Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.5.1)
An array-based unstructured mesh library
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* Filename : UnkonwnInterface.h
2  * Creator : Clinton Stimpson
3  *
4  * Date : 10 Jan 2002
5  *
6  * Owner : Clinton Stimpson
7  *
8  * Description: Contains declarations for MBuuid which keeps
9  * track of different interfaces.
10  * Also contains the declaration for the base class
11  * UknownInterface from which all interfaces are
12  * derived from
13  */
18 #include <memory.h>
20 namespace moab
21 {
23 //! struct that handles universally unique id's for the Mesh Database
25 // note: this MBuuid is compliant with the windows GUID.
26 // It is possible to do a memcpy() to copy the data from a MBuuid to a GUID
27 // if we want to support dll registration
28 struct MBuuid
29 {
30  //! default constructor that initializes to zero
32  {
33  memset( this, 0, sizeof( MBuuid ) );
34  }
35  //! constructor that takes initialization arguments
36  MBuuid( unsigned l,
37  unsigned short w1,
38  unsigned short w2,
39  unsigned char b1,
40  unsigned char b2,
41  unsigned char b3,
42  unsigned char b4,
43  unsigned char b5,
44  unsigned char b6,
45  unsigned char b7,
46  unsigned char b8 )
47  {
48  data1 = l;
49  data2 = w1;
50  data3 = w2;
51  data4[0] = b1;
52  data4[1] = b2;
53  data4[2] = b3;
54  data4[3] = b4;
55  data4[4] = b5;
56  data4[5] = b6;
57  data4[6] = b7;
58  data4[7] = b8;
59  }
60  //! copy constructor
61  MBuuid( const MBuuid& mdbuuid )
62  {
63  memcpy( this, &mdbuuid, sizeof( MBuuid ) );
64  }
65  //! sets this uuid equal to another one
66  MBuuid& operator=( const MBuuid& orig )
67  {
68  memcpy( this, &orig, sizeof( MBuuid ) );
69  return *this;
70  }
71  //! returns whether two uuid's are equal
72  bool operator==( const MBuuid& orig ) const
73  {
74  return !memcmp( this, &orig, sizeof( MBuuid ) );
75  }
76  //! returns whether two uuid's are not equal
77  bool operator!=( const MBuuid& orig ) const
78  {
79  return !( *this == orig );
80  }
82  //! uuid data storage
83  unsigned data1;
84  unsigned short data2;
85  unsigned short data3;
86  unsigned char data4[8];
87 };
89 //! uuid for an unknown interface
90 //! this can be used to either return a default interface
91 //! or a NULL interface
92 static const MBuuid IDD_MBUnknown =
93  MBuuid( 0xf4f6605e, 0x2a7e, 0x4760, 0xbb, 0x06, 0xb9, 0xed, 0x27, 0xe9, 0x4a, 0xec );
95 //! base class for all interface classes
97 {
98  public:
99  virtual int QueryInterface( const MBuuid&, UnknownInterface** ) = 0;
100  virtual ~UnknownInterface() {}
101 };
103 } // namespace moab