Actual source code: ngmresfunc.c

petsc-3.8.4 2018-03-24
Report Typos and Errors
  1:  #include <../src/snes/impls/ngmres/snesngmres.h>
  2:  #include <petscblaslapack.h>

  4: PetscErrorCode SNESNGMRESUpdateSubspace_Private(SNES snes,PetscInt ivec,PetscInt l,Vec F,PetscReal fnorm,Vec X)
  5: {
  6:   SNES_NGMRES    *ngmres = (SNES_NGMRES*) snes->data;
  7:   Vec            *Fdot   = ngmres->Fdot;
  8:   Vec            *Xdot   = ngmres->Xdot;

 12:   if (ivec > l) SETERRQ2(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)snes),PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONGSTATE,"Cannot update vector %d with space size %d!",ivec,l);
 13:   VecCopy(F,Fdot[ivec]);
 14:   VecCopy(X,Xdot[ivec]);

 16:   ngmres->fnorms[ivec] = fnorm;
 17:   return(0);
 18: }

 20: PetscErrorCode SNESNGMRESFormCombinedSolution_Private(SNES snes,PetscInt ivec,PetscInt l,Vec XM,Vec FM,PetscReal fMnorm,Vec X,Vec XA,Vec FA)
 21: {
 22:   SNES_NGMRES    *ngmres = (SNES_NGMRES*) snes->data;
 23:   PetscInt       i,j;
 24:   Vec            *Fdot      = ngmres->Fdot;
 25:   Vec            *Xdot      = ngmres->Xdot;
 26:   PetscScalar    *beta      = ngmres->beta;
 27:   PetscScalar    *xi        = ngmres->xi;
 28:   PetscScalar    alph_total = 0.;
 30:   PetscReal      nu;
 31:   Vec            Y = snes->work[2];
 32:   PetscBool      changed_y,changed_w;

 35:   nu = fMnorm*fMnorm;

 37:   /* construct the right hand side and xi factors */
 38:   if (l > 0) {
 39:     VecMDotBegin(FM,l,Fdot,xi);
 40:     VecMDotBegin(Fdot[ivec],l,Fdot,beta);
 41:     VecMDotEnd(FM,l,Fdot,xi);
 42:     VecMDotEnd(Fdot[ivec],l,Fdot,beta);
 43:     for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
 44:       Q(i,ivec) = beta[i];
 45:       Q(ivec,i) = beta[i];
 46:     }
 47:   } else {
 48:     Q(0,0) = ngmres->fnorms[ivec]*ngmres->fnorms[ivec];
 49:   }

 51:   for (i = 0; i < l; i++) beta[i] = nu - xi[i];

 53:   /* construct h */
 54:   for (j = 0; j < l; j++) {
 55:     for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
 56:       H(i,j) = Q(i,j)-xi[i]-xi[j]+nu;
 57:     }
 58:   }
 59:   if (l == 1) {
 60:     /* simply set alpha[0] = beta[0] / H[0, 0] */
 61:     if (H(0,0) != 0.) beta[0] = beta[0]/H(0,0);
 62:     else beta[0] = 0.;
 63:   } else {
 65:     SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)snes),PETSC_ERR_SUP,"NGMRES with LS requires the LAPACK GELSS routine.");
 66: #else
 67:     PetscBLASIntCast(l,&ngmres->m);
 68:     PetscBLASIntCast(l,&ngmres->n);
 69:     ngmres->info  = 0;
 70:     ngmres->rcond = -1.;
 71:     PetscFPTrapPush(PETSC_FP_TRAP_OFF);
 72: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
 73:     PetscStackCallBLAS("LAPACKgelss",LAPACKgelss_(&ngmres->m,&ngmres->n,&ngmres->nrhs,ngmres->h,&ngmres->lda,ngmres->beta,&ngmres->ldb,ngmres->s,&ngmres->rcond,&ngmres->rank,ngmres->work,&ngmres->lwork,ngmres->rwork,&ngmres->info));
 74: #else
 75:     PetscStackCallBLAS("LAPACKgelss",LAPACKgelss_(&ngmres->m,&ngmres->n,&ngmres->nrhs,ngmres->h,&ngmres->lda,ngmres->beta,&ngmres->ldb,ngmres->s,&ngmres->rcond,&ngmres->rank,ngmres->work,&ngmres->lwork,&ngmres->info));
 76: #endif
 77:     PetscFPTrapPop();
 78:     if (ngmres->info < 0) SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)snes),PETSC_ERR_LIB,"Bad argument to GELSS");
 79:     if (ngmres->info > 0) SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)snes),PETSC_ERR_LIB,"SVD failed to converge");
 80: #endif
 81:   }
 82:   for (i=0; i<l; i++) {
 83:     if (PetscIsInfOrNanScalar(beta[i])) SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)snes),PETSC_ERR_LIB,"SVD generated inconsistent output");
 84:   }
 85:   alph_total = 0.;
 86:   for (i = 0; i < l; i++) alph_total += beta[i];

