Actual source code: petscgll.c

petsc-3.8.4 2018-03-24
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  2:  #include <petscgll.h>
  3:  #include <petscviewer.h>
  4:  #include <petscblaslapack.h>
  5:  #include <petsc/private/petscimpl.h>

  8: static void qAndLEvaluation(PetscInt n, PetscReal x, PetscReal *q, PetscReal *qp, PetscReal *Ln)
  9: /*
 10:   Compute the polynomial q(x) = L_{N+1}(x) - L_{n-1}(x) and its derivative in
 11:   addition to L_N(x) as these are needed for computing the GLL points via Newton's method.
 12:   Reference: "Implementing Spectral Methods for Partial Differential Equations: Algorithms
 13:   for Scientists and Engineers" by David A. Kopriva.
 14: */
 15: {
 16:   PetscInt k;

 18:   PetscReal Lnp;
 19:   PetscReal Lnp1, Lnp1p;
 20:   PetscReal Lnm1, Lnm1p;
 21:   PetscReal Lnm2, Lnm2p;

 23:   Lnm1  = 1.0;
 24:   *Ln   = x;
 25:   Lnm1p = 0.0;
 26:   Lnp   = 1.0;

 28:   for (k=2; k<=n; ++k) {
 29:     Lnm2  = Lnm1;
 30:     Lnm1  = *Ln;
 31:     Lnm2p = Lnm1p;
 32:     Lnm1p = Lnp;
 33:     *Ln   = (2.*((PetscReal)k)-1.)/(1.0*((PetscReal)k))*x*Lnm1 - (((PetscReal)k)-1.)/((PetscReal)k)*Lnm2;
 34:     Lnp   = Lnm2p + (2.0*((PetscReal)k)-1.)*Lnm1;
 35:   }
 36:   k     = n+1;
 37:   Lnp1  = (2.*((PetscReal)k)-1.)/(((PetscReal)k))*x*(*Ln) - (((PetscReal)k)-1.)/((PetscReal)k)*Lnm1;
 38:   Lnp1p = Lnm1p + (2.0*((PetscReal)k)-1.)*(*Ln);
 39:   *q    = Lnp1 - Lnm1;
 40:   *qp   = Lnp1p - Lnm1p;
 41: }

 43: /*@C
 44:    PetscGLLCreate - creates a set of the locations and weights of the Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre (GLL) nodes of a given size
 45:                       on the domain [-1,1]

 47:    Not Collective

 49:    Input Parameter:
 50: +  n - number of grid nodes

 53:    Output Parameter:
 54: .  gll - the nodes

 56:    Notes: For n > 30  the Newton approach computes duplicate (incorrect) values for some nodes because the initial guess is apparently not
 57:           close enough to the desired solution

 59:    These are useful for implementing spectral methods based on Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre (GLL) nodes

 61:    See for better ways to compute GLL nodes

 63:    Level: beginner

 65: .seealso: PetscGLL, PetscGLLDestroy(), PetscGLLView(), PetscGLLIntegrate(), PetscGLLElementLaplacianCreate(), PetscGLLElementLaplacianDestroy(), 
 66:           PetscGLLElementGradientCreate(), PetscGLLElementGradientDestroy(), PetscGLLElementAdvectionCreate(), PetscGLLElementAdvectionDestroy()

 68: @*/
 69: PetscErrorCode PetscGLLCreate(PetscInt n,PetscGLLCreateType type,PetscGLL *gll)
 70: {

 74:   PetscMalloc2(n,&gll->nodes,n,&gll->weights);

 76:   if (type == PETSCGLL_VIA_LINEARALGEBRA) {
 77:     PetscReal      *M,si;
 78:     PetscBLASInt   bn,lierr;
 79:     PetscReal      x,z0,z1,z2;
 80:     PetscInt       i,p = n - 1,nn;

