Actual source code: taosolver.c

petsc-3.9.4 2018-09-11
Report Typos and Errors
  1: #define TAO_DLL

  3:  #include <petsc/private/taoimpl.h>

  5: PetscBool TaoRegisterAllCalled = PETSC_FALSE;
  6: PetscFunctionList TaoList = NULL;

  8: PetscClassId TAO_CLASSID;
  9: PetscLogEvent Tao_Solve, Tao_ObjectiveEval, Tao_GradientEval, Tao_ObjGradientEval, Tao_HessianEval, Tao_ConstraintsEval, Tao_JacobianEval;

 11: const char *TaoSubSetTypes[] = {  "subvec","mask","matrixfree","TaoSubSetType","TAO_SUBSET_",0};

 13: struct _n_TaoMonitorDrawCtx {
 14:   PetscViewer viewer;
 15:   PetscInt    howoften;  /* when > 0 uses iteration % howoften, when negative only final solution plotted */
 16: };

 18: /*@
 19:   TaoCreate - Creates a TAO solver

 21:   Collective on MPI_Comm

 23:   Input Parameter:
 24: . comm - MPI communicator

 26:   Output Parameter:
 27: . newtao - the new Tao context

 29:   Available methods include:
 30: +    nls - Newton's method with line search for unconstrained minimization
 31: .    ntr - Newton's method with trust region for unconstrained minimization
 32: .    ntl - Newton's method with trust region, line search for unconstrained minimization
 33: .    lmvm - Limited memory variable metric method for unconstrained minimization
 34: .    cg - Nonlinear conjugate gradient method for unconstrained minimization
 35: .    nm - Nelder-Mead algorithm for derivate-free unconstrained minimization
 36: .    tron - Newton Trust Region method for bound constrained minimization
 37: .    gpcg - Newton Trust Region method for quadratic bound constrained minimization
 38: .    blmvm - Limited memory variable metric method for bound constrained minimization
 39: .    lcl - Linearly constrained Lagrangian method for pde-constrained minimization
 40: -    pounders - Model-based algorithm for nonlinear least squares

 42:    Options Database Keys:
 43: .   -tao_type - select which method TAO should use

 45:    Level: beginner

 47: .seealso: TaoSolve(), TaoDestroy()
 48: @*/
 49: PetscErrorCode TaoCreate(MPI_Comm comm, Tao *newtao)
 50: {
 52:   Tao            tao;

 56:   *newtao = NULL;

 58:   TaoInitializePackage();
 59:   TaoLineSearchInitializePackage();

 61:   PetscHeaderCreate(tao,TAO_CLASSID,"Tao","Optimization solver","Tao",comm,TaoDestroy,TaoView);
 62:   tao->ops->computeobjective=0;
 63:   tao->ops->computeobjectiveandgradient=0;
 64:   tao->ops->computegradient=0;
 65:   tao->ops->computehessian=0;
 66:   tao->ops->computeseparableobjective=0;
 67:   tao->ops->computeconstraints=0;
 68:   tao->ops->computejacobian=0;
 69:   tao->ops->computejacobianequality=0;
 70:   tao->ops->computejacobianinequality=0;
 71:   tao->ops->computeequalityconstraints=0;
 72:   tao->ops->computeinequalityconstraints=0;
 73:   tao->ops->convergencetest=TaoDefaultConvergenceTest;
 74:   tao->ops->convergencedestroy=0;
 75:   tao->ops->computedual=0;
 76:   tao->ops->setup=0;
 77:   tao->ops->solve=0;
 78:   tao->ops->view=0;
 79:   tao->ops->setfromoptions=0;
 80:   tao->ops->destroy=0;

 82:   tao->solution=NULL;
 83:   tao->gradient=NULL;
 84:   tao->sep_objective = NULL;
 85:   tao->constraints=NULL;
 86:   tao->constraints_equality=NULL;
 87:   tao->constraints_inequality=NULL;
 88:   tao->sep_weights_v=NULL;
 89:   tao->sep_weights_w=NULL;
 90:   tao->stepdirection=NULL;
 91:   tao->niter=0;
 92:   tao->ntotalits=0;
 93:   tao->XL = NULL;
 94:   tao->XU = NULL;
 95:   tao->IL = NULL;
 96:   tao->IU = NULL;
 97:   tao->DI = NULL;
 98:   tao->DE = NULL;
 99:   tao->gradient_norm = NULL;
100:   tao->gradient_norm_tmp = NULL;
101:   tao->hessian = NULL;
102:   tao->hessian_pre = NULL;
103:   tao->jacobian = NULL;
104:   tao->jacobian_pre = NULL;
105:   tao->jacobian_state = NULL;
106:   tao->jacobian_state_pre = NULL;
107:   tao->jacobian_state_inv = NULL;
108:   tao->jacobian_design = NULL;
109:   tao->jacobian_design_pre = NULL;
110:   tao->jacobian_equality = NULL;
111:   tao->jacobian_equality_pre = NULL;
112:   tao->jacobian_inequality = NULL;
113:   tao->jacobian_inequality_pre = NULL;
114:   tao->state_is = NULL;
115:   tao->design_is = NULL;

117:   tao->max_it     = 10000;
118:   tao->max_funcs   = 10000;
119: #if defined(PETSC_USE_REAL_SINGLE)
120:   tao->gatol       = 1e-5;
121:   tao->grtol       = 1e-5;
122: #else
123:   tao->gatol       = 1e-8;
124:   tao->grtol       = 1e-8;
125: #endif
126:   tao->crtol       = 0.0;
127:   tao->catol       = 0.0;
128:   tao->gttol       = 0.0;
129:   tao->steptol     = 0.0;
130:   tao->trust0      = PETSC_INFINITY;
131:   tao->fmin        = PETSC_NINFINITY;
132:   tao->hist_malloc = PETSC_FALSE;
133:   tao->hist_reset = PETSC_TRUE;
134:   tao->hist_max = 0;
135:   tao->hist_len = 0;
136:   tao->hist_obj = NULL;
137:   tao->hist_resid = NULL;
138:   tao->hist_cnorm = NULL;
139:   tao->hist_lits = NULL;

141:   tao->numbermonitors=0;
142:   tao->viewsolution=PETSC_FALSE;
143:   tao->viewhessian=PETSC_FALSE;
144:   tao->viewgradient=PETSC_FALSE;
145:   tao->viewjacobian=PETSC_FALSE;
146:   tao->viewconstraints = PETSC_FALSE;

148:   /* These flags prevents algorithms from overriding user options */
149:   tao->max_it_changed   =PETSC_FALSE;
150:   tao->max_funcs_changed=PETSC_FALSE;
151:   tao->gatol_changed    =PETSC_FALSE;
152:   tao->grtol_changed    =PETSC_FALSE;
153:   tao->gttol_changed    =PETSC_FALSE;
154:   tao->steptol_changed  =PETSC_FALSE;
155:   tao->trust0_changed   =PETSC_FALSE;
156:   tao->fmin_changed     =PETSC_FALSE;
157:   tao->catol_changed    =PETSC_FALSE;
158:   tao->crtol_changed    =PETSC_FALSE;
159:   TaoResetStatistics(tao);
160:   *newtao = tao;
161:   return(0);
162: }

164: /*@
165:   TaoSolve - Solves an optimization problem min F(x) s.t. l <= x <= u

167:   Collective on Tao

169:   Input Parameters:
170: . tao - the Tao context

172:   Notes:
173:   The user must set up the Tao with calls to TaoSetInitialVector(),
174:   TaoSetObjectiveRoutine(),
175:   TaoSetGradientRoutine(), and (if using 2nd order method) TaoSetHessianRoutine().

177:   You should call TaoGetConvergedReason() or run with -tao_converged_reason to determine if the optimization algorithm actually succeeded or
178:   why it failed.

180:   Level: beginner

182: .seealso: TaoCreate(), TaoSetObjectiveRoutine(), TaoSetGradientRoutine(), TaoSetHessianRoutine(), TaoGetConvergedReason()
183:  @*/
184: PetscErrorCode TaoSolve(Tao tao)
185: {
186:   PetscErrorCode   ierr;
187:   static PetscBool set = PETSC_FALSE;

191:   PetscCitationsRegister("@TechReport{tao-user-ref,\n"
192:                                 "title   = {Toolkit for Advanced Optimization (TAO) Users Manual},\n"
193:                                 "author  = {Todd Munson and Jason Sarich and Stefan Wild and Steve Benson and Lois Curfman McInnes},\n"
194:                                 "Institution = {Argonne National Laboratory},\n"
195:                                 "Year   = 2014,\n"
196:                                 "Number = {ANL/MCS-TM-322 - Revision 3.5},\n"
197:                                 "url    = {}\n}\n",&set);

199:   TaoSetUp(tao);
200:   TaoResetStatistics(tao);
201:   if (tao->linesearch) {
202:     TaoLineSearchReset(tao->linesearch);
203:   }

205:   PetscLogEventBegin(Tao_Solve,tao,0,0,0);
206:   if (tao->ops->solve){ (*tao->ops->solve)(tao); }
207:   PetscLogEventEnd(Tao_Solve,tao,0,0,0);

209:   VecViewFromOptions(tao->solution,(PetscObject)tao,"-tao_view_solution");

211:   tao->ntotalits += tao->niter;
212:   TaoViewFromOptions(tao,NULL,"-tao_view");

214:   if (tao->printreason) {
215:     if (tao->reason > 0) {
216:       PetscPrintf(((PetscObject)tao)->comm,"TAO solve converged due to %s iterations %D\n",TaoConvergedReasons[tao->reason],tao->niter);
217:     } else {
218:       PetscPrintf(((PetscObject)tao)->comm,"TAO solve did not converge due to %s iteration %D\n",TaoConvergedReasons[tao->reason],tao->niter);
219:     }
220:   }
221:   return(0);
222: }

224: /*@
225:   TaoSetUp - Sets up the internal data structures for the later use
226:   of a Tao solver

228:   Collective on tao

230:   Input Parameters:
231: . tao - the TAO context

233:   Notes:
234:   The user will not need to explicitly call TaoSetUp(), as it will
235:   automatically be called in TaoSolve().  However, if the user
236:   desires to call it explicitly, it should come after TaoCreate()
237:   and any TaoSetSomething() routines, but before TaoSolve().

239:   Level: advanced

241: .seealso: TaoCreate(), TaoSolve()
242: @*/
243: PetscErrorCode TaoSetUp(Tao tao)
244: {

249:   if (tao->setupcalled) return(0);

251:   if (!tao->solution) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONGSTATE,"Must call TaoSetInitialVector");
252:   if (tao->ops->setup) {
253:     (*tao->ops->setup)(tao);
254:   }
255:   tao->setupcalled = PETSC_TRUE;
256:   return(0);
257: }

259: /*@
260:   TaoDestroy - Destroys the TAO context that was created with
261:   TaoCreate()

263:   Collective on Tao

265:   Input Parameter:
266: . tao - the Tao context

268:   Level: beginner

270: .seealso: TaoCreate(), TaoSolve()
271: @*/
272: PetscErrorCode TaoDestroy(Tao *tao)
273: {

277:   if (!*tao) return(0);
279:   if (--((PetscObject)*tao)->refct > 0) {*tao=0;return(0);}

281:   if ((*tao)->ops->destroy) {
282:     (*((*tao))->ops->destroy)(*tao);
283:   }
284:   KSPDestroy(&(*tao)->ksp);
285:   TaoLineSearchDestroy(&(*tao)->linesearch);

287:   if ((*tao)->ops->convergencedestroy) {
288:     (*(*tao)->ops->convergencedestroy)((*tao)->cnvP);
289:     if ((*tao)->jacobian_state_inv) {
290:       MatDestroy(&(*tao)->jacobian_state_inv);
291:     }
292:   }
293:   VecDestroy(&(*tao)->solution);
294:   VecDestroy(&(*tao)->gradient);

296:   if ((*tao)->gradient_norm) {
297:     PetscObjectDereference((PetscObject)(*tao)->gradient_norm);
298:     VecDestroy(&(*tao)->gradient_norm_tmp);
299:   }

