Actual source code: drawimage.c

petsc-3.9.4 2018-09-11
Report Typos and Errors
  1:  #include <../src/sys/classes/draw/impls/image/drawimage.h>
  2:  #include <petsc/private/drawimpl.h>

  4: #if defined(PETSC_USE_DEBUG)
  5: #define PetscDrawValidColor(color) \
  6: do { if (PetscUnlikely((color)<0||(color)>=256)) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Color value %D out of range [0..255]",(PetscInt)(color)); } while (0)
  7: #else
  8: #define PetscDrawValidColor(color) do {} while (0)
  9: #endif

 11: #define XTRANS(draw,img,x)  ((int)(((img)->w-1)*((draw)->port_xl + ((((x) - (draw)->coor_xl)*((draw)->port_xr - (draw)->port_xl))/((draw)->coor_xr - (draw)->coor_xl)))))
 12: #define YTRANS(draw,img,y)  (((img)->h-1) - (int)(((img)->h-1)*((draw)->port_yl + ((((y) - (draw)->coor_yl)*((draw)->port_yr - (draw)->port_yl))/((draw)->coor_yr - (draw)->coor_yl)))))

 14: #define ITRANS(draw,img,i)  ((draw)->coor_xl + (((PetscReal)(i))*((draw)->coor_xr - (draw)->coor_xl)/((img)->w-1) - (draw)->port_xl)/((draw)->port_xr - (draw)->port_xl))
 15: #define JTRANS(draw,img,j)  ((draw)->coor_yl + (((PetscReal)(j))/((img)->h-1) + (draw)->port_yl - 1)*((draw)->coor_yr - (draw)->coor_yl)/((draw)->port_yl - (draw)->port_yr))

 18: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawSetViewport_Image(PetscDraw draw,PetscReal xl,PetscReal yl,PetscReal xr,PetscReal yr)
 19: {
 20:   PetscImage img = (PetscImage)draw->data;
 22:   {
 23:     int xmax = img->w - 1,   ymax = img->h - 1;
 24:     int xa = (int)(xl*xmax), ya = ymax - (int)(yr*ymax);
 25:     int xb = (int)(xr*xmax), yb = ymax - (int)(yl*ymax);
 26:     PetscImageSetClip(img,xa,ya,xb+1-xa,yb+1-ya);
 27:   }
 28:   return(0);
 29: }

 31: /*
 32: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawSetCoordinates_Image(PetscDraw draw,PetscReal xl,PetscReal yl,PetscReal xr,PetscReal yr)
 33: {
 35:   return(0);
 36: }*/
 37: #define PetscDrawSetCoordinates_Image NULL

 39: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawCoordinateToPixel_Image(PetscDraw draw,PetscReal x,PetscReal y,int *i,int *j)
 40: {
 41:   PetscImage img = (PetscImage)draw->data;
 43:   if (i) *i = XTRANS(draw,img,x);
 44:   if (j) *j = YTRANS(draw,img,y);
 45:   return(0);
 46: }

 48: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawPixelToCoordinate_Image(PetscDraw draw,int i,int j,PetscReal *x,PetscReal *y)
 49: {
 50:   PetscImage img = (PetscImage)draw->data;
 52:   if (x) *x = ITRANS(draw,img,i);
 53:   if (y) *y = JTRANS(draw,img,j);
 54:   return(0);
 55: }

 57: /*
 58: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawPointSetSize_Image(PetscDraw draw,PetscReal width)
 59: {
 61:   return(0);
 62: }*/
 63: #define PetscDrawPointSetSize_Image NULL

 65: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawPoint_Image(PetscDraw draw,PetscReal x,PetscReal y,int c)
 66: {
 67:   PetscImage img = (PetscImage)draw->data;
 69:   PetscDrawValidColor(c);
 70:   {
 71:     int j, xx = XTRANS(draw,img,x);
 72:     int i, yy = YTRANS(draw,img,y);
 73:     for (i=-1; i<=1; i++)
 74:       for (j=-1; j<=1; j++)
 75:         PetscImageDrawPixel(img,xx+j,yy+i,c);
 76:   }
 77:   return(0);
 78: }

 80: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawPointPixel_Image(PetscDraw draw,int x,int y,int c)
 81: {
 82:   PetscImage img = (PetscImage)draw->data;
 84:   PetscDrawValidColor(c);
 85:   {
 86:     PetscImageDrawPixel(img,x,y,c);
 87:   }
 88:   return(0);
 89: }

