1: ! 2: ! 3: ! Include file for Fortran use of the Mat package in PETSc 4: ! 5: #if !defined (__PETSCMATDEF_H) 8: #include "petsc/finclude/petscvec.h" 10: #define Mat type(tMat) 11: #define MatNullSpace type(tMatNullSpace) 12: #define MatFDColoring type(tMatFDColoring) 14: #define MatColoring PetscFortranAddr 15: #define MatPartitioning PetscFortranAddr 16: #define MatCoarsen PetscFortranAddr 17: #define MatAIJIndices PetscFortranAddr 18: #define MatType character*(80) 19: #define MatSolverPackage character*(80) 20: #define MatOption PetscEnum 21: #define MatCreateSubMatrixOption PetscEnum 22: #define MPChacoGlobalType PetscEnum 23: #define MPChacoLocalType PetscEnum 24: #define MPChacoEigenType PetscEnum 25: #define MPPTScotchStragegyType PetscEnum 26: #define MatAssemblyType PetscEnum 27: #define MatFactorType PetscEnum 28: #define MatFactorError PetscEnum 29: #define MatFactorShiftType PetscEnum 30: #define MatFactorSchurStatus PetscEnum 31: #define MatOrderingType character*(80) 32: #define MatSORType PetscEnum 33: #define MatInfoType PetscEnum 34: #define MatReuse PetscEnum 35: #define MatOperation PetscEnum 36: #define MatColoringType character*(80) 37: #define MatInfo PetscLogDouble 38: #define MatFactorInfo PetscReal 39: #define MatDuplicateOption PetscEnum 40: #define MatStructure PetscEnum 41: #define MatPartitioningType character*(80) 42: #define MatCoarsenType character*(80) 43: #define MatCompositeType PetscEnum 44: #define MatStencil PetscInt 45: #define MatStencil_k 1 46: #define MatStencil_j 2 47: #define MatStencil_i 3 48: #define MatStencil_c 4 50: #define MATPARTITIONING_CURRENT 'current' 51: #define MATPARTITIONING_PARMETIS 'parmetis' 53: #define MATCOARSEN_MIS 'mis' 55: #define MATCOLORINGNATURAL 'natural' 56: #define MATCOLORINGSL 'sl' 57: #define MATCOLORINGLF 'lf' 58: #define MATCOLORINGID 'id' 59: #define MATCOLORINGGREEDY 'greedy' 60: #define MATCOLORINGJP 'jp' 62: #define MATORDERINGNATURAL 'natural' 63: #define MATORDERINGND 'nd' 64: #define MATORDERING1WD '1wd' 65: #define MATORDERINGRCM 'rcm' 66: #define MATORDERINGQMD 'qmd' 67: #define MATORDERINGROWLENGTH 'rowlength' 68: #define MATORDERINGWBM 'wbm' 69: #define MATORDERINGSPECTRAL 'spectral' 70: #define MATORDERINGAMD 'amd' 71: ! 72: ! Matrix types 73: ! 74: #define MATSAME 'same' 75: #define MATMAIJ 'maij' 76: #define MATSEQMAIJ 'seqmaij' 77: #define MATMPIMAIJ 'mpimaij' 78: #define MATIS 'is' 79: #define MATAIJ 'aij' 80: #define MATSEQAIJ 'seqaij' 81: #define MATMPIAIJ 'mpiaij' 82: #define MATAIJCRL 'aijcrl' 83: #define MATSEQAIJCRL 'seqaijcrl' 84: #define MATMPIAIJCRL 'mpiaijcrl' 85: #define MATAIJCUSP 'aijcusp' 86: #define MATSEQAIJCUSP 'seqaijcusp' 87: #define MATMPIAIJCUSP 'mpiaijcusp' 88: #define MATAIJCUSPARSE 'aijcusparse' 89: #define MATSEQAIJCUSPARSE 