Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.5.1)
An array-based unstructured mesh library
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 #include "moab/Forward.hpp"
4 namespace moab
5 {
7 // filescope for static member data that is cached
14 bool SpectralQuad::_init = false;
16 SpectralQuad::SpectralQuad() : Map( 0 ) {}
17 // the preferred constructor takes pointers to GL blocked positions
18 SpectralQuad::SpectralQuad( int order, double* x, double* y, double* z ) : Map( 0 )
19 {
20  Init( order );
21  _xyz[0] = x;
22  _xyz[1] = y;
23  _xyz[2] = z;
24 }
25 SpectralQuad::SpectralQuad( int order ) : Map( 4 )
26 {
27  Init( order );
28  _xyz[0] = _xyz[1] = _xyz[2] = NULL;
29 }
31 {
32  if( _init ) freedata();
33  _init = false;
34 }
35 void SpectralQuad::Init( int order )
36 {
37  if( _init && _n == order ) return;
38  if( _init && _n != order )
39  {
40  // TODO: free data cached
41  freedata();
42  }
43  // compute stuff that depends only on order
44  _init = true;
45  _n = order;
46  // duplicates! n is the same in all directions !!!
47  for( int d = 0; d < 2; d++ )
48  {
49  _z[d] = tmalloc( double, _n );
50  lobatto_nodes( _z[d], _n );
51  lagrange_setup( &_ld[d], _z[d], _n );
52  }
53  opt_alloc_2( &_data, _ld );
55  unsigned int nf = _n * _n, ne = _n, nw = 2 * _n * _n + 3 * _n;
56  _odwork = tmalloc( double, 6 * nf + 9 * ne + nw );
57  _glpoints = tmalloc( double, 3 * nf );
58 }
61 {
62  for( int d = 0; d < 2; d++ )
63  {
64  free( _z[d] );
65  lagrange_free( &_ld[d] );
66  }
67  opt_free_2( &_data );
68  free( _odwork );
69  free( _glpoints );
70 }
72 void SpectralQuad::set_gl_points( double* x, double* y, double* z )
73 {
74  _xyz[0] = x;
75  _xyz[1] = y;
76  _xyz[2] = z;
77 }
78 CartVect SpectralQuad::evalFcn( const double* params,
79  const double* field,
80  const int ndim,
81  const int num_tuples,
82  double* work,
83  double* result )
84 {
85  // piece that we shouldn't want to cache
86  int d = 0;
87  for( d = 0; d < 2; d++ )
88  {
89  lagrange_0( &_ld[d], params[d] );
90  }
91  CartVect result;
92  for( d = 0; d < 3; d++ )
93  {
94  result[d] = tensor_i2( _ld[0].J, _ld[0].n, _ld[1].J, _ld[1].n, _xyz[d], _odwork );
95  }
96  return result;
97 }
98 // replicate the functionality of hex_findpt
99 bool SpectralQuad::reverseEvalFcn( const double* posn,
100  const double* verts,
101  const int nverts,
102  const int ndim,
103  const double iter_tol,
104  const double inside_tol,
105  double* work,
106  double* params,
107  int* is_inside )
108 {
109  params = init;
111  // find nearest point
112  double x_star[3];
113  xyz.get( x_star );
115  double r[2] = { 0, 0 }; // initial guess for parametric coords
116  unsigned c = opt_no_constraints_3;
117  double dist = opt_findpt_2( &_data, (const double**)_xyz, x_star, r, &c );
118  // if it did not converge, get out with throw...
119  if( dist > 0.9e+30 )
120  {
121  std::vector< CartVect > dummy;
122  throw Map::EvaluationError( CartVect( x_star ), dummy );
123  }
124  // c tells us if we landed inside the element or exactly on a face, edge, or node
125  // also, dist shows the distance to the computed point.
126  // copy parametric coords back
127  params = r;
129  return insideFcn( params, 2, inside_tol );
130 }
132 Matrix3 SpectralQuad::jacobian( const double* params,
133  const double* verts,
134  const int nverts,
135  const int ndim,
136  double* work,
137  double* result )
138 {
139  // not implemented
140  Matrix3 J( 0. );
141  return J;
142 }
144 void SpectralQuad::evaluate_vector( const CartVect& params, const double* field, int num_tuples, double* eval ) const
145 {
146  // piece that we shouldn't want to cache
147  int d;
148  for( d = 0; d < 2; d++ )
149  {
150  lagrange_0( &_ld[d], params[d] );
151  }
153  *eval = tensor_i2( _ld[0].J, _ld[0].n, _ld[1].J, _ld[1].n, field, _odwork );
154 }
155 void SpectralQuad::integrate_vector( const double* field,
156  const double* verts,
157  const int nverts,
158  const int ndim,
159  const int num_tuples,
160  double* work,
161  double* result )
162 {
163  // not implemented
164 }
166 int SpectralQuad::insideFcn( const double* params, const int ndim, const double tol )
167 {
168  return EvalSet::inside( params, ndim, tol );
169 }
171 // something we don't do for spectral hex; we do it here because
172 // we do not store the position of gl points in a tag yet
174 {
175  // will need to use shape functions on a simple linear quad to compute gl points
176  // so we know the position of gl points in parametric space, we will just compute those
177  // from the 3d vertex position (corner nodes of the quad), using simple mapping
178  assert( this->vertex.size() == 4 );
179  static double corner_params[4][2] = { { -1., -1. }, { 1., -1. }, { 1., 1. }, { -1., 1. } };
180  // we will use the cached lobatto nodes in parametric space _z[d] (the same in both directions)
181  int indexGL = 0;
182  int n2 = _n * _n;
183  for( int i = 0; i < _n; i++ )
184  {
185  double csi = _z[0][i];
186  for( int j = 0; j < _n; j++ )
187  {
188  double eta = _z[1][j]; // we could really use the same _z[0] array of lobatto nodes
189  CartVect pos( 0.0 );
190  for( int k = 0; k < 4; k++ )
191  {
192  const double N_k = ( 1 + csi * corner_params[k][0] ) * ( 1 + eta * corner_params[k][1] );
193  pos += N_k * vertex[k];
194  }
195  pos *= 0.25; // these are x, y, z of gl points; reorder them
196  _glpoints[indexGL] = pos[0]; // x
197  _glpoints[indexGL + n2] = pos[1]; // y
198  _glpoints[indexGL + 2 * n2] = pos[2]; // z
199  indexGL++;
200  }
201  }
202  // now, we can set the _xyz pointers to internal memory allocated to these!
203  _xyz[0] = &( _glpoints[0] );
204  _xyz[1] = &( _glpoints[n2] );
205  _xyz[2] = &( _glpoints[2 * n2] );
206 }
207 void SpectralQuad::get_gl_points( double*& x, double*& y, double*& z, int& size )
208 {
209  x = (double*)_xyz[0];
210  y = (double*)_xyz[1];
211  z = (double*)_xyz[2];
212  size = _n * _n;
213 }
215 } // namespace moab