Actual source code: vecmpitoseq.c

petsc-3.9.4 2018-09-11
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  2:  #include <petsc/private/vecimpl.h>

  4: /*@C
  5:       VecScatterCreateToAll - Creates a vector and a scatter context that copies all
  6:           vector values to each processor

  8:   Collective on Vec

 10:   Input Parameter:
 11: .  vin  - input MPIVEC

 13:   Output Parameter:
 14: +  ctx - scatter context
 15: -  vout - output SEQVEC that is large enough to scatter into

 17:   Level: intermediate

 19:    Note: vout may be NULL [PETSC_NULL_VEC from fortran] if you do not
 20:    need to have it created

 22:    Usage:
 23: $        VecScatterCreateToAll(vin,&ctx,&vout);
 24: $
 25: $        // scatter as many times as you need
 26: $        VecScatterBegin(ctx,vin,vout,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
 27: $        VecScatterEnd(ctx,vin,vout,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
 28: $
 29: $        // destroy scatter context and local vector when no longer needed
 30: $        VecScatterDestroy(&ctx);
 31: $        VecDestroy(&vout);

 33:     Do NOT create a vector and then pass it in as the final argument vout! vout is created by this routine
 34:   automatically (unless you pass NULL in for that argument if you do not need it).

 36: .seealso VecScatterCreate(), VecScatterCreateToZero(), VecScatterBegin(), VecScatterEnd()

 38: @*/
 39: PetscErrorCode  VecScatterCreateToAll(Vec vin,VecScatter *ctx,Vec *vout)
 40: {

 43:   PetscInt       N;
 44:   IS             is;
 45:   Vec            tmp;
 46:   Vec            *tmpv;
 47:   PetscBool      tmpvout = PETSC_FALSE;

 53:   if (vout) {
 55:     tmpv = vout;
 56:   } else {
 57:     tmpvout = PETSC_TRUE;
 58:     tmpv    = &tmp;
 59:   }

 61:   /* Create seq vec on each proc, with the same size of the original mpi vec */
 62:   VecGetSize(vin,&N);
 63:   VecCreateSeq(PETSC_COMM_SELF,N,tmpv);
 64:   /* Create the VecScatter ctx with the communication info */
 65:   ISCreateStride(PETSC_COMM_SELF,N,0,1,&is);
 66:   VecScatterCreate(vin,is,*tmpv,is,ctx);
 67:   ISDestroy(&is);
 68:   if (tmpvout) {VecDestroy(tmpv);}
 69:   return(0);
 70: }

 73: /*@C
 74:       VecScatterCreateToZero - Creates an output vector and a scatter context used to
 75:               copy all vector values into the output vector on the zeroth processor

 77:   Collective on Vec

 79:   Input Parameter:
 80: .  vin  - input MPIVEC

 82:   Output Parameter:
 83: +  ctx - scatter context
 84: -  vout - output SEQVEC that is large enough to scatter into on processor 0 and
 85:           of length zero on all other processors

 87:   Level: intermediate

 89:    Note: vout may be NULL [PETSC_NULL_VEC from fortran] if you do not
 90:    need to have it created

 92:    Usage:
 93: $        VecScatterCreateToZero(vin,&ctx,&vout);
 94: $
 95: $        // scatter as many times as you need
 96: $        VecScatterBegin(ctx,vin,vout,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
 97: $        VecScatterEnd(ctx,vin,vout,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
 98: $
 99: $        // destroy scatter context and local vector when no longer needed
100: $        VecScatterDestroy(&ctx);
101: $        VecDestroy(&vout);

103: .seealso VecScatterCreate(), VecScatterCreateToAll(), VecScatterBegin(), VecScatterEnd()

105:     Do NOT create a vector and then pass it in as the final argument vout! vout is created by this routine
106:   automatically (unless you pass NULL in for that argument if you do not need it).

108: @*/
109: PetscErrorCode  VecScatterCreateToZero(Vec vin,VecScatter *ctx,Vec *vout)
110: {

113:   PetscInt       N;
114:   PetscMPIInt    rank;
115:   IS             is;
116:   Vec            tmp;
117:   Vec            *tmpv;
118:   PetscBool      tmpvout = PETSC_FALSE;

124:   if (vout) {
126:     tmpv = vout;
127:   } else {
128:     tmpvout = PETSC_TRUE;
129:     tmpv    = &tmp;
130:   }

132:   /* Create vec on each proc, with the same size of the original mpi vec (all on process 0)*/
133:   VecGetSize(vin,&N);
134:   MPI_Comm_rank(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)vin),&rank);
135:   if (rank) N = 0;
136:   VecCreateSeq(PETSC_COMM_SELF,N,tmpv);
137:   /* Create the VecScatter ctx with the communication info */
138:   ISCreateStride(PETSC_COMM_SELF,N,0,1,&is);
139:   VecScatterCreate(vin,is,*tmpv,is,ctx);
140:   ISDestroy(&is);
141:   if (tmpvout) {VecDestroy(tmpv);}
142:   return(0);
143: }