'seqaijcusparse' 90: #define MATMPIAIJCUSPARSE 'mpiaijcusparse' 91: #define MATAIJVIENNACL 'aijviennacl' 92: #define MATSEQAIJVIENNACL 'seqaijviennacl' 93: #define MATMPIAIJVIENNACL 'mpiaijviennacl' 94: #define MATAIJPERM 'aijperm' 95: #define MATSEQAIJPERM 'seqaijperm' 96: #define MATMPIAIJPERM 'mpiaijperm' 97: #define MATAIJMKL 'aijmkl' 98: #define MATSEQAIJMKL 'seqaijmkl' 99: #define MATMPIAIJMKL 'mpiaijmkl' 100: #define MATBAIJMKL 'baijmkl' 101: #define MATSEQBAIJMKL 'seqbaijmkl' 102: #define MATMPIBAIJMKL 'mpibaijmkl' 103: #define MATSHELL 'shell' 104: #define MATDENSE 'dense' 105: #define MATSEQDENSE 'seqdense' 106: #define MATMPIDENSE 'mpidense' 107: #define MATELEMENTAL 'elemental' 108: #define MATBAIJ 'baij' 109: #define MATSEQBAIJ 'seqbaij' 110: #define MATMPIBAIJ 'mpibaij' 111: #define MATMPIADJ 'mpiadj' 112: #define MATSBAIJ 'sbaij' 113: #define MATSEQSBAIJ 'seqsbaij' 114: #define MATMPISBAIJ 'mpisbaij' 116: #define MATDAAD 'daad' 117: #define MATMFFD 'mffd' 118: #define MATNORMAL 'normal' 119: #define MATNORMALHERMITIAN 'normalh' 120: #define MATLRC 'lrc' 121: #define MATSCATTER 'scatter' 122: #define MATBLOCKMAT 'blockmat' 123: #define MATCOMPOSITE 'composite' 124: #define MATFFT 'fft' 125: #define MATFFTW 'fftw' 126: #define MATSEQCUFFT 'seqcufft' 127: #define MATTRANSPOSEMAT 'transpose' 128: #define MATSCHURCOMPLEMENT 'schurcomplement' 129: #define MATPYTHON 'python' 130: #define MATHYPRESTRUCT 'hyprestruct' 131: #define MATHYPRESSTRUCT 'hypresstruct' 132: #define MATSUBMATRIX 'submatrix' 133: #define MATLOCALREF 'localref' 134: #define MATNEST 'nest' 135: #define MATPREALLOCATOR 'preallocator' 136: #define MATDUMMY 'dummy' 138: ! 139: ! MatMFFDType values 140: ! 141: #define MATMFFD_DS 'ds' 142: #define MATMFFD_WP 'wp' 144: ! 145: ! MatSolverPackages 146: ! 147: #define MATSOLVERSUPERLU 'superlu' 148: #define MATSOLVERSUPERLU_DIST 'superlu_dist' 149: #define MATSOLVERSTRUMPACK 'strumpack' 150: #define MATSOLVERUMFPACK 'umfpack' 151: #define MATSOLVERCHOLMOD 'cholmod' 152: #define MATSOLVERSPARSEELEMENTAL 'sparseelemental' 153: #define MATSOLVERKLU 'klu' 154: #define MATSOLVERELEMENTAL 'elemental' 155: #define MATSOLVERESSL 'essl' 156: #define MATSOLVERLUSOL 'lusol' 157: #define MATSOLVERMUMPS 'mumps' 158: #define MATSOLVERMKL_PARDISO 'mkl_pardiso' 159: #define MATSOLVERMKL_CPARDISO 'mkl_cpardiso' 160: #define MATSOLVERPASTIX 'pastix' 161: #define MATSOLVERMATLAB 'matlab' 162: #define MATSOLVERPETSC 'petsc' 163: #define MATSOLVERBAS 'bas' 164: #define MATSOLVERCUSPARSE 'cusparse' 166: ! 167: ! GPU Storage Formats for CUSP and CUSPARSE 168: ! 169: #define MatCUSPARSEStorageFormat PetscEnum 170: #define MatCUSPARSEFormatOperation PetscEnum 172: #define MatCUSPStorageFormat PetscEnum 173: #define MatCUSPFormatOperation PetscEnum 175: #endif