Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.5.1)
An array-based unstructured mesh library
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**\file SpatialLocator.hpp
2  * \class moab::SpatialLocator
3  * \brief Tool to facilitate spatial location of a point in a mesh
4  *
5  * SpatialLocator facilitates searching for points in or performing ray traces on collections of
6  * mesh entities in 2D or 3D. This searching is facilitated by a tree-based decomposition of the
7  * mesh. Various types of trees are implemented in MOAB and can be used by this tool, but by
8  * default it uses AdaptiveKDTree (see child classes of Tree for which others are available).
9  * Parallel and serial searching are both supported.
10  *
11  * SpatialLocator can either cache the search results for points or pass back this information in
12  * arguments. Cached information is kept in locTable, indexed in the same order as search points
13  * passed in. This information consists of the entity handle containing the point and the
14  * parametric coordinates inside that element. Information about the points searched, e.g. the
15  * entities from which those points are derived, can be stored in the calling application if
16  * desired.
17  *
18  * In parallel, there is a separation between the proc deciding which points to search for (the
19  * "target" proc), and the proc locating the point in its local mesh (the "source" proc). On the
20  * source proc, location information is cached in locTable, as in the serial case. By default, this
21  * location information (handle and parametric coords) is not returned to the target proc, since it
22  * would be of no use there. Instead, the rank of the source proc locating the point, and the index
23  * of that location info in the source proc's locTable, is returned; this information is stored on
24  * the target proc in this class's parLocTable variable. Again, information about the points
25  * searched should be stored in the calling application, if desired.
26  *
27  * This class uses the ElemEvaluator class for specification and evaluation of basis functions (used
28  * for computing parametric coords within an entity). See documentation and examples for that class
29  * for usage information.
30  *
31  */
36 #include "moab/Types.hpp"
37 #include "moab/Tree.hpp"
38 #include "moab/Range.hpp"
39 #include "moab/TupleList.hpp"
40 #include "moab/BoundBox.hpp"
42 #include "moab/CpuTimer.hpp"
44 #include <string>
45 #include <vector>
46 #include <map>
47 #include <cmath>
49 namespace moab
50 {
52 class Interface;
53 class ElemEvaluator;
54 class ParallelComm;
57 {
58  public:
59  /* constructor */
60  SpatialLocator( Interface* impl, Range& elems, Tree* tree = NULL, ElemEvaluator* eval = NULL );
62  /* destructor */
63  virtual ~SpatialLocator();
65  /* add elements to be searched */
66  ErrorCode add_elems( Range& elems );
68  /* get bounding box of this locator */
70  {
71  return localBox;
72  }
74  /* get bounding box of this locator */
75  const BoundBox& local_box() const
76  {
77  return localBox;
78  }
80  /* locate a set of vertices, Range variant */
81  ErrorCode locate_points( Range& vertices,
82  EntityHandle* ents,
83  double* params,
84  int* is_inside = NULL,
85  const double rel_iter_tol = 1.0e-10,
86  const double abs_iter_tol = 1.0e-10,
87  const double inside_tol = 1.0e-6 );
89  /* locate a set of points */
90  ErrorCode locate_points( const double* pos,
91  int num_points,
92  EntityHandle* ents,
93  double* params,
94  int* is_inside = NULL,
95  const double rel_iter_tol = 1.0e-10,
96  const double abs_iter_tol = 1.0e-10,
97  const double inside_tol = 1.0e-6 );
99  /* locate a set of vertices or entity centroids, storing results on TupleList in this class
100  * Locate a set of vertices or entity centroids, storing the detailed results in member
101  * variable (TupleList) locTable (see comments on locTable for structure of that tuple).
102  */
104  const double rel_iter_tol = 1.0e-10,
105  const double abs_iter_tol = 1.0e-10,
106  const double inside_tol = 1.0e-6 );
108  /* locate a set of points, storing results on TupleList in this class
109  * Locate a set of points, storing the detailed results in member variable (TupleList) locTable
110  * (see comments on locTable for structure of that tuple).
