Actual source code: dmredundant.c

petsc-3.8.4 2018-03-24
Report Typos and Errors
  1:  #include <petsc/private/dmimpl.h>
  2:  #include <petscdmredundant.h>

  4: typedef struct  {
  5:   PetscMPIInt rank;                /* owner */
  6:   PetscInt    N;                   /* total number of dofs */
  7:   PetscInt    n;                   /* owned number of dofs, n=N on owner, n=0 on non-owners */
  8: } DM_Redundant;

 10: static PetscErrorCode DMCreateMatrix_Redundant(DM dm,Mat *J)
 11: {
 12:   DM_Redundant           *red = (DM_Redundant*)dm->data;
 13:   PetscErrorCode         ierr;
 14:   ISLocalToGlobalMapping ltog;
 15:   PetscInt               i,rstart,rend,*cols;
 16:   PetscScalar            *vals;

 19:   MatCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),J);
 20:   MatSetSizes(*J,red->n,red->n,red->N,red->N);
 21:   MatSetType(*J,dm->mattype);
 22:   MatSeqAIJSetPreallocation(*J,red->n,NULL);
 23:   MatSeqBAIJSetPreallocation(*J,1,red->n,NULL);
 24:   MatMPIAIJSetPreallocation(*J,red->n,NULL,red->N-red->n,NULL);
 25:   MatMPIBAIJSetPreallocation(*J,1,red->n,NULL,red->N-red->n,NULL);

 27:   DMGetLocalToGlobalMapping(dm,&ltog);
 28:   MatSetLocalToGlobalMapping(*J,ltog,ltog);

 30:   PetscMalloc2(red->N,&cols,red->N,&vals);
 31:   for (i=0; i<red->N; i++) {
 32:     cols[i] = i;
 33:     vals[i] = 0.0;
 34:   }
 35:   MatGetOwnershipRange(*J,&rstart,&rend);
 36:   for (i=rstart; i<rend; i++) {
 37:     MatSetValues(*J,1,&i,red->N,cols,vals,INSERT_VALUES);
 38:   }
 39:   PetscFree2(cols,vals);
 40:   MatAssemblyBegin(*J,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
 41:   MatAssemblyEnd(*J,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
 42:   return(0);
 43: }

 45: static PetscErrorCode DMDestroy_Redundant(DM dm)
 46: {

 50:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)dm,"DMRedundantSetSize_C",NULL);
 51:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)dm,"DMRedundantGetSize_C",NULL);
 52:   /* This was originally freed in DMDestroy(), but that prevents reference counting of backend objects */
 53:   PetscFree(dm->data);
 54:   return(0);
 55: }

 57: static PetscErrorCode DMCreateGlobalVector_Redundant(DM dm,Vec *gvec)
 58: {
 59:   PetscErrorCode         ierr;
 60:   DM_Redundant           *red = (DM_Redundant*)dm->data;
 61:   ISLocalToGlobalMapping ltog;

 66:   *gvec = 0;
 67:   VecCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),gvec);
 68:   VecSetSizes(*gvec,red->n,red->N);
 69:   VecSetType(*gvec,dm->vectype);
 70:   DMGetLocalToGlobalMapping(dm,&ltog);
 71:   VecSetLocalToGlobalMapping(*gvec,ltog);
 72:   VecSetDM(*gvec,dm);
 73:   return(0);
 74: }

 76: static PetscErrorCode DMCreateLocalVector_Redundant(DM dm,Vec *lvec)
 77: {
 79:   DM_Redundant   *red = (DM_Redundant*)dm->data;

 84:   *lvec = 0;
 85:   VecCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF,lvec);
 86:   VecSetSizes(*lvec,red->N,red->N);
 87:   VecSetType(*lvec,dm->vectype);
 88:   VecSetDM(*lvec,dm);
 89:   return(0);
 90: }

 92: static PetscErrorCode DMLocalToGlobalBegin_Redundant(DM dm,Vec l,InsertMode imode,Vec g)
 93: {
 94:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;
 95:   DM_Redundant      *red = (DM_Redundant*)dm->data;
 96:   const PetscScalar *lv;
 97:   PetscScalar       *gv;
 98:   PetscMPIInt       rank;