 88:   VecCopy(XM,XA);
 89:   VecScale(XA,1.-alph_total);
 90:   VecMAXPY(XA,l,beta,Xdot);
 91:   /* check the validity of the step */
 92:   VecCopy(XA,Y);
 93:   VecAXPY(Y,-1.0,X);
 94:   SNESLineSearchPostCheck(snes->linesearch,X,Y,XA,&changed_y,&changed_w);
 95:   if (!ngmres->approxfunc) {
 96:     if (snes->npc && snes->npcside== PC_LEFT) {
 97:       SNESApplyNPC(snes,XA,NULL,FA);
 98:     } else {
 99:       ierr =SNESComputeFunction(snes,XA,FA);
100:     }
101:   } else {
102:     VecCopy(FM,FA);
103:     VecScale(FA,1.-alph_total);
104:     VecMAXPY(FA,l,beta,Fdot);
105:   }
106:   return(0);
107: }

109: PetscErrorCode SNESNGMRESNorms_Private(SNES snes,PetscInt l,Vec X,Vec F,Vec XM,Vec FM,Vec XA,Vec FA,Vec D,PetscReal *dnorm,PetscReal *dminnorm,PetscReal *xMnorm,PetscReal *fMnorm,PetscReal *yMnorm, PetscReal *xAnorm,PetscReal *fAnorm,PetscReal *yAnorm)
110: {
112:   SNES_NGMRES    *ngmres = (SNES_NGMRES*) snes->data;
113:   PetscReal      dcurnorm,dmin = -1.0;
114:   Vec            *Xdot = ngmres->Xdot;
115:   PetscInt       i;

118:   if (xMnorm) {
119:     VecNormBegin(XM,NORM_2,xMnorm);
120:   }
121:   if (fMnorm) {
122:     VecNormBegin(FM,NORM_2,fMnorm);
123:   }
124:   if (yMnorm) {
125:     VecCopy(X,D);
126:     VecAXPY(D,-1.0,XM);
127:     VecNormBegin(D,NORM_2,yMnorm);
128:   }
129:   if (xAnorm) {
130:     VecNormBegin(XA,NORM_2,xAnorm);
131:   }
132:   if (fAnorm) {
133:     VecNormBegin(FA,NORM_2,fAnorm);
134:   }
135:   if (yAnorm) {
136:     VecCopy(X,D);
137:     VecAXPY(D,-1.0,XA);
138:     VecNormBegin(D,NORM_2,yAnorm);
139:   }
140:   if (dnorm) {
141:     VecCopy(XA,D);
142:     VecAXPY(D,-1.0,XM);
143:     VecNormBegin(D,NORM_2,dnorm);
144:   }
145:   if (dminnorm) {
146:     for (i=0; i<l; i++) {
147:       VecCopy(Xdot[i],D);
148:       VecAXPY(D,-1.0,XA);
149:       VecNormBegin(D,NORM_2,&ngmres->xnorms[i]);
150:     }
151:   }
152:   if (xMnorm) {VecNormEnd(XM,NORM_2,xMnorm);}
153:   if (fMnorm) {VecNormEnd(FM,NORM_2,fMnorm);}
154:   if (yMnorm) {VecNormEnd(D,NORM_2,yMnorm);}
155:   if (xAnorm) {VecNormEnd(XA,NORM_2,xAnorm);}
156:   if (fAnorm) {VecNormEnd(FA,NORM_2,fAnorm);}
157:   if (yAnorm) {VecNormEnd(D,NORM_2,yAnorm);}
158:   if (dnorm) {VecNormEnd(D,NORM_2,dnorm);}
159:   if (dminnorm) {
160:     for (i=0; i<l; i++) {
161:       VecNormEnd(D,NORM_2,&ngmres->xnorms[i]);
162:       dcurnorm = ngmres->xnorms[i];
163:       if ((dcurnorm < dmin) || (dmin < 0.0)) dmin = dcurnorm;
164:     }
165:     *dminnorm = dmin;
166:   }
167:   return(0);
168: }

170: PetscErrorCode SNESNGMRESSelect_Private(SNES snes,PetscInt k_restart,Vec XM,Vec FM,PetscReal xMnorm,PetscReal fMnorm,PetscReal yMnorm,Vec XA,Vec FA,PetscReal xAnorm,PetscReal fAnorm,PetscReal yAnorm,PetscReal dnorm,PetscReal fminnorm,PetscReal dminnorm,Vec X,Vec F,Vec Y,PetscReal *xnorm,PetscReal *fnorm,PetscReal *ynorm)
171: {
172:   SNES_NGMRES          *ngmres = (SNES_NGMRES*) snes->data;
173:   PetscErrorCode       ierr;
174:   SNESLineSearchReason lssucceed;
175:   PetscBool            selectA;

