Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.5.1)
An array-based unstructured mesh library
Go to the documentation of this file.
4 #include <cfloat>
6 //======================================================
7 // from types.h
8 //======================================================
10 /* integer type to use for everything */
11 #if defined( USE_LONG )
12 #define INTEGER long
13 #elif defined( USE_LONG_LONG )
14 #define INTEGER long long
15 #elif defined( USE_SHORT )
16 #define INTEGER short
17 #else
18 #define INTEGER int
19 #endif
21 /* when defined, use the given type for global indices instead of INTEGER */
22 #if defined( USE_GLOBAL_LONG_LONG )
23 #define GLOBAL_INT long long
24 #elif defined( USE_GLOBAL_LONG )
25 #define GLOBAL_INT long
26 #else
27 #define GLOBAL_INT long
28 #endif
30 /* floating point type to use for everything */
31 #if defined( USE_FLOAT )
32 typedef float real;
33 #define floorr floorf
34 #define ceilr ceilf
35 #define sqrtr sqrtf
36 #define fabsr fabsf
37 #define cosr cosf
38 #define sinr sinf
39 #define EPS ( 128 * FLT_EPSILON )
40 #define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923F
41 #elif defined( USE_LONG_DOUBLE )
42 typedef long double real;
43 #define floorr floorl
44 #define ceilr ceill
45 #define sqrtr sqrtl
46 #define fabsr fabsl
47 #define cosr cosl
48 #define sinr sinl
49 #define EPS ( 128 * LDBL_EPSILON )
50 #define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923L
51 #else
52 typedef double real;
53 #define floorr floor
54 #define ceilr ceil
55 #define sqrtr sqrt
56 #define fabsr fabs
57 #define cosr cos
58 #define sinr sin
59 #define EPS ( 128 * DBL_EPSILON )
60 #define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923
61 #endif
63 /* apparently uint and ulong can be defined already in standard headers */
64 #define uint uint_
65 #define ulong ulong_
66 #define sint sint_
67 #define slong slong_
69 typedef signed INTEGER sint;
70 typedef unsigned INTEGER uint;
71 #undef INTEGER
73 #ifdef GLOBAL_INT
74 typedef signed GLOBAL_INT slong;
75 typedef unsigned GLOBAL_INT ulong;
76 #else
77 typedef sint slong;
78 typedef uint ulong;
79 #endif
81 //======================================================
82 // from poly.h
83 //======================================================
85 /*
86  For brevity's sake, some names have been shortened
87  Quadrature rules
88  Gauss -> Gauss-Legendre quadrature (open)
89  Lobatto -> Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre quadrature (closed at both ends)
90  Polynomial bases
91  Legendre -> Legendre basis
92  Gauss -> Lagrangian basis using Gauss quadrature nodes
93  Lobatto -> Lagrangian basis using Lobatto quadrature nodes
94 */
96 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
97  Legendre Polynomial Matrix Computation
98  (compute P_i(x_j) for i = 0, ..., n and a given set of x)
99  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
101 /* precondition: n >= 1
102  inner index is x index (0 ... m-1);
103  outer index is Legendre polynomial number (0 ... n)
104  */
105 void legendre_matrix( const real* x, int m, real* P, int n );
107 /* precondition: n >= 1
108  inner index is Legendre polynomial number (0 ... n)
109  outer index is x index (0 ... m-1);
110  */
111 void legendre_matrix_t( const real* x, int m, real* P, int n );
113 /* precondition: n >= 1
114  compute P_i(x) with i = 0 ... n
115  */
116 void legendre_row( real x, real* P, int n );
118 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
119  Quadrature Nodes and Weights Calculation
121  call the _nodes function before calling the _weights function
122  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
124 void gauss_nodes( real* z, int n ); /* n nodes (order = 2n-1) */
125 void lobatto_nodes( real* z, int n ); /* n nodes (order = 2n-3) */
127 void gauss_weights( const real* z, real* w, int n );
128 void lobatto_weights( const real* z, real* w, int n );
130 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
131  Lagrangian to Legendre Change-of-basis Matrix