101:   MPI_Comm_rank(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),&rank);
102:   VecGetArrayRead(l,&lv);
103:   VecGetArray(g,&gv);
104:   switch (imode) {
105:   case ADD_VALUES:
106:   case MAX_VALUES:
107:   {
108:     void        *source;
109:     PetscScalar *buffer;
110:     PetscInt    i;
111:     if (rank == red->rank) {
112: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_MPI_IN_PLACE)
113:       buffer = gv;
114:       source = MPI_IN_PLACE;
115: #else
116:       PetscMalloc1(red->N,&buffer);
117:       source = buffer;
118: #endif
119:       if (imode == ADD_VALUES) for (i=0; i<red->N; i++) buffer[i] = gv[i] + lv[i];
120: #if !defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
121:       if (imode == MAX_VALUES) for (i=0; i<red->N; i++) buffer[i] = PetscMax(gv[i],lv[i]);
122: #endif
123:     } else source = (void*)lv;
124:     MPI_Reduce(source,gv,red->N,MPIU_SCALAR,(imode == ADD_VALUES) ? MPIU_SUM : MPIU_MAX,red->rank,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm));
125: #if !defined(PETSC_HAVE_MPI_IN_PLACE)
126:     if (rank == red->rank) {PetscFree(buffer);}
127: #endif
128:   } break;
129:   case INSERT_VALUES:
130:     PetscMemcpy(gv,lv,red->n*sizeof(PetscScalar));
131:     break;
132:   default: SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),PETSC_ERR_SUP,"InsertMode not supported");
133:   }
134:   VecRestoreArrayRead(l,&lv);
135:   VecRestoreArray(g,&gv);
136:   return(0);
137: }

139: static PetscErrorCode DMLocalToGlobalEnd_Redundant(DM dm,Vec l,InsertMode imode,Vec g)
140: {
142:   return(0);
143: }

145: static PetscErrorCode DMGlobalToLocalBegin_Redundant(DM dm,Vec g,InsertMode imode,Vec l)
146: {
147:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;
148:   DM_Redundant      *red = (DM_Redundant*)dm->data;
149:   const PetscScalar *gv;
150:   PetscScalar       *lv;

153:   VecGetArrayRead(g,&gv);
154:   VecGetArray(l,&lv);
155:   switch (imode) {
156:   case INSERT_VALUES:
157:     if (red->n) {PetscMemcpy(lv,gv,red->n*sizeof(PetscScalar));}
158:     MPI_Bcast(lv,red->N,MPIU_SCALAR,red->rank,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm));
159:     break;
160:   default: SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),PETSC_ERR_SUP,"InsertMode not supported");
161:   }
162:   VecRestoreArrayRead(g,&gv);
163:   VecRestoreArray(l,&lv);
164:   return(0);
165: }

167: static PetscErrorCode DMGlobalToLocalEnd_Redundant(DM dm,Vec g,InsertMode imode,Vec l)
168: {
170:   return(0);
171: }

173: static PetscErrorCode DMSetUp_Redundant(DM dm)
174: {
176:   DM_Redundant   *red = (DM_Redundant*)dm->data;
177:   PetscInt       i,*globals;

180:   PetscMalloc1(red->N,&globals);
181:   for (i=0; i<red->N; i++) globals[i] = i;
182:   ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF,1,red->N,globals,PETSC_OWN_POINTER,&dm->ltogmap);
183:   return(0);
184: }

186: static PetscErrorCode DMView_Redundant(DM dm,PetscViewer viewer)
187: {
189:   DM_Redundant   *red = (DM_Redundant*)dm->data;
190:   PetscBool      iascii;

193:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer,PETSCVIEWERASCII,&iascii);
194:   if (iascii) {
195:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"redundant: rank=%D N=%D\n",red->rank,red->N);
196:   }
197:   return(0);
198: }

200: static PetscErrorCode DMCreateColoring_Redundant(DM dm,ISColoringType ctype,ISColoring *coloring)
201: {
202:   DM_Redundant    *red = (DM_Redundant*)dm->data;
203:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
204:   PetscInt        i,nloc;
205:   ISColoringValue *colors;

208:   switch (ctype) {
210:     nloc = red->n;
211:     break;
212:   case IS_COLORING_LOCAL:
213:     nloc = red->N;
214:     break;
215:   default: SETERRQ1(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG,"Unknown ISColoringType %d",(int)ctype);
216:   }
217:   PetscMalloc1(nloc,&colors);
218:   for (i=0; i<nloc; i++) colors[i] = i;
219:   ISColoringCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),red->N,nloc,colors,PETSC_OWN_POINTER,coloring);
220:   ISColoringSetType(*coloring,ctype);
221:   return(0);
222: }

