Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.5.1)
An array-based unstructured mesh library
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * ParCommGraph.hpp
3  *
4  * will be used to setup communication between 2 distributed meshes, in which one mesh was migrated
5  * from the other. (one example is atmosphere mesh migrated to coupler pes)
6  *
7  * there are 3 communicators in play, one for each mesh, and one for the joined
8  * communicator, that spans both sets of processes; to send mesh or tag data we need to use the
9  * joint communicator, use nonblocking MPI_iSend and blocking MPI_Recv receives
10  *
11  * various methods should be available to migrate meshes; trivial, using graph partitioner (Zoltan
12  * PHG) and using a geometric partitioner (Zoltan RCB)
13  *
14  * communicators are represented by their MPI groups, not by their communicators, because
15  * the groups are always defined, irrespective of what tasks are they on. Communicators can be
16  * MPI_NULL, while MPI_Groups are always defined
17  *
18  * Some of the methods in here are executed over the sender communicator, some are over the
19  * receiver communicator They can switch places, what was sender becomes the receiver and viceversa
20  *
21  * The name "graph" is in the sense of a bipartite graph, in which we can separate senders and
22  * receivers tasks
23  *
24  * The info stored in the ParCommGraph helps in migrating fields (MOAB tags) from component to the
25  * coupler and back
26  *
27  * So initially the ParCommGraph is assisting in mesh migration (from component to coupler) and
28  * then is used to migrate tag data from component to coupler and back from coupler to component.
29  *
30  * The same class is used after intersection (which is done on the coupler pes between 2 different
31  * component migrated meshes) and it alters communication pattern between the original component pes
32  * and coupler pes;
33  *
34  * We added a new way to send tags between 2 models; the first application of the new method is to
35  * send tag from atm dynamics model (spectral elements, with np x np tags defined on each element,
36  * according to the GLOBAL_DOFS tag associated to each element) towards the atm physics model, which
37  * is just a point cloud of vertices distributed differently to the physics model pes; matching is
38  * done using GLOBAL_ID tag on vertices; Right now, we assume that the models are on different pes,
39  * but the joint communicator covers both and that the ids of the tasks are with respect to the
40  * joint communicator
41  *
42  *
43  */
44 #include "moab_mpi.h"
45 #include "moab/Interface.hpp"
46 #include "moab/ParallelComm.hpp"
47 #include <map>
52 namespace moab
53 {
56 {
57  public:
58  enum TypeGraph
59  {
63  };
64  virtual ~ParCommGraph();
66  /**
67  * \brief collective constructor, will be called on all sender tasks and receiver tasks
68  * \param[in] joincomm joint MPI communicator that covers both sender and receiver MPI groups
69  * \param[in] group1 MPI group formed with sender tasks; (sender usually loads the mesh in a
70  * migrate scenario) \param[in] group2 MPI group formed with receiver tasks; (receiver
71  * usually receives the mesh in a migrate scenario) \param[in] coid1 sender component unique
72  * identifier in a coupled application (in climate simulations could be the Atmosphere Comp id =
73  * 5 or Ocean Comp ID , 17) \param[in] coid2 receiver component unique identifier in a
74  * coupled application (it is usually the coupler, 2, in E3SM)
75  *
76  * this graph will be formed on sender and receiver tasks, and, in principle, will hold info
77  * about how the local entities are distributed on the other side
78  *
79  * Its major role is to help in migration of data, from component to the coupler and vice-versa;
80  * Each local entity has a corresponding task (or tasks) on the other side, to where the data
81  * needs to be sent
82  *
83  * important data stored in ParCommGraph, immediately it is created
84  * - all sender and receiver tasks ids, with respect to the joint communicator
85  * - local rank in sender and receiver group (-1 if not part of the respective group)
86  * - rank in the joint communicator (from 0)
87  */