132  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
134 /* precondition: n >= 2
135  given the Gauss quadrature rule (z,w,n), compute the square matrix J
136  for transforming from the Gauss basis to the Legendre basis:
138  u_legendre(i) = sum_j J(i,j) u_gauss(j)
140  computes J = .5 (2i+1) w P (z )
141  ij j i j
143  in column major format (inner index is i, the Legendre index)
144  */
145 void gauss_to_legendre( const real* z, const real* w, int n, real* J );
147 /* precondition: n >= 2
148  same as above, but
149  in row major format (inner index is j, the Gauss index)
150  */
151 void gauss_to_legendre_t( const real* z, const real* w, int n, real* J );
153 /* precondition: n >= 3
154  given the Lobatto quadrature rule (z,w,n), compute the square matrix J
155  for transforming from the Lobatto basis to the Legendre basis:
157  u_legendre(i) = sum_j J(i,j) u_lobatto(j)
159  in column major format (inner index is i, the Legendre index)
160  */
161 void lobatto_to_legendre( const real* z, const real* w, int n, real* J );
163 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
164  Lagrangian basis function evaluation
165  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
167 /* given the Lagrangian nodes (z,n) and evaluation points (x,m)
168  evaluate all Lagrangian basis functions at all points x
170  inner index of output J is the basis function index (row-major format)
171  provide work array with space for 4*n doubles
172  */
173 void lagrange_weights( const real* z, unsigned n, const real* x, unsigned m, real* J, real* work );
175 /* given the Lagrangian nodes (z,n) and evaluation points (x,m)
176  evaluate all Lagrangian basis functions and their derivatives
178  inner index of outputs J,D is the basis function index (row-major format)
179  provide work array with space for 6*n doubles
180  */
181 void lagrange_weights_deriv( const real* z, unsigned n, const real* x, unsigned m, real* J, real* D, real* work );
183 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
184  Speedy Lagrangian Interpolation
186  Usage:
188  lagrange_data p;
189  lagrange_setup(&p,z,n); * setup for nodes z[0 ... n-1] *
191  the weights
192  p->J [0 ... n-1] interpolation weights
193  p->D [0 ... n-1] 1st derivative weights
194  p->D2[0 ... n-1] 2nd derivative weights
195  are computed for a given x with:
196  lagrange_0(p,x); * compute p->J *
197  lagrange_1(p,x); * compute p->J, p->D *
198  lagrange_2(p,x); * compute p->J, p->D, p->D2 *
199  lagrange_2u(p); * compute p->D2 after call of lagrange_1(p,x); *
200  These functions use the z array supplied to setup
201  (that pointer should not be freed between calls)
202  Weights for x=z[0] and x=z[n-1] are computed during setup; access as:
203  p->J_z0, etc. and p->J_zn, etc.
205  lagrange_free(&p); * deallocate memory allocated by setup *
206  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
208 typedef struct
209 {
210  unsigned n; /* number of Lagrange nodes */
211  const real* z; /* Lagrange nodes (user-supplied) */
212  real *J, *D, *D2; /* weights for 0th,1st,2nd derivatives */
213  real *J_z0, *D_z0, *D2_z0; /* ditto at z[0] (computed at setup) */
214  real *J_zn, *D_zn, *D2_zn; /* ditto at z[n-1] (computed at setup) */
215  real *w, *d, *u0, *v0, *u1, *v1, *u2, *v2; /* work data */
216 } lagrange_data;
218 void lagrange_setup( lagrange_data* p, const real* z, unsigned n );
219 void lagrange_free( lagrange_data* p );
221 void lagrange_0( lagrange_data* p, real x );
222 void lagrange_1( lagrange_data* p, real x );
223 void lagrange_2( lagrange_data* p, real x );
224 void lagrange_2u( lagrange_data* p );
226 //======================================================
227 // from tensor.h
228 //======================================================
230 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
231  1-,2-,3-d Tensor Application
233  the 3d case:
234  tensor_f3(R,mr,nr, S,ms,ns, T,mt,nt, u,v, work1,work2)
235  gives v = [ R (x) S (x) T ] u
236  where R is mr x nr, S is ms x ns, T is mt x nt,
237  each in row- or column-major format according to f := r | c