 82:     gll->nodes[0]   =-1.0;
 83:     gll->nodes[n-1] = 1.0;
 84:     if (n-2 > 0){
 85:       PetscMalloc1(n-1,&M);
 86:       for (i=0; i<n-2; i++) {
 87:         si  = ((PetscReal)i)+1.0;
 88:         M[i]=0.5*PetscSqrtReal(si*(si+2.0)/((si+0.5)*(si+1.5)));
 89:       }
 90:       PetscBLASIntCast(n-2,&bn);
 91:       PetscMemzero(&gll->nodes[1],bn*sizeof(gll->nodes[1]));
 92:       PetscFPTrapPush(PETSC_FP_TRAP_OFF);
 93:       x=0;
 94:       PetscStackCallBLAS("LAPACKsteqr",LAPACKREALsteqr_("N",&bn,&gll->nodes[1],M,&x,&bn,M,&lierr));
 95:       if (lierr) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB,"Error in STERF Lapack routine %d",(int)lierr);
 96:       PetscFPTrapPop();
 97:       PetscFree(M);
 98:     }
 99:     if ((n-1)%2==0) {
100:       gll->nodes[(n-1)/2]   = 0.0; /* hard wire to exactly 0.0 since linear algebra produces nonzero */
101:     }

103:     gll->weights[0] = gll->weights[p] = 2.0/(((PetscReal)(p))*(((PetscReal)p)+1.0));
104:     z2 = -1.;                      /* Dummy value to avoid -Wmaybe-initialized */
105:     for (i=1; i<p; i++) {
106:       x  = gll->nodes[i];
107:       z0 = 1.0;
108:       z1 = x;
109:       for (nn=1; nn<p; nn++) {
110:         z2 = x*z1*(2.0*((PetscReal)nn)+1.0)/(((PetscReal)nn)+1.0)-z0*(((PetscReal)nn)/(((PetscReal)nn)+1.0));
111:         z0 = z1;
112:         z1 = z2;
113:       }
114:       gll->weights[i]=2.0/(((PetscReal)p)*(((PetscReal)p)+1.0)*z2*z2);
115:     }
116:   } else {
117:     PetscInt  j,m;
118:     PetscReal z1,z,q,qp,Ln;
119:     PetscReal *pt;
120:     PetscMalloc1(n,&pt);

122:     if (n > 30) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"PETSCGLL_VIA_NEWTON produces incorrect answers for n > 30");
123:     gll->nodes[0]     = -1.0;
124:     gll->nodes[n-1]   = 1.0;
125:     gll->weights[0]   = gll->weights[n-1] = 2./(((PetscReal)n)*(((PetscReal)n)-1.0));;
126:     m  = (n-1)/2; /* The roots are symmetric, so we only find half of them. */
127:     for (j=1; j<=m; j++) { /* Loop over the desired roots. */
128:       z = -1.0*PetscCosReal((PETSC_PI*((PetscReal)j)+0.25)/(((PetscReal)n)-1.0))-(3.0/(8.0*(((PetscReal)n)-1.0)*PETSC_PI))*(1.0/(((PetscReal)j)+0.25));
129:       /* Starting with the above approximation to the ith root, we enter */
130:       /* the main loop of refinement by Newton's method.                 */
131:       do {
132:         qAndLEvaluation(n-1,z,&q,&qp,&Ln);
133:         z1 = z;
134:         z  = z1-q/qp; /* Newton's method. */
135:       } while (PetscAbs(z-z1) > 10.*PETSC_MACHINE_EPSILON);
136:       qAndLEvaluation(n-1,z,&q,&qp,&Ln);

138:       gll->nodes[j]       = z;
139:       gll->nodes[n-1-j]   = -z;      /* and put in its symmetric counterpart.   */
140:       gll->weights[j]     = 2.0/(((PetscReal)n)*(((PetscReal)n)-1.)*Ln*Ln);  /* Compute the weight */
141:       gll->weights[n-1-j] = gll->weights[j];                 /* and its symmetric counterpart. */
142:       pt[j]=qp;
143:     }

145:     if ((n-1)%2==0) {
146:       qAndLEvaluation(n-1,0.0,&q,&qp,&Ln);
147:       gll->nodes[(n-1)/2]   = 0.0;
148:       gll->weights[(n-1)/2] = 2.0/(((PetscReal)n)*(((PetscReal)n)-1.)*Ln*Ln);
149:     }
150:     PetscFree(pt);
151:   }
152:   gll->n = n;
153:   return(0);
154: }

