Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.5.1)
An array-based unstructured mesh library
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright (c) 2010, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced at
2 // the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. LLNL-CODE-443211. All Rights
3 // reserved. See file COPYRIGHT for details.
4 //
5 // This file is part of the MFEM library. For more information and source code
6 // availability see
7 //
8 // MFEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
9 // terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (as published by the Free
10 // Software Foundation) version 2.1 dated February 1999.
12 /// This HYPRE library interface has been taken originally from MFEM and modified
13 /// to suit the needs for the MOAB library.
14 /// Modified by: Vijay Mahadevan
19 #include "moab/MOABConfig.h"
20 #include "moab/Core.hpp"
22 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_EIGEN3
23 #include <Eigen/Core>
24 #include <Eigen/Sparse>
25 #else
26 #error Configure with Eigen3 enabled
27 #endif
29 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
30 #include "moab/ParallelComm.hpp"
32 // hypre header files
33 // #include "HYPRE.h"
34 // #include "HYPRE_parcsr_ls.h"
35 // #include "HYPRE_MatvecFunctions.h"
37 #include "seq_mv.h"
38 #include "HypreParVector.hpp"
39 #include "_hypre_parcsr_mv.h"
40 #include "_hypre_parcsr_ls.h"
41 #include "interpreter.h"
42 #include "HYPRE_MatvecFunctions.h"
44 #include "temp_multivector.h"
47 #error "MOAB does not work with HYPRE's complex numbers support"
48 #endif
50 #include "hypre_parcsr.hpp"
52 namespace moab
53 {
55 namespace internal
56 {
58  // Convert a HYPRE_Int to int
59  inline int to_int( HYPRE_Int i )
60  {
61 #ifdef HYPRE_BIGINT
62  MFEM_ASSERT( HYPRE_Int( int( i ) ) == i, "overflow converting HYPRE_Int to int" );
63 #endif
64  return int( i );
65  }
67 } // namespace internal
69 /// Wrapper for hypre's ParCSR matrix class
70 class HypreParMatrix
71 {
72  private:
73  /// The actual object
74  HYPRE_IJMatrix A;
75  hypre_ParCSRMatrix* A_parcsr;
77  mv_InterfaceInterpreter* interpreter;
79  // Does the object own the pointer A?
80  char ParCSROwner;
82  // Store the dimensions of the matrix
83  int height, gnrows;
84  int width, gncols;
86  moab::ParallelComm* pcomm;
87  char initialized;
89  // Initialize with defaults. Does not initialize inherited members.
90  void Init();
92  // Delete all owned data. Does not perform re-initialization with defaults.
93  void Destroy();
95  friend class HypreSolver;
97  public:
98  typedef Eigen::VectorXd Vector;
99  typedef Eigen::SparseMatrix< double, Eigen::RowMajor > MOABSparseMatrix;
100  // typedef template Eigen::ArrayXX<T> Array2D<T>;
102  public:
103  /// An empty matrix to be used as a reference to an existing matrix
104  HypreParMatrix( moab::ParallelComm* p_comm );
106  /// Converts hypre's format to HypreParMatrix
107  HypreParMatrix( HYPRE_IJMatrix a )
108  {
109  Init();
110  A = a;
111  height = GetNumRows();
112  width = GetNumCols();
113  }
115  /** Creates block-diagonal square parallel matrix. Diagonal is given by diag
116  which must be in CSR format (finalized). The new HypreParMatrix does not
117  take ownership of any of the input arrays. */
118  HypreParMatrix( moab::ParallelComm* p_comm, HYPRE_Int glob_size, HYPRE_Int* row_starts, HYPRE_Int nnz_pr_diag = 0 );
120  /** Creates block-diagonal rectangular parallel matrix. Diagonal is given by
121  diag which must be in CSR format (finalized). The new HypreParMatrix does
122  not take ownership of any of the input arrays. */
123  HypreParMatrix( moab::ParallelComm* p_comm,
124  HYPRE_Int global_num_rows,
125  HYPRE_Int global_num_cols,
126  HYPRE_Int* row_starts,
127  HYPRE_Int* col_starts,
128  HYPRE_Int nnz_pr_diag = 0,
129  HYPRE_Int onz_pr_diag = 0,
130  HYPRE_Int nnz_pr_offdiag = 0 );
132  /** Creates a general parallel matrix from a local CSR matrix on each
133  processor described by the I, J and data arrays. The local matrix should
134  be of size (local) nrows by (global) glob_ncols. The new parallel matrix
135  contains copies of all input arrays (so they can be deleted). */
136  // HypreParMatrix(MPI_Comm comm, int nrows, HYPRE_Int glob_nrows,
137  // HYPRE_Int glob_ncols, int *I, HYPRE_Int *J,
138  // double *data, HYPRE_Int *rows, HYPRE_Int *cols);
140  /// Make this HypreParMatrix a reference to 'master'
141  void MakeRef( const HypreParMatrix& master );
143  /// MPI communicator
144  moab::ParallelComm* GetParallelCommunicator() const
145  {
146  return pcomm;
147  }
149  /// Typecasting to hypre's HYPRE_IJMatrix*
150  operator HYPRE_IJMatrix()
151  {
152  return A;
153  }
154  /// Typecasting to hypre's HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix, a.k.a. void *
155  operator HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix()
156  {
157  return (HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix)A_parcsr;
158  }
160  /// Changes the ownership of the matrix
161  HYPRE_IJMatrix StealData();