224: static PetscErrorCode DMRefine_Redundant(DM dmc,MPI_Comm comm,DM *dmf)
225: {
227:   PetscMPIInt    flag;
228:   DM_Redundant   *redc = (DM_Redundant*)dmc->data;

231:   if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL) {
232:     PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject)dmc,&comm);
233:   }
234:   MPI_Comm_compare(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dmc),comm,&flag);
235:   if (flag != MPI_CONGRUENT && flag != MPI_IDENT) SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dmc),PETSC_ERR_SUP,"cannot change communicators");
236:   DMRedundantCreate(comm,redc->rank,redc->N,dmf);
237:   return(0);
238: }

240: static PetscErrorCode DMCoarsen_Redundant(DM dmf,MPI_Comm comm,DM *dmc)
241: {
243:   PetscMPIInt    flag;
244:   DM_Redundant   *redf = (DM_Redundant*)dmf->data;

247:   if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL) {
248:     PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject)dmf,&comm);
249:   }
250:   MPI_Comm_compare(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dmf),comm,&flag);
251:   if (flag != MPI_CONGRUENT && flag != MPI_IDENT) SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dmf),PETSC_ERR_SUP,"cannot change communicators");
252:   DMRedundantCreate(comm,redf->rank,redf->N,dmc);
253:   return(0);
254: }

256: static PetscErrorCode DMCreateInterpolation_Redundant(DM dmc,DM dmf,Mat *P,Vec *scale)
257: {
259:   DM_Redundant   *redc = (DM_Redundant*)dmc->data;
260:   DM_Redundant   *redf = (DM_Redundant*)dmf->data;
261:   PetscMPIInt    flag;
262:   PetscInt       i,rstart,rend;

265:   MPI_Comm_compare(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dmc),PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dmf),&flag);
266:   if (flag != MPI_CONGRUENT && flag != MPI_IDENT) SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dmf),PETSC_ERR_SUP,"cannot change communicators");
267:   if (redc->rank != redf->rank) SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dmf),PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP,"Owning rank does not match");
268:   if (redc->N != redf->N) SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dmf),PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP,"Global size does not match");
269:   MatCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dmc),P);
270:   MatSetSizes(*P,redc->n,redc->n,redc->N,redc->N);
271:   MatSetType(*P,MATAIJ);
272:   MatSeqAIJSetPreallocation(*P,1,0);
273:   MatMPIAIJSetPreallocation(*P,1,0,0,0);
274:   MatGetOwnershipRange(*P,&rstart,&rend);
275:   for (i=rstart; i<rend; i++) {MatSetValue(*P,i,i,1.0,INSERT_VALUES);}
276:   MatAssemblyBegin(*P,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
277:   MatAssemblyEnd(*P,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
278:   if (scale) {DMCreateInterpolationScale(dmc,dmf,*P,scale);}
279:   return(0);
280: }

282: /*@
283:     DMRedundantSetSize - Sets the size of a densely coupled redundant object

285:     Collective on DM

287:     Input Parameter:
288: +   dm - redundant DM
289: .   rank - rank of process to own redundant degrees of freedom
290: -   N - total number of redundant degrees of freedom

292:     Level: advanced

294: .seealso DMDestroy(), DMCreateGlobalVector(), DMRedundantCreate(), DMRedundantGetSize()
295: @*/
296: PetscErrorCode DMRedundantSetSize(DM dm,PetscMPIInt rank,PetscInt N)
297: {

305:   PetscTryMethod(dm,"DMRedundantSetSize_C",(DM,PetscMPIInt,PetscInt),(dm,rank,N));
306:   return(0);
307: }

309: /*@
310:     DMRedundantGetSize - Gets the size of a densely coupled redundant object

312:     Not Collective

314:     Input Parameter:
315: +   dm - redundant DM

317:     Output Parameters:
318: +   rank - rank of process to own redundant degrees of freedom (or NULL)
319: -   N - total number of redundant degrees of freedom (or NULL)

321:     Level: advanced

323: .seealso DMDestroy(), DMCreateGlobalVector(), DMRedundantCreate(), DMRedundantSetSize()
324: @*/
325: PetscErrorCode DMRedundantGetSize(DM dm,PetscMPIInt *rank,PetscInt *N)
326: {