301:   VecDestroy(&(*tao)->XL);
302:   VecDestroy(&(*tao)->XU);
303:   VecDestroy(&(*tao)->IL);
304:   VecDestroy(&(*tao)->IU);
305:   VecDestroy(&(*tao)->DE);
306:   VecDestroy(&(*tao)->DI);
307:   VecDestroy(&(*tao)->constraints_equality);
308:   VecDestroy(&(*tao)->constraints_inequality);
309:   VecDestroy(&(*tao)->stepdirection);
310:   MatDestroy(&(*tao)->hessian_pre);
311:   MatDestroy(&(*tao)->hessian);
312:   MatDestroy(&(*tao)->jacobian_pre);
313:   MatDestroy(&(*tao)->jacobian);
314:   MatDestroy(&(*tao)->jacobian_state_pre);
315:   MatDestroy(&(*tao)->jacobian_state);
316:   MatDestroy(&(*tao)->jacobian_state_inv);
317:   MatDestroy(&(*tao)->jacobian_design);
318:   MatDestroy(&(*tao)->jacobian_equality);
319:   MatDestroy(&(*tao)->jacobian_equality_pre);
320:   MatDestroy(&(*tao)->jacobian_inequality);
321:   MatDestroy(&(*tao)->jacobian_inequality_pre);
322:   ISDestroy(&(*tao)->state_is);
323:   ISDestroy(&(*tao)->design_is);
324:   VecDestroy(&(*tao)->sep_weights_v);
325:   TaoCancelMonitors(*tao);
326:   if ((*tao)->hist_malloc) {
327:     PetscFree((*tao)->hist_obj);
328:     PetscFree((*tao)->hist_resid);
329:     PetscFree((*tao)->hist_cnorm);
330:     PetscFree((*tao)->hist_lits);
331:   }
332:   if ((*tao)->sep_weights_n) {
333:     PetscFree((*tao)->sep_weights_rows);
334:     PetscFree((*tao)->sep_weights_cols);
335:     PetscFree((*tao)->sep_weights_w);
336:   }
337:   PetscHeaderDestroy(tao);
338:   return(0);
339: }

341: /*@
342:   TaoSetFromOptions - Sets various Tao parameters from user
343:   options.

345:   Collective on Tao

347:   Input Paremeter:
348: . tao - the Tao solver context

350:   options Database Keys:
351: + -tao_type <type> - The algorithm that TAO uses (lmvm, nls, etc.)
352: . -tao_gatol <gatol> - absolute error tolerance for ||gradient||
353: . -tao_grtol <grtol> - relative error tolerance for ||gradient||
354: . -tao_gttol <gttol> - reduction of ||gradient|| relative to initial gradient
355: . -tao_max_it <max> - sets maximum number of iterations
356: . -tao_max_funcs <max> - sets maximum number of function evaluations
357: . -tao_fmin <fmin> - stop if function value reaches fmin
358: . -tao_steptol <tol> - stop if trust region radius less than <tol>
359: . -tao_trust0 <t> - initial trust region radius
360: . -tao_monitor - prints function value and residual at each iteration
361: . -tao_smonitor - same as tao_monitor, but truncates very small values
362: . -tao_cmonitor - prints function value, residual, and constraint norm at each iteration
363: . -tao_view_solution - prints solution vector at each iteration
364: . -tao_view_separableobjective - prints separable objective vector at each iteration
365: . -tao_view_step - prints step direction vector at each iteration
366: . -tao_view_gradient - prints gradient vector at each iteration
367: . -tao_draw_solution - graphically view solution vector at each iteration
368: . -tao_draw_step - graphically view step vector at each iteration
369: . -tao_draw_gradient - graphically view gradient at each iteration
370: . -tao_fd_gradient - use gradient computed with finite differences
371: . -tao_fd_hessian - use hessian computed with finite differences
372: . -tao_mf_hessian - use matrix-free hessian computed with finite differences
373: . -tao_cancelmonitors - cancels all monitors (except those set with command line)
374: . -tao_view - prints information about the Tao after solving
375: - -tao_converged_reason - prints the reason TAO stopped iterating

377:   Notes:
378:   To see all options, run your program with the -help option or consult the
379:   user's manual. Should be called after TaoCreate() but before TaoSolve()

381:   Level: beginner
382: @*/
383: PetscErrorCode TaoSetFromOptions(Tao tao)
384: {
386:   const TaoType  default_type = TAOLMVM;
387:   char           type[256], monfilename[PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN];
388:   PetscViewer    monviewer;
389:   PetscBool      flg;
390:   MPI_Comm       comm;

394:   PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject)tao,&comm);

396:   /* So no warnings are given about unused options */
397:   PetscOptionsHasName(((PetscObject)tao)->options,((PetscObject)tao)->prefix,"-tao_ls_type",&flg);

399:   PetscObjectOptionsBegin((PetscObject)tao);
400:   {
401:     TaoRegisterAll();
402:     if (((PetscObject)tao)->type_name) {
403:       default_type = ((PetscObject)tao)->type_name;
404:     }
405:     /* Check for type from options */
406:     PetscOptionsFList("-tao_type","Tao Solver type","TaoSetType",TaoList,default_type,type,256,&flg);
407:     if (flg) {
408:       TaoSetType(tao,type);
409:     } else if (!((PetscObject)tao)->type_name) {
410:       TaoSetType(tao,default_type);
411:     }

413:     PetscOptionsReal("-tao_catol","Stop if constraints violations within","TaoSetConstraintTolerances",tao->catol,&tao->catol,&flg);
414:     if (flg) tao->catol_changed=PETSC_TRUE;
415:     PetscOptionsReal("-tao_crtol","Stop if relative contraint violations within","TaoSetConstraintTolerances",tao->crtol,&tao->crtol,&flg);
416:     if (flg) tao->crtol_changed=PETSC_TRUE;
417:     PetscOptionsReal("-tao_gatol","Stop if norm of gradient less than","TaoSetTolerances",tao->gatol,&tao->gatol,&flg);
418:     if (flg) tao->gatol_changed=PETSC_TRUE;
419:     PetscOptionsReal("-tao_grtol","Stop if norm of gradient divided by the function value is less than","TaoSetTolerances",tao->grtol,&tao->grtol,&flg);
420:     if (flg) tao->grtol_changed=PETSC_TRUE;
421:     PetscOptionsReal("-tao_gttol","Stop if the norm of the gradient is less than the norm of the initial gradient times tol","TaoSetTolerances",tao->gttol,&tao->gttol,&flg);
422:     if (flg) tao->gttol_changed=PETSC_TRUE;
423:     PetscOptionsInt("-tao_max_it","Stop if iteration number exceeds","TaoSetMaximumIterations",tao->max_it,&tao->max_it,&flg);
424:     if (flg) tao->max_it_changed=PETSC_TRUE;
425:     PetscOptionsInt("-tao_max_funcs","Stop if number of function evaluations exceeds","TaoSetMaximumFunctionEvaluations",tao->max_funcs,&tao->max_funcs,&flg);
426:     if (flg) tao->max_funcs_changed=PETSC_TRUE;
427:     PetscOptionsReal("-tao_fmin","Stop if function less than","TaoSetFunctionLowerBound",tao->fmin,&tao->fmin,&flg);
428:     if (flg) tao->fmin_changed=PETSC_TRUE;
429:     PetscOptionsReal("-tao_steptol","Stop if step size or trust region radius less than","",tao->steptol,&tao->steptol,&flg);
430:     if (flg) tao->steptol_changed=PETSC_TRUE;
431:     PetscOptionsReal("-tao_trust0","Initial trust region radius","TaoSetTrustRegionRadius",tao->trust0,&tao->trust0,&flg);
432:     if (flg) tao->trust0_changed=PETSC_TRUE;
433:     PetscOptionsString("-tao_view_solution","view solution vector after each evaluation","TaoSetMonitor","stdout",monfilename,PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN,&flg);
434:     if (flg) {
435:       PetscViewerASCIIOpen(comm,monfilename,&monviewer);
436:       TaoSetMonitor(tao,TaoSolutionMonitor,monviewer,(PetscErrorCode (*)(void**))PetscViewerDestroy);
437:     }

439:     PetscOptionsBool("-tao_converged_reason","Print reason for TAO converged","TaoSolve",tao->printreason,&tao->printreason,NULL);
440:     PetscOptionsString("-tao_view_gradient","view gradient vector after each evaluation","TaoSetMonitor","stdout",monfilename,PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN,&flg);
441:     if (flg) {
442:       PetscViewerASCIIOpen(comm,monfilename,&monviewer);
443:       TaoSetMonitor(tao,TaoGradientMonitor,monviewer,(PetscErrorCode (*)(void**))PetscViewerDestroy);
444:     }

446:     PetscOptionsString("-tao_view_stepdirection","view step direction vector after each iteration","TaoSetMonitor","stdout",monfilename,PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN,&flg);
447:     if (flg) {
448:       PetscViewerASCIIOpen(comm,monfilename,&monviewer);
449:       TaoSetMonitor(tao,TaoStepDirectionMonitor,monviewer,(PetscErrorCode (*)(void**))PetscViewerDestroy);
450:     }

452:     PetscOptionsString("-tao_view_separableobjective","view separable objective vector after each evaluation","TaoSetMonitor","stdout",monfilename,PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN,&flg);
453:     if (flg) {
454:       PetscViewerASCIIOpen(comm,monfilename,&monviewer);
455:       TaoSetMonitor(tao,TaoSeparableObjectiveMonitor,monviewer,(PetscErrorCode (*)(void**))PetscViewerDestroy);
456:     }

458:     PetscOptionsString("-tao_monitor","Use the default convergence monitor","TaoSetMonitor","stdout",monfilename,PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN,&flg);
459:     if (flg) {
460:       PetscViewerASCIIOpen(comm,monfilename,&monviewer);
461:       TaoSetMonitor(tao,TaoMonitorDefault,monviewer,(PetscErrorCode (*)(void**))PetscViewerDestroy);
462:     }

464:     PetscOptionsString("-tao_smonitor","Use the short convergence monitor","TaoSetMonitor","stdout",monfilename,PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN,&flg);
465:     if (flg) {
466:       PetscViewerASCIIOpen(comm,monfilename,&monviewer);
467:       TaoSetMonitor(tao,TaoDefaultSMonitor,monviewer,(PetscErrorCode (*)(void**))PetscViewerDestroy);
468:     }

470:     PetscOptionsString("-tao_cmonitor","Use the default convergence monitor with constraint norm","TaoSetMonitor","stdout",monfilename,PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN,&flg);
471:     if (flg) {
472:       PetscViewerASCIIOpen(comm,monfilename,&monviewer);
473:       TaoSetMonitor(tao,TaoDefaultCMonitor,monviewer,(PetscErrorCode (*)(void**))PetscViewerDestroy);
474:     }

477:     flg = PETSC_FALSE;
478:     PetscOptionsBool("-tao_cancelmonitors","cancel all monitors and call any registered destroy routines","TaoCancelMonitors",flg,&flg,NULL);
479:     if (flg) {TaoCancelMonitors(tao);}

481:     flg = PETSC_FALSE;
482:     PetscOptionsBool("-tao_draw_solution","Plot solution vector at each iteration","TaoSetMonitor",flg,&flg,NULL);
483:     if (flg) {
484:       TaoMonitorDrawCtx drawctx;
485:       PetscInt          howoften = 1;
486:       TaoMonitorDrawCtxCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)tao),0,0,PETSC_DECIDE,PETSC_DECIDE,300,300,howoften,&drawctx);
487:       TaoSetMonitor(tao,TaoDrawSolutionMonitor,drawctx,(PetscErrorCode (*)(void**))TaoMonitorDrawCtxDestroy);
488:     }

490:     flg = PETSC_FALSE;
491:     PetscOptionsBool("-tao_draw_step","plots step direction at each iteration","TaoSetMonitor",flg,&flg,NULL);
492:     if (flg) {
493:       TaoSetMonitor(tao,TaoDrawStepMonitor,NULL,NULL);
494:     }