162  /// Changes the ownership of the matrix to A
163  void StealData( HypreParMatrix& A );
165  /** If the HypreParMatrix does not own the row-starts array, make a copy of
166  it that the HypreParMatrix will own. If the col-starts array is the same
167  as the row-starts array, col-starts is also replaced. */
168  // void CopyRowStarts();
169  /** If the HypreParMatrix does not own the col-starts array, make a copy of
170  it that the HypreParMatrix will own. If the row-starts array is the same
171  as the col-starts array, row-starts is also replaced. */
172  // void CopyColStarts();
174  /// Returns the global number of nonzeros
175  inline HYPRE_Int NNZ()
176  {
177  return A_parcsr->num_nonzeros;
178  }
179  /// Returns the row partitioning
180  inline HYPRE_Int* RowPart()
181  {
182  return A->row_partitioning;
183  }
184  /// Returns the column partitioning
185  inline HYPRE_Int* ColPart()
186  {
187  return A->col_partitioning;
188  }
189  /// Returns the global number of rows
190  inline HYPRE_Int M()
191  {
192  return A->global_num_rows;
193  }
194  /// Returns the global number of columns
195  inline HYPRE_Int N()
196  {
197  return A->global_num_cols;
198  }
199  /// Returns the global number of rows
200  inline HYPRE_Int FirstRow()
201  {
202  return A->global_first_row;
203  }
204  /// Returns the global number of columns
205  inline HYPRE_Int FirstCol()
206  {
207  return A->global_first_col;
208  }
210  /// Get the local diagonal of the matrix.
211  void GetDiag( Vector& diag ) const;
212  /// Get the local diagonal block. NOTE: 'diag' will not own any data.
213  void GetDiag( MOABSparseMatrix& diag ) const;
214  /// Get the local off-diagonal block. NOTE: 'offd' will not own any data.
215  void GetOffd( MOABSparseMatrix& offd, HYPRE_Int*& cmap ) const;
217  /** Split the matrix into M x N equally sized blocks of parallel matrices.
218  The size of 'blocks' must already be set to M x N. */
219  // void GetBlocks(Eigen::Array<HypreParMatrix*,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic> &blocks,
220  // bool interleaved_rows = false,
221  // bool interleaved_cols = false) const;
223  /// Returns the transpose of *this
224  // HypreParMatrix * Transpose();
226  /** Destroy and resize block-diagonal square parallel matrix. Diagonal is given by diag
227  which must be in CSR format (finalized). The new HypreParMatrix does not
228  take ownership of any of the input arrays. */
229  void resize( HYPRE_Int glob_size, HYPRE_Int* row_starts, HYPRE_Int nnz_pr_diag = 0, HYPRE_Int nnz_pr_offdiag = 0 );
231  /** Destroy and resize block-diagonal rectangular parallel matrix. Diagonal is given by
232  diag which must be in CSR format (finalized). The new HypreParMatrix does
233  not take ownership of any of the input arrays. */
234  void resize( HYPRE_Int global_num_rows,
235  HYPRE_Int global_num_cols,
236  HYPRE_Int* row_starts,
237  HYPRE_Int* col_starts,
238  HYPRE_Int* nnz_pr_diag = NULL,
239  HYPRE_Int* onz_pr_diag = NULL,
240  HYPRE_Int nnz_pr_offdiag = 0 );
242  /// Returns the number of rows in the diagonal block of the ParCSRMatrix
243  int GetNumRows() const
244  {
245  return internal::to_int( hypre_CSRMatrixNumRows( hypre_ParCSRMatrixDiag( A_parcsr ) ) );
246  }
248  /// Returns the number of columns in the diagonal block of the ParCSRMatrix
249  int GetNumCols() const
250  {
251  return internal::to_int( hypre_CSRMatrixNumCols( hypre_ParCSRMatrixDiag( A_parcsr ) ) );
252  }
254  /// Computes y = alpha * A * x + beta * y
255  HYPRE_Int Mult( HypreParVector& x, HypreParVector& y, double alpha = 1.0, double beta = 0.0 );
256  /// Computes y = alpha * A * x + beta * y
257  HYPRE_Int Mult( HYPRE_ParVector x, HYPRE_ParVector y, double alpha = 1.0, double beta = 0.0 );
258  /// Computes y = alpha * A^t * x + beta * y
259  HYPRE_Int MultTranspose( HypreParVector& x, HypreParVector& y, double alpha = 1.0, double beta = 0.0 );
261  void Mult( double a, const HypreParVector& x, double b, HypreParVector& y ) const;
262  void MultTranspose( double a, const HypreParVector& x, double b, HypreParVector& y ) const;
264  // virtual void Mult(const Vector &x, Vector &y) const
265  // { Mult(1.0, x, 0.0, y); }
266  // virtual void MultTranspose(const Vector &x, Vector &y) const
267  // { MultTranspose(1.0, x, 0.0, y); }
269  /** The "Boolean" analog of y = alpha * A * x + beta * y, where elements in
270  the sparsity pattern of the matrix are treated as "true". */
271  // void BooleanMult(int alpha, int *x, int beta, int *y)
272  // {
273  // internal::hypre_ParCSRMatrixBooleanMatvec(A_parcsr, alpha, x, beta, y);
274  // }
276  /** Multiply A on the left by a block-diagonal parallel matrix D. Return
277  a new parallel matrix, D*A. If D has a different number of rows than A,
278  D's row starts array needs to be given (as returned by the methods
279  GetDofOffsets/GetTrueDofOffsets of ParFiniteElementSpace). The new matrix
280  D*A uses copies of the row-, column-starts arrays, so "this" matrix and
281  "row_starts" can be deleted.