238  u is nr x ns x nt in column-major format (inner index is r)
239  v is mr x ms x mt in column-major format (inner index is r)
240  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
242 void tensor_c1( const real* R, unsigned mr, unsigned nr, const real* u, real* v );
243 void tensor_r1( const real* R, unsigned mr, unsigned nr, const real* u, real* v );
245 /* work holds mr*ns reals */
246 void tensor_c2( const real* R,
247  unsigned mr,
248  unsigned nr,
249  const real* S,
250  unsigned ms,
251  unsigned ns,
252  const real* u,
253  real* v,
254  real* work );
255 void tensor_r2( const real* R,
256  unsigned mr,
257  unsigned nr,
258  const real* S,
259  unsigned ms,
260  unsigned ns,
261  const real* u,
262  real* v,
263  real* work );
265 /* work1 holds mr*ns*nt reals,
266  work2 holds mr*ms*nt reals */
267 void tensor_c3( const real* R,
268  unsigned mr,
269  unsigned nr,
270  const real* S,
271  unsigned ms,
272  unsigned ns,
273  const real* T,
274  unsigned mt,
275  unsigned nt,
276  const real* u,
277  real* v,
278  real* work1,
279  real* work2 );
280 void tensor_r3( const real* R,
281  unsigned mr,
282  unsigned nr,
283  const real* S,
284  unsigned ms,
285  unsigned ns,
286  const real* T,
287  unsigned mt,
288  unsigned nt,
289  const real* u,
290  real* v,
291  real* work1,
292  real* work2 );
294 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
295  1-,2-,3-d Tensor Application of Row Vectors (for Interpolation)
297  the 3d case:
298  v = tensor_i3(Jr,nr, Js,ns, Jt,nt, u, work)
299  same effect as tensor_r3(Jr,1,nr, Js,1,ns, Jt,1,nt, u,&v, work1,work2):
300  gives v = [ Jr (x) Js (x) Jt ] u
301  where Jr, Js, Jt are row vectors (interpolation weights)
302  u is nr x ns x nt in column-major format (inner index is r)
303  v is a scalar
304  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
306 real tensor_i1( const real* Jr, unsigned nr, const real* u );
308 /* work holds ns reals */
309 real tensor_i2( const real* Jr, unsigned nr, const real* Js, unsigned ns, const real* u, real* work );
311 /* work holds ns*nt + nt reals */
312 real tensor_i3( const real* Jr,
313  unsigned nr,
314  const real* Js,
315  unsigned ns,
316  const real* Jt,
317  unsigned nt,
318  const real* u,
319  real* work );
321 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
322  1-,2-,3-d Tensor Application of Row Vectors
323  for simultaneous Interpolation and Gradient computation
325  the 3d case:
326  v = tensor_ig3(Jr,Dr,nr, Js,Ds,ns, Jt,Dt,nt, u,g, work)
327  gives v = [ Jr (x) Js (x) Jt ] u
328  g_0 = [ Dr (x) Js (x) Jt ] u
329  g_1 = [ Jr (x) Ds (x) Jt ] u
330  g_2 = [ Jr (x) Js (x) Dt ] u
331  where Jr,Dr,Js,Ds,Jt,Dt are row vectors
332  (interpolation & derivative weights)
333  u is nr x ns x nt in column-major format (inner index is r)
334  v is a scalar, g is an array of 3 reals
335  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
337 real tensor_ig1( const real* Jr, const real* Dr, unsigned nr, const real* u, real* g );
339 /* work holds 2*ns reals */
340 real tensor_ig2( const real* Jr,
341  const real* Dr,
342  unsigned nr,
343  const real* Js,
344  const real* Ds,
345  unsigned ns,
346  const real* u,
347  real* g,
348  real* work );
350 /* work holds 2*ns*nt + 3*ns reals */
351 real tensor_ig3( const real* Jr,
352  const real* Dr,
353  unsigned nr,
354  const real* Js,
355  const real* Ds,
356  unsigned ns,
357  const real* Jt,
358  const real* Dt,
359  unsigned nt,
360  const real* u,
361  real* g,
362  real* work );
364 //======================================================
365 // from findpt.h
366 //======================================================
368 typedef struct
369 {
370  const real* xw[2]; /* geometry data */
371  real* z[2]; /* lobatto nodes */
372  lagrange_data ld[2]; /* interpolation, derivative weights & data */
373  unsigned nptel; /* nodes per element */
374  struct findpt_hash_data_2* hash; /* geometric hashing data */
375  struct findpt_listel *list, **sorted, **end;
376  /* pre-allocated list of elements to