496:     flg = PETSC_FALSE;
497:     PetscOptionsBool("-tao_draw_gradient","plots gradient at each iteration","TaoSetMonitor",flg,&flg,NULL);
498:     if (flg) {
499:       TaoMonitorDrawCtx drawctx;
500:       PetscInt          howoften = 1;
501:       TaoMonitorDrawCtxCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)tao),0,0,PETSC_DECIDE,PETSC_DECIDE,300,300,howoften,&drawctx);
502:       TaoSetMonitor(tao,TaoDrawGradientMonitor,drawctx,(PetscErrorCode (*)(void**))TaoMonitorDrawCtxDestroy);
503:     }
504:     flg = PETSC_FALSE;
505:     PetscOptionsBool("-tao_fd_gradient","compute gradient using finite differences","TaoDefaultComputeGradient",flg,&flg,NULL);
506:     if (flg) {
507:       TaoSetGradientRoutine(tao,TaoDefaultComputeGradient,NULL);
508:     }
509:     flg = PETSC_FALSE;
510:     PetscOptionsBool("-tao_fd_hessian","compute hessian using finite differences","TaoDefaultComputeHessian",flg,&flg,NULL);
511:     if (flg) {
512:       Mat H;

514:       MatCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)tao),&H);
515:       MatSetType(H,MATAIJ);
516:       TaoSetHessianRoutine(tao,H,H,TaoDefaultComputeHessian,NULL);
517:       MatDestroy(&H);
518:     }
519:     flg = PETSC_FALSE;
520:     PetscOptionsBool("-tao_mf_hessian","compute matrix-free hessian using finite differences","TaoDefaultComputeHessianMFFD",flg,&flg,NULL);
521:     if (flg) {
522:       Mat H;

524:       MatCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)tao),&H);
525:       TaoSetHessianRoutine(tao,H,H,TaoDefaultComputeHessianMFFD,NULL);
526:       MatDestroy(&H);
527:     }
528:     PetscOptionsEnum("-tao_subset_type","subset type","",TaoSubSetTypes,(PetscEnum)tao->subset_type,(PetscEnum*)&tao->subset_type,NULL);

530:     if (tao->ops->setfromoptions) {
531:       (*tao->ops->setfromoptions)(PetscOptionsObject,tao);
532:     }
533:   }
534:   PetscOptionsEnd();
535:   return(0);
536: }

538: /*@C
539:   TaoView - Prints information about the Tao

541:   Collective on Tao

543:   InputParameters:
544: + tao - the Tao context
545: - viewer - visualization context

547:   Options Database Key:
548: . -tao_view - Calls TaoView() at the end of TaoSolve()

550:   Notes:
551:   The available visualization contexts include
552: +     PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_SELF - standard output (default)
553: -     PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD - synchronized standard
554:          output where only the first processor opens
555:          the file.  All other processors send their
556:          data to the first processor to print.

558:   Level: beginner

560: .seealso: PetscViewerASCIIOpen()
561: @*/
562: PetscErrorCode TaoView(Tao tao, PetscViewer viewer)
563: {
564:   PetscErrorCode      ierr;
565:   PetscBool           isascii,isstring;
566:   const TaoType type;

570:   if (!viewer) {
571:     PetscViewerASCIIGetStdout(((PetscObject)tao)->comm,&viewer);
572:   }

576:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer,PETSCVIEWERASCII,&isascii);
577:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer,PETSCVIEWERSTRING,&isstring);
578:   if (isascii) {
579:     PetscObjectPrintClassNamePrefixType((PetscObject)tao,viewer);

581:     if (tao->ops->view) {
582:       PetscViewerASCIIPushTab(viewer);
583:       (*tao->ops->view)(tao,viewer);
584:       PetscViewerASCIIPopTab(viewer);
585:     }
586:     if (tao->linesearch) {
587:       PetscViewerASCIIPushTab(viewer);
588:       TaoLineSearchView(tao->linesearch,viewer);
589:       PetscViewerASCIIPopTab(viewer);
590:     }
591:     if (tao->ksp) {
592:       PetscViewerASCIIPushTab(viewer);
593:       KSPView(tao->ksp,viewer);
594:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"total KSP iterations: %D\n",tao->ksp_tot_its);
595:       PetscViewerASCIIPopTab(viewer);
596:     }

598:     PetscViewerASCIIPushTab(viewer);

600:     if (tao->XL || tao->XU) {
601:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"Active Set subset type: %s\n",TaoSubSetTypes[tao->subset_type]);
602:     }

604:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"convergence tolerances: gatol=%g,",(double)tao->gatol);
605:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," steptol=%g,",(double)tao->steptol);
606:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," gttol=%g\n",(double)tao->gttol);
607:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"Residual in Function/Gradient:=%g\n",(double)tao->residual);

609:     if (tao->cnorm>0 || tao->catol>0 || tao->crtol>0){
610:       ierr=PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"convergence tolerances:");
611:       ierr=PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," catol=%g,",(double)tao->catol);
612:       ierr=PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," crtol=%g\n",(double)tao->crtol);
613:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"Residual in Constraints:=%g\n",(double)tao->cnorm);
614:     }

616:     if (tao->trust < tao->steptol){
617:       ierr=PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"convergence tolerances: steptol=%g\n",(double)tao->steptol);
618:       ierr=PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"Final trust region radius:=%g\n",(double)tao->trust);
619:     }

621:     if (tao->fmin>-1.e25){
622:       ierr=PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"convergence tolerances: function minimum=%g\n",(double)tao->fmin);
623:     }
624:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"Objective value=%g\n",(double)tao->fc);

626:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"total number of iterations=%D,          ",tao->niter);
627:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"              (max: %D)\n",tao->max_it);

629:     if (tao->nfuncs>0){
630:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"total number of function evaluations=%D,",tao->nfuncs);
631:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"                max: %D\n",tao->max_funcs);
632:     }
633:     if (tao->ngrads>0){
634:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"total number of gradient evaluations=%D,",tao->ngrads);
635:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"                max: %D\n",tao->max_funcs);
636:     }
637:     if (tao->nfuncgrads>0){
638:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"total number of function/gradient evaluations=%D,",tao->nfuncgrads);
639:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"    (max: %D)\n",tao->max_funcs);
640:     }
641:     if (tao->nhess>0){
642:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"total number of Hessian evaluations=%D\n",tao->nhess);
643:     }
644:     /*  if (tao->linear_its>0){
645:      PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  total Krylov method iterations=%D\n",tao->linear_its);
646:      }*/
647:     if (tao->nconstraints>0){
648:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"total number of constraint function evaluations=%D\n",tao->nconstraints);
649:     }
650:     if (tao->njac>0){
651:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"total number of Jacobian evaluations=%D\n",tao->njac);
652:     }

654:     if (tao->reason>0){
655:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,    "Solution converged: ");
656:       switch (tao->reason) {
657:       case TAO_CONVERGED_GATOL:
658:         PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," ||g(X)|| <= gatol\n");
659:         break;
660:       case TAO_CONVERGED_GRTOL:
661:         PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," ||g(X)||/|f(X)| <= grtol\n");
662:         break;
663:       case TAO_CONVERGED_GTTOL:
664:         PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," ||g(X)||/||g(X0)|| <= gttol\n");
665:         break;
666:       case TAO_CONVERGED_STEPTOL:
667:         PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," Steptol -- step size small\n");
668:         break;
669:       case TAO_CONVERGED_MINF:
670:         PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," Minf --  f < fmin\n");
671:         break;
672:       case TAO_CONVERGED_USER:
673:         PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," User Terminated\n");
674:         break;
675:       default:
676:         PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"\n");
677:         break;
678:       }

680:     } else {
681:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"Solver terminated: %d",tao->reason);
682:       switch (tao->reason) {
683:       case TAO_DIVERGED_MAXITS:
684:         PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," Maximum Iterations\n");
685:         break;
686:       case TAO_DIVERGED_NAN:
687:         PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," NAN or Inf encountered\n");
688:         break;
689:       case TAO_DIVERGED_MAXFCN:
690:         PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," Maximum Function Evaluations\n");
691:         break;
692:       case TAO_DIVERGED_LS_FAILURE:
693:         PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," Line Search Failure\n");
694:         break;
696:         PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," Trust Region too small\n");
697:         break;
698:       case TAO_DIVERGED_USER:
699:         PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," User Terminated\n");
700:         break;
701:       default:
702:         PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"\n");
703:         break;
704:       }
705:     }
706:     PetscViewerASCIIPopTab(viewer);
707:   } else if (isstring) {
708:     TaoGetType(tao,&type);
709:     PetscViewerStringSPrintf(viewer," %-3.3s",type);
710:   }
711:   return(0);
712: }

714: /*@
715:   TaoSetTolerances - Sets parameters used in TAO convergence tests

717:   Logically collective on Tao

719:   Input Parameters:
720: + tao - the Tao context
721: . gatol - stop if norm of gradient is less than this
722: . grtol - stop if relative norm of gradient is less than this
723: - gttol - stop if norm of gradient is reduced by this factor

725:   Options Database Keys:
726: + -tao_gatol <gatol> - Sets gatol
727: . -tao_grtol <grtol> - Sets grtol
728: - -tao_gttol <gttol> - Sets gttol

730:   Stopping Criteria:
731: $ ||g(X)||                            <= gatol
732: $ ||g(X)|| / |f(X)|                   <= grtol
733: $ ||g(X)|| / ||g(X0)||                <= gttol

735:   Notes:
736:   Use PETSC_DEFAULT to leave one or more tolerances unchanged.

738:   Level: beginner

740: .seealso: TaoGetTolerances()

742: @*/
743: PetscErrorCode TaoSetTolerances(Tao tao, PetscReal gatol, PetscReal grtol, PetscReal gttol)
744: {

750:   if (gatol != PETSC_DEFAULT) {
751:     if (gatol<0) {
752:       PetscInfo(tao,"Tried to set negative gatol -- ignored.\n");
753:     } else {
754:       tao->gatol = PetscMax(0,gatol);
755:       tao->gatol_changed=PETSC_TRUE;
756:     }
757:   }

759:   if (grtol != PETSC_DEFAULT) {
760:     if (grtol<0) {
761:       PetscInfo(tao,"Tried to set negative grtol -- ignored.\n");
762:     } else {
763:       tao->grtol = PetscMax(0,grtol);
764:       tao->grtol_changed=PETSC_TRUE;
765:     }
766:   }

768:   if (gttol != PETSC_DEFAULT) {
769:     if (gttol<0) {
770:       PetscInfo(tao,"Tried to set negative gttol -- ignored.\n");
771:     } else {
772:       tao->gttol = PetscMax(0,gttol);
773:       tao->gttol_changed=PETSC_TRUE;
774:     }
775:   }
776:   return(0);
777: }

779: /*@
780:   TaoSetConstraintTolerances - Sets constraint tolerance parameters used in TAO  convergence tests

782:   Logically collective on Tao

784:   Input Parameters:
785: + tao - the Tao context
786: . catol - absolute constraint tolerance, constraint norm must be less than catol for used for gatol convergence criteria
787: - crtol - relative contraint tolerance, constraint norm must be less than crtol for used for gatol, gttol convergence criteria

789:   Options Database Keys:
790: + -tao_catol <catol> - Sets catol
791: - -tao_crtol <crtol> - Sets crtol

793:   Notes:
794:   Use PETSC_DEFAULT to leave any tolerance unchanged.

796:   Level: intermediate

798: .seealso: TaoGetTolerances(), TaoGetConstraintTolerances(), TaoSetTolerances()

800: @*/
801: PetscErrorCode TaoSetConstraintTolerances(Tao tao, PetscReal catol, PetscReal crtol)
802: {

808:   if (catol != PETSC_DEFAULT) {
809:     if (catol<0) {
810:       PetscInfo(tao,"Tried to set negative catol -- ignored.\n");
811:     } else {
812:       tao->catol = PetscMax(0,catol);
813:       tao->catol_changed=PETSC_TRUE;
814:     }
815:   }

817:   if (crtol != PETSC_DEFAULT) {
818:     if (crtol<0) {
819:       PetscInfo(tao,"Tried to set negative crtol -- ignored.\n");
820:     } else {
821:       tao->crtol = PetscMax(0,crtol);
822:       tao->crtol_changed=PETSC_TRUE;
823:     }
824:   }
825:   return(0);
826: }

828: /*@
829:   TaoGetConstraintTolerances - Gets constraint tolerance parameters used in TAO  convergence tests

831:   Not ollective

833:   Input Parameter:
834: . tao - the Tao context

836:   Output Parameter:
837: + catol - absolute constraint tolerance, constraint norm must be less than catol for used for gatol convergence criteria
838: - crtol - relative contraint tolerance, constraint norm must be less than crtol for used for gatol, gttol convergence criteria

840:   Level: intermediate

842: .seealso: TaoGetTolerances(), TaoSetTolerances(), TaoSetConstraintTolerances()

844: @*/
845: PetscErrorCode TaoGetConstraintTolerances(Tao tao, PetscReal *catol, PetscReal *crtol)
846: {
849:   if (catol) *catol = tao->catol;
850:   if (crtol) *crtol = tao->crtol;
851:   return(0);
852: }

854: /*@
855:    TaoSetFunctionLowerBound - Sets a bound on the solution objective value.
856:    When an approximate solution with an objective value below this number
857:    has been found, the solver will terminate.

