Actual source code: ex120.c

petsc-3.8.4 2018-03-24
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  1: static char help[] = "Test LAPACK routine ZHEEV, ZHEEVX, ZHEGV and ZHEGVX. \n\
  2: ZHEEV computes all eigenvalues and, optionally, eigenvectors of a complex Hermitian matrix A. \n\n";

  4:  #include <petscmat.h>
  5:  #include <petscblaslapack.h>

  7: extern PetscErrorCode CkEigenSolutions(PetscInt,Mat,PetscInt,PetscInt,PetscReal*,Vec*,PetscReal*);

  9: int main(int argc,char **args)
 10: {
 11:   Mat            A,A_dense,B;
 12:   Vec            *evecs;
 15:   PetscBool      isSymmetric;
 16:   PetscScalar    *arrayA,*arrayB,*evecs_array=NULL,*work;
 17:   PetscReal      *evals,*rwork;
 18:   PetscMPIInt    size;
 19:   PetscInt       m,i,j,cklvl=2;
 20:   PetscReal      vl,vu,abstol=1.e-8;
 21:   PetscBLASInt   nn,nevs,il,iu,*iwork,*ifail,lwork,lierr,bn,one=1;
 22:   PetscReal      tols[2];
 23:   PetscScalar    v,sigma2;
 24:   PetscRandom    rctx;
 25:   PetscReal      h2,sigma1 = 100.0;
 26:   PetscInt       dim,Ii,J,n = 6,use_random;

 28:   PetscInitialize(&argc,&args,(char*)0,help);if (ierr) return ierr;
 29:   MPI_Comm_size(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&size);
 30:   if (size != 1) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,PETSC_ERR_SUP,"This is a uniprocessor example only!");

 32:   PetscOptionsHasName(NULL,NULL, "-test_zheevx", &flg);
 33:   if (flg) {
 34:     TestZHEEV  = PETSC_FALSE;
 35:     TestZHEEVX = PETSC_TRUE;
 36:   }
 37:   PetscOptionsHasName(NULL,NULL, "-test_zhegv", &flg);
 38:   if (flg) {
 39:     TestZHEEV = PETSC_FALSE;
 40:     TestZHEGV = PETSC_TRUE;
 41:   }
 42:   PetscOptionsHasName(NULL,NULL, "-test_zhegvx", &flg);
 43:   if (flg) {
 44:     TestZHEEV  = PETSC_FALSE;
 45:     TestZHEGVX = PETSC_TRUE;
 46:   }

 48:   PetscOptionsGetReal(NULL,NULL,"-sigma1",&sigma1,NULL);
 49:   PetscOptionsGetInt(NULL,NULL,"-n",&n,NULL);
 50:   dim  = n*n;

 52:   MatCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF,&A);
 53:   MatSetSizes(A,PETSC_DECIDE,PETSC_DECIDE,dim,dim);
 54:   MatSetType(A,MATSEQDENSE);
 55:   MatSetFromOptions(A);
 56:   MatSetUp(A);

 58:   PetscOptionsHasName(NULL,NULL,"-norandom",&flg);
 59:   if (flg) use_random = 0;
 60:   else     use_random = 1;
 61:   if (use_random) {
 62:     PetscRandomCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF,&rctx);
 63:     PetscRandomSetFromOptions(rctx);
 64:     PetscRandomSetInterval(rctx,0.0,PETSC_i);
 65:   } else {
 66:     sigma2 = 10.0*PETSC_i;
 67:   }
 68:   h2 = 1.0/((n+1)*(n+1));
 69:   for (Ii=0; Ii<dim; Ii++) {
 70:     v = -1.0; i = Ii/n; j = Ii - i*n;
 71:     if (i>0) {
 72:       J = Ii-n; MatSetValues(A,1,&Ii,1,&J,&v,ADD_VALUES);
 73:     }
 74:     if (i<n-1) {
 75:       J = Ii+n; MatSetValues(A,1,&Ii,1,&J,&v,ADD_VALUES);
 76:     }
 77:     if (j>0) {
 78:       J = Ii-1; MatSetValues(A,1,&Ii,1,&J,&v,ADD_VALUES);
 79:     }
 80:     if (j<n-1) {
 81:       J = Ii+1; MatSetValues(A,1,&Ii,1,&J,&v,ADD_VALUES);
 82:     }
 83:     if (use_random) {PetscRandomGetValue(rctx,&sigma2);}
 84:     v    = 4.0 - sigma1*h2;
 85:     MatSetValues(A,1,&Ii,1,&Ii,&v,ADD_VALUES);
 86:   }
 87:   /* make A complex Hermitian */
 88:   v    = sigma2*h2;
 89:   Ii   = 0; J = 1;
 90:   MatSetValues(A,1,&Ii,1,&J,&v,ADD_VALUES);
 91:   v    = -sigma2*h2;
 92:   MatSetValues(A,1,&J,1,&Ii,&v,ADD_VALUES);
 93:   if (use_random) {PetscRandomDestroy(&rctx);}
 94:   MatAssemblyBegin(A,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
 95:   MatAssemblyEnd(A,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
 96:   m    = n = dim;

