Actual source code: petscis.h

petsc-3.8.4 2018-03-24
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  1: !
  2: !
  3: !  Include file for Fortran use of the IS (index set) package in PETSc
  4: !
  5: #include "petsc/finclude/petscis.h"

  7:       type tIS
  8:         PetscFortranAddr:: v
  9:       end type tIS
 10:       type tISColoring
 11:         PetscFortranAddr:: v
 12:       end type tISColoring
 13:       type tPetscSection
 14:         PetscFortranAddr:: v
 15:       end type tPetscSection
 16:       type tPetscSectionSym
 17:         PetscFortranAddr:: v
 18:       end type tPetscSectionSym
 19:       type tPetscSF
 20:         PetscFortranAddr:: v
 21:       end type tPetscSF

 23:       IS, parameter :: PETSC_NULL_IS = tIS(-1)
 24:       PetscSF, parameter :: PETSC_NULL_SF = tPetscSF(-1)
 25:       PetscSection, parameter :: PETSC_NULL_SECTION =                   &
 26:      & tPetscSection(-1)
 27:       PetscSectionSym, parameter :: PETSC_NULL_SECTIONSYM =             &
 28:      & tPetscSectionSym(-1)

 30:       PetscEnum IS_COLORING_GLOBAL
 31:       PetscEnum IS_COLORING_LOCAL
 32:       parameter (IS_COLORING_GLOBAL = 0,IS_COLORING_LOCAL = 1)

 34:       PetscEnum IS_GENERAL
 35:       PetscEnum IS_STRIDE
 36:       PetscEnum IS_BLOCK
 37:       parameter (IS_GENERAL = 0,IS_STRIDE = 1,IS_BLOCK = 2)

 39:       PetscEnum IS_GTOLM_MASK
 40:       PetscEnum IS_GTOLM_DROP
 41:       parameter (IS_GTOLM_MASK =0,IS_GTOLM_DROP = 1)

 43: !
 44: !  End of Fortran include file for the IS package in PETSc