859:    Logically Collective on Tao

861:    Input Parameters:
862: +  tao - the Tao solver context
863: -  fmin - the tolerance

865:    Options Database Keys:
866: .    -tao_fmin <fmin> - sets the minimum function value

868:    Level: intermediate

870: .seealso: TaoSetTolerances()
871: @*/
872: PetscErrorCode TaoSetFunctionLowerBound(Tao tao,PetscReal fmin)
873: {
876:   tao->fmin = fmin;
877:   tao->fmin_changed=PETSC_TRUE;
878:   return(0);
879: }

881: /*@
882:    TaoGetFunctionLowerBound - Gets the bound on the solution objective value.
883:    When an approximate solution with an objective value below this number
884:    has been found, the solver will terminate.

886:    Not collective on Tao

888:    Input Parameters:
889: .  tao - the Tao solver context

891:    OutputParameters:
892: .  fmin - the minimum function value

894:    Level: intermediate

896: .seealso: TaoSetFunctionLowerBound()
897: @*/
898: PetscErrorCode TaoGetFunctionLowerBound(Tao tao,PetscReal *fmin)
899: {
902:   *fmin = tao->fmin;
903:   return(0);
904: }

906: /*@
907:    TaoSetMaximumFunctionEvaluations - Sets a maximum number of
908:    function evaluations.

910:    Logically Collective on Tao

912:    Input Parameters:
913: +  tao - the Tao solver context
914: -  nfcn - the maximum number of function evaluations (>=0)

916:    Options Database Keys:
917: .    -tao_max_funcs <nfcn> - sets the maximum number of function evaluations

919:    Level: intermediate

921: .seealso: TaoSetTolerances(), TaoSetMaximumIterations()
922: @*/

924: PetscErrorCode TaoSetMaximumFunctionEvaluations(Tao tao,PetscInt nfcn)
925: {
928:   tao->max_funcs = PetscMax(0,nfcn);
929:   tao->max_funcs_changed=PETSC_TRUE;
930:   return(0);
931: }

933: /*@
934:    TaoGetMaximumFunctionEvaluations - Sets a maximum number of
935:    function evaluations.

937:    Not Collective

939:    Input Parameters:
940: .  tao - the Tao solver context

942:    Output Parameters:
943: .  nfcn - the maximum number of function evaluations

945:    Level: intermediate

947: .seealso: TaoSetMaximumFunctionEvaluations(), TaoGetMaximumIterations()
948: @*/

950: PetscErrorCode TaoGetMaximumFunctionEvaluations(Tao tao,PetscInt *nfcn)
951: {
954:   *nfcn = tao->max_funcs;
955:   return(0);
956: }

958: /*@
959:    TaoGetCurrentFunctionEvaluations - Get current number of
960:    function evaluations.

962:    Not Collective

964:    Input Parameters:
965: .  tao - the Tao solver context

967:    Output Parameters:
968: .  nfuncs - the current number of function evaluations

970:    Level: intermediate

972: .seealso: TaoSetMaximumFunctionEvaluations(), TaoGetMaximumFunctionEvaluations(), TaoGetMaximumIterations()
973: @*/

975: PetscErrorCode TaoGetCurrentFunctionEvaluations(Tao tao,PetscInt *nfuncs)
976: {
979:   *nfuncs=PetscMax(tao->nfuncs,tao->nfuncgrads);
980:   return(0);
981: }

983: /*@
984:    TaoSetMaximumIterations - Sets a maximum number of iterates.

986:    Logically Collective on Tao

988:    Input Parameters:
989: +  tao - the Tao solver context
990: -  maxits - the maximum number of iterates (>=0)

992:    Options Database Keys:
993: .    -tao_max_it <its> - sets the maximum number of iterations

995:    Level: intermediate

997: .seealso: TaoSetTolerances(), TaoSetMaximumFunctionEvaluations()
998: @*/
999: PetscErrorCode TaoSetMaximumIterations(Tao tao,PetscInt maxits)
1000: {
1003:   tao->max_it = PetscMax(0,maxits);
1004:   tao->max_it_changed=PETSC_TRUE;
1005:   return(0);
1006: }

1008: /*@
1009:    TaoGetMaximumIterations - Sets a maximum number of iterates.

1011:    Not Collective

1013:    Input Parameters:
1014: .  tao - the Tao solver context

1016:    Output Parameters:
1017: .  maxits - the maximum number of iterates

1019:    Level: intermediate

1021: .seealso: TaoSetMaximumIterations(), TaoGetMaximumFunctionEvaluations()
1022: @*/
1023: PetscErrorCode TaoGetMaximumIterations(Tao tao,PetscInt *maxits)
1024: {
1027:   *maxits = tao->max_it;
1028:   return(0);
1029: }

1031: /*@
1032:    TaoSetInitialTrustRegionRadius - Sets the initial trust region radius.

1034:    Logically collective on Tao

1036:    Input Parameter:
1037: +  tao - a TAO optimization solver
1038: -  radius - the trust region radius

1040:    Level: intermediate

1042:    Options Database Key:
1043: .  -tao_trust0 <t0> - sets initial trust region radius

1045: .seealso: TaoGetTrustRegionRadius(), TaoSetTrustRegionTolerance()
1046: @*/
1047: PetscErrorCode TaoSetInitialTrustRegionRadius(Tao tao, PetscReal radius)
1048: {
1051:   tao->trust0 = PetscMax(0.0,radius);
1052:   tao->trust0_changed=PETSC_TRUE;
1053:   return(0);
1054: }

1056: /*@
1057:    TaoGetInitialTrustRegionRadius - Sets the initial trust region radius.

1059:    Not Collective

1061:    Input Parameter:
1062: .  tao - a TAO optimization solver

1064:    Output Parameter:
1065: .  radius - the trust region radius

1067:    Level: intermediate

1069: .seealso: TaoSetInitialTrustRegionRadius(), TaoGetCurrentTrustRegionRadius()
1070: @*/
1071: PetscErrorCode TaoGetInitialTrustRegionRadius(Tao tao, PetscReal *radius)
1072: {
1075:   *radius = tao->trust0;
1076:   return(0);
1077: }

1079: /*@
1080:    TaoGetCurrentTrustRegionRadius - Gets the current trust region radius.

1082:    Not Collective

1084:    Input Parameter:
1085: .  tao - a TAO optimization solver

1087:    Output Parameter:
1088: .  radius - the trust region radius

1090:    Level: intermediate

1092: .seealso: TaoSetInitialTrustRegionRadius(), TaoGetInitialTrustRegionRadius()
1093: @*/
1094: PetscErrorCode TaoGetCurrentTrustRegionRadius(Tao tao, PetscReal *radius)
1095: {
1098:   *radius = tao->trust;
1099:   return(0);
1100: }

1102: /*@
1103:   TaoGetTolerances - gets the current values of tolerances

1105:   Not Collective

1107:   Input Parameters:
1108: . tao - the Tao context

1110:   Output Parameters:
1111: + gatol - stop if norm of gradient is less than this
1112: . grtol - stop if relative norm of gradient is less than this
1113: - gttol - stop if norm of gradient is reduced by a this factor

1115:   Note: NULL can be used as an argument if not all tolerances values are needed

1117: .seealso TaoSetTolerances()

1119:   Level: intermediate
1120: @*/
1121: PetscErrorCode TaoGetTolerances(Tao tao, PetscReal *gatol, PetscReal *grtol, PetscReal *gttol)
1122: {
1125:   if (gatol) *gatol=tao->gatol;
1126:   if (grtol) *grtol=tao->grtol;
1127:   if (gttol) *gttol=tao->gttol;
1128:   return(0);
1129: }

1131: /*@
1132:   TaoGetKSP - Gets the linear solver used by the optimization solver.
1133:   Application writers should use TaoGetKSP if they need direct access
1134:   to the PETSc KSP object.

1136:   Not Collective

1138:    Input Parameters:
1139: .  tao - the TAO solver

1141:    Output Parameters:
1142: .  ksp - the KSP linear solver used in the optimization solver

1144:    Level: intermediate

1146: @*/
1147: PetscErrorCode TaoGetKSP(Tao tao, KSP *ksp)
1148: {
1150:   *ksp = tao->ksp;
1151:   return(0);
1152: }

1154: /*@
1155:    TaoGetLinearSolveIterations - Gets the total number of linear iterations
1156:    used by the TAO solver

1158:    Not Collective

1160:    Input Parameter:
1161: .  tao - TAO context

1163:    Output Parameter:
1164: .  lits - number of linear iterations

1166:    Notes:
1167:    This counter is reset to zero for each successive call to TaoSolve()

1169:    Level: intermediate

1171: .keywords: TAO

1173: .seealso:  TaoGetKSP()
1174: @*/
1175: PetscErrorCode  TaoGetLinearSolveIterations(Tao tao,PetscInt *lits)
1176: {
1180:   *lits = tao->ksp_tot_its;
1181:   return(0);
1182: }

1184: /*@
1185:   TaoGetLineSearch - Gets the line search used by the optimization solver.
1186:   Application writers should use TaoGetLineSearch if they need direct access
1187:   to the TaoLineSearch object.

1189:   Not Collective

1191:    Input Parameters:
1192: .  tao - the TAO solver

1194:    Output Parameters:
1195: .  ls - the line search used in the optimization solver

1197:    Level: intermediate

1199: @*/
1200: PetscErrorCode TaoGetLineSearch(Tao tao, TaoLineSearch *ls)
1201: {
1203:   *ls = tao->linesearch;
1204:   return(0);
1205: }

1207: /*@
1208:   TaoAddLineSearchCounts - Adds the number of function evaluations spent
1209:   in the line search to the running total.

1211:    Input Parameters:
1212: +  tao - the TAO solver
1213: -  ls - the line search used in the optimization solver

1215:    Level: developer

1217: .seealso: TaoLineSearchApply()
1218: @*/
1219: PetscErrorCode TaoAddLineSearchCounts(Tao tao)
1220: {
1222:   PetscBool      flg;
1223:   PetscInt       nfeval,ngeval,nfgeval;

1227:   if (tao->linesearch) {
1228:     TaoLineSearchIsUsingTaoRoutines(tao->linesearch,&flg);
1229:     if (!flg) {
1230:       TaoLineSearchGetNumberFunctionEvaluations(tao->linesearch,&nfeval,&ngeval,&nfgeval);
1231:       tao->nfuncs+=nfeval;
1232:       tao->ngrads+=ngeval;
1233:       tao->nfuncgrads+=nfgeval;
1234:     }
1235:   }
1236:   return(0);
1237: }

1239: /*@
1240:   TaoGetSolutionVector - Returns the vector with the current TAO solution

1242:   Not Collective

1244:   Input Parameter:
1245: . tao - the Tao context

1247:   Output Parameter:
1248: . X - the current solution

1250:   Level: intermediate

1252:   Note:  The returned vector will be the same object that was passed into TaoSetInitialVector()
1253: @*/
1254: PetscErrorCode TaoGetSolutionVector(Tao tao, Vec *X)
1255: {
1258:   *X = tao->solution;
1259:   return(0);
1260: }

1262: /*@
1263:   TaoGetGradientVector - Returns the vector with the current TAO gradient

1265:   Not Collective

1267:   Input Parameter:
1268: . tao - the Tao context

1270:   Output Parameter:
1271: . G - the current solution

1273:   Level: intermediate
1274: @*/
1275: PetscErrorCode TaoGetGradientVector(Tao tao, Vec *G)
1276: {
1279:   *G = tao->gradient;
1280:   return(0);
1281: }

1283: /*@
1284:    TaoResetStatistics - Initialize the statistics used by TAO for all of the solvers.
1285:    These statistics include the iteration number, residual norms, and convergence status.
1286:    This routine gets called before solving each optimization problem.