 98:   /* Check whether A is symmetric */
 99:   PetscOptionsHasName(NULL,NULL, "-check_symmetry", &flg);
100:   if (flg) {
101:     Mat Trans;
102:     MatTranspose(A,MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, &Trans);
103:     MatEqual(A, Trans, &isSymmetric);
104:     if (!isSymmetric) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_USER,"A must be symmetric");
105:     MatDestroy(&Trans);
106:   }

108:   /* Convert aij matrix to MatSeqDense for LAPACK */
109:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)A,MATSEQDENSE,&flg);
110:   if (flg) {
111:     MatDuplicate(A,MAT_COPY_VALUES,&A_dense);
112:   } else {
113:     MatConvert(A,MATSEQDENSE,MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX,&A_dense);
114:   }

116:   MatCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF,&B);
117:   MatSetSizes(B,PETSC_DECIDE,PETSC_DECIDE,dim,dim);
118:   MatSetType(B,MATSEQDENSE);
119:   MatSetFromOptions(B);
120:   MatSetUp(B);
121:   v    = 1.0;
122:   for (Ii=0; Ii<dim; Ii++) {
123:     MatSetValues(B,1,&Ii,1,&Ii,&v,ADD_VALUES);
124:   }

126:   /* Solve standard eigenvalue problem: A*x = lambda*x */
127:   /*===================================================*/
128:   PetscBLASIntCast(2*n,&lwork);
129:   PetscBLASIntCast(n,&bn);
130:   PetscMalloc1(n,&evals);
131:   PetscMalloc1(lwork,&work);
132:   MatDenseGetArray(A_dense,&arrayA);

134:   if (TestZHEEV) { /* test zheev() */
135:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD," LAPACKsyev: compute all %D eigensolutions...\n",m);
136:     PetscMalloc1(3*n-2,&rwork);
137:     LAPACKsyev_("V","U",&bn,arrayA,&bn,evals,work,&lwork,rwork,&lierr);
138:     PetscFree(rwork);

140:     evecs_array = arrayA;
141:     nevs        = m;
142:     il          =1; iu=m;
143:   }
144:   if (TestZHEEVX) {
145:     il   = 1;
146:     PetscBLASIntCast((0.2*m),&iu);
147:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD," LAPACKsyevx: compute %d to %d-th eigensolutions...\n",il,iu);
148:     PetscMalloc1(m*n+1,&evecs_array);
149:     PetscMalloc1(7*n+1,&rwork);
150:     PetscMalloc1(5*n+1,&iwork);
151:     PetscMalloc1(n+1,&ifail);

153:     /* in the case "I", vl and vu are not referenced */
154:     vl = 0.0; vu = 8.0;
155:     PetscBLASIntCast(n,&nn);
156:     LAPACKsyevx_("V","I","U",&bn,arrayA,&bn,&vl,&vu,&il,&iu,&abstol,&nevs,evals,evecs_array,&nn,work,&lwork,rwork,iwork,ifail,&lierr);
157:     PetscFree(iwork);
158:     PetscFree(ifail);
159:     PetscFree(rwork);
160:   }
161:   if (TestZHEGV) {
162:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD," LAPACKsygv: compute all %D eigensolutions...\n",m);
163:     PetscMalloc1(3*n+1,&rwork);
164:     MatDenseGetArray(B,&arrayB);
165:     LAPACKsygv_(&one,"V","U",&bn,arrayA,&bn,arrayB,&bn,evals,work,&lwork,rwork,&lierr);
166:     evecs_array = arrayA;
167:     nevs        = m;
168:     il          = 1; iu=m;
169:     MatDenseRestoreArray(B,&arrayB);
170:     PetscFree(rwork);
171:   }
172:   if (TestZHEGVX) {
173:     il   = 1;
174:     PetscBLASIntCast((0.2*m),&iu);
175:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD," LAPACKsygv: compute %d to %d-th eigensolutions...\n",il,iu);
176:     PetscMalloc1(m*n+1,&evecs_array);
177:     PetscMalloc1(6*n+1,&iwork);
178:     ifail = iwork + 5*n;
179:     PetscMalloc1(7*n+1,&rwork);
180:     MatDenseGetArray(B,&arrayB);
181:     vl    = 0.0; vu = 8.0;
182:     PetscBLASIntCast(n,&nn);
183:     LAPACKsygvx_(&one,"V","I","U",&bn,arrayA,&bn,arrayB,&bn,&vl,&vu,&il,&iu,&abstol,&nevs,evals,evecs_array,&nn,work,&lwork,rwork,iwork,ifail,&lierr);
184:     MatDenseRestoreArray(B,&arrayB);
185:     PetscFree(iwork);
186:     PetscFree(rwork);
187:   }
188:   MatDenseRestoreArray(A_dense,&arrayA);
189:   if (nevs <= 0) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_CONV_FAILED, "nev=%d, no eigensolution has found", nevs);

