petsc-3.8.4 2018-03-24
Documentation: Changes: 2.0.16
Added the option -compare option for incremental debugging; see the
users manual for more details.
Added tags file so that vi users can easily browse PETSc source files
(just as emacs users already can by using etags). See the users
manual subsection "VI users" for details.
We have stopped distributing the UNIX-style manpages with PETSc.
Instead, we now only distribute the HTML version. You can still
access the man pages with the command $PETSC_DIR/bin/petscman.
Alternatively, you can directly view $PETSC_DIR/docs/www/www.html.
TS (Timestepping Solvers):
SNES (Nonlinear Solvers):
You can now attach several SNES monitoring routines with
SNESMonitorSet() instead of only one as previously allowed.
Similarly, multiple monitors can be used from the options database
(e.g., -snes_monitor and -snes_xmonitor).
SLES (Linear Solvers):
KSP (Krylov Subspace Methods):
You can now attach several KSP monitoring routines with
KSPSetMonitor() instead of only one as previously allowed. Similarly,
multiple monitors can be used from the options database (e.g.,
-ksp_monitor and -ksp_xmonitor).
PC (Preconditioners):
MAT (Matrices):
Added the routines MatSetValuesLocal(), MatZeroRowsLocal() and
MatSetLocalToGlobalMapping() to enable the user to set values in
a matrix using a local numbering of the nodes rather than a global
Added the option MAT_IGNORE_OFF_PROC_ENTRIES for MatSetOptions(),
which causes all entries on any processor destined to be stored on
a different processor to be dropped instead. This is useful if you
know that the "owning" processor is also always generating
the correct entries, so PETSc need not ship over the duplicate entry
generated on another processor. -
MatSetOptions() to enable switching betwen sorted and unsorted input.
DA (Distributed Arrays):
VEC (Vectors):
Changed the SCATTER_ALL argument in VecScatterXXX() routines to
Added the routines VecSetValuesLocal() and
VecSetLocalToGlobalMapping() to allow the user to set values into
a vector using a local numbering of the nodes rather than a global
Added the routine
causes all entries on any processor destined to be stored on
a different processor to be dropped instead. This is useful if you
know that the "owning" processor is also always generating
the correct entries, so PETSc need not transfer the duplicate entries
generated on another processor.
IS (Index Sets):
Draw (Graphics):
- The numbers on the axis plots are much improved.
You can now pass PETSC_DECIDE as the x and y arguments in DrawOpenX()
and ViewerDrawOpenX() to let PETSc place non-overlapping windows on
the display.
System Routines:
Added routines PetscSynchronizedPrintf(MPI_Comm,format,args) and
PetscSynchronizedFlush(MPI_Comm), which allow groups of processes to
print to stdout as one would expect. I.e., the output from processor
0 is followed by the output from processor 1, etc. Very useful during
code development. This can often be a substitute for attempting to
sequentialize printf() statements via PetscSequentialPhaseBegin()
and PetscSequentialPhaseEnd(). -
Added the command line option -options_file <file> that causes
all options in the specified file to be treated as if they were typed
on the command line.
Added the option -log_trace [filename] (and the corresponding routine
PLogTraceBegin()) that allows tracing of all PETSc calls; useful to
see where a program is hanging without running in the debugger. Can
be used in conjunction with the -log_info option.
Added PetscRandomSetInterval() to enable the user to set an interval
over which random numbers will be uniformly distributed.
Event Logging:
Fortran Interface:
Added the Fortran interface for VecDuplicateVecs(), VecDestroyVecs(),
VecMAXPY(), VecMDot(), and VecMTDot().