Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.5.1)
An array-based unstructured mesh library
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 #include "moab/Forward.hpp"
4 namespace moab
5 {
7 // SpectralHex
9 // filescope for static member data that is cached
10 int SpectralHex::_n;
16 bool SpectralHex::_init = false;
18 void SpectralHex::initFcn( const double* verts, const int nverts, double*& work )
19 {
20  if( _init && _n == order ) return;
21  if( _init && _n != order )
22  {
23  // TODO: free data cached
24  freedata();
25  }
26  // compute stuff that depends only on order
27  _init = true;
28  _n = order;
29  // triplicates! n is the same in all directions !!!
30  for( int d = 0; d < 3; d++ )
31  {
32  _z[d] = tmalloc( double, _n );
33  lobatto_nodes( _z[d], _n );
34  lagrange_setup( &_ld[d], _z[d], _n );
35  }
36  opt_alloc_3( &_data, _ld );
38  unsigned int nf = _n * _n, ne = _n, nw = 2 * _n * _n + 3 * _n;
39  _odwork = tmalloc( double, 6 * nf + 9 * ne + nw );
40 }
41 void SpectralHex::freedata()
42 {
43  for( int d = 0; d < 3; d++ )
44  {
45  free( _z[d] );
46  lagrange_free( &_ld[d] );
47  }
48  opt_free_3( &_data );
49  free( _odwork );
50 }
52 void SpectralHex::set_gl_points( double* x, double* y, double* z )
53 {
54  _xyz[0] = x;
55  _xyz[1] = y;
56  _xyz[2] = z;
57 }
58 CartVect SpectralHex::evaluate( const CartVect& params ) const
59 {
60  // piece that we shouldn't want to cache
61  int d = 0;
62  for( d = 0; d < 3; d++ )
63  {
64  lagrange_0( &_ld[d], params[d] );
65  }
66  CartVect result;
67  for( d = 0; d < 3; d++ )
68  {
69  result[d] = tensor_i3( _ld[0].J, _ld[0].n, _ld[1].J, _ld[1].n, _ld[2].J, _ld[2].n,
70  _xyz[d], // this is the "field"
71  _odwork );
72  }
73  return result;
74 }
75 // replicate the functionality of hex_findpt
76 bool SpectralHex::evaluate_reverse( CartVect const& xyz,
77  CartVect& params,
78  double iter_tol,
79  const double inside_tol,
80  const CartVect& init ) const
81 {
82  params = init;
84  // find nearest point
85  double x_star[3];
86  xyz.get( x_star );
88  double r[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }; // initial guess for parametric coords
89  unsigned c = opt_no_constraints_3;
90  double dist = opt_findpt_3( &_data, (const double**)_xyz, x_star, r, &c );
91  // if it did not converge, get out with throw...
92  if( dist > 0.9e+30 ) return false;
93  // c tells us if we landed inside the element or exactly on a face, edge, or node
94  // also, dist shows the distance to the computed point.
95  // copy parametric coords back
96  params = r;
98  return is_inside( params, inside_tol );
99 }
100 Matrix3 SpectralHex::jacobian( const CartVect& params ) const
101 {
102  real x_i[3];
103  params.get( x_i );
104  // set the positions of GL nodes, before evaluations
105  _data.elx[0] = _xyz[0];
106  _data.elx[1] = _xyz[1];
107  _data.elx[2] = _xyz[2];
108  opt_vol_set_intp_3( &_data, x_i );
109  Matrix3 J( 0. );
110  // it is organized differently
111  J( 0, 0 ) = _data.jac[0]; // dx/dr
112  J( 0, 1 ) = _data.jac[1]; // dx/ds
113  J( 0, 2 ) = _data.jac[2]; // dx/dt
114  J( 1, 0 ) = _data.jac[3]; // dy/dr
115  J( 1, 1 ) = _data.jac[4]; // dy/ds
116  J( 1, 2 ) = _data.jac[5]; // dy/dt
117  J( 2, 0 ) = _data.jac[6]; // dz/dr
118  J( 2, 1 ) = _data.jac[7]; // dz/ds
119  J( 2, 2 ) = _data.jac[8]; // dz/dt
120  return J;
121 }
122 void SpectralHex::evaluate_vector( const CartVect& params, const double* field, int num_tuples, double* eval ) const
123 {
124  // piece that we shouldn't want to cache
125  int d;
126  for( d = 0; d < 3; d++ )
127  {
128  lagrange_0( &_ld[d], params[d] );
129  }
131  *eval = tensor_i3( _ld[0].J, _ld[0].n, _ld[1].J, _ld[1].n, _ld[2].J, _ld[2].n, field, _odwork );
132 }
133 void SpectralHex::integrate_vector( const double* field_values, int num_tuples, double* integral ) const
134 {
135  // set the position of GL points
136  // set the positions of GL nodes, before evaluations
137  _data.elx[0] = _xyz[0];
138  _data.elx[1] = _xyz[1];
139  _data.elx[2] = _xyz[2];
140  real params[3];
141  // triple loop; the most inner loop is in r direction, then s, then t
142  for( int l = 0; l < num_tuples; l++ )
143  integral[l] = 0.0;
144  // double volume = 0;
145  int index = 0; // used fr the inner loop
146  for( int k = 0; k < _n; k++ )
147  {
148  params[2] = _ld[2].z[k];
149  // double wk= _ld[2].w[k];
150  for( int j = 0; j < _n; j++ )
151  {
152  params[1] = _ld[1].z[j];
153  // double wj= _ld[1].w[j];
154  for( int i = 0; i < _n; i++ )
155  {
156  params[0] = _ld[0].z[i];
157  // double wi= _ld[0].w[i];
158  opt_vol_set_intp_3( &_data, params );
159  double wk = _ld[2].J[k];
160  double wj = _ld[1].J[j];
161  double wi = _ld[0].J[i];
162  Matrix3 J( 0. );
163  // it is organized differently
164  J( 0, 0 ) = _data.jac[0]; // dx/dr
165  J( 0, 1 ) = _data.jac[1]; // dx/ds
166  J( 0, 2 ) = _data.jac[2]; // dx/dt
167  J( 1, 0 ) = _data.jac[3]; // dy/dr
168  J( 1, 1 ) = _data.jac[4]; // dy/ds
169  J( 1, 2 ) = _data.jac[5]; // dy/dt
170  J( 2, 0 ) = _data.jac[6]; // dz/dr
171  J( 2, 1 ) = _data.jac[7]; // dz/ds
172  J( 2, 2 ) = _data.jac[8]; // dz/dt
173  double bm = wk * wj * wi * J.determinant();
174  for( int l = 0; l < num_tuples; l++ )
175  integral[l] += bm * field_values[num_tuples * index + l];
176  // volume +=bm;
177  }
178  }
179  }
180  // std::cout << "volume: " << volume << "\n";
181 }
183 int SpectralHex::insideFcn( const double* params, const int ndim, const double tol )
184 {
185  return EvalSet::inside( params, ndim, tol );
186 }
188 // SpectralHex
190 } // namespace moab