_recv_entities(std::vector< int > &send_procs, std::vector< std::vector< int > > &msgsizes, std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > &senddata, std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > &recvdata) | moab::ParallelComm | |
sendReqs | moab::ParallelComm | private |
sequenceManager | moab::ParallelComm | private |
set_debug_verbosity(int verb) | moab::ParallelComm | |
set_partitioning(EntityHandle h) | moab::ParallelComm | |
set_pstatus_entities(Range &pstatus_ents, unsigned char pstatus_val, bool lower_dim_ents=false, bool verts_too=true, int operation=Interface::UNION) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
set_pstatus_entities(EntityHandle *pstatus_ents, int num_ents, unsigned char pstatus_val, bool lower_dim_ents=false, bool verts_too=true, int operation=Interface::UNION) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
set_rank(unsigned int r) | moab::ParallelComm | inline |
set_recv_request(int n_request) | moab::ParallelComm | inline |
set_send_request(int n_request) | moab::ParallelComm | inline |
set_sharing_data(EntityHandle ent, unsigned char pstatus, int old_nump, int new_nump, int *ps, EntityHandle *hs) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
set_size(unsigned int r) | moab::ParallelComm | inline |
settle_intersection_points(Range &edges, Range &shared_edges_owned, std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > * > &extraNodesVec, double tolerance) | moab::ParallelComm | |
sharedEnts | moab::ParallelComm | private |
sharedh_tag() | moab::ParallelComm | |
sharedhs_tag() | moab::ParallelComm | |
sharedhsTag | moab::ParallelComm | private |
sharedhTag | moab::ParallelComm | private |
sharedp_tag() | moab::ParallelComm | |
sharedps_tag() | moab::ParallelComm | |
sharedpsTag | moab::ParallelComm | private |
sharedpTag | moab::ParallelComm | private |
sharedSetData | moab::ParallelComm | private |
size() const | moab::ParallelComm | inline |
tag_iface_entities() | moab::ParallelComm | private |
tag_shared_verts(TupleList &shared_ents, std::map< std::vector< int >, std::vector< EntityHandle > > &proc_nvecs, Range &proc_verts, unsigned int i_extra=1) | moab::ParallelComm | |
tag_shared_verts(TupleList &shared_verts, Range *skin_ents, std::map< std::vector< int >, std::vector< EntityHandle > > &proc_nvecs, Range &proc_verts) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
unpack_adjacencies(unsigned char *&buff_ptr, Range &entities, const bool store_handles, const int from_proc) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
unpack_buffer(unsigned char *buff_ptr, const bool store_remote_handles, const int from_proc, const int ind, std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > &L1hloc, std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > &L1hrem, std::vector< std::vector< int > > &L1p, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L2hloc, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L2hrem, std::vector< unsigned int > &L2p, std::vector< EntityHandle > &new_ents, const bool created_iface=false) | moab::ParallelComm | |
unpack_entities(unsigned char *&buff_ptr, const bool store_remote_handles, const int from_ind, const bool is_iface, std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > &L1hloc, std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > &L1hrem, std::vector< std::vector< int > > &L1p, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L2hloc, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L2hrem, std::vector< unsigned int > &L2p, std::vector< EntityHandle > &new_ents, const bool created_iface=false) | moab::ParallelComm | |
unpack_iface_entities(unsigned char *&buff_ptr, const int from_proc, const int ind, std::vector< EntityHandle > &recd_ents) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
unpack_remote_handles(unsigned int from_proc, unsigned char *&buff_ptr, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L2hloc, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L2hrem, std::vector< unsigned int > &L2p) | moab::ParallelComm | |
unpack_remote_handles(unsigned int from_proc, const unsigned char *buff_ptr, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L2hloc, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L2hrem, std::vector< unsigned int > &L2p) | moab::ParallelComm | inlineprivate |
unpack_sets(unsigned char *&buff_ptr, std::vector< EntityHandle > &entities, const bool store_handles, const int to_proc) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
unpack_tags(unsigned char *&buff_ptr, std::vector< EntityHandle > &entities, const bool store_handles, const int to_proc, const MPI_Op *const mpi_op=NULL) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
update_iface_sets(Range &sent_ents, std::vector< EntityHandle > &remote_handles, int from_proc) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
update_remote_data(EntityHandle entity, std::vector< int > &procs, std::vector< EntityHandle > &handles) | moab::ParallelComm | |
update_remote_data(Range &local_range, Range &remote_range, int other_proc, const unsigned char add_pstat) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
update_remote_data(const EntityHandle new_h, const int *ps, const EntityHandle *hs, const int num_ps, const unsigned char add_pstat) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
update_remote_data_old(const EntityHandle new_h, const int *ps, const EntityHandle *hs, const int num_ps, const unsigned char add_pstat) | moab::ParallelComm | private |
~ParallelComm() | moab::ParallelComm |