 91: /*
 92: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawLineSetWidth_Image(PetscDraw draw,PetscReal width)
 93: {
 95:   return(0);
 96: }*/
 97: #define PetscDrawLineSetWidth_Image NULL

 99: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawLineGetWidth_Image(PetscDraw draw,PetscReal *width)
100: {
101:   PetscImage img = (PetscImage)draw->data;
103:   {
104:     int lw = 1;
105:     *width = lw*(draw->coor_xr - draw->coor_xl)/(img->w*(draw->port_xr - draw->port_xl));
106:   }
107:   return(0);
108: }

110: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawLine_Image(PetscDraw draw,PetscReal xl,PetscReal yl,PetscReal xr,PetscReal yr,int c)
111: {
112:   PetscImage img = (PetscImage)draw->data;
114:   {
115:     int x_1 = XTRANS(draw,img,xl), x_2 = XTRANS(draw,img,xr);
116:     int y_1 = YTRANS(draw,img,yl), y_2 = YTRANS(draw,img,yr);
117:     PetscImageDrawLine(img,x_1,y_1,x_2,y_2,c);
118:   }
119:   return(0);
120: }

122: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawArrow_Image(PetscDraw draw,PetscReal xl,PetscReal yl,PetscReal xr,PetscReal yr,int c)
123: {
124:   PetscImage img = (PetscImage)draw->data;
126:   PetscDrawValidColor(c);
127:   {
128:     int x_1 = XTRANS(draw,img,xl), x_2 = XTRANS(draw,img,xr);
129:     int y_1 = YTRANS(draw,img,yl), y_2 = YTRANS(draw,img,yr);
130:     if (x_1 == x_2 && y_1 == y_2) return(0);
131:     PetscImageDrawLine(img,x_1,y_1,x_2,y_2,c);
132:     if (x_1 == x_2 && PetscAbs(y_1 - y_2) > 7) {
133:       if (y_2 > y_1) {
134:         PetscImageDrawLine(img,x_2,y_2,x_2-3,y_2-3,c);
135:         PetscImageDrawLine(img,x_2,y_2,x_2+3,y_2-3,c);
136:       } else {
137:         PetscImageDrawLine(img,x_2,y_2,x_2-3,y_2+3,c);
138:         PetscImageDrawLine(img,x_2,y_2,x_2+3,y_2+3,c);
139:       }
140:     }
141:     if (y_1 == y_2 && PetscAbs(x_1 - x_2) > 7) {
142:       if (x_2 > x_1) {
143:         PetscImageDrawLine(img,x_2-3,y_2-3,x_2,y_2,c);
144:         PetscImageDrawLine(img,x_2-3,y_2+3,x_2,y_2,c);
145:       } else {
146:         PetscImageDrawLine(img,x_2,y_2,x_2+3,y_2-3,c);
147:         PetscImageDrawLine(img,x_2,y_2,x_2+3,y_2+3,c);
148:       }
149:     }
150:    }
151:   return(0);
152: }

154: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawRectangle_Image(PetscDraw draw,PetscReal xl,PetscReal yl,PetscReal xr,PetscReal yr,int c1,int c2,int c3,int c4)
155: {
156:   PetscImage img = (PetscImage)draw->data;
158:   PetscDrawValidColor(c1);
159:   PetscDrawValidColor(c2);
160:   PetscDrawValidColor(c3);
161:   PetscDrawValidColor(c4);
162:   {
163:     int x = XTRANS(draw,img,xl), w = XTRANS(draw,img,xr) + 1 - x;
164:     int y = YTRANS(draw,img,yr), h = YTRANS(draw,img,yl) + 1 - y;
165:     int c  = (c1 + c2 + c3 + c4)/4;
166:     PetscImageDrawRectangle(img,x,y,w,h,c);
167:   }
168:   return(0);
169: }

171: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawEllipse_Image(PetscDraw draw,PetscReal x,PetscReal y,PetscReal a,PetscReal b,int c)
172: {
173:   PetscImage img = (PetscImage)draw->data;
175:   PetscDrawValidColor(c);
176:   a = PetscAbsReal(a);
177:   b = PetscAbsReal(b);
178:   {
179:     int xc = XTRANS(draw,img,x), w = XTRANS(draw,img,x + a/2) + 0 - xc;
180:     int yc = YTRANS(draw,img,y), h = YTRANS(draw,img,y - b/2) + 0 - yc;
181:     if (PetscAbsReal(a-b) <= 0)  w = h = PetscMin(w,h); /* workaround truncation errors */
182:     PetscImageDrawEllipse(img,xc,yc,w,h,c);
183:   }
184:   return(0);
185: }