111  */
112  ErrorCode locate_points( const double* pos,
113  int num_points,
114  const double rel_iter_tol = 1.0e-10,
115  const double abs_iter_tol = 1.0e-10,
116  const double inside_tol = 1.0e-6 );
118  /* Count the number of located points in locTable
119  * Return the number of entries in locTable that have non-zero entity handles, which
120  * represents the number of points in targetEnts that were inside one element in sourceEnts
121  *
122  */
123  int local_num_located();
125  /* Count the number of located points in parLocTable
126  * Return the number of entries in parLocTable that have a non-negative index in on a remote
127  * proc in parLocTable, which gives the number of points located in at least one element in a
128  * remote proc's sourceEnts.
129  */
130  int remote_num_located();
132 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
133  /* locate a set of vertices or entity centroids, storing results on TupleList in this class
134  * Locate a set of vertices or entity centroids, storing the detailed results in member
135  * variables (TupleList) locTable and parLocTable (see comments on locTable and parLocTable for
136  * structure of those tuples).
137  */
138  ErrorCode par_locate_points( ParallelComm* pc,
139  Range& vertices,
140  const double rel_iter_tol = 1.0e-10,
141  const double abs_iter_tol = 1.0e-10,
142  const double inside_tol = 1.0e-6 );
144  /* locate a set of points, storing results on TupleList in this class
145  * Locate a set of points, storing the detailed results in member
146  * variables (TupleList) locTable and parLocTable (see comments on locTable and parLocTable for
147  * structure of those tuples).
148  */
149  ErrorCode par_locate_points( ParallelComm* pc,
150  const double* pos,
151  int num_points,
152  const double rel_iter_tol = 1.0e-10,
153  const double abs_iter_tol = 1.0e-10,
154  const double inside_tol = 1.0e-6 );
155 #endif
157  /** \brief Return the MOAB interface associated with this locator
158  */
160  {
161  return mbImpl;
162  }
164  /* locate a point */
165  ErrorCode locate_point( const double* pos,
166  EntityHandle& ent,
167  double* params,
168  int* is_inside = NULL,
169  const double rel_iter_tol = 1.0e-10,
170  const double abs_iter_tol = 1.0e-10,
171  const double inside_tol = 1.0e-6 );
173  /* return the tree */
175  {
176  return myTree;
177  }
179  /* get the locTable
180  */
182  {
183  return locTable;
184  }
186  /* get the locTable
187  */
188  const TupleList& loc_table() const
189  {
190  return locTable;
191  }
193  /* get the parLocTable
194  */
196  {
197  return parLocTable;
198  }
200  /* get the parLocTable
201  */
202  const TupleList& par_loc_table() const
203  {
204  return parLocTable;
205  }
207  /* get elemEval */
209  {
210  return elemEval;
211  }
213  /* get elemEval */
214  const ElemEvaluator* elem_eval() const
215  {
216  return elemEval;
217  }
219  /* set elemEval */
220  void elem_eval( ElemEvaluator* eval )
221  {
222  elemEval = eval;
223  if( myTree ) myTree->set_eval( eval );
224  }
226  /** \brief Get spatial locator times object */
228  {
229  return myTimes;
230  }
232  /** \brief Get spatial locator times object */
234  {
235  return myTimes;
236  }
238  private:
239 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
240  /* MPI_ReduceAll source mesh bounding boxes to get global source mesh bounding box
241  */
242  ErrorCode initialize_intermediate_partition( ParallelComm* pc );
244  /* for a given point in space, compute its ijk location in the intermediate decomposition;
245  * tolerance is used only to test proximity to global box extent, not for local box test
246  */
247  inline ErrorCode get_point_ijk( const CartVect& point, const double abs_iter_tol, int* ijk ) const;
249 #if 0
250  /* given an ijk location in the intermediate partition, return the proc rank for that location
251  */
252  inline int proc_from_ijk(const int *ijk) const;
253 #endif
255  /* given a point in space, return the proc responsible for that point from the intermediate
256  * decomp; no tolerances applied here, so first proc in lexicographic ijk ordering is returned
257  */
258  inline int proc_from_point( const double* pos, const double abs_iter_tol ) const;
260  /* register my source mesh with intermediate decomposition procs
261  */
262  ErrorCode register_src_with_intermediate_procs( ParallelComm* pc, double abs_iter_tol, TupleList& TLreg_o );
264 #endif
266  /** Create a tree
267  * Tree type depends on what's in myElems: if empty or all vertices, creates a kdtree,
268  * otherwise creates a BVHTree.
