This is the complete list of members for moab::IntxUtils, including all inherited members.
area2D(double *a, double *b, double *c) | moab::IntxUtils | inlinestatic |
borderPointsOfCSinRLL(CartVect *redc, double *red2dc, int nsRed, CartVect *bluec, int nsBlue, int *blueEdgeType, double *P, int *side, double epsil) | moab::IntxUtils | static |
borderPointsOfXinY2(double *X, int nX, double *Y, int nY, double *P, int *side, double epsilon_area) | moab::IntxUtils | static |
cart_to_spherical(CartVect &) | moab::IntxUtils | static |
decide_gnomonic_plane(const CartVect &pos, int &oPlane) | moab::IntxUtils | static |
deep_copy_set_with_quads(Interface *mb, EntityHandle source_set, EntityHandle dest_set) | moab::IntxUtils | static |
dist2(double *a, double *b) | moab::IntxUtils | inlinestatic |
distance_on_great_circle(CartVect &p1, CartVect &p2) | moab::IntxUtils | static |
distance_on_sphere(double la1, double te1, double la2, double te2) | moab::IntxUtils | static |
EdgeIntersections2(double *blue, int nsBlue, double *red, int nsRed, int *markb, int *markr, double *points, int &nPoints) | moab::IntxUtils | static |
EdgeIntxRllCs(double *blue, CartVect *bluec, int *blueEdgeType, int nsBlue, double *red, CartVect *redc, int nsRed, int *markb, int *markr, int plane, double Radius, double *points, int &nPoints) | moab::IntxUtils | static |
enforce_convexity(Interface *mb, EntityHandle set, int rank=0) | moab::IntxUtils | static |
fix_degenerate_quads(Interface *mb, EntityHandle set) | moab::IntxUtils | static |
global_gnomonic_projection(Interface *mb, EntityHandle inSet, double R, bool centers_only, EntityHandle &outSet) | moab::IntxUtils | static |
gnomonic_projection(const CartVect &pos, double R, int plane, double &c1, double &c2) | moab::IntxUtils | static |
gnomonic_unroll(double &c1, double &c2, double R, int plane) | moab::IntxUtils | static |
intersect_great_circle_arc_with_clat_arc(double *A, double *B, double *C, double *D, double R, double *E, int &np) | moab::IntxUtils | static |
intersect_great_circle_arcs(double *A, double *B, double *C, double *D, double R, double *E) | moab::IntxUtils | static |
max_diagonal(Interface *mb, Range cells, int max_edges, double &diagonal) | moab::IntxUtils | static |
oriented_spherical_angle(const double *A, const double *B, const double *C) | moab::IntxUtils | static |
remove_duplicate_vertices(Interface *mb, EntityHandle file_set, double merge_tol, std::vector< Tag > &tagList) | moab::IntxUtils | static |
remove_padded_vertices(Interface *mb, EntityHandle file_set, std::vector< Tag > &tagList) | moab::IntxUtils | static |
reverse_gnomonic_projection(const double &c1, const double &c2, double R, int plane, CartVect &pos) | moab::IntxUtils | static |
ScaleToRadius(Interface *mb, EntityHandle set, double R) | moab::IntxUtils | static |
SortAndRemoveDoubles2(double *P, int &nP, double epsilon) | moab::IntxUtils | static |
spherical_to_cart(SphereCoords &) | moab::IntxUtils | static |
transform_coordinates(double *avg_position, int projection_type) | moab::IntxUtils | static |