191:   /* View evals */
192:   PetscOptionsHasName(NULL,NULL, "-eig_view", &flg);
193:   if (flg) {
194:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD," %d evals: \n",nevs);
195:     for (i=0; i<nevs; i++) {PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"%D  %g\n",i+il,(double)evals[i]);}
196:   }

198:   /* Check residuals and orthogonality */
199:   PetscMalloc1(nevs+1,&evecs);
200:   for (i=0; i<nevs; i++) {
201:     VecCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF,&evecs[i]);
202:     VecSetSizes(evecs[i],PETSC_DECIDE,n);
203:     VecSetFromOptions(evecs[i]);
204:     VecPlaceArray(evecs[i],evecs_array+i*n);
205:   }

208:   CkEigenSolutions(cklvl,A,il-1,iu-1,evals,evecs,tols);
209:   for (i=0; i<nevs; i++) { VecDestroy(&evecs[i]);}
210:   PetscFree(evecs);

212:   /* Free work space. */
213:   if (TestZHEEVX || TestZHEGVX) {
214:     PetscFree(evecs_array);
215:   }
216:   PetscFree(evals);
217:   PetscFree(work);
218:   MatDestroy(&A_dense);
219:   MatDestroy(&A);
220:   MatDestroy(&B);
221:   PetscFinalize();
222:   return ierr;
223: }
224: /*------------------------------------------------
225:   Check the accuracy of the eigen solution
226:   ----------------------------------------------- */
227: /*
228:   input:
229:      cklvl      - check level:
230:                     1: check residual
231:                     2: 1 and check B-orthogonality locally
232:      A          - matrix
233:      il,iu      - lower and upper index bound of eigenvalues
234:      eval, evec - eigenvalues and eigenvectors stored in this process
235:      tols[0]    - reporting tol_res: || A * evec[i] - eval[i]*evec[i] ||
236:      tols[1]    - reporting tol_orth: evec[i]^T*evec[j] - delta_ij
237: */
238: PetscErrorCode CkEigenSolutions(PetscInt cklvl,Mat A,PetscInt il,PetscInt iu,PetscReal *eval,Vec *evec,PetscReal *tols)
239: {
240:   PetscInt    ierr,i,j,nev;
241:   Vec         vt1,vt2;  /* tmp vectors */
242:   PetscReal   norm,tmp,norm_max,dot_max,rdot;
243:   PetscScalar dot;

246:   nev = iu - il;
247:   if (nev <= 0) return(0);

249:   VecDuplicate(evec[0],&vt1);
250:   VecDuplicate(evec[0],&vt2);

252:   switch (cklvl) {
253:   case 2:
254:     dot_max = 0.0;
255:     for (i = il; i<iu; i++) {
256:       VecCopy(evec[i], vt1);
257:       for (j=il; j<iu; j++) {
258:         VecDot(evec[j],vt1,&dot);
259:         if (j == i) {
260:           rdot = PetscAbsScalar(dot - (PetscScalar)1.0);
261:         } else {
262:           rdot = PetscAbsScalar(dot);
263:         }
264:         if (rdot > dot_max) dot_max = rdot;
265:         if (rdot > tols[1]) {
266:           VecNorm(evec[i],NORM_INFINITY,&norm);
267:           PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF,"|delta(%d,%d)|: %g, norm: %d\n",i,j,(double)rdot,(double)norm);
268:         }
269:       }
270:     }
271:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF,"    max|(x_j^T*x_i) - delta_ji|: %g\n",(double)dot_max);

273:   case 1:
274:     norm_max = 0.0;
275:     for (i = il; i< iu; i++) {
276:       MatMult(A, evec[i], vt1);
277:       VecCopy(evec[i], vt2);
278:       tmp  = -eval[i];
279:       VecAXPY(vt1,tmp,vt2);
280:       VecNorm(vt1, NORM_INFINITY, &norm);
281:       norm = PetscAbs(norm);
282:       if (norm > norm_max) norm_max = norm;
283:       /* sniff, and bark if necessary */
284:       if (norm > tols[0]) {
285:         PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"  residual violation: %d, resi: %g\n",i, norm);
286:       }
287:     }
288:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF,"    max_resi:                    %g\n", (double)norm_max);
289:     break;
290:   default:
291:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF,"Error: cklvl=%d is not supported \n",cklvl);
292:   }
293:   VecDestroy(&vt2);
294:   VecDestroy(&vt1);
295:   return(0);
296: }