377  check (found by hashing), and
378  pre-allocated list of pointers into
379  the first list for sorting */
380  struct findpt_opt_data_2* od; /* data for the optimization algorithm */
382 } findpt_data_2;
384 typedef struct
385 {
386  const real* xw[3]; /* geometry data */
387  real* z[3]; /* lobatto nodes */
388  lagrange_data ld[3]; /* interpolation, derivative weights & data */
389  unsigned nptel; /* nodes per element */
390  struct findpt_hash_data_3* hash; /* geometric hashing data */
391  struct findpt_listel *list, **sorted, **end;
392  /* pre-allocated list of elements to
393  check (found by hashing), and
394  pre-allocated list of pointers into
395  the first list for sorting */
396  struct findpt_opt_data_3* od; /* data for the optimization algorithm */
398 } findpt_data_3;
400 findpt_data_2* findpt_setup_2( const real* const xw[2],
401  const unsigned n[2],
402  uint nel,
403  uint max_hash_size,
404  real bbox_tol );
405 findpt_data_3* findpt_setup_3( const real* const xw[3],
406  const unsigned n[3],
407  uint nel,
408  uint max_hash_size,
409  real bbox_tol );
411 void findpt_free_2( findpt_data_2* p );
412 void findpt_free_3( findpt_data_3* p );
414 const real* findpt_allbnd_2( const findpt_data_2* p );
415 const real* findpt_allbnd_3( const findpt_data_3* p );
417 typedef int ( *findpt_func )( void*, const real*, int, uint*, real*, real* );
418 int findpt_2( findpt_data_2* p, const real x[2], int guess, uint* el, real r[2], real* dist );
419 int findpt_3( findpt_data_3* p, const real x[3], int guess, uint* el, real r[3], real* dist );
421 inline void findpt_weights_2( findpt_data_2* p, const real r[2] )
422 {
423  lagrange_0( &p->ld[0], r[0] );
424  lagrange_0( &p->ld[1], r[1] );
425 }
427 inline void findpt_weights_3( findpt_data_3* p, const real r[3] )
428 {
429  lagrange_0( &p->ld[0], r[0] );
430  lagrange_0( &p->ld[1], r[1] );
431  lagrange_0( &p->ld[2], r[2] );
432 }
434 inline double findpt_eval_2( findpt_data_2* p, const real* u )
435 {
436  return tensor_i2( p->ld[0].J, p->ld[0].n, p->ld[1].J, p->ld[1].n, u, p->od_work );
437 }
439 inline double findpt_eval_3( findpt_data_3* p, const real* u )
440 {
441  return tensor_i3( p->ld[0].J, p->ld[0].n, p->ld[1].J, p->ld[1].n, p->ld[2].J, p->ld[2].n, u, p->od_work );
442 }
444 //======================================================
445 // from extrafindpt.h
446 //======================================================
448 typedef struct
449 {
450  unsigned constraints;
451  unsigned dn, d1, d2;
452  real *x[3], *fdn[3];
455 typedef struct
456 {
457  unsigned constraints;
458  unsigned de, d1, d2;
459  real *x[3], *fd1[3], *fd2[3];
462 typedef struct
463 {
464  unsigned constraints;
465  real x[3], jac[9];
468 typedef struct
469 {
470  lagrange_data* ld;
471  unsigned size[4];
472  const real* elx[3];
473  opt_face_data_3 fd;
474  opt_edge_data_3 ed;
475  opt_point_data_3 pd;
477  real x[3], jac[9];
478 } opt_data_3;
480 void opt_alloc_3( opt_data_3* p, lagrange_data* ld );
481 void opt_free_3( opt_data_3* p );
482 double opt_findpt_3( opt_data_3* p, const real* const elx[3], const real xstar[3], real r[3], unsigned* constr );
483 void opt_vol_set_intp_3( opt_data_3* p, const real r[3] );
485 const unsigned opt_no_constraints_2 = 3 + 1;
486 const unsigned opt_no_constraints_3 = 9 + 3 + 1;
488 /* for 2d spectralQuad */
489 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
491  2 - D
493  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
495 typedef struct
496 {
497  unsigned constraints;
498  unsigned de, d1;
499  real *x[2], *fd1[2];
502 typedef struct
503 {
504  unsigned constraints;
505  real x[2], jac[4];
508 typedef struct
509 {
510  lagrange_data* ld;
511  unsigned size[3];
512  const real* elx[2];
513  opt_edge_data_2 ed;
514  opt_point_data_2 pd;
516  real x[2], jac[4];
517 } opt_data_2;
518 void opt_alloc_2( opt_data_2* p, lagrange_data* ld );
519 void opt_free_2( opt_data_2* p );
520 double opt_findpt_2( opt_data_2* p, const real* const elx[2], const real xstar[2], real r[2], unsigned* constr );
522 #endif