156: /*@C
157:    PetscGLLDestroy - destroys a set of GLL nodes and weights

159:    Not Collective

161:    Input Parameter:
162: .  gll - the nodes

164:    Level: beginner

166: .seealso: PetscGLL, PetscGLLCreate(), PetscGLLView()

168: @*/
169: PetscErrorCode PetscGLLDestroy(PetscGLL *gll)
170: {

174:   PetscFree2(gll->nodes,gll->weights);
175:   gll->n = 0;
176:   return(0);
177: }

179: /*@C
180:    PetscGLLView - views a set of GLL nodes

182:    Not Collective

184:    Input Parameter:
185: +  gll - the nodes
186: .  viewer - the viewer

188:    Level: beginner

190: .seealso: PetscGLL, PetscGLLCreate(), PetscGLLDestroy()

192: @*/
193: PetscErrorCode PetscGLLView(PetscGLL *gll,PetscViewer viewer)
194: {
195:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;
196:   PetscBool         iascii;

198:   PetscInt          i;

201:   if (!viewer) {
202:     PetscViewerASCIIGetStdout(PETSC_COMM_SELF,&viewer);
203:   }
205:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer,PETSCVIEWERASCII,&iascii);
206:   if (iascii) {
207:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"%D Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre (GLL) nodes and weights\n",gll->n);
208:     for (i=0; i<gll->n; i++) {
209:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  %D %16.14e %16.14e\n",i,(double)gll->nodes[i],(double)gll->weights[i]);
210:     }
211:   }
212:   return(0);
213: }

215: /*@C
216:    PetscGLLIntegrate - Compute the L2 integral of a function on the GLL points

218:    Not Collective

220:    Input Parameter:
221: +  gll - the nodes
222: .  f - the function values at the nodes

224:    Output Parameter:
225: .  in - the value of the integral

227:    Level: beginner

229: .seealso: PetscGLL, PetscGLLCreate(), PetscGLLDestroy()

231: @*/
232: PetscErrorCode PetscGLLIntegrate(PetscGLL *gll,const PetscReal *f,PetscReal *in)
233: {
234:   PetscInt          i;

237:   *in = 0.;
238:   for (i=0; i<gll->n; i++) {
239:     *in += f[i]*f[i]*gll->weights[i];
240:   }
241:   return(0);
242: }

244: /*@C
245:    PetscGLLElementLaplacianCreate - computes the Laplacian for a single 1d GLL element

247:    Not Collective

249:    Input Parameter:
250: .  gll - the nodes

252:    Output Parameter:
253: .  A - the stiffness element

255:    Level: beginner

257:    Notes: Destroy this with PetscGLLElementLaplacianDestroy()

259:    You can access entries in this array with AA[i][j] but in memory it is stored in contiguous memory, row oriented (the array is symmetric)

261: .seealso: PetscGLL, PetscGLLDestroy(), PetscGLLView(), PetscGLLElementLaplacianDestroy()

263: @*/
264: PetscErrorCode PetscGLLElementLaplacianCreate(PetscGLL *gll,PetscReal ***AA)
265: {
266:   PetscReal        **A;
267:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
268:   const PetscReal  *nodes = gll->nodes;
269:   const PetscInt   n = gll->n, p = gll->n-1;
270:   PetscReal        z0,z1,z2 = 0,x,Lpj,Lpr;
271:   PetscInt         i,j,nn,r;

274:   PetscMalloc1(n,&A);
275:   PetscMalloc1(n*n,&A[0]);
276:   for (i=1; i<n; i++) A[i] = A[i-1]+n;

