Actual source code: vtkvimpl.h

petsc-3.8.4 2018-03-24
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  1: #if !defined(_VTKVIMPL_H)
  2: #define _VTKVIMPL_H

  4:  #include <petsc/private/viewerimpl.h>

  6: typedef struct _n_PetscViewerVTKObjectLink *PetscViewerVTKObjectLink;
  7: struct _n_PetscViewerVTKObjectLink {
  8:   PetscViewerVTKFieldType  ft;
  9:   PetscObject              vec;
 10:   PetscViewerVTKObjectLink next;
 11: };

 13: typedef struct {
 14:   char                     *filename;
 15:   PetscFileMode            btype;
 16:   PetscBool                written;
 17:   PetscObject              dm;
 18:   PetscViewerVTKObjectLink link;
 19:   PetscErrorCode (*write)(PetscObject,PetscViewer);
 20: } PetscViewer_VTK;

 22: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscViewerVTKFWrite(PetscViewer,FILE*,const void*,PetscInt,PetscDataType);

 24: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_STDINT_H) /* The VTK format requires a 32-bit integer */
 25: typedef int32_t PetscVTKInt;
 26: #else                            /* Hope int is 32 bits */
 27: typedef int PetscVTKInt;
 28: #endif

 30: /* Hack: Our enums are guaranteed to be the same size as normal int. A better fix would be to distinguish PETSC_INT32
 31:  * and PETSC_INT64 in the PetscDataType enum. */
 32: #define PETSC_INT32 PETSC_ENUM

 34: typedef unsigned char PetscVTKType;

 37: #define PETSC_VTK_INT_MAX  2147483647
 38: #define PETSC_VTK_INT_MIN -2147483647
 39: #if defined(PETSC_USE_64BIT_INDICES)
 40: #  define PetscVTKIntCheck(a)  if ((a) > PETSC_VTK_INT_MAX) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Array too long for 32-bit VTK binary format")
 41: #  define PetscVTKIntCast(a) (PetscVTKInt)(a);PetscVTKIntCheck(a)
 42: #else
 43: #  define PetscVTKIntCheck(a)
 44: #  define PetscVTKIntCast(a) a
 45: #endif

 47: #endif