178:   if (ngmres->select_type == SNES_NGMRES_SELECT_LINESEARCH) {
179:     /* X = X + \lambda(XA - X) */
180:     if (ngmres->monitor) {
181:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(ngmres->monitor,"||F_A||_2 = %e, ||F_M||_2 = %e\n",fAnorm,fMnorm);
182:     }
183:     VecCopy(FM,F);
184:     VecCopy(XM,X);
185:     VecCopy(XA,Y);
186:     VecAYPX(Y,-1.0,X);
187:     *fnorm = fMnorm;
188:     SNESLineSearchApply(ngmres->additive_linesearch,X,F,fnorm,Y);
189:     SNESLineSearchGetReason(ngmres->additive_linesearch,&lssucceed);
190:     SNESLineSearchGetNorms(ngmres->additive_linesearch,xnorm,fnorm,ynorm);
191:     if (lssucceed) {
192:       if (++snes->numFailures >= snes->maxFailures) {
193:         snes->reason = SNES_DIVERGED_LINE_SEARCH;
194:         return(0);
195:       }
196:     }
197:     if (ngmres->monitor) {
198:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(ngmres->monitor,"Additive solution: ||F||_2 = %e\n",*fnorm);
199:     }
200:   } else if (ngmres->select_type == SNES_NGMRES_SELECT_DIFFERENCE) {
201:     selectA = PETSC_TRUE;
202:     /* Conditions for choosing the accelerated answer */
203:     /* Criterion A -- the norm of the function isn't increased above the minimum by too much */
204:     if (fAnorm >= ngmres->gammaA*fminnorm) selectA = PETSC_FALSE;

206:     /* Criterion B -- the choice of x^A isn't too close to some other choice */
207:     if (ngmres->epsilonB*dnorm<dminnorm || PetscSqrtReal(*fnorm)<ngmres->deltaB*PetscSqrtReal(fminnorm)) {
208:     } else selectA=PETSC_FALSE;

210:     if (selectA) {
211:       if (ngmres->monitor) {
212:         PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(ngmres->monitor,"picked X_A, ||F_A||_2 = %e, ||F_M||_2 = %e\n",fAnorm,fMnorm);
213:       }
214:       /* copy it over */
215:       *xnorm = xAnorm;
216:       *fnorm = fAnorm;
217:       *ynorm = yAnorm;
218:       VecCopy(FA,F);
219:       VecCopy(XA,X);
220:     } else {
221:       if (ngmres->monitor) {
222:         PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(ngmres->monitor,"picked X_M, ||F_A||_2 = %e, ||F_M||_2 = %e\n",fAnorm,fMnorm);
223:       }
224:       *xnorm = xMnorm;
225:       *fnorm = fMnorm;
226:       *ynorm = yMnorm;
227:       VecCopy(XM,Y);
228:       VecAXPY(Y,-1.0,X);
229:       VecCopy(FM,F);
230:       VecCopy(XM,X);
231:     }
232:   } else { /* none */
233:     *xnorm = xAnorm;
234:     *fnorm = fAnorm;
235:     *ynorm = yAnorm;
236:     VecCopy(FA,F);
237:     VecCopy(XA,X);
238:   }
239:   return(0);
240: }

242: PetscErrorCode SNESNGMRESSelectRestart_Private(SNES snes,PetscInt l,PetscReal fMnorm, PetscReal fAnorm,PetscReal dnorm,PetscReal fminnorm,PetscReal dminnorm,PetscBool *selectRestart)
243: {
244:   SNES_NGMRES    *ngmres = (SNES_NGMRES*)snes->data;

248:   *selectRestart = PETSC_FALSE;
249:   /* difference stagnation restart */
250:   if ((ngmres->epsilonB*dnorm > dminnorm) && (PetscSqrtReal(fAnorm) > ngmres->deltaB*PetscSqrtReal(fminnorm)) && l > 0) {
251:     if (ngmres->monitor) {
252:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(ngmres->monitor,"difference restart: %e > %e\n",ngmres->epsilonB*dnorm,dminnorm);
253:     }
254:     *selectRestart = PETSC_TRUE;
255:   }
256:   /* residual stagnation restart */
257:   if (PetscSqrtReal(fAnorm) > ngmres->gammaC*PetscSqrtReal(fminnorm)) {
258:     if (ngmres->monitor) {
259:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(ngmres->monitor,"residual restart: %e > %e\n",PetscSqrtReal(fAnorm),ngmres->gammaC*PetscSqrtReal(fminnorm));
260:     }
261:     *selectRestart = PETSC_TRUE;
262:   }

264:   /* F_M stagnation restart */
265:   if (ngmres->restart_fm_rise && fMnorm > snes->norm) {
266:     if (ngmres->monitor) {
267:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(ngmres->monitor,"F_M rise restart: %e > %e\n",fMnorm,snes->norm);
268:     }
269:     *selectRestart = PETSC_TRUE;
270:   }

272:   return(0);
273: }