278:   for (j=1; j<p; j++) {
279:     x  = nodes[j];
280:     z0 = 1.;
281:     z1 = x;
282:     for (nn=1; nn<p; nn++) {
283:       z2 = x*z1*(2.*((PetscReal)nn)+1.)/(((PetscReal)nn)+1.)-z0*(((PetscReal)nn)/(((PetscReal)nn)+1.));
284:       z0 = z1;
285:       z1 = z2;
286:     }
287:     Lpj=z2;
288:     for (r=1; r<p; r++) {
289:       if (r == j) {
290:         A[j][j]=2./(3.*(1.-nodes[j]*nodes[j])*Lpj*Lpj);
291:       } else {
292:         x  = nodes[r];
293:         z0 = 1.;
294:         z1 = x;
295:         for (nn=1; nn<p; nn++) {
296:           z2 = x*z1*(2.*((PetscReal)nn)+1.)/(((PetscReal)nn)+1.)-z0*(((PetscReal)nn)/(((PetscReal)nn)+1.));
297:           z0 = z1;
298:           z1 = z2;
299:         }
300:         Lpr     = z2;
301:         A[r][j] = 4./(((PetscReal)p)*(((PetscReal)p)+1.)*Lpj*Lpr*(nodes[j]-nodes[r])*(nodes[j]-nodes[r]));
302:       }
303:     }
304:   }
305:   for (j=1; j<p+1; j++) {
306:     x  = nodes[j];
307:     z0 = 1.;
308:     z1 = x;
309:     for (nn=1; nn<p; nn++) {
310:       z2 = x*z1*(2.*((PetscReal)nn)+1.)/(((PetscReal)nn)+1.)-z0*(((PetscReal)nn)/(((PetscReal)nn)+1.));
311:       z0 = z1;
312:       z1 = z2;
313:     }
314:     Lpj     = z2;
315:     A[j][0] = 4.*PetscPowRealInt(-1.,p)/(((PetscReal)p)*(((PetscReal)p)+1.)*Lpj*(1.+nodes[j])*(1.+nodes[j]));
316:     A[0][j] = A[j][0];
317:   }
318:   for (j=0; j<p; j++) {
319:     x  = nodes[j];
320:     z0 = 1.;
321:     z1 = x;
322:     for (nn=1; nn<p; nn++) {
323:       z2 = x*z1*(2.*((PetscReal)nn)+1.)/(((PetscReal)nn)+1.)-z0*(((PetscReal)nn)/(((PetscReal)nn)+1.));
324:       z0 = z1;
325:       z1 = z2;
326:     }
327:     Lpj=z2;

329:     A[p][j] = 4./(((PetscReal)p)*(((PetscReal)p)+1.)*Lpj*(1.-nodes[j])*(1.-nodes[j]));
330:     A[j][p] = A[p][j];
331:   }
332:   A[0][0]=0.5+(((PetscReal)p)*(((PetscReal)p)+1.)-2.)/6.;
333:   A[p][p]=A[0][0];
334:   *AA = A;
335:   return(0);
336: }

338: /*@C
339:    PetscGLLElementLaplacianDestroy - frees the Laplacian for a single 1d GLL element

341:    Not Collective

343:    Input Parameter:
344: +  gll - the nodes
345: -  A - the stiffness element

347:    Level: beginner

349: .seealso: PetscGLL, PetscGLLDestroy(), PetscGLLView(), PetscGLLElementLaplacianCreate()

351: @*/
352: PetscErrorCode PetscGLLElementLaplacianDestroy(PetscGLL *gll,PetscReal ***AA)
353: {

357:   PetscFree((*AA)[0]);
358:   PetscFree(*AA);
359:   *AA  = NULL;
360:   return(0);
361: }

363: /*@C
364:    PetscGLLElementGradientCreate - computes the gradient for a single 1d GLL element

366:    Not Collective

368:    Input Parameter:
369: .  gll - the nodes

371:    Output Parameter:
372: .  AA - the stiffness element
373: -  AAT - the transpose of AA (pass in NULL if you do not need this array)

375:    Level: beginner

377:    Notes: Destroy this with PetscGLLElementGradientDestroy()

379:    You can access entries in these arrays with AA[i][j] but in memory it is stored in contiguous memory, row oriented

381: .seealso: PetscGLL, PetscGLLDestroy(), PetscGLLView(), PetscGLLElementLaplacianDestroy()

383: @*/
384: PetscErrorCode PetscGLLElementGradientCreate(PetscGLL *gll,PetscReal ***AA, PetscReal ***AAT)
385: {
386:   PetscReal        **A, **AT = NULL;
387:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
388:   const PetscReal  *nodes = gll->nodes;
389:   const PetscInt   n = gll->n, p = gll->n-1;
390:   PetscReal        q,qp,Li, Lj,d0;
391:   PetscInt         i,j;