1288:    Collective on Tao

1290:    Input Parameters:
1291: .  solver - the Tao context

1293:    Level: developer

1295: .seealso: TaoCreate(), TaoSolve()
1296: @*/
1297: PetscErrorCode TaoResetStatistics(Tao tao)
1298: {
1301:   tao->niter        = 0;
1302:   tao->nfuncs       = 0;
1303:   tao->nfuncgrads   = 0;
1304:   tao->ngrads       = 0;
1305:   tao->nhess        = 0;
1306:   tao->njac         = 0;
1307:   tao->nconstraints = 0;
1308:   tao->ksp_its      = 0;
1309:   tao->ksp_tot_its  = 0;
1310:   tao->reason       = TAO_CONTINUE_ITERATING;
1311:   tao->residual     = 0.0;
1312:   tao->cnorm        = 0.0;
1313:   tao->step         = 0.0;
1314:   tao->lsflag       = PETSC_FALSE;
1315:   if (tao->hist_reset) tao->hist_len=0;
1316:   return(0);
1317: }

1319: /*@C
1320:   TaoSetConvergenceTest - Sets the function that is to be used to test
1321:   for convergence o fthe iterative minimization solution.  The new convergence
1322:   testing routine will replace TAO's default convergence test.

1324:   Logically Collective on Tao

1326:   Input Parameters:
1327: + tao - the Tao object
1328: . conv - the routine to test for convergence
1329: - ctx - [optional] context for private data for the convergence routine
1330:         (may be NULL)

1332:   Calling sequence of conv:
1333: $   PetscErrorCode conv(Tao tao, void *ctx)

1335: + tao - the Tao object
1336: - ctx - [optional] convergence context

1338:   Note: The new convergence testing routine should call TaoSetConvergedReason().

1340:   Level: advanced

1342: .seealso: TaoSetConvergedReason(), TaoGetSolutionStatus(), TaoGetTolerances(), TaoSetMonitor

1344: @*/
1345: PetscErrorCode TaoSetConvergenceTest(Tao tao, PetscErrorCode (*conv)(Tao,void*), void *ctx)
1346: {
1349:   (tao)->ops->convergencetest = conv;
1350:   (tao)->cnvP = ctx;
1351:   return(0);
1352: }

1354: /*@C
1355:    TaoSetMonitor - Sets an ADDITIONAL function that is to be used at every
1356:    iteration of the solver to display the iteration's
1357:    progress.

1359:    Logically Collective on Tao

1361:    Input Parameters:
1362: +  tao - the Tao solver context
1363: .  mymonitor - monitoring routine
1364: -  mctx - [optional] user-defined context for private data for the
1365:           monitor routine (may be NULL)

1367:    Calling sequence of mymonitor:
1368: $     int mymonitor(Tao tao,void *mctx)

1370: +    tao - the Tao solver context
1371: -    mctx - [optional] monitoring context

1374:    Options Database Keys:
1375: +    -tao_monitor        - sets TaoMonitorDefault()
1376: .    -tao_smonitor       - sets short monitor
1377: .    -tao_cmonitor       - same as smonitor plus constraint norm
1378: .    -tao_view_solution   - view solution at each iteration
1379: .    -tao_view_gradient   - view gradient at each iteration
1380: .    -tao_view_separableobjective - view separable objective function at each iteration
1381: -    -tao_cancelmonitors - cancels all monitors that have been hardwired into a code by calls to TaoSetMonitor(), but does not cancel those set via the options database.

1384:    Notes:
1385:    Several different monitoring routines may be set by calling
1386:    TaoSetMonitor() multiple times; all will be called in the
1387:    order in which they were set.

1389:    Fortran Notes: Only one monitor function may be set

1391:    Level: intermediate

1393: .seealso: TaoMonitorDefault(), TaoCancelMonitors(),  TaoSetDestroyRoutine()
1394: @*/
1395: PetscErrorCode TaoSetMonitor(Tao tao, PetscErrorCode (*func)(Tao, void*), void *ctx,PetscErrorCode (*dest)(void**))
1396: {
1398:   PetscInt       i;

1402:   if (tao->numbermonitors >= MAXTAOMONITORS) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,1,"Cannot attach another monitor -- max=",MAXTAOMONITORS);

1404:   for (i=0; i<tao->numbermonitors;i++) {
1405:     if (func == tao->monitor[i] && dest == tao->monitordestroy[i] && ctx == tao->monitorcontext[i]) {
1406:       if (dest) {
1407:         (*dest)(&ctx);
1408:       }
1409:       return(0);
1410:     }
1411:   }
1412:   tao->monitor[tao->numbermonitors] = func;
1413:   tao->monitorcontext[tao->numbermonitors] = ctx;
1414:   tao->monitordestroy[tao->numbermonitors] = dest;
1415:   ++tao->numbermonitors;
1416:   return(0);
1417: }

1419: /*@
1420:    TaoCancelMonitors - Clears all the monitor functions for a Tao object.

1422:    Logically Collective on Tao

1424:    Input Parameters:
1425: .  tao - the Tao solver context

1427:    Options Database:
1428: .  -tao_cancelmonitors - cancels all monitors that have been hardwired
1429:     into a code by calls to TaoSetMonitor(), but does not cancel those
1430:     set via the options database

1432:    Notes:
1433:    There is no way to clear one specific monitor from a Tao object.

1435:    Level: advanced

1437: .seealso: TaoMonitorDefault(), TaoSetMonitor()
1438: @*/
1439: PetscErrorCode TaoCancelMonitors(Tao tao)
1440: {
1441:   PetscInt       i;

1446:   for (i=0;i<tao->numbermonitors;i++) {
1447:     if (tao->monitordestroy[i]) {
1448:       (*tao->monitordestroy[i])(&tao->monitorcontext[i]);
1449:     }
1450:   }
1451:   tao->numbermonitors=0;
1452:   return(0);
1453: }

1455: /*@
1456:    TaoMonitorDefault - Default routine for monitoring progress of the
1457:    Tao solvers (default).  This monitor prints the function value and gradient
1458:    norm at each iteration.  It can be turned on from the command line using the
1459:    -tao_monitor option

1461:    Collective on Tao

1463:    Input Parameters:
1464: +  tao - the Tao context
1465: -  ctx - PetscViewer context or NULL

1467:    Options Database Keys:
1468: .  -tao_monitor

1470:    Level: advanced

1472: .seealso: TaoDefaultSMonitor(), TaoSetMonitor()
1473: @*/
1474: PetscErrorCode TaoMonitorDefault(Tao tao, void *ctx)
1475: {
1477:   PetscInt       its, tabs;
1478:   PetscReal      fct,gnorm;
1479:   PetscViewer    viewer = (PetscViewer)ctx;

1483:   its=tao->niter;
1484:   fct=tao->fc;
1485:   gnorm=tao->residual;
1486:   PetscViewerASCIIGetTab(viewer, &tabs);
1487:   PetscViewerASCIISetTab(viewer, ((PetscObject)tao)->tablevel);
1488:   if (its == 0 && ((PetscObject)tao)->prefix) {
1489:      PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  Iteration information for %s solve.\n",((PetscObject)tao)->prefix);
1490:    }
1491:   ierr=PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"%3D TAO,",its);
1492:   ierr=PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  Function value: %g,",(double)fct);
1493:   if (gnorm >= PETSC_INFINITY) {
1494:     ierr=PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  Residual: Inf \n");
1495:   } else {
1496:     ierr=PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  Residual: %g \n",(double)gnorm);
1497:   }
1498:   PetscViewerASCIISetTab(viewer, tabs);
1499:   return(0);
1500: }

1502: /*@
1503:    TaoDefaultSMonitor - Default routine for monitoring progress of the
1504:    solver. Same as TaoMonitorDefault() except
1505:    it prints fewer digits of the residual as the residual gets smaller.
1506:    This is because the later digits are meaningless and are often
1507:    different on different machines; by using this routine different
1508:    machines will usually generate the same output. It can be turned on
1509:    by using the -tao_smonitor option

1511:    Collective on Tao

1513:    Input Parameters:
1514: +  tao - the Tao context
1515: -  ctx - PetscViewer context of type ASCII

1517:    Options Database Keys:
1518: .  -tao_smonitor

1520:    Level: advanced

1522: .seealso: TaoMonitorDefault(), TaoSetMonitor()
1523: @*/
1524: PetscErrorCode TaoDefaultSMonitor(Tao tao, void *ctx)
1525: {
1527:   PetscInt       its;
1528:   PetscReal      fct,gnorm;
1529:   PetscViewer    viewer = (PetscViewer)ctx;

1533:   its=tao->niter;
1534:   fct=tao->fc;
1535:   gnorm=tao->residual;
1536:   ierr=PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"iter = %3D,",its);
1537:   ierr=PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," Function value %g,",(double)fct);
1538:   if (gnorm >= PETSC_INFINITY) {
1539:     ierr=PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," Residual: Inf \n");
1540:   } else if (gnorm > 1.e-6) {
1541:     ierr=PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," Residual: %g \n",(double)gnorm);
1542:   } else if (gnorm > 1.e-11) {
1543:     ierr=PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," Residual: < 1.0e-6 \n");
1544:   } else {
1545:     ierr=PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," Residual: < 1.0e-11 \n");
1546:   }
1547:   return(0);
1548: }

1550: /*@
1551:    TaoDefaultCMonitor - same as TaoMonitorDefault() except
1552:    it prints the norm of the constraints function. It can be turned on
1553:    from the command line using the -tao_cmonitor option

1555:    Collective on Tao

1557:    Input Parameters:
1558: +  tao - the Tao context
1559: -  ctx - PetscViewer context or NULL

1561:    Options Database Keys:
1562: .  -tao_cmonitor

1564:    Level: advanced

1566: .seealso: TaoMonitorDefault(), TaoSetMonitor()
1567: @*/
1568: PetscErrorCode TaoDefaultCMonitor(Tao tao, void *ctx)
1569: {
1571:   PetscInt       its;
1572:   PetscReal      fct,gnorm;
1573:   PetscViewer    viewer = (PetscViewer)ctx;

1577:   its=tao->niter;
1578:   fct=tao->fc;
1579:   gnorm=tao->residual;
1580:   ierr=PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"iter = %D,",its);
1581:   ierr=PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," Function value: %g,",(double)fct);
1582:   ierr=PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  Residual: %g ",(double)gnorm);
1583:   PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  Constraint: %g \n",(double)tao->cnorm);
1584:   return(0);
1585: }

1587: /*@C
1588:    TaoSolutionMonitor - Views the solution at each iteration
1589:    It can be turned on from the command line using the
1590:    -tao_view_solution option

1592:    Collective on Tao

1594:    Input Parameters:
1595: +  tao - the Tao context
1596: -  ctx - PetscViewer context or NULL

1598:    Options Database Keys:
1599: .  -tao_view_solution

1601:    Level: advanced

1603: .seealso: TaoDefaultSMonitor(), TaoSetMonitor()
1604: @*/
1605: PetscErrorCode TaoSolutionMonitor(Tao tao, void *ctx)
1606: {
1608:   PetscViewer    viewer  = (PetscViewer)ctx;;

1612:   VecView(tao->solution, viewer);
1613:   return(0);
1614: }

1616: /*@C
1617:    TaoGradientMonitor - Views the gradient at each iteration
1618:    It can be turned on from the command line using the
1619:    -tao_view_gradient option

1621:    Collective on Tao

1623:    Input Parameters:
1624: +  tao - the Tao context
1625: -  ctx - PetscViewer context or NULL

1627:    Options Database Keys:
1628: .  -tao_view_gradient

1630:    Level: advanced

1632: .seealso: TaoDefaultSMonitor(), TaoSetMonitor()
1633: @*/
1634: PetscErrorCode TaoGradientMonitor(Tao tao, void *ctx)
1635: {
1637:   PetscViewer    viewer = (PetscViewer)ctx;

1641:   VecView(tao->gradient, viewer);
1642:   return(0);
1643: }

1645: /*@C
1646:    TaoStepDirectionMonitor - Views the gradient at each iteration
1647:    It can be turned on from the command line using the
1648:    -tao_view_gradient option

1650:    Collective on Tao

1652:    Input Parameters:
1653: +  tao - the Tao context
1654: -  ctx - PetscViewer context or NULL

