Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.5.1)
An array-based unstructured mesh library
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  * MOAB, a Mesh-Oriented datABase, is a software component for creating,
3  * storing and accessing finite element mesh data.
4  *
5  * Copyright 2004 Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
6  * DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Coroporation, the U.S. Government
7  * retains certain rights in this software.
8  *
9  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
11  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
12  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13  *
14  */
16 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 // Filename : ReadRTT.hpp
18 //
19 // Purpose : RTT file reader
20 //
21 // Creator : Andrew Davis
22 //
23 // Date : 02/2014
24 //
25 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 /**
28  * The RTT file format is used by the Attila deterministic radiation
29  * transport code. The specific mesh format can be found in Chapter 9
30  * of the Attila manual. The format is defined by xml like, block/end block
31  * type syntax. The implementation at the time of writing supports a subset
32  * of the whole format, and even Attila does not support the entireity of
33  * its own mesh format.
34  *
35  * The mesh contains several features, that as a whole allow the conversion
36  * from the RTT format, to a DAGMC geometry and a Tet Mesh for tallying.
37  *
38  * Sides - Defines the 6 boundary condtions for top, bottom, front, back
39  * left and right, as well as internal and external.
40  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
41  * Faces - Logically equivalent to surfaces in DAGMC, containers for triangles, includes
42  * the definition of the sense of the faces with respect to the Cells (volumes)
43  * which bound it.
44  *
45  * The face syntax looks like
46  *
47  * 1 (+)Pyrex@14
48  *
49  * This means Face (surface) 1 is used to define the insde of the Pyrex cell only
50  *
51  * 75 (+)Pyrex/(-)Fuel30@25
52  *
53  * This means Face (surface) 75 is used by both Cell Pyrex and Cell Fuel 30,
54  * the + and - signs refer to the sense, i.e. the inside sense defines the Pyrex and
55  * the outside sense defines the Fuel.
56  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
57  * Cells - Entityset like coillections of tetrahedra which define contiguous material properties
58  *
59  * cell_flags
60  * 1 REGIONS
61  * 1 Pyrex
62  * end_cell_flags
63  *
64  * Defines that there is 1 region called Pyrex
65  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
66  * Nodes - Defines the vertices for facets and tets, the syntax of which is shown below
67  *
68  * 100 1.8900000000E+03 0.0000000000E+00 5.0000000000E+03 100
69  *
70  * Defines that this is node 100, and has the coordinates 1890.0, 0.0 5000.0 cm
71  **---------------------------------------------------------------------
72  * Side (element) - Triangles
73  *
74  * 1 3 874 132 154 3 6365
75  *
76  * Defines that this is side element 1, it has 3 nodes, 874, 132 and 154,
77  * side ID 3 and surface number 6365
78  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
79  * Cells (element) - Tetrahedra
80  *
81  * 691 4 599 556 1218 1216 2
82  *
83  * Defines that this is tet 691, it has 4 connections to nodes 599, 556,
84  * 1218, 1216 and belongs to cell number 2.
85  *
86  */
88 #ifndef READRTT_HPP
89 #define READRTT_HPP
91 #ifndef IS_BUILDING_MB
92 #error "ReadRTT.hpp isn't supposed to be included into an application"
93 #endif
95 #include <iostream>
96 #include <fstream>
97 #include <sstream>
98 #include <map>
99 #include <vector>
101 #include "moab/Interface.hpp"
102 #include "moab/ReaderIface.hpp"
103 #include "FileTokenizer.hpp"
104 #include "moab/RangeMap.hpp"
106 namespace moab
107 {
109 class ReadUtilIface;
110 class GeomTopoTool;
112 class ReadRTT : public ReaderIface
113 {
115  public:
116  // factory method
117  static ReaderIface* factory( Interface* );
119  // generic overloaded core -> load_file
120  ErrorCode load_file( const char* file_name,
121  const EntityHandle* file_set,
122  const FileOptions& opts,
123  const SubsetList* subset_list = 0,
124  const Tag* file_id_tag = 0 );
125  // constructor
126  ReadRTT( Interface* impl = NULL );
128  // destructor
129  virtual ~ReadRTT();
131  // implementation empty
132  ErrorCode read_tag_values( const char* file_name,
133  const char* tag_name,
134  const FileOptions& opts,
135  std::vector< int >& tag_values_out,
136  const SubsetList* subset_list = 0 );
138  protected:
139  // private functions
140  private:
141  // structure to hold the header data
142  struct headerData
143  {
144  std::string version;
145  std::string title;
146  std::string date;
147  };
149  // structure to hold sense & vol data