332:   PetscUseMethod(dm,"DMRedundantGetSize_C",(DM,PetscMPIInt*,PetscInt*),(dm,rank,N));
333:   return(0);
334: }

336: static PetscErrorCode DMRedundantSetSize_Redundant(DM dm,PetscMPIInt rank,PetscInt N)
337: {
338:   DM_Redundant   *red = (DM_Redundant*)dm->data;
340:   PetscMPIInt    myrank;

343:   MPI_Comm_rank(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)dm),&myrank);
344:   red->rank = rank;
345:   red->N    = N;
346:   red->n    = (myrank == rank) ? N : 0;
347:   return(0);
348: }

350: static PetscErrorCode DMRedundantGetSize_Redundant(DM dm,PetscInt *rank,PetscInt *N)
351: {
352:   DM_Redundant *red = (DM_Redundant*)dm->data;

355:   if (rank) *rank = red->rank;
356:   if (N)    *N = red->N;
357:   return(0);
358: }

360: /*MC
361:    DMREDUNDANT = "redundant" - A DM object that is used to manage data for a small set of dense globally coupled variables.
362:          In the global representation of the vector the variables are all stored on a single MPI process (all the other MPI processes have
363:          no variables) in the local representation all the variables are stored on ALL the MPI processes (because they are all needed for each
364:          processes local computations).

366:          This DM is generally used inside a DMCOMPOSITE object. For example, it may be used to store continuation parameters for a bifurcation problem.

369:   Level: intermediate

371: .seealso: DMType, DMCOMPOSITE,  DMCreate(), DMRedundantSetSize(), DMRedundantGetSize()
372: M*/

374: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode DMCreate_Redundant(DM dm)
375: {
377:   DM_Redundant   *red;

380:   PetscNewLog(dm,&red);
381:   dm->data = red;

383:   PetscObjectChangeTypeName((PetscObject)dm,DMREDUNDANT);

385:   dm->ops->setup              = DMSetUp_Redundant;
386:   dm->ops->view               = DMView_Redundant;
387:   dm->ops->createglobalvector = DMCreateGlobalVector_Redundant;
388:   dm->ops->createlocalvector  = DMCreateLocalVector_Redundant;
389:   dm->ops->creatematrix       = DMCreateMatrix_Redundant;
390:   dm->ops->destroy            = DMDestroy_Redundant;
391:   dm->ops->globaltolocalbegin = DMGlobalToLocalBegin_Redundant;
392:   dm->ops->globaltolocalend   = DMGlobalToLocalEnd_Redundant;
393:   dm->ops->localtoglobalbegin = DMLocalToGlobalBegin_Redundant;
394:   dm->ops->localtoglobalend   = DMLocalToGlobalEnd_Redundant;
395:   dm->ops->refine             = DMRefine_Redundant;
396:   dm->ops->coarsen            = DMCoarsen_Redundant;
397:   dm->ops->createinterpolation= DMCreateInterpolation_Redundant;
398:   dm->ops->getcoloring        = DMCreateColoring_Redundant;

400:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)dm,"DMRedundantSetSize_C",DMRedundantSetSize_Redundant);
401:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)dm,"DMRedundantGetSize_C",DMRedundantGetSize_Redundant);
402:   return(0);
403: }

405: /*@C
406:     DMRedundantCreate - Creates a DM object, used to manage data for dense globally coupled variables

408:     Collective on MPI_Comm

410:     Input Parameter:
411: +   comm - the processors that will share the global vector
412: .   rank - rank to own the redundant values
413: -   N - total number of degrees of freedom

415:     Output Parameters:
416: .   dm - the redundant DM

418:     Level: advanced

420: .seealso DMDestroy(), DMCreateGlobalVector(), DMCreateMatrix(), DMCompositeAddDM(), DMREDUNDANT, DMSetType(), DMRedundantSetSize(), DMRedundantGetSize()

422: @*/
423: PetscErrorCode DMRedundantCreate(MPI_Comm comm,PetscMPIInt rank,PetscInt N,DM *dm)
424: {

429:   DMCreate(comm,dm);
430:   DMSetType(*dm,DMREDUNDANT);
431:   DMRedundantSetSize(*dm,rank,N);
432:   DMSetUp(*dm);
433:   return(0);
434: }