394:   PetscMalloc1(n,&A);
395:   PetscMalloc1(n*n,&A[0]);
396:   for (i=1; i<n; i++) A[i] = A[i-1]+n;

398:   if (AAT) {
399:     PetscMalloc1(n,&AT);
400:     PetscMalloc1(n*n,&AT[0]);
401:     for (i=1; i<n; i++) AT[i] = AT[i-1]+n;
402:   }

404:   if (n==1) {A[0][0] = 0.;}
405:   d0 = (PetscReal)p*((PetscReal)p+1.)/4.;
406:   for  (i=0; i<n; i++) {
407:     for  (j=0; j<n; j++) {
408:       A[i][j] = 0.;
409:       qAndLEvaluation(p,nodes[i],&q,&qp,&Li);
410:       qAndLEvaluation(p,nodes[j],&q,&qp,&Lj);
411:       if (i!=j)             A[i][j] = Li/(Lj*(nodes[i]-nodes[j]));
412:       if ((j==i) && (i==0)) A[i][j] = -d0;
413:       if (j==i && i==p)     A[i][j] = d0;
414:       if (AT) AT[j][i] = A[i][j];
415:     }
416:   }
417:   if (AAT) *AAT = AT;
418:   *AA  = A;
419:   return(0);
420: }

422: /*@C
423:    PetscGLLElementGradientDestroy - frees the gradient for a single 1d GLL element obtained with PetscGLLElementGradientCreate()

425:    Not Collective

427:    Input Parameter:
428: +  gll - the nodes
429: .  AA - the stiffness element
430: -  AAT - the transpose of the element

432:    Level: beginner

434: .seealso: PetscGLL, PetscGLLDestroy(), PetscGLLView(), PetscGLLElementLaplacianCreate(), PetscGLLElementAdvectionCreate()

436: @*/
437: PetscErrorCode PetscGLLElementGradientDestroy(PetscGLL *gll,PetscReal ***AA,PetscReal ***AAT)
438: {

442:   PetscFree((*AA)[0]);
443:   PetscFree(*AA);
444:   *AA  = NULL;
445:   if (*AAT) {
446:     PetscFree((*AAT)[0]);
447:     PetscFree(*AAT);
448:     *AAT  = NULL;
449:   }
450:   return(0);
451: }

453: /*@C
454:    PetscGLLElementAdvectionCreate - computes the advection operator for a single 1d GLL element

456:    Not Collective

458:    Input Parameter:
459: .  gll - the nodes

461:    Output Parameter:
462: .  AA - the stiffness element

464:    Level: beginner

466:    Notes: Destroy this with PetscGLLElementAdvectionDestroy()

468:    This is the same as the Gradient operator multiplied by the diagonal mass matrix

470:    You can access entries in this array with AA[i][j] but in memory it is stored in contiguous memory, row oriented

472: .seealso: PetscGLL, PetscGLLDestroy(), PetscGLLView(), PetscGLLElementLaplacianDestroy()

474: @*/
475: PetscErrorCode PetscGLLElementAdvectionCreate(PetscGLL *gll,PetscReal ***AA)
476: {
477:   PetscReal       **D;
478:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
479:   const PetscReal  *weights = gll->weights;
480:   const PetscInt   n = gll->n;
481:   PetscInt         i,j;

484:   PetscGLLElementGradientCreate(gll,&D,NULL);
485:   for (i=0; i<n; i++){
486:     for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
487:       D[i][j] = weights[i]*D[i][j];
488:     }
489:   }
490:   *AA = D;
491:   return(0);
492: }

494: /*@C
495:    PetscGLLElementAdvectionDestroy - frees the advection stiffness for a single 1d GLL element

497:    Not Collective

499:    Input Parameter:
500: +  gll - the nodes
501: -  A - advection

503:    Level: beginner

505: .seealso: PetscGLL, PetscGLLDestroy(), PetscGLLView(), PetscGLLElementLaplacianCreate(), PetscGLLElementAdvectionCreate()

507: @*/
508: PetscErrorCode PetscGLLElementAdvectionDestroy(PetscGLL *gll,PetscReal ***AA)
509: {

513:   PetscFree((*AA)[0]);
514:   PetscFree(*AA);
515:   *AA  = NULL;
516:   return(0);
517: }