150  struct boundary
151  {
152  int sense;
153  std::string name;
154  };
156  // structure to hold side data
157  struct side
158  {
159  int id;
160  int senses[2];
161  std::string names[2];
162  side() : id( 0 )
163  {
164  senses[0] = senses[1] = 0;
165  names[0] = names[1] = "";
166  }
167  };
169  // structure to hold cell data
170  struct cell
171  {
172  int id;
173  std::string name;
174  cell() : id( 0 ), name( "" ) {}
175  };
177  // structure to hold node data
178  struct node
179  {
180  int id;
181  double x, y, z;
182  node() : id( 0 ), x( 0. ), y( 0. ), z( 0. ) {}
183  };
185  // structure to hold facet data
186  struct facet
187  {
188  int id;
189  int connectivity[3];
190  int side_id;
192  facet() : id( 0 ), side_id( 0 ), surface_number( 0 )
193  {
194  for( int k = 0; k < 3; k++ )
195  connectivity[k] = 0;
196  }
197  };
199  // structure to hold tet data
200  struct tet
201  {
202  int id;
203  int connectivity[4];
205  // with c++11 we could use tet(): id(0), connectivity({0}), material_number(0) {}
206  tet() : id( 0 ), material_number( 0 )
207  {
208  for( int k = 0; k < 4; k++ )
209  connectivity[k] = 0;
210  }
211  };
213  /**
214  * generates the topology of the problem from the already read input data, loops over the 2 and
215  * 3 dimension macrodata that exist from the rtt file, sides = dagmc surfaces, cells = dagmc
216  * cells, creates a meshset for each surface and tags with the id number, and similarly makes a
217  * meshset for dagmc cells and tags with the id number. The surfaces are added to the s surface
218  * map, where the key is the surface ID number (1->N) and (cells and surfaces are added to an
219  * dimesional entity map stored in the class
220  *
221  * @param side_data, vector of side data
222  * @param cell_data, vector of vector of cell data
223  * @param surface_map, reference to the surface map of data
224  *
225  */
226  ErrorCode generate_topology( std::vector< side > side_data,
227  std::vector< cell > cell_data,
228  std::map< int, EntityHandle >& surface_map );
229  /**
230  * Generate parent child links to create DAGMC like structure of surface meshsets being children
231  * of parent cell meshsets. By looping over the surfaces (1->N), look in the description of the
232  * cells that are shared by that surface, and then make the surface the child of the parent
233  * volume. The appropriate sense data will be set later
234  *
235  * @param num_ents[4], array containing the number of surfaces, cells, groups etc
236  * @param entity_map[4], vector of maps containing data by dimension
237  * @param side_data, vector of all the side data in the problem
238  * @param cell_data, vector of the cell data in the problem
239  *
240  */
241  void generate_parent_child_links( int num_ents[4],
242  std::vector< EntityHandle > entity_map[4],
243  std::vector< side > side_data,
244  std::vector< cell > cell_data );
245  /**
246  * Sets the appropriate surface senses for each surface in the problem. By looping through all
247  * the surfaces, we determine from the side_data vector, the volume id's that are shared, then
248  * using 1 to mean +ve sense and -1 to mean -ve sense wrt the volume.
249  *
250  * @param num_ents[4], array containing the number of surfaces, cells, groups etc
251  * @param entity_map[4], vector of maps containing data by dimension
252  * @param side_data, vector of all the side data in the problem
253  * @param cell_data, vector of the cell data in the problem
254  *
255  */
256  void set_surface_senses( int num_ents[4],
257  std::vector< EntityHandle > entity_map[4],
258  std::vector< side > side_data,
259  std::vector< cell > cell_data );
261  /**
262  * creates the group data requried for dagmc, reflecting planes, material assignments etc
263  * @param entity_map, vector of vector of entitiy handles for each dimension
264  *
265  * @returns moab::ErrorCode
266  */
267  ErrorCode setup_group_data( std::vector< EntityHandle > entity_map[4] );
269  /**
270  * create a group of a given name, mustkeep track of id
271  * @param group_name, name of the group
272  * @param id, integer id number
273  *
274  * returns the entity handle of the group
275  */
276  EntityHandle create_group( std::string group_name, int id );
278  /**
279  * Builds the full MOAB representation of the data, making vertices from coordinates, triangles
280  * from vertices and tets from the same vertices. Tags appropriate to each dataset collection
281  * are applied, triangles are tagged with the surface id and side id they belong to, as well as
282  * tagging the surface with the same data. Tets are similarly tagged only with the Material
283  * number
284  *
285  * @param node_data the node data
286  * @param facet_data, the triangles in the problem
287  * @param tet_data, the tets in the problem
