Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.5.1)
An array-based unstructured mesh library
moab::BitPage Member List

This is the complete list of members for moab::BitPage, including all inherited members.

BitPage(int bits_per_ent, unsigned char init_val)moab::BitPage
get_bits(int offset, int count, int bits_per_ent, unsigned char *data) constmoab::BitPageinline
get_bits(int offset, int bits_per_ent) constmoab::BitPageinline
search(unsigned char value, int offset, int count, int bits_per_ent, Range &results, EntityHandle start) constmoab::BitPage
set_bits(int offset, int count, int bits_per_ent, const unsigned char *data)moab::BitPageinline
set_bits(int offset, int count, int bits_per_ent, unsigned char value)moab::BitPageinline
set_bits(int offset, int bits_per_ent, unsigned char data)moab::BitPageinline