1656:    Options Database Keys:
1657: .  -tao_view_gradient

1659:    Level: advanced

1661: .seealso: TaoDefaultSMonitor(), TaoSetMonitor()
1662: @*/
1663: PetscErrorCode TaoStepDirectionMonitor(Tao tao, void *ctx)
1664: {
1666:   PetscViewer    viewer = (PetscViewer)ctx;

1670:   VecView(tao->stepdirection, viewer);
1671:   return(0);
1672: }

1674: /*@C
1675:    TaoDrawSolutionMonitor - Plots the solution at each iteration
1676:    It can be turned on from the command line using the
1677:    -tao_draw_solution option

1679:    Collective on Tao

1681:    Input Parameters:
1682: +  tao - the Tao context
1683: -  ctx - TaoMonitorDraw context

1685:    Options Database Keys:
1686: .  -tao_draw_solution

1688:    Level: advanced

1690: .seealso: TaoSolutionMonitor(), TaoSetMonitor(), TaoDrawGradientMonitor
1691: @*/
1692: PetscErrorCode TaoDrawSolutionMonitor(Tao tao, void *ctx)
1693: {
1694:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;
1695:   TaoMonitorDrawCtx ictx = (TaoMonitorDrawCtx)ctx;

1698:   if (!(((ictx->howoften > 0) && (!(tao->niter % ictx->howoften))) || ((ictx->howoften == -1) && tao->reason))) return(0);
1699:   VecView(tao->solution,ictx->viewer);
1700:   return(0);
1701: }

1703: /*@C
1704:    TaoDrawGradientMonitor - Plots the gradient at each iteration
1705:    It can be turned on from the command line using the
1706:    -tao_draw_gradient option

1708:    Collective on Tao

1710:    Input Parameters:
1711: +  tao - the Tao context
1712: -  ctx - PetscViewer context

1714:    Options Database Keys:
1715: .  -tao_draw_gradient

1717:    Level: advanced

1719: .seealso: TaoGradientMonitor(), TaoSetMonitor(), TaoDrawSolutionMonitor
1720: @*/
1721: PetscErrorCode TaoDrawGradientMonitor(Tao tao, void *ctx)
1722: {
1723:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;
1724:   TaoMonitorDrawCtx ictx = (TaoMonitorDrawCtx)ctx;

1727:   if (!(((ictx->howoften > 0) && (!(tao->niter % ictx->howoften))) || ((ictx->howoften == -1) && tao->reason))) return(0);
1728:   VecView(tao->gradient,ictx->viewer);
1729:   return(0);
1730: }

1732: /*@C
1733:    TaoDrawStepMonitor - Plots the step direction at each iteration
1734:    It can be turned on from the command line using the
1735:    -tao_draw_step option

1737:    Collective on Tao

1739:    Input Parameters:
1740: +  tao - the Tao context
1741: -  ctx - PetscViewer context

1743:    Options Database Keys:
1744: .  -tao_draw_step

1746:    Level: advanced

1748: .seealso: TaoSetMonitor(), TaoDrawSolutionMonitor
1749: @*/
1750: PetscErrorCode TaoDrawStepMonitor(Tao tao, void *ctx)
1751: {
1753:   PetscViewer    viewer = (PetscViewer)(ctx);

1756:   VecView(tao->stepdirection, viewer);
1757:   return(0);
1758: }

1760: /*@C
1761:    TaoSeparableObjectiveMonitor - Views the separable objective function at each iteration
1762:    It can be turned on from the command line using the
1763:    -tao_view_separableobjective option

1765:    Collective on Tao

1767:    Input Parameters:
1768: +  tao - the Tao context
1769: -  ctx - PetscViewer context or NULL

1771:    Options Database Keys:
1772: .  -tao_view_separableobjective

1774:    Level: advanced

1776: .seealso: TaoDefaultSMonitor(), TaoSetMonitor()
1777: @*/
1778: PetscErrorCode TaoSeparableObjectiveMonitor(Tao tao, void *ctx)
1779: {
1781:   PetscViewer    viewer  = (PetscViewer)ctx;

1785:   VecView(tao->sep_objective,viewer);
1786:   return(0);
1787: }

1789: /*@
1790:    TaoDefaultConvergenceTest - Determines whether the solver should continue iterating
1791:    or terminate.

1793:    Collective on Tao

1795:    Input Parameters:
1796: +  tao - the Tao context
1797: -  dummy - unused dummy context

1799:    Output Parameter:
1800: .  reason - for terminating

1802:    Notes:
1803:    This routine checks the residual in the optimality conditions, the
1804:    relative residual in the optimity conditions, the number of function
1805:    evaluations, and the function value to test convergence.  Some
1806:    solvers may use different convergence routines.

1808:    Level: developer

1810: .seealso: TaoSetTolerances(),TaoGetConvergedReason(),TaoSetConvergedReason()
1811: @*/

1813: PetscErrorCode TaoDefaultConvergenceTest(Tao tao,void *dummy)
1814: {
1815:   PetscInt           niter=tao->niter, nfuncs=PetscMax(tao->nfuncs,tao->nfuncgrads);
1816:   PetscInt           max_funcs=tao->max_funcs;
1817:   PetscReal          gnorm=tao->residual, gnorm0=tao->gnorm0;
1818:   PetscReal          f=tao->fc, steptol=tao->steptol,trradius=tao->step;
1819:   PetscReal          gatol=tao->gatol,grtol=tao->grtol,gttol=tao->gttol;
1820:   PetscReal          catol=tao->catol,crtol=tao->crtol;
1821:   PetscReal          fmin=tao->fmin, cnorm=tao->cnorm;
1822:   TaoConvergedReason reason=tao->reason;
1823:   PetscErrorCode     ierr;

1827:   if (reason != TAO_CONTINUE_ITERATING) {
1828:     return(0);
1829:   }

1831:   if (PetscIsInfOrNanReal(f)) {
1832:     PetscInfo(tao,"Failed to converged, function value is Inf or NaN\n");
1833:     reason = TAO_DIVERGED_NAN;
1834:   } else if (f <= fmin && cnorm <=catol) {
1835:     PetscInfo2(tao,"Converged due to function value %g < minimum function value %g\n", (double)f,(double)fmin);
1836:     reason = TAO_CONVERGED_MINF;
1837:   } else if (gnorm<= gatol && cnorm <=catol) {
1838:     PetscInfo2(tao,"Converged due to residual norm ||g(X)||=%g < %g\n",(double)gnorm,(double)gatol);
1839:     reason = TAO_CONVERGED_GATOL;
1840:   } else if ( f!=0 && PetscAbsReal(gnorm/f) <= grtol && cnorm <= crtol) {
1841:     PetscInfo2(tao,"Converged due to residual ||g(X)||/|f(X)| =%g < %g\n",(double)(gnorm/f),(double)grtol);
1842:     reason = TAO_CONVERGED_GRTOL;
1843:   } else if (gnorm0 != 0 && ((gttol == 0 && gnorm == 0) || gnorm/gnorm0 < gttol) && cnorm <= crtol) {
1844:     PetscInfo2(tao,"Converged due to relative residual norm ||g(X)||/||g(X0)|| = %g < %g\n",(double)(gnorm/gnorm0),(double)gttol);
1845:     reason = TAO_CONVERGED_GTTOL;
1846:   } else if (nfuncs > max_funcs){
1847:     PetscInfo2(tao,"Exceeded maximum number of function evaluations: %D > %D\n", nfuncs,max_funcs);
1848:     reason = TAO_DIVERGED_MAXFCN;
1849:   } else if ( tao->lsflag != 0 ){
1850:     PetscInfo(tao,"Tao Line Search failure.\n");
1851:     reason = TAO_DIVERGED_LS_FAILURE;
1852:   } else if (trradius < steptol && niter > 0){
1853:     PetscInfo2(tao,"Trust region/step size too small: %g < %g\n", (double)trradius,(double)steptol);
1854:     reason = TAO_CONVERGED_STEPTOL;
1855:   } else if (niter > tao->max_it) {
1856:     PetscInfo2(tao,"Exceeded maximum number of iterations: %D > %D\n",niter,tao->max_it);
1857:     reason = TAO_DIVERGED_MAXITS;
1858:   } else {
1859:     reason = TAO_CONTINUE_ITERATING;
1860:   }
1861:   tao->reason = reason;
1862:   return(0);
1863: }

1865: /*@C
1866:    TaoSetOptionsPrefix - Sets the prefix used for searching for all
1867:    TAO options in the database.

1870:    Logically Collective on Tao

1872:    Input Parameters:
1873: +  tao - the Tao context
1874: -  prefix - the prefix string to prepend to all TAO option requests

1876:    Notes:
1877:    A hyphen (-) must NOT be given at the beginning of the prefix name.
1878:    The first character of all runtime options is AUTOMATICALLY the hyphen.

1880:    For example, to distinguish between the runtime options for two
1881:    different TAO solvers, one could call
1882: .vb
1883:       TaoSetOptionsPrefix(tao1,"sys1_")
1884:       TaoSetOptionsPrefix(tao2,"sys2_")
1885: .ve

1887:    This would enable use of different options for each system, such as
1888: .vb
1889:       -sys1_tao_method blmvm -sys1_tao_gtol 1.e-3
1890:       -sys2_tao_method lmvm  -sys2_tao_gtol 1.e-4
1891: .ve

1894:    Level: advanced

1896: .seealso: TaoAppendOptionsPrefix(), TaoGetOptionsPrefix()
1897: @*/

1899: PetscErrorCode TaoSetOptionsPrefix(Tao tao, const char p[])
1900: {

1904:   PetscObjectSetOptionsPrefix((PetscObject)tao,p);
1905:   if (tao->linesearch) {
1906:     TaoLineSearchSetOptionsPrefix(tao->linesearch,p);
1907:   }
1908:   if (tao->ksp) {
1909:     KSPSetOptionsPrefix(tao->ksp,p);
1910:   }
1911:   return(0);
1912: }

1914: /*@C
1915:    TaoAppendOptionsPrefix - Appends to the prefix used for searching for all
1916:    TAO options in the database.

1919:    Logically Collective on Tao

1921:    Input Parameters:
1922: +  tao - the Tao solver context
1923: -  prefix - the prefix string to prepend to all TAO option requests

1925:    Notes:
1926:    A hyphen (-) must NOT be given at the beginning of the prefix name.
1927:    The first character of all runtime options is AUTOMATICALLY the hyphen.

1930:    Level: advanced

1932: .seealso: TaoSetOptionsPrefix(), TaoGetOptionsPrefix()
1933: @*/
1934: PetscErrorCode TaoAppendOptionsPrefix(Tao tao, const char p[])
1935: {

1939:   PetscObjectAppendOptionsPrefix((PetscObject)tao,p);
1940:   if (tao->linesearch) {
1941:     TaoLineSearchSetOptionsPrefix(tao->linesearch,p);
1942:   }
1943:   if (tao->ksp) {
1944:     KSPSetOptionsPrefix(tao->ksp,p);
1945:   }
1946:   return(0);
1947: }

1949: /*@C
1950:   TaoGetOptionsPrefix - Gets the prefix used for searching for all
1951:   TAO options in the database

1953:   Not Collective

1955:   Input Parameters:
1956: . tao - the Tao context

1958:   Output Parameters:
1959: . prefix - pointer to the prefix string used is returned

1961:   Notes: On the fortran side, the user should pass in a string 'prefix' of
1962:   sufficient length to hold the prefix.

1964:   Level: advanced

1966: .seealso: TaoSetOptionsPrefix(), TaoAppendOptionsPrefix()
1967: @*/
1968: PetscErrorCode TaoGetOptionsPrefix(Tao tao, const char *p[])
1969: {
1970:    return PetscObjectGetOptionsPrefix((PetscObject)tao,p);
1971: }

1973: /*@C
1974:    TaoSetType - Sets the method for the unconstrained minimization solver.