282  NOTE: this operation is local and does not require communication. */
283  // HypreParMatrix* LeftDiagMult(const MOABSparseMatrix &D,
284  // HYPRE_Int* row_starts = NULL) const;
286  /// Scale the local row i by s(i).
287  void ScaleRows( const Vector& s );
288  /// Scale the local row i by 1./s(i)
289  void InvScaleRows( const Vector& s );
290  /// Scale all entries by s: A_scaled = s*A.
291  void operator*=( double s );
293  /// Remove values smaller in absolute value than some threshold
294  void Threshold( double threshold = 0.0 );
296  /// If a row contains only zeros, set its diagonal to 1.
297  void EliminateZeroRows()
298  {
299  hypre_ParCSRMatrixFixZeroRows( A_parcsr );
300  }
302  /** Eliminate rows and columns from the matrix, and rows from the vector B.
303  Modify B with the BC values in X. */
304  void EliminateRowsCols( const std::vector< HYPRE_Int >& rows_cols, const HypreParVector& X, HypreParVector& B );
306  /** Eliminate rows and columns from the matrix and store the eliminated
307  elements in a new matrix Ae (returned), so that the modified matrix and
308  Ae sum to the original matrix. */
309  HypreParMatrix* EliminateRowsCols( const std::vector< HYPRE_Int >& rows_cols );
311  HYPRE_Int GetValues( const HYPRE_Int nrows,
312  HYPRE_Int* ncols,
313  HYPRE_Int* rows,
314  HYPRE_Int* cols,
315  HYPRE_Complex* values );
316  HYPRE_Int SetValues( const HYPRE_Int nrows,
317  HYPRE_Int* ncols,
318  const HYPRE_Int* rows,
319  const HYPRE_Int* cols,
320  const HYPRE_Complex* values );
321  HYPRE_Int AddToValues( const HYPRE_Int nrows,
322  HYPRE_Int* ncols,
323  const HYPRE_Int* rows,
324  const HYPRE_Int* cols,
325  const HYPRE_Complex* values );
327  HYPRE_Int FinalizeAssembly();
329  HYPRE_Int verbosity( const HYPRE_Int level );
331  /// Prints the locally owned rows in parallel
332  void Print( const char* fname, HYPRE_Int offi = 0, HYPRE_Int offj = 0 );
333  /// Reads the matrix from a file
334  void Read( const char* fname );
336  /// Calls hypre's destroy function
337  virtual ~HypreParMatrix()
338  {
339  Destroy();
340  }
342  /// Returns the matrix A * B
343  friend HypreParMatrix* ParMult( HypreParMatrix* A, HypreParMatrix* B );
345  /// Returns the matrix P^t * A * P
346  friend HypreParMatrix* RAP( HypreParMatrix* A, HypreParMatrix* P );
347  /// Returns the matrix Rt^t * A * P
348  friend HypreParMatrix* RAP( HypreParMatrix* Rt, HypreParMatrix* A, HypreParMatrix* P );
350  /** Eliminate essential BC specified by 'ess_dof_list' from the solution X to
351  the r.h.s. B. Here A is a matrix with eliminated BC, while Ae is such that
352  (A+Ae) is the original (Neumann) matrix before elimination. */
353  friend void EliminateBC( HypreParMatrix& A,
354  HypreParMatrix& Ae,
355  const std::vector< int >& ess_dof_list,
356  const HypreParVector& X,
357  HypreParVector& B );
359  friend class HypreSolver;
360 };
362 } // namespace moab
364 #endif // MOAB_HAVE_MPI
366 #endif