88  ParCommGraph( MPI_Comm joincomm, MPI_Group group1, MPI_Group group2, int coid1, int coid2 );
90  /**
91  * \brief copy constructor will copy only the senders, receivers, compid1, etc
92  */
93  ParCommGraph( const ParCommGraph& );
95  /**
96  \brief Based on the number of elements on each task in group 1, partition for group 2,
97  trivially
99  <B>Operations:</B> it is called on every receiver task; decides how are all elements distributed
101  Note: establish how many elements are sent from each task in group 1 to tasks in group 2
102  This call is usually made on a root / master process, and will construct local maps that
103  are member data, which contain the communication graph, in both directions Also, number of
104  elements migrated/exchanged between each sender/receiver
106  \param[in] numElemsPerTaskInGroup1 (std::vector<int> &) number of elements on each sender
107  task
108  */
110  ErrorCode compute_trivial_partition( std::vector< int >& numElemsPerTaskInGroup1 );
112  /**
113  \brief pack information about receivers view of the graph, for future sending to receiver
114  root
116  <B>Operations:</B> Local, called on root process of the senders group
118  \param[out] packed_recv_array
119  packed data will be sent to the root of receivers, and distributed from there, and
120  will have this information, for each receiver, concatenated
121  receiver 1 task, number of senders for receiver 1, then sender tasks for receiver 1,
122  receiver 2 task, number of senders for receiver 2, sender tasks for receiver 2, etc Note: only
123  the root of senders will compute this, and send it over to the receiver root, which will
124  distribute it over each receiver; We do not pack the sizes of data to be sent, only the
125  senders for each of the receivers (could be of size O(n^2) , where n is the number of tasks ;
126  but in general, it should be more like O(n) ). Each sender sends to a "finite" number of
127  receivers, and each receiver receives from a finite number of senders). We need this info to
128  decide how to set up the send/receive waiting game for non-blocking communication )
129  */
130  ErrorCode pack_receivers_graph( std::vector< int >& packed_recv_array );
132  // get methods for private data
134  {
135  return rootSender;
136  }
139  {
140  return rootReceiver;
141  }
143  int sender( int index )
144  {
145  return senderTasks[index];
146  }
148  int receiver( int index )
149  {
150  return receiverTasks[index];
151  }
154  {
155  return compid1;
156  }
158  {
159  return compid2;
160  }
163  {
164  return context_id;
165  }
166  void set_context_id( int other_id )
167  {
168  context_id = other_id;
169  }
172  {
173  return cover_set;
174  }
176  {
177  cover_set = cover;
178  }
180  // return local graph for a specific task
181  ErrorCode split_owned_range( int sender_rank, Range& owned );
185  ErrorCode send_graph( MPI_Comm jcomm );
187  ErrorCode send_graph_partition( ParallelComm* pco, MPI_Comm jcomm );
189  ErrorCode send_mesh_parts( MPI_Comm jcomm, ParallelComm* pco, Range& owned );
191  // this is called on receiver side
192  ErrorCode receive_comm_graph( MPI_Comm jcomm, ParallelComm* pco, std::vector< int >& pack_array );
194  ErrorCode receive_mesh( MPI_Comm jcomm,
195  ParallelComm* pco,
196  EntityHandle local_set,
197  std::vector< int >& senders_local );
201  ErrorCode send_tag_values( MPI_Comm jcomm, ParallelComm* pco, Range& owned, std::vector< Tag >& tag_handles );
203  ErrorCode receive_tag_values( MPI_Comm jcomm, ParallelComm* pco, Range& owned, std::vector< Tag >& tag_handles );
205  // getter method
206  const std::vector< int >& senders()
207  {
208  return senderTasks;
209  } // reference copy; refers to sender tasks in joint comm
210  const std::vector< int >& receivers()
211  {
212  return receiverTasks;
213  }
217  // this will set after_cov_rec_sizes
219  std::map< int, std::set< int > >& idsFromProcs ); // will make sense only on receivers, right now after cov
221  // strideComp is np x np, or 1, in our cases
222  // will fill up ordered lists for corresponding IDs on the other component
223  // will form back and forth information, from ordered list of IDs, to valuesComp