1976:    Collective on Tao

1978:    Input Parameters:
1979: +  solver - the Tao solver context
1980: -  type - a known method

1982:    Options Database Key:
1983: .  -tao_type <type> - Sets the method; use -help for a list
1984:    of available methods (for instance, "-tao_type lmvm" or "-tao_type tron")

1986:    Available methods include:
1987: +    nls - Newton's method with line search for unconstrained minimization
1988: .    ntr - Newton's method with trust region for unconstrained minimization
1989: .    ntl - Newton's method with trust region, line search for unconstrained minimization
1990: .    lmvm - Limited memory variable metric method for unconstrained minimization
1991: .    cg - Nonlinear conjugate gradient method for unconstrained minimization
1992: .    nm - Nelder-Mead algorithm for derivate-free unconstrained minimization
1993: .    tron - Newton Trust Region method for bound constrained minimization
1994: .    gpcg - Newton Trust Region method for quadratic bound constrained minimization
1995: .    blmvm - Limited memory variable metric method for bound constrained minimization
1996: -    pounders - Model-based algorithm pounder extended for nonlinear least squares

1998:   Level: intermediate

2000: .seealso: TaoCreate(), TaoGetType(), TaoType

2002: @*/
2003: PetscErrorCode TaoSetType(Tao tao, const TaoType type)
2004: {
2006:   PetscErrorCode (*create_xxx)(Tao);
2007:   PetscBool      issame;

2012:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)tao,type,&issame);
2013:   if (issame) return(0);

2015:   PetscFunctionListFind(TaoList, type, (void(**)(void))&create_xxx);
2016:   if (!create_xxx) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_UNKNOWN_TYPE,"Unable to find requested Tao type %s",type);

2018:   /* Destroy the existing solver information */
2019:   if (tao->ops->destroy) {
2020:     (*tao->ops->destroy)(tao);
2021:   }
2022:   KSPDestroy(&tao->ksp);
2023:   TaoLineSearchDestroy(&tao->linesearch);
2024:   VecDestroy(&tao->gradient);
2025:   VecDestroy(&tao->stepdirection);

2027:   tao->ops->setup = 0;
2028:   tao->ops->solve = 0;
2029:   tao->ops->view  = 0;
2030:   tao->ops->setfromoptions = 0;
2031:   tao->ops->destroy = 0;

2033:   tao->setupcalled = PETSC_FALSE;

2035:   (*create_xxx)(tao);
2036:   PetscObjectChangeTypeName((PetscObject)tao,type);
2037:   return(0);
2038: }

2040: /*MC
2041:    TaoRegister - Adds a method to the TAO package for unconstrained minimization.

2043:    Synopsis:
2044:    TaoRegister(char *name_solver,char *path,char *name_Create,int (*routine_Create)(Tao))

2046:    Not collective

2048:    Input Parameters:
2049: +  sname - name of a new user-defined solver
2050: -  func - routine to Create method context

2052:    Notes:
2053:    TaoRegister() may be called multiple times to add several user-defined solvers.

2055:    Sample usage:
2056: .vb
2057:    TaoRegister("my_solver",MySolverCreate);
2058: .ve

2060:    Then, your solver can be chosen with the procedural interface via
2061: $     TaoSetType(tao,"my_solver")
2062:    or at runtime via the option
2063: $     -tao_type my_solver

2065:    Level: advanced

2067: .seealso: TaoRegisterAll(), TaoRegisterDestroy()
2068: M*/
2069: PetscErrorCode TaoRegister(const char sname[], PetscErrorCode (*func)(Tao))
2070: {

2074:   PetscFunctionListAdd(&TaoList,sname, (void (*)(void))func);
2075:   return(0);
2076: }

2078: /*@C
2079:    TaoRegisterDestroy - Frees the list of minimization solvers that were
2080:    registered by TaoRegisterDynamic().

2082:    Not Collective

2084:    Level: advanced

2086: .seealso: TaoRegisterAll(), TaoRegister()
2087: @*/
2088: PetscErrorCode TaoRegisterDestroy(void)
2089: {
2092:   PetscFunctionListDestroy(&TaoList);
2093:   TaoRegisterAllCalled = PETSC_FALSE;
2094:   return(0);
2095: }

2097: /*@
2098:    TaoGetIterationNumber - Gets the number of Tao iterations completed
2099:    at this time.

2101:    Not Collective

2103:    Input Parameter:
2104: .  tao - Tao context

2106:    Output Parameter:
2107: .  iter - iteration number

2109:    Notes:
2110:    For example, during the computation of iteration 2 this would return 1.

2113:    Level: intermediate

2115: .keywords: Tao, nonlinear, get, iteration, number,

2117: .seealso:   TaoGetLinearSolveIterations(), TaoGetResidualNorm(), TaoGetObjective()
2118: @*/
2119: PetscErrorCode  TaoGetIterationNumber(Tao tao,PetscInt *iter)
2120: {
2124:   *iter = tao->niter;
2125:   return(0);
2126: }

2128: /*@
2129:    TaoGetObjective - Gets the current value of the objective function
2130:    at this time.

2132:    Not Collective

2134:    Input Parameter:
2135: .  tao - Tao context

2137:    Output Parameter:
2138: .  value - the current value

2140:    Level: intermediate

2142: .keywords: Tao, nonlinear, get, iteration, number,

2144: .seealso:   TaoGetLinearSolveIterations(), TaoGetIterationNumber(), TaoGetResidualNorm()
2145: @*/
2146: PetscErrorCode  TaoGetObjective(Tao tao,PetscReal *value)
2147: {
2151:   *value = tao->fc;
2152:   return(0);
2153: }

2155: /*@
2156:    TaoGetResidualNorm - Gets the current value of the norm of the residual
2157:    at this time.

2159:    Not Collective

2161:    Input Parameter:
2162: .  tao - Tao context

2164:    Output Parameter:
2165: .  value - the current value

2167:    Level: intermediate

2169:    Developer Note: This is the 2-norm of the residual, we cannot use TaoGetGradientNorm() because that has
2170:                    a different meaning. For some reason Tao sometimes calls the gradient the residual.

2172: .keywords: Tao, nonlinear, get, iteration, number,

2174: .seealso:   TaoGetLinearSolveIterations(), TaoGetIterationNumber(), TaoGetObjective()
2175: @*/
2176: PetscErrorCode  TaoGetResidualNorm(Tao tao,PetscReal *value)
2177: {
2181:   *value = tao->residual;
2182:   return(0);
2183: }

2185: /*@
2186:    TaoSetIterationNumber - Sets the current iteration number.

2188:    Not Collective

2190:    Input Parameter:
2191: .  tao - Tao context
2192: .  iter - iteration number

2194:    Level: developer

2196: .keywords: Tao, nonlinear, set, iteration, number,

2198: .seealso:   TaoGetLinearSolveIterations()
2199: @*/
2200: PetscErrorCode  TaoSetIterationNumber(Tao tao,PetscInt iter)
2201: {

2206:   PetscObjectSAWsTakeAccess((PetscObject)tao);
2207:   tao->niter = iter;
2208:   PetscObjectSAWsGrantAccess((PetscObject)tao);
2209:   return(0);
2210: }

2212: /*@
2213:    TaoGetTotalIterationNumber - Gets the total number of Tao iterations
2214:    completed. This number keeps accumulating if multiple solves
2215:    are called with the Tao object.

2217:    Not Collective

2219:    Input Parameter:
2220: .  tao - Tao context

2222:    Output Parameter:
2223: .  iter - iteration number

2225:    Notes:
2226:    The total iteration count is updated after each solve, if there is a current
2227:    TaoSolve() in progress then those iterations are not yet counted.

2229:    Level: intermediate

2231: .keywords: Tao, nonlinear, get, iteration, number,

2233: .seealso:   TaoGetLinearSolveIterations()
2234: @*/
2235: PetscErrorCode  TaoGetTotalIterationNumber(Tao tao,PetscInt *iter)
2236: {
2240:   *iter = tao->ntotalits;
2241:   return(0);
2242: }

2244: /*@
2245:    TaoSetTotalIterationNumber - Sets the current total iteration number.

2247:    Not Collective

2249:    Input Parameter:
2250: .  tao - Tao context
2251: .  iter - iteration number

2253:    Level: developer

2255: .keywords: Tao, nonlinear, set, iteration, number,

2257: .seealso:   TaoGetLinearSolveIterations()
2258: @*/
2259: PetscErrorCode  TaoSetTotalIterationNumber(Tao tao,PetscInt iter)
2260: {

2265:   PetscObjectSAWsTakeAccess((PetscObject)tao);
2266:   tao->ntotalits = iter;
2267:   PetscObjectSAWsGrantAccess((PetscObject)tao);
2268:   return(0);
2269: }

2271: /*@
2272:   TaoSetConvergedReason - Sets the termination flag on a Tao object

2274:   Logically Collective on Tao

2276:   Input Parameters:
2277: + tao - the Tao context
2278: - reason - one of
2279: $     TAO_CONVERGED_ATOL (2),
2280: $     TAO_CONVERGED_RTOL (3),
2281: $     TAO_CONVERGED_STEPTOL (4),
2282: $     TAO_CONVERGED_MINF (5),
2283: $     TAO_CONVERGED_USER (6),
2284: $     TAO_DIVERGED_MAXITS (-2),
2285: $     TAO_DIVERGED_NAN (-4),
2286: $     TAO_DIVERGED_MAXFCN (-5),
2287: $     TAO_DIVERGED_LS_FAILURE (-6),
2289: $     TAO_DIVERGED_USER (-8),

2292:    Level: intermediate

2294: @*/
2295: PetscErrorCode TaoSetConvergedReason(Tao tao, TaoConvergedReason reason)
2296: {
2299:   tao->reason = reason;
2300:   return(0);
2301: }

2303: /*@
2304:    TaoGetConvergedReason - Gets the reason the Tao iteration was stopped.

2306:    Not Collective

2308:    Input Parameter:
2309: .  tao - the Tao solver context

2311:    Output Parameter:
2312: .  reason - one of
2313: $  TAO_CONVERGED_GATOL (3)           ||g(X)|| < gatol
2314: $  TAO_CONVERGED_GRTOL (4)           ||g(X)|| / f(X)  < grtol
2315: $  TAO_CONVERGED_GTTOL (5)           ||g(X)|| / ||g(X0)|| < gttol
2316: $  TAO_CONVERGED_STEPTOL (6)         step size small
2317: $  TAO_CONVERGED_MINF (7)            F < F_min
2318: $  TAO_CONVERGED_USER (8)            User defined
2319: $  TAO_DIVERGED_MAXITS (-2)          its > maxits
2320: $  TAO_DIVERGED_NAN (-4)             Numerical problems
2321: $  TAO_DIVERGED_MAXFCN (-5)          fevals > max_funcsals
2322: $  TAO_DIVERGED_LS_FAILURE (-6)      line search failure
2323: $  TAO_DIVERGED_TR_REDUCTION (-7)    trust region failure
2324: $  TAO_DIVERGED_USER(-8)             (user defined)

2327:    where
2328: +  X - current solution
2329: .  X0 - initial guess
2330: .  f(X) - current function value
2331: .  f(X*) - true solution (estimated)
2332: .  g(X) - current gradient
2333: .  its - current iterate number
2334: .  maxits - maximum number of iterates
2335: .  fevals - number of function evaluations
2336: -  max_funcsals - maximum number of function evaluations

2338:    Level: intermediate

2340: .seealso: TaoSetConvergenceTest(), TaoSetTolerances()

2342: @*/
2343: PetscErrorCode TaoGetConvergedReason(Tao tao, TaoConvergedReason *reason)
2344: {
2348:   *reason = tao->reason;
2349:   return(0);
2350: }

2352: /*@
2353:   TaoGetSolutionStatus - Get the current iterate, objective value,
2354:   residual, infeasibility, and termination

2356:   Not Collective

2358:    Input Parameters:
2359: .  tao - the Tao context

2361:    Output Parameters:
2362: +  iterate - the current iterate number (>=0)
2363: .  f - the current function value
2364: .  gnorm - the square of the gradient norm, duality gap, or other measure indicating distance from optimality.
2365: .  cnorm - the infeasibility of the current solution with regard to the constraints.
2366: .  xdiff - the step length or trust region radius of the most recent iterate.
2367: -  reason - The termination reason, which can equal TAO_CONTINUE_ITERATING

2369:    Level: intermediate

2371:    Note:
2372:    TAO returns the values set by the solvers in the routine TaoMonitor().

2374:    Note:
2375:    If any of the output arguments are set to NULL, no corresponding value will be returned.

2377: .seealso: TaoMonitor(), TaoGetConvergedReason()
2378: @*/
2379: PetscErrorCode TaoGetSolutionStatus(Tao tao, PetscInt *its, PetscReal *f, PetscReal *gnorm, PetscReal *cnorm, PetscReal *xdiff, TaoConvergedReason *reason)
2380: {
2382:   if (its) *its=tao->niter;
2383:   if (f) *f=tao->fc;
2384:   if (gnorm) *gnorm=tao->residual;
2385:   if (cnorm) *cnorm=tao->cnorm;
2386:   if (reason) *reason=tao->reason;
2387:   if (xdiff) *xdiff=tao->step;
2388:   return(0);
2389: }

2391: /*@C
2392:    TaoGetType - Gets the current Tao algorithm.

2394:    Not Collective

2396:    Input Parameter:
2397: .  tao - the Tao solver context

2399:    Output Parameter:
2400: .  type - Tao method

2402:    Level: intermediate

2404: @*/
2405: PetscErrorCode TaoGetType(Tao tao, const TaoType *type)
2406: {
2410:   *type=((PetscObject)tao)->type_name;
2411:   return(0);
2412: }

2414: /*@C
2415:   TaoMonitor - Monitor the solver and the current solution.  This
2416:   routine will record the iteration number and residual statistics,
2417:   call any monitors specified by the user, and calls the convergence-check routine.

2419:    Input Parameters:
2420: +  tao - the Tao context
2421: .  its - the current iterate number (>=0)
2422: .  f - the current objective function value
2423: .  res - the gradient norm, square root of the duality gap, or other measure indicating distince from optimality.  This measure will be recorded and
2424:           used for some termination tests.
2425: .  cnorm - the infeasibility of the current solution with regard to the constraints.
2426: -  steplength - multiple of the step direction added to the previous iterate.

2428:    Output Parameters:
2429: .  reason - The termination reason, which can equal TAO_CONTINUE_ITERATING

2431:    Options Database Key:
2432: .  -tao_monitor - Use the default monitor, which prints statistics to standard output

2434: .seealso TaoGetConvergedReason(), TaoMonitorDefault(), TaoSetMonitor()

2436:    Level: developer

2438: @*/
2439: PetscErrorCode TaoMonitor(Tao tao, PetscInt its, PetscReal f, PetscReal res, PetscReal cnorm, PetscReal steplength)
2440: {
2442:   PetscInt       i;

2446:   tao->fc = f;
2447:   tao->residual = res;
2448:   tao->cnorm = cnorm;
2449:   tao->step = steplength;
2450:   if (!its) {
2451:     tao->cnorm0 = cnorm; tao->gnorm0 = res;
2452:   }
2453:   if (PetscIsInfOrNanReal(f) || PetscIsInfOrNanReal(res)) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,1, "User provided compute function generated Inf or NaN");
2454:   for (i=0;i<tao->numbermonitors;i++) {
2455:     (*tao->monitor[i])(tao,tao->monitorcontext[i]);
2456:   }
2457:   return(0);
2458: }

2460: /*@
2461:    TaoSetConvergenceHistory - Sets the array used to hold the convergence history.

2463:    Logically Collective on Tao

2465:    Input Parameters:
2466: +  tao - the Tao solver context
2467: .  obj   - array to hold objective value history
2468: .  resid - array to hold residual history
2469: .  cnorm - array to hold constraint violation history
2470: .  lits - integer array holds the number of linear iterations for each Tao iteration
2471: .  na  - size of obj, resid, and cnorm
2472: -  reset - PetscTrue indicates each new minimization resets the history counter to zero,
2473:            else it continues storing new values for new minimizations after the old ones

2475:    Notes:
2476:    If set, TAO will fill the given arrays with the indicated
2477:    information at each iteration.  If 'obj','resid','cnorm','lits' are
2478:    *all* NULL then space (using size na, or 1000 if na is PETSC_DECIDE or
2479:    PETSC_DEFAULT) is allocated for the history.
2480:    If not all are NULL, then only the non-NULL information categories
2481:    will be stored, the others will be ignored.

2483:    Any convergence information after iteration number 'na' will not be stored.

2485:    This routine is useful, e.g., when running a code for purposes
2486:    of accurate performance monitoring, when no I/O should be done
2487:    during the section of code that is being timed.

2489:    Level: intermediate

2491: .seealso: TaoGetConvergenceHistory()

2493: @*/
2494: PetscErrorCode TaoSetConvergenceHistory(Tao tao, PetscReal obj[], PetscReal resid[], PetscReal cnorm[], PetscInt lits[], PetscInt na,PetscBool reset)
2495: {

2505:   if (na == PETSC_DECIDE || na == PETSC_DEFAULT) na = 1000;
2506:   if (!obj && !resid && !cnorm && !lits) {
2507:     PetscCalloc1(na,&obj);
2508:     PetscCalloc1(na,&resid);
2509:     PetscCalloc1(na,&cnorm);
2510:     PetscCalloc1(na,&lits);
2511:     tao->hist_malloc=PETSC_TRUE;
2512:   }

2514:   tao->hist_obj = obj;
2515:   tao->hist_resid = resid;
2516:   tao->hist_cnorm = cnorm;
2517:   tao->hist_lits = lits;
2518:   tao->hist_max   = na;
2519:   tao->hist_reset = reset;
2520:   tao->hist_len = 0;
2521:   return(0);
2522: }

2524: /*@C
2525:    TaoGetConvergenceHistory - Gets the arrays used to hold the convergence history.

2527:    Collective on Tao

2529:    Input Parameter:
2530: .  tao - the Tao context

2532:    Output Parameters:
2533: +  obj   - array used to hold objective value history
2534: .  resid - array used to hold residual history
2535: .  cnorm - array used to hold constraint violation history
2536: .  lits  - integer array used to hold linear solver iteration count
2537: -  nhist  - size of obj, resid, cnorm, and lits (will be less than or equal to na given in TaoSetHistory)

2539:    Notes:
2540:     This routine must be preceded by calls to TaoSetConvergenceHistory()
2541:     and TaoSolve(), otherwise it returns useless information.

2543:     The calling sequence for this routine in Fortran is
2544: $   call TaoGetConvergenceHistory(Tao tao, PetscInt nhist, PetscErrorCode ierr)

2546:    This routine is useful, e.g., when running a code for purposes
2547:    of accurate performance monitoring, when no I/O should be done
2548:    during the section of code that is being timed.

2550:    Level: advanced

2552: .seealso: TaoSetConvergenceHistory()

2554: @*/
2555: PetscErrorCode TaoGetConvergenceHistory(Tao tao, PetscReal **obj, PetscReal **resid, PetscReal **cnorm, PetscInt **lits, PetscInt *nhist)
2556: {
2559:   if (obj)   *obj   = tao->hist_obj;
2560:   if (cnorm) *cnorm = tao->hist_cnorm;
2561:   if (resid) *resid = tao->hist_resid;
2562:   if (nhist) *nhist   = tao->hist_len;
2563:   return(0);
2564: }

2566: /*@
2567:    TaoSetApplicationContext - Sets the optional user-defined context for
2568:    a solver.

2570:    Logically Collective on Tao

2572:    Input Parameters:
2573: +  tao  - the Tao context
2574: -  usrP - optional user context

2576:    Level: intermediate

2578: .seealso: TaoGetApplicationContext(), TaoSetApplicationContext()
2579: @*/
2580: PetscErrorCode  TaoSetApplicationContext(Tao tao,void *usrP)
2581: {
2584:   tao->user = usrP;
2585:   return(0);
2586: }

2588: /*@
2589:    TaoGetApplicationContext - Gets the user-defined context for a
2590:    TAO solvers.

2592:    Not Collective

2594:    Input Parameter:
2595: .  tao  - Tao context

2597:    Output Parameter:
2598: .  usrP - user context

2600:    Level: intermediate

2602: .seealso: TaoSetApplicationContext()
2603: @*/
2604: PetscErrorCode  TaoGetApplicationContext(Tao tao,void *usrP)
2605: {
2608:   *(void**)usrP = tao->user;
2609:   return(0);
2610: }

2612: /*@
2613:    TaoSetGradientNorm - Sets the matrix used to define the inner product that measures the size of the gradient.

2615:    Collective on tao

2617:    Input Parameters:
2618: +  tao  - the Tao context
2619: -  M    - gradient norm

2621:    Level: beginner

2623: .seealso: TaoGetGradientNorm(), TaoGradientNorm()
2624: @*/
2625: PetscErrorCode  TaoSetGradientNorm(Tao tao, Mat M)
2626: {

2632:   if (tao->gradient_norm) {
2633:     PetscObjectDereference((PetscObject)tao->gradient_norm);
2634:     VecDestroy(&tao->gradient_norm_tmp);
2635:   }

2637:   PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)M);
2638:   tao->gradient_norm = M;
2639:   MatCreateVecs(M, NULL, &tao->gradient_norm_tmp);
2640:   return(0);
2641: }

2643: /*@
2644:    TaoGetGradientNorm - Returns the matrix used to define the inner product for measuring the size of the gradient.

2646:    Not Collective

2648:    Input Parameter:
2649: .  tao  - Tao context

2651:    Output Parameter:
2652: .  M - gradient norm

2654:    Level: beginner

2656: .seealso: TaoSetGradientNorm(), TaoGradientNorm()
2657: @*/
2658: PetscErrorCode  TaoGetGradientNorm(Tao tao, Mat *M)
2659: {
2662:   *M = tao->gradient_norm;
2663:   return(0);
2664: }

2666: /*c
2667:    TaoGradientNorm - Compute the norm with respect to the inner product the user has set.

2669:    Collective on tao

2671:    Input Parameter:
2672: .  tao      - the Tao context
2673: .  gradient - the gradient to be computed
2674: .  norm     - the norm type

2676:    Output Parameter:
2677: .  gnorm    - the gradient norm

2679:    Level: developer

2681: .seealso: TaoSetGradientNorm(), TaoGetGradientNorm()
2682: @*/
2683: PetscErrorCode  TaoGradientNorm(Tao tao, Vec gradient, NormType type, PetscReal *gnorm)
2684: {

2690:   if (tao->gradient_norm) {
2691:     PetscScalar gnorms;

2693:     if (type != NORM_2) SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)gradient), PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONGSTATE, "Norm type must be NORM_2 if an inner product for the gradient norm is set.");
2694:     MatMult(tao->gradient_norm, gradient, tao->gradient_norm_tmp);
2695:     VecDot(gradient, tao->gradient_norm_tmp, &gnorms);
2696:     *gnorm = PetscRealPart(PetscSqrtScalar(gnorms));
2697:   } else {
2698:     VecNorm(gradient, type, gnorm);
2699:   }
2700:   return(0);
2701: }

2703: /*@C
2704:    TaoMonitorDrawCtxCreate - Creates the monitor context for TaoMonitorDrawCtx

2706:    Collective on Tao

2708:    Output Patameter:
2709: .    ctx - the monitor context

2711:    Options Database:
2712: .   -tao_draw_solution_initial - show initial guess as well as current solution

2714:    Level: intermediate

2716: .keywords: Tao,  vector, monitor, view

2718: .seealso: TaoMonitorSet(), TaoMonitorDefault(), VecView(), TaoMonitorDrawCtx()
2719: @*/
2720: PetscErrorCode  TaoMonitorDrawCtxCreate(MPI_Comm comm,const char host[],const char label[],int x,int y,int m,int n,PetscInt howoften,TaoMonitorDrawCtx *ctx)
2721: {
2722:   PetscErrorCode   ierr;

2725:   PetscNew(ctx);
2726:   PetscViewerDrawOpen(comm,host,label,x,y,m,n,&(*ctx)->viewer);
2727:   PetscViewerSetFromOptions((*ctx)->viewer);
2728:   (*ctx)->howoften = howoften;
2729:   return(0);
2730: }

2732: /*@C
2733:    TaoMonitorDrawCtxDestroy - Destroys the monitor context for TaoMonitorDrawSolution()

2735:    Collective on Tao

2737:    Input Parameters:
2738: .    ctx - the monitor context

2740:    Level: intermediate

2742: .keywords: Tao,  vector, monitor, view

2744: .seealso: TaoMonitorSet(), TaoMonitorDefault(), VecView(), TaoMonitorDrawSolution()
2745: @*/
2746: PetscErrorCode  TaoMonitorDrawCtxDestroy(TaoMonitorDrawCtx *ictx)
2747: {

2751:   PetscViewerDestroy(&(*ictx)->viewer);
2752:   PetscFree(*ictx);
2753:   return(0);
2754: }