269  */
270  void create_tree();
272  /* MOAB instance */
275  /* elements being located */
278  /* dimension of entities in locator */
279  int myDim;
281  /* tree used for location */
284  /* element evaluator */
287  /* whether I created the tree or not (determines whether to delete it or not on destruction) */
290  /* \brief local locations table
291  * This table stores detailed local location data results from locate_points, that is, location
292  * data for points located on the local mesh. Data is stored in a TupleList, where each tuple
293  * consists of (p_i, hs_ul, r[3]_d), where p_i = (int) proc from which request for this point
294  * was made (0 if serial) hs_ul = (unsigned long) source entity containing the point r[3]_d =
295  * (double) parametric coordinates of the point in hs
296  */
299  /* \brief parallel locations table
300  * This table stores information about points located on a local or remote processor. For
301  * points located on this processor's local mesh, detailed location data is stored in locTable.
302  * For points located on remote processors, more communication is required to retrieve specific
303  * location data (usually that information isn't useful on this processor).
304  *
305  * The tuple structure of this TupleList is (p_i, ri_i), where:
306  * p_i = (int) processor rank containing this point
307  * ri_i = (int) index into locTable on remote proc containing this point's location
308  * information The indexing of parLocTable corresponds to that of the points/entities passed in.
309  */
312  /* \brief Local bounding box, duplicated from tree
313  */
316  /* \brief Global bounding box, used in parallel spatial location
317  */
320  /* \brief Regional delta xyz, used in parallel spatial location
321  */
324  /* \brief Number of regions in each of 3 directions
325  */
326  int regNums[3];
328  /* \brief Map from source processor to bounding box of that proc's source mesh
329  *
330  */
331  std::map< int, BoundBox > srcProcBoxes;
333  /* \brief Timing object for spatial location
334  */
337  /* \brief Timer object to manage overloaded search functions
338  */
341  /* \brief Flag to manage initialization of timer for overloaded search functions
342  */
344 };
347 {
348  if( iCreatedTree && myTree ) delete myTree;
349 }
351 inline ErrorCode SpatialLocator::locate_point( const double* pos,
352  EntityHandle& ent,
353  double* params,
354  int* is_inside,
355  const double rel_iter_tol,
356  const double abs_iter_tol,
357  const double inside_tol )
358 {
359  return locate_points( pos, 1, &ent, params, is_inside, rel_iter_tol, abs_iter_tol, inside_tol );
360 }
362 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
363 inline ErrorCode SpatialLocator::get_point_ijk( const CartVect& point, const double abs_iter_tol, int* ijk ) const
364 {
365  for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
366  {
367  if( point[i] < globalBox.bMin[i] - abs_iter_tol || point[i] > globalBox.bMax[i] + abs_iter_tol )
368  ijk[i] = -1;
369  else
370  {
371  ijk[i] = point[i] - globalBox.bMin[i] / regDeltaXYZ[i];
372  if( ijk[i] >= regNums[i] && point[i] <= globalBox.bMax[i] + abs_iter_tol ) ijk[i] = regNums[i] - 1;
373  }
374  }
376  return ( ijk[0] >= 0 && ijk[1] >= 0 && ijk[2] >= 0 ? MB_SUCCESS : MB_FAILURE );
377  ;
378 }
380 #if 0
381  inline int SpatialLocator::proc_from_ijk(const int *ijk) const
382  {
383  return ijk[2] * regNums[0]*regNums[1] + ijk[1] * regNums[0] + ijk[0];
384  }
385 #endif
387 inline int SpatialLocator::proc_from_point( const double* pos, const double abs_iter_tol ) const
388 {
389  int ijk[3];
390  ErrorCode rval = get_point_ijk( CartVect( pos ), abs_iter_tol, ijk );
391  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return -1;
393  return ijk[2] * regNums[0] * regNums[1] + ijk[1] * regNums[0] + ijk[0];
394 }
395 #endif
397 } // namespace moab
399 #endif