224  void settle_comm_by_ids( int comp, TupleList& TLBackToComp, std::vector< int >& valuesComp );
226  // after map read, we need to know what entities we need to send to receiver
227  ErrorCode set_split_ranges( int comp,
228  TupleList& TLBackToComp1,
229  std::vector< int >& valuesComp1,
230  int lenTag,
231  Range& ents_of_interest,
232  int type );
234  // new methods to migrate mesh after reading map
235  ErrorCode form_tuples_to_migrate_mesh( Interface* mb, TupleList& TLv, TupleList& TLc, int type, int lenTagType1 );
237  TupleList& TLv,
238  TupleList& TLc,
239  int type,
240  int lenTagType1,
241  EntityHandle fset,
242  Range& primary_ents,
243  std::vector< int >& values_entities );
245  // new partition calculation
246  ErrorCode compute_partition( ParallelComm* pco, Range& owned, int met );
248  // dump local information about graph
249  ErrorCode dump_comm_information( std::string prefix, int is_send );
251  private:
252  /**
253  \brief find ranks of a group with respect to an encompassing communicator
255  <B>Operations:</B> Local, usually called on root process of the group
257  \param[in] joincomm (MPI_Comm)
258  \param[in] group (MPI_Group)
259  \param[out] ranks ( std::vector<int>) ranks with respect to the joint communicator
260  */
261  void find_group_ranks( MPI_Group group, MPI_Comm join, std::vector< int >& ranks );
263  MPI_Comm comm;
264  std::vector< int > senderTasks; // these are the sender tasks in joint comm
265  std::vector< int > receiverTasks; // these are all the receiver tasks in joint comm
268  int rankInGroup1, rankInGroup2; // group 1 is sender, 2 is receiver
271  int context_id; // used to identify the other comp for intersection
272  EntityHandle cover_set; // will be initialized only if it is the receiver parcomm graph, in
273  // CoverageGraph
275  // communication graph from group1 to group2;
276  // graph[task1] = vec1; // vec1 is a stl vector of tasks in group2
277  std::map< int, std::vector< int > > recv_graph; // to what tasks from group2 to send (actual communication graph)
278  std::map< int, std::vector< int > >
279  recv_sizes; // how many elements to actually send from a sender task to receiver tasks
280  std::map< int, std::vector< int > >
281  sender_graph; // to what tasks from group2 to send (actual communication graph)
282  std::map< int, std::vector< int > >
283  sender_sizes; // how many elements to actually send from a sender task to receiver tasks
285  std::vector< ParallelComm::Buffer* > localSendBuffs; // this will store the pointers to the Buffers
286  // will be released only when all mpi requests are waited
287  // for
288  int* comm_graph; // this will store communication graph, on sender master, sent by nonblocking
289  // send to the master receiver first integer will be the size of the graph,
290  // the rest will be the packed graph, for trivial partition
292  // these will be now used to store ranges to be sent from current sender to each receiver in
293  // joint comm
294  std::map< int, Range > split_ranges;
296  std::vector< MPI_Request > sendReqs; // there will be multiple requests, 2 for comm graph, 2 for each Buffer
297  // there are as many buffers as sender_graph[rankInJoin].size()
299  // active on both receiver and sender sides
300  std::vector< int > corr_tasks; // subset of the senderTasks, in the joint comm for sender;
301  // subset of receiverTasks for receiver side
302  std::vector< int > corr_sizes; // how many primary entities corresponding to the other side
303  // so what we know is that the local range corresponds to remote corr_sizes[i] size ranges on
304  // tasks corr_tasks[i]
306  // these will be used now after coverage, quick fix; they will also be populated by
307  // iMOAB_CoverageGraph
308  TypeGraph graph_type; // this should be false , set to true in settle send graph, to use send_IDs_map
309  std::map< int, std::vector< int > > involved_IDs_map; // replace send and recv IDs_mapp with involved_IDs_map
310  // used only for third method: DOF_BASED
311  std::map< int, std::vector< int > >
312  map_index; // from index in involved[] to index in values[] of tag, for each corr task
313  std::map< int, std::vector< int > > map_ptr; // lmap[ie], lmap[ie+1], pointer into map_index[corrTask]
314 };
316 } // namespace moab