288  * @param surface_map, the map of surface meshset and id numbers
289  *
290  * @return moab::ErrorCode
291  */
292  ErrorCode build_moab( std::vector< node > node_data,
293  std::vector< facet > facet_data,
294  std::vector< tet > tet_data,
295  std::map< int, EntityHandle > surface_map );
297  /**
298  * reads the full set of header data
299  *
300  * @param filename, the file to read the data from
301  *
302  * @return moab::Error code
303  */
304  ErrorCode read_header( const char* filename );
306  /**
307  * Reads the full set of side data from the file
308  *
309  * @param filename, the file to read all the side data from
310  * @param side data, a vector containing all the read side data
311  *
312  * @return moab::ErrorCode
313  */
314  ErrorCode read_sides( const char* filename, std::vector< side >& side_data );
316  /**
317  * Reads the full set of cell data from the file
318  *
319  * @param filename, the file to read all the side data from
320  * @param cell data, a vector containing all the read cell data
321  *
322  * @return moab::ErrorCode
323  */
324  ErrorCode read_cells( const char* filename, std::vector< cell >& cell_data );
326  /**
327  * Reads the full set of node data from the file
328  *
329  * @param filename, the file to read all the side data from
330  * @param node data, a vector containing all the read node data
331  *
332  * @return moab::ErrorCode
333  */
334  ErrorCode read_nodes( const char* filename, std::vector< node >& node_data );
336  /**
337  * Reads the full set of facet data from the file
338  *
339  * @param filename, the file to read all the side data from
340  * @param facet data, a vector containing all the read facet data
341  *
342  * @return moab::ErrorCode
343  */
344  ErrorCode read_facets( const char* filename, std::vector< facet >& facet_data );
346  /**
347  * Reads the full set of tet data from the file
348  *
349  * @param filename, the file to read all the side data from
350  * @param tet data, a vector containing all the read tet data
351  *
352  * @return moab::ErrorCode
353  */
354  ErrorCode read_tets( const char* filename, std::vector< tet >& tet_data );
356  /**
357  * Reads the header data into a class member structure
358  *
359  * @param input_file, an open filestream
360  *
361  * @return void
362  */
363  ErrorCode get_header_data( std::ifstream& input_file );
365  /**
366  * Reads a single atomic cell data string and populates a cell struct
367  *
368  * @param celldata, a string of read data and
369  *
370  * @return cell, the propulated cell struct
371  */
372  cell get_cell_data( std::string celldata );
374  /**
375  * Reads a single atomic side data string and populates a side struct
376  *
377  * @param sidedata, a string of read data and
378  *
379  * @return side, the propulated side struct
380  */
381  side get_side_data( std::string sidedata );
383  /**
384  * Reads a single atomic node data string and populates a node struct
385  *
386  * @param sidedata, a string of read data and
387  *
388  * @return node, the propulated node struct
389  */
390  node get_node_data( std::string nodedata );
392  /**
393  * Reads a single atomic facet data string and populates a facet struct
394  *
395  * @param facetdata, a string of facet data and
396  *
397  * @return facet, the propulated facet struct
398  */
399  facet get_facet_data( std::string facetdata );
401  /**
402  * Reads a single atomic tet data string and populates a tet struct
403  *
404  * @param tetdata, a string of tet data and
405  *
406  * @return tet, the propulated tet struct
407  */
408  tet get_tet_data( std::string tetdata );
410  /**
411  * Splits a string into a vector of substrings delimited by split_char
412  *
413  * @param string_to_split, the string that needs splitting into chunks
414  * @param split_char, the character to split the string with
415  *
416  * @return a vector of strings that are delimited by split_char
417  */
418  std::vector< std::string > split_string( std::string string_to_split, char split_char );
420  /**
421  * Splits an Attila cellname and populates a boundary structure
422  *
423  * @param attila_cellname, string containing the boundary information
424  *
425  * @return a boundary object
426  */
427  boundary split_name( std::string atilla_cellname );
429  /**
430  * Count the number of unique surface numbers in the dataset, also get list of surface numbers
431  * @param side_data, collection of all the side data in the mesh
432  * @param surface_numbers, collection of surface numbers
433  *
434  * returns the number of surface numbers
435  */
436  int count_sides( std::vector< side > side_data, std::vector< int >& surface_numbers );
438  // Class Member variables
439  private:
441  // read mesh interface
443  // Moab Interface
445  // geom tool instance
447  // tags used in the problem
449 };
451 } // namespace moab
453 #endif