187: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawTriangle_Image(PetscDraw draw,PetscReal X_1,PetscReal Y_1,PetscReal X_2,PetscReal Y_2,PetscReal X_3,PetscReal Y_3,int c1,int c2,int c3)
188: {
189:   PetscImage img = (PetscImage)draw->data;
191:   PetscDrawValidColor(c1);
192:   PetscDrawValidColor(c2);
193:   PetscDrawValidColor(c3);
194:   {
195:     int x_1 = XTRANS(draw,img,X_1), x_2 = XTRANS(draw,img,X_2), x_3 = XTRANS(draw,img,X_3);
196:     int y_1 = YTRANS(draw,img,Y_1), y_2 = YTRANS(draw,img,Y_2), y_3 = YTRANS(draw,img,Y_3);
197:     PetscImageDrawTriangle(img,x_1,y_1,c1,x_2,y_2,c2,x_3,y_3,c3);
198:   }
199:   return(0);
200: }

202: /*
203: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawStringSetSize_Image(PetscDraw draw,PetscReal w,PetscReal h)
204: {
206:   return(0);
207: }*/
208: #define PetscDrawStringSetSize_Image NULL

210: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawStringGetSize_Image(PetscDraw draw,PetscReal *w,PetscReal  *h)
211: {
212:   PetscImage img = (PetscImage)draw->data;
214:   {
215:     int tw = PetscImageFontWidth;
216:     int th = PetscImageFontHeight;
217:     if (w) *w = tw*(draw->coor_xr - draw->coor_xl)/(img->w*(draw->port_xr - draw->port_xl));
218:     if (h) *h = th*(draw->coor_yr - draw->coor_yl)/(img->h*(draw->port_yr - draw->port_yl));
219:   }
220:   return(0);
221: }

223: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawString_Image(PetscDraw draw,PetscReal x,PetscReal y,int c,const char text[])
224: {
225:   PetscImage     img = (PetscImage)draw->data;
226:   PetscToken     token;
227:   char           *subtext;
230:   PetscDrawValidColor(c);
231:   {
232:     int xx = XTRANS(draw,img,x);
233:     int yy = YTRANS(draw,img,y);
234:     PetscTokenCreate(text,'\n',&token);
235:     PetscTokenFind(token,&subtext);
236:     while (subtext) {
237:       PetscImageDrawText(img,xx,yy,c,subtext);
238:       yy += PetscImageFontHeight;
239:       PetscTokenFind(token,&subtext);
240:     }
241:     PetscTokenDestroy(&token);
242:   }
243:   return(0);
244: }

246: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawStringVertical_Image(PetscDraw draw,PetscReal x,PetscReal y,int c,const char text[])
247: {
248:   PetscImage img = (PetscImage)draw->data;
250:   PetscDrawValidColor(c);
251:   {
252:     char chr[2] = {0, 0};
253:     int  xx = XTRANS(draw,img,x);
254:     int  yy = YTRANS(draw,img,y);
255:     int  offset = PetscImageFontHeight;
256:     while ((chr[0] = *text++)) {
257:       PetscImageDrawText(img,xx,yy+offset,c,chr);
258:       yy += PetscImageFontHeight;
259:     }
260:   }
261:   return(0);
262: }

264: /*
265: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawStringBoxed_Image(PetscDraw draw,PetscReal sxl,PetscReal syl,int sc,int bc,const char text[],PetscReal *w,PetscReal *h)
266: {
268:   if (w) *w = 0;
269:   if (h) *h = 0;
270:   return(0);
271: */
272: #define PetscDrawStringBoxed_Image NULL

274: /*
275: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawFlush_Image(PetscDraw draw)
276: {
278:   return(0);
279: }*/
280: #define PetscDrawFlush_Image NULL

282: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawClear_Image(PetscDraw draw)
283: {
284:   PetscImage     img = (PetscImage)draw->data;
286:   {
287:     PetscImageClear(img);
288:   }
289:   return(0);
290: }

292: /*
293: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawSetDoubleBuffer_Image(PetscDraw draw)
294: {
296:   return(0);
297: }*/
298: #define PetscDrawSetDoubleBuffer_Image NULL

300: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawGetPopup_Image(PetscDraw draw,PetscDraw *popup)
301: {
302:   PetscBool      flg = PETSC_FALSE;

306:   PetscOptionsGetBool(((PetscObject)draw)->options,((PetscObject)draw)->prefix,"-draw_popup",&flg,NULL);
307:   if (!flg) {*popup = NULL; return(0);}
308:   PetscDrawCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)draw),NULL,NULL,0,0,220,220,popup);
309:   PetscDrawSetType(*popup,PETSC_DRAW_IMAGE);
310:   PetscObjectSetOptionsPrefix((PetscObject)*popup,"popup_");
311:   PetscObjectAppendOptionsPrefix((PetscObject)*popup,((PetscObject)draw)->prefix);
312:   draw->popup = *popup;
313:   return(0);
314: }

316: /*
317: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawSetTitle_Image(PetscDraw draw,const char title[])
318: {
320:   return(0);
321: }*/
322: #define PetscDrawSetTitle_Image NULL

324: /*
325: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawCheckResizedWindow_Image(PetscDraw draw)
326: {
328:   return(0);
329: }*/
330: #define PetscDrawCheckResizedWindow_Image NULL

332: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawResizeWindow_Image(PetscDraw draw,int w,int h)
333: {
334:   PetscImage     img = (PetscImage)draw->data;

338:   if (w == img->w && h == img->h) return(0);
339:   PetscFree(img->buffer);

341:   img->w = w; img->h = h;
342:   PetscCalloc1((size_t)(img->w*img->h),&img->buffer);
343:   PetscDrawSetViewport_Image(draw,draw->port_xl,draw->port_yl,draw->port_xr,draw->port_yr);
344:   return(0);
345: }

347: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawDestroy_Image(PetscDraw draw)
348: {
349:   PetscImage     img = (PetscImage)draw->data;

353:   PetscDrawDestroy(&draw->popup);
354:   PetscFree(img->buffer);
355:   PetscFree(draw->data);
356:   return(0);
357: }

359: /*
360: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawView_Image(PetscDraw draw,PetscViewer viewer)
361: {
363:   return(0);
364: }*/
365: #define PetscDrawView_Image NULL

367: /*
368: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawGetMouseButton_Image(PetscDraw draw,PetscDrawButton *button,PetscReal *x_user,PetscReal *y_user,PetscReal *x_phys,PetscReal *y_phys)
369: {
371:   *button = PETSC_BUTTON_NONE;
372:   if (x_user) *x_user = 0;
373:   if (y_user) *y_user = 0;
374:   if (x_phys) *x_phys = 0;
375:   if (y_phys) *y_phys = 0;
376:   return(0);
377: }*/
378: #define PetscDrawGetMouseButton_Image NULL

380: /*
381: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawPause_Image(PetscDraw draw)
382: {
384:   return(0);
385: }*/
386: #define PetscDrawPause_Image NULL

388: /*
389: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawBeginPage_Image(PetscDraw draw)
390: {
392:   return(0);
393: }*/
394: #define PetscDrawBeginPage_Image NULL

396: /*
397: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawEndPage_Image(PetscDraw draw)
398: {
400:   return(0);
401: }*/
402: #define PetscDrawEndPage_Image NULL

404: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawGetSingleton_Image(PetscDraw draw,PetscDraw *sdraw)
405: {
406:   PetscImage     pimg = (PetscImage)draw->data;
407:   PetscImage     simg;

411:   PetscDrawCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF,NULL,NULL,0,0,draw->w,draw->h,sdraw);
412:   PetscDrawSetType(*sdraw,PETSC_DRAW_IMAGE);
413:   (*sdraw)->ops->resizewindow = NULL;
414:   simg = (PetscImage)(*sdraw)->data;
415:   PetscMemcpy(simg->buffer,pimg->buffer,(size_t)(pimg->w*pimg->h));
416:   return(0);
417: }

419: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawRestoreSingleton_Image(PetscDraw draw,PetscDraw *sdraw)
420: {
421:   PetscImage     pimg = (PetscImage)draw->data;
422:   PetscImage     simg = (PetscImage)(*sdraw)->data;

426:   PetscMemcpy(pimg->buffer,simg->buffer,(size_t)(pimg->w*pimg->h));
427:   PetscDrawDestroy(sdraw);
428:   return(0);
429: }

431: /*
432: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawSave_Image(PetscDraw draw)
433: {
435:   return(0);
436: }*/
437: #define PetscDrawSave_Image NULL

439: static PetscErrorCode PetscDrawGetImage_Image(PetscDraw draw,unsigned char palette[256][3],unsigned int *w,unsigned int *h,unsigned char *pixels[])
440: {
441:   PetscImage     img = (PetscImage)draw->data;
442:   unsigned char  *buffer = NULL;
443:   PetscMPIInt    rank,size;

447:   if (w) *w = (unsigned int)img->w;
448:   if (h) *h = (unsigned int)img->h;
449:   if (pixels) *pixels = NULL;
450:   MPI_Comm_rank(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)draw),&rank);
451:   if (!rank) {
452:     PetscMemcpy(palette,img->palette,sizeof(img->palette));
453:     PetscMalloc1((size_t)(img->w*img->h),&buffer);
454:     if (pixels) *pixels = buffer;
455:   }
456:   MPI_Comm_size(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)draw),&size);
457:   if (size == 1) {
458:     PetscMemcpy(buffer,img->buffer,(size_t)(img->w*img->h));
459:   } else {
460:     MPI_Reduce(img->buffer,buffer,img->w*img->h,MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR,MPI_MAX,0,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)draw));
461:   }
462:   return(0);
463: }

465: static struct _PetscDrawOps DvOps = {
466:   PetscDrawSetDoubleBuffer_Image,
467:   PetscDrawFlush_Image,
468:   PetscDrawLine_Image,
469:   PetscDrawLineSetWidth_Image,
470:   PetscDrawLineGetWidth_Image,
471:   PetscDrawPoint_Image,
472:   PetscDrawPointSetSize_Image,
473:   PetscDrawString_Image,
474:   PetscDrawStringVertical_Image,
475:   PetscDrawStringSetSize_Image,
476:   PetscDrawStringGetSize_Image,
477:   PetscDrawSetViewport_Image,
478:   PetscDrawClear_Image,
479:   PetscDrawRectangle_Image,
480:   PetscDrawTriangle_Image,
481:   PetscDrawEllipse_Image,
482:   PetscDrawGetMouseButton_Image,
483:   PetscDrawPause_Image,
484:   PetscDrawBeginPage_Image,
485:   PetscDrawEndPage_Image,
486:   PetscDrawGetPopup_Image,
487:   PetscDrawSetTitle_Image,
488:   PetscDrawCheckResizedWindow_Image,
489:   PetscDrawResizeWindow_Image,
490:   PetscDrawDestroy_Image,
491:   PetscDrawView_Image,
492:   PetscDrawGetSingleton_Image,
493:   PetscDrawRestoreSingleton_Image,
494:   PetscDrawSave_Image,
495:   PetscDrawGetImage_Image,
496:   PetscDrawSetCoordinates_Image,
497:   PetscDrawArrow_Image,
498:   PetscDrawCoordinateToPixel_Image,
499:   PetscDrawPixelToCoordinate_Image,
500:   PetscDrawPointPixel_Image,
501:   PetscDrawStringBoxed_Image
502: };

504: static const unsigned char BasicColors[PETSC_DRAW_BASIC_COLORS][3] = {
505:   { 255, 255, 255 }, /* white */
506:   {   0,   0,   0 }, /* black */
507:   { 255,   0,   0 }, /* red */
508:   {   0, 255,   0 }, /* green */
509:   {   0, 255, 255 }, /* cyan */
510:   {   0,   0, 255 }, /* blue */
511:   { 255,   0, 255 }, /* magenta */
512:   { 127, 255, 212 }, /* aquamarine */
513:   {  34, 139,  34 }, /* forestgreen */
514:   { 255, 165,   0 }, /* orange */
515:   { 238, 130, 238 }, /* violet */
516:   { 165,  42,  42 }, /* brown */
517:   { 255, 192, 203 }, /* pink */
518:   { 255, 127,  80 }, /* coral */
519:   { 190, 190, 190 }, /* gray */
520:   { 255, 255,   0 }, /* yellow */
521:   { 255, 215,   0 }, /* gold */
522:   { 255, 182, 193 }, /* lightpink */
523:   {  72, 209, 204 }, /* mediumturquoise */
524:   { 240, 230, 140 }, /* khaki */
525:   { 105, 105, 105 }, /* dimgray */
526:   {  54, 205,  50 }, /* yellowgreen */
527:   { 135, 206, 235 }, /* skyblue */
528:   {   0, 100,   0 }, /* darkgreen */
529:   {   0,   0, 128 }, /* navyblue */
530:   { 244, 164,  96 }, /* sandybrown */
531:   {  95, 158, 160 }, /* cadetblue */
532:   { 176, 224, 230 }, /* powderblue */
533:   { 255,  20, 147 }, /* deeppink */
534:   { 216, 191, 216 }, /* thistle */
535:   {  50, 205,  50 }, /* limegreen */
536:   { 255, 240, 245 }, /* lavenderblush */
537:   { 221, 160, 221 }, /* plum */
538: };

541: /*MC
542:    PETSC_DRAW_IMAGE - PETSc graphics device that uses a raster buffer

544:    Options Database Keys:
545: .  -draw_size w,h - size of image in pixels

547:    Level: beginner

549: .seealso:  PetscDrawOpenImage(), PetscDrawSetFromOptions()
550: M*/
551: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscDrawCreate_Image(PetscDraw);

553: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscDrawCreate_Image(PetscDraw draw)
554: {
555:   PetscImage     img;
556:   int            w = draw->w, h = draw->h;
557:   PetscInt       size[2], nsize = 2;
558:   PetscBool      set;

562:   draw->pause   = 0;
563:   draw->coor_xl = 0; draw->coor_xr = 1;
564:   draw->coor_yl = 0; draw->coor_yr = 1;
565:   draw->port_xl = 0; draw->port_xr = 1;
566:   draw->port_yl = 0; draw->port_yr = 1;

568:   size[0] = w; if (size[0] < 1) size[0] = 300;
569:   size[1] = h; if (size[1] < 1) size[1] = size[0];
570:   PetscOptionsGetIntArray(((PetscObject)draw)->options,((PetscObject)draw)->prefix,"-draw_size",size,&nsize,&set);
571:   if (set && nsize == 1) size[1] = size[0];
572:   if (size[0] < 1) size[0] = 300;
573:   if (size[1] < 1) size[1] = size[0];
574:   draw->w = w = size[0]; draw->x = 0;
575:   draw->h = h = size[1]; draw->x = 0;

577:   PetscNewLog(draw,&img);
578:   PetscMemcpy(draw->ops,&DvOps,sizeof(DvOps));
579:   draw->data = (void*)img;

581:   img->w = w; img->h = h;
582:   PetscCalloc1((size_t)(img->w*img->h),&img->buffer);
583:   PetscImageSetClip(img,0,0,img->w,img->h);
584:   {
585:     int i,k,ncolors = 256-PETSC_DRAW_BASIC_COLORS;
586:     unsigned char R[256-PETSC_DRAW_BASIC_COLORS];
587:     unsigned char G[256-PETSC_DRAW_BASIC_COLORS];
588:     unsigned char B[256-PETSC_DRAW_BASIC_COLORS];
589:     PetscDrawUtilitySetCmap(NULL,ncolors,R,G,B);
590:     for (k=0; k<PETSC_DRAW_BASIC_COLORS; k++) {
591:       img->palette[k][0] = BasicColors[k][0];
592:       img->palette[k][1] = BasicColors[k][1];
593:       img->palette[k][2] = BasicColors[k][2];
594:     }
595:     for (i=0; i<ncolors; i++, k++) {
596:       img->palette[k][0] = R[i];
597:       img->palette[k][1] = G[i];
598:       img->palette[k][2] = B[i];
599:     }
600:   }

602:   if (!draw->savefilename) {PetscDrawSetSave(draw,draw->title);}
603:   return(0);
604: }

606: /*@C
607:    PetscDrawOpenImage - Opens an image for use with the PetscDraw routines.

609:    Collective on MPI_Comm

611:    Input Parameters:
612: +  comm - the communicator that will share image
613: -  filename - optional name of the file
614: -  w, h - the image width and height in pixels

616:    Output Parameters:
617: .  draw - the drawing context.

619:    Level: beginner

621: .seealso: PetscDrawSetSave(), PetscDrawSetFromOptions(), PetscDrawCreate(), PetscDrawDestroy()
622: @*/
623: PetscErrorCode PetscDrawOpenImage(MPI_Comm comm,const char filename[],int w,int h,PetscDraw *draw)
624: {

628:   PetscDrawCreate(comm,NULL,NULL,0,0,w,h,draw);
629:   PetscDrawSetType(*draw,PETSC_DRAW_IMAGE);
630:   PetscDrawSetSave(*draw